The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 120: Occlusive Cerebral Surgery LV Three

   Hearing what Filch said, the memory deep in Link's mind also surfaced.

  The responsive room is indeed something that exists in the original book.

   and still the best secret base.

   It's a pity that Link has always had Snape's office where he can practice potions and spells, so he has never thought about it in this direction.

But then the question came. Although Filch did know Hogwarts very well, he was unlikely to know about such hidden places as the responsive room. This is a lot from Hogwarts in the original book. He could see Ci's secret way without knowing it.

   Thinking so, Link asked:

   "How do you know there will be a responsive room here?"

   "Hey, this was told by a student who was caught by me in the previous night tour. He wanted to use this secret in exchange for me to be open to him. But I finally caught him and saw Dumbledore."

   Linke wiped his sweat silently, it really smelled like Filch.

   But at this time Filch continued to say as if he was interested:

"By the way, Mr. Foley! You must remember that there is something about the responsive room, and try not to disclose it to other wizards. Even if you must disclose it, you should use the suggestive method to find out by yourself. This is what the naughty egg told me. Regarding me, he said this is a rule, and anyone who violates it will be despised by everyone!"

   "What about you? Why did you bring me here directly?"

   "I'm different." Filch patted his chest and said, "I am a dumb gun. I am not subject to this rule."

   Link touched his chin thoughtfully.

   has lived in Hogwarts for more than a year, and he knows very well that this is probably another hidden show similar to "School Threatening Freshmen".

   Everyone reveals the clues of the responsive room through some hints, and then lets others find the responsive room through a series of decryptions, so as to screen out some specific people?

   Shaking his head, Link threw all these messy thoughts out of his head, and started walking back and forth in front of the wall according to the method Filch described earlier.

  Because Link didn't have any special venues he wanted to use at the moment, he instinctively imagined the small ecological area in the Black Gold Warcraft shop in his mind.

   One lap, two laps, three laps...

   When Link turned to the third lap, a simple wooden door suddenly appeared on the empty wall.

   "Did you show up?"

   Seeing Link stopped suddenly, Filch said nervously. He looked more excited than Link himself.


   Link groaned and pushed the door directly and walked in.

   A faint smell of soil mixed with the thick scent of fallen leaves and rotten wood hits his face, causing Link to instinctively close his eyes and take a few deep breaths.

   When he opened his eyes, a dense forest appeared in front of him.

   And different from the Black Gold Monster Ecological Zone, the woods here seem to be ‘buckled’ directly from the forbidden forest, and the lushness of the woods is better.

   At the same time, a light golden barrage appeared on his retina.

  【Important scenes have been explored! Free skill points +1! 】

  ‘Is this also possible? ’

   Link's eyes widened instantly.

   He still remembers that the free skill point he obtained before was only obtained after defeating Quirrell and Voldemort's remnant soul.

   This has caused him to always think that he can gain free skill points after defeating similar powerful enemies.

   But the barrage that suddenly appeared now made him realize that things didn't seem to be the case.

   Link felt that he had to try other methods to see if he could trigger this kind of reward again.

   But this is all for the future. Link hasn't forgotten that Filch is behind him.

   Thinking like this, Link pretended to look out of the door as if nothing had happened.

   Filch's expression at this moment is even more exaggerated than Link's, and his convex eyes seem to be staring out from shock.

   "Aren't you coming in?"

   Link asked with some confusion.

   Link's words seemed to awaken Filch from the shock. He stared at Link's direction in a daze, and then explained:

   "You know, I'm a dumb gun, so... I can't get in. In my eyes, you just walked into a wall."

   After saying this, Filch kicked in the door, and there was a muffled noise in the air.

  Link was silent.

   From Filch's eyes, he read a strong envy and loneliness.

   This makes him wonder what to say.

   Filch forced a smile and said:

   "It's okay, Mr. Foley, if this can help you, I'll go first."

   After saying this, Filch picked up Mrs. Lorice and walked away.

   And this time, Mrs. Lorris did not give him a paw like before, but gently licked the corner of his eye, seeming to comfort him, and also seeming to help Filch wipe away the remaining tears.


   Link exhaled a long breath, but finally pulled back his eyes.

   Although he sympathizes with Filch, for now, he still can't do anything about it.


   The curly-winged magic yo-yo that had been hanging on Link's neck suddenly spread its wings. First, he lay on Link's shoulder and rubbed Link's hair with his cheek, and then screamed and flew among the trees.

   returned to the forest it hadn't seen for a long time, and it was very excited.

   And Link didn't care about it any more, silently took out two'hairy coconuts' from the non-mark stretched bag and put them on the ground, then frowned again.

   Now he There is one more thing to deal with.

   That is to add points.

  For now, Link’s skill panel has been flooded with a large number of level 3 spells and level 3 potion formulas.

   There are only two skills at level 4: Renewal Curse and Shenfeng Wuying.

  The experience bar of Shenfeng Wuying has reached 89% due to Link’s dependence on Shenfeng Wuying and long-term practice. It is expected that he will be able to reach LV5 through leveling in the last two months.

Other experiences such as Super Sense Mantra and Occult Cerebral Surgery have reached LV3 (95%) and LV2 (5%) respectively due to the crazy use of the previous magical potions. On the contrary, the experience bar for renewing the curse has been stuck About 30%, almost no improvement.

   If you just want to improve your strength, renewing the spell is definitely the best choice.

Because according to previous experience, once a low-developed spell like the Refill Mantra is upgraded, it can bring a lot of additional knowledge to Link, so that Link can create more derived spells like human explosion. .

   But the previous scene in Lockhart's office made Link understand one thing.

   That is, for Dumbledore, the Occlumency of LV2 is not an unbreakable existence.

   This makes Link, who is a traverser, very insecure.

   So after thinking for a while, Link finally added that free skill point to Occlumency.

   [Occlusive Cerebral Surgery LV3 has been obtained! 】

   Along with the reemergence of the golden subtitles, a bit of coldness rushed into Link's mind with a huge amount of information.

   This caused Link to ‘downtime’ for an instant.

   But soon, Link's eyes became clear.