The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 116: Unlucky halloween

   Since the last Halloween, Link's perception of Halloween has not been very good.

   Because he reviewed the plot carefully, he suddenly discovered that Halloween has always been a key plot node.

   For example, on Halloween last year, Quirrell planned the event of a troll breaking into Hogwarts.

   But this year's situation is even more severe.

   According to the original plot, this year’s Halloween will be the time when the basilisk is manipulated for the first attack.

   Although Link has changed the ownership of the diary at the root, it stands to reason that the diary has no chance to enter Hogwarts, let alone control the basilisk Arkham.

   But Link always has a not-so-good premonition in his heart, especially when Arkham hasn’t contacted him yet, this premonition has become even stronger.

  With this, Link has a kind of resistance to Halloween.

   But no matter how much Link resists Halloween, Hogwarts is still put on a new Halloween costume.

   Seeing the new look in front of him, the auditorium full of pumpkin lanterns and magical fake bats, Link sighed deeply.

   He is really unhappy now.

The other Hufflepuffs are quite happy, especially John and the other Hufflepuff Quidditch team members. Today Cedric gave them a day off for Halloween. They are so happy.

   "Link, hurry up, don't you like pumpkin pie the most?"

   Cedric looked at Link who was gloomy, and pushed his share of pumpkin pie directly in front of Link.

   At the same time, John, whose mouth was filled with food, also echoed:

   "Yes, Link, hurry up and eat. There will be a performance by the ghost sisters in a while. I like their song "A Luoshui Ghost" the most!"

   Hearing this, Link nodded, but his eyes fell on the side of Gryffindor's long table.

   There, Harry did not appear.

  According to the original plot, he should now be attending a special banquet hosted by the ghosts of Hogwarts.

   Then on the way back, he will find the scene of the Basilisk attack.

   prayed silently in his heart not to happen, and then Link took a bite of the pumpkin pie in front of him.

   This thing is done, even pumpkin pie is not fragrant anymore.

   After a while, the ghost sisters John expected finally appeared in front of everyone.

   For a while, the light in the entire auditorium became dim.

   At the same time, bursts of enthusiastic cheers and applause also rang from the crowd in the audience.

   They are the most popular wizard singing group in the country in the past two years, but Link is really indifferent to them. After all, their makeup and clothes make Link involuntarily think of Killing Matt.

   After a few songs ended, the ghost sisters went backwards and disappeared into everyone's sight.

   But the atmosphere in the auditorium has not cooled down at all. Everyone is still cheering and shouting in hysterics, which means they want to call the ghost sisters back and sing another song.

   Lockhart is the most exaggerated.

   This guy has already got up from his seat with an awkward smile. Judging from the direction he was leaving, he seems to have gone backstage to look for the ghost sisters directly.

   The banquet in the auditorium finally ended with Dumbledore’s announcement.

   Although the students of the four major colleges were a little dissatisfied with the fact that the ghost sisters did not sing a few more songs, they finally walked out of the auditorium under the leadership of the prefects.

   At this time, Dumbledore was standing behind the podium with a group of professors and watching everyone leave.

   Today’s Halloween party is perfect for both students and professors.

   So most people still have smiles on their faces.

   But Link, who was mixed in the crowd, turned into a sluggish and depressed look, and became serious and vigilant.

   And this kind of vigilance is becoming stronger as the large forces get farther and farther from the auditorium.


   A series of screams suddenly sounded in front of the crowd.

   This made Cedric and the others in the middle of the team feel a little at a loss, while Link shook his heart and forcibly squeezed past the crowd.

   When he really came to the front of the team, he clearly saw that on the wall erected in front of everyone, Mrs. Lorice was hanging stiffly on a burning torch.

   And under the light of the swaying fire driven by the burning of the torch, a line of scarlet writing that seems to be written entirely in blood is so dazzling:

   The secret room has been opened.

   Those who are enemies of the heir, beware!


   Link exhaled a long suffocating breath.

   The thing that worries him most still happened.

   The diary still returned to Hogwarts, and controlled someone in Hogwarts, causing the basilisk Arkham to attack Mrs. Lorice.

   By this time, Link was not as nervous and uneasy as before.

   He is not the kind of person who only complains. Since it has happened, just think of a way to solve it!

   Thinking like this, Link's eyes became firm again.

   At this moment, a high-pitched voice suddenly rang from the crowd.

   "Those who are enemies of the heirs, watch out! You are the next one! Mudblood!"

This sudden throat directly shocked everyone, especially Harry and the others as the first discoverers of the crime, they were originally in a state of extreme tension, and now they are almost scared. Jumped up.

   "It's Draco Malfoy!"

   John who came after him stabbed Link and said.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, Link really saw that surrounded by a group of Slytherins, Draco was looking at Harry with a grinning face, as if he was talking to Harry. The same.

   "What does he mean by mudblood? I always think he is cursing."

   John continued to ask.

   And when it was said that Link and Cedric's faces became a little ugly.

"You guessed it, he was cursing." Link said with a cold face. "The so-called mudblood is a scornful term used by pedigree discriminators for wizards of Muggle or even mixed-race origin. This is better than you call black people. Nico is much more serious!"

   "This bastard!"

   John gritted his teeth, and he said, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to go to teach Draco.

   There are many people around him who have similar reactions, especially Gryffindor.

   But before they could make any meaningful moves, a pretty figure appeared behind Draco and slapped Draco's head with a slap.


   Draco screamed, then turned his head to look savagely.

   However, when he saw the person standing behind him clearly, the fierce expression on his face instantly became embarrassed.

   "Sister Victoria..."

   Draco whispered.

   and Emily said with a cold face:

   "Don't let me hear that dirty word in your mouth again, or I will knock out your teeth!"