The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 150: Got you

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In the middle of the night, in the empty corridor, there were a few figures with one hand holding a magic lamp and one hand holding a magic wand walking slowly.

Although they are all wearing Gryffindor College uniforms, their looks are obviously much vicissitudes of life than ordinary students.

Especially the leader, his thick beard and thick dark circles make him look like a weak middle-aged addict.

Perhaps because of being too sleepy, the person at the back of the team suddenly yawned.

Then, as if it was contagious, the other members of the team also fought one after another.

The ‘middle-aged addict’ who is at the forefront is naturally no exception.

"Huh~ ah?"

However, he just stopped halfway through the fight, turned his head suspiciously and looked around.

Just now, he seemed to see a vague shadow passing in front of him.

It's a pity that he has been searching for a long time but still hasn't found anything. In the end, he can only blame it on the hallucinations of his long-term poor sleep, and continue to move forward with a bitter expression on his face.

The yawn was interrupted halfway through, but it was uncomfortable.

After they disappeared into the far corner, Link's fuzzy figure finally appeared in the darkness.

"Huh! It's so risky!"

Link took a long breath, muttered to himself, and then turned into a vague phantom again and rushed towards the destination of his trip-the Owl Tower.

Because all the night owls went out to deliver letters, the owl tower at the moment was also empty.

Link was not surprised by this, but rather easily pulled out the owl usage record covered by a wooden board, and began to copy it with a sketch quill pen.

This is very necessary work, because according to Draco's description, the place where he fainted was near here.

This means that he probably sent the diary by owl mail.

Although the people who came to send letters were registered anonymously, if the number was small, Link still had the confidence to investigate their destinations one by one.

And the reason why Link is so skilled is because this is actually the seventh time he has been here.

No way, the group of people he met just now was exactly the inspector that Professor Snape had said, and Professor McGonagall gave them a name—the picket.

The work of these pickets is very hard, usually not only need to rush into the student dormitory from time to time to search for a pass, but also need to be responsible for night patrols and carpet search for contraband.

The picket members are all 7th grade students who have passed the preliminary screening of the Auror Office School Recruitment.

Although most of these people will be eliminated in the next training test, and thus miss the identity of the Auror, the most elite force in the Ministry of Magic.

But being able to pass the initial test has proved that they are the best group of people in Hogwarts.

And because Professor McGonagall promised that the performance of this picketing activity will be directly counted as usual points in their next "Auror Exam", so these picket members have very heavy academic work even on weekdays Complete, but will still put 12 points of vigilance to complete this work.

Take this group of players that Link met earlier.

On average, they pass by here every 10 minutes and make a full inspection of the Owl Tower.

This caused Link's work efficiency to drop to an eerie point.

However, no matter how low the efficiency is, there will be a time to complete. Link estimates that he will be able to complete a comprehensive analysis of this record tonight.

However, the reality is cruel.

When Link finally finished copying all the information, he was disappointed to find that he still had no way to find out who Draco had sent the diary to.

Because the day Draco fainted was the day before Valentine's Day.

And on this evening, more than one hundred mails were sent out through this owl tower.

With such a large number, he couldn't find out anything in a short period of time alone.

As for telling Dumbledore to let him investigate.

Link would never do it as a last resort. The reason is very simple. Link has received news from Snape that the Aurors will enter Hogwarts early thanks to Dumbledore’s efforts. .

The news made Link completely hopeless for Dumbledore.

Because he obviously only wanted to get rid of Tom Riddle, as for the basilisk Arkham or something, he didn't care at all.

Well, this is Dumbledore.

After gritting his teeth, Link finally stuffed the copy of the mailing record into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped hard under his feet, and the whole person once again turned into a few invisible afterimages and floated back to the corner where he was originally staying.

This is a blind spot for those pickets patrolling. According to previous experience, he only needs to wait here quietly for the pickets to return to inspect the Owl Tower and leave However, it takes 20 minutes to leave. After that, the pickets still did not appear.

‘Those guys, won’t they be attacked by the heir? ’

Link's mind had such a thought instinctively, which made him uneasy.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally rushed out of the corner where he had been hiding.

Although these guys made him have to divide it several times to complete the collection of the mailing information of the Owl Tower, they are after all a lively life.

The most important thing is if they are really attacked by that heir.

Then Link is very likely to catch the opponent directly in the past now!

In the darkness, Link's figure moved like a ghost in the winding corridor.

With the perception abilities provided by the night vision potion and the super-sensing spell, there are strips of milky white light floating in front of him at this moment.

These are all traces of magic left by the portable magic lamp.

With their existence, Link doesn't need to distinguish the direction of the pickets, as long as they follow these lights.

At the same time, the super hearing provided by Super Sense Mantra also made him hear a very strange sound.

It was a series of subtle and weird sounds. At first it seemed to sound like the sound of wind, but when you discern it carefully, you would feel like something being rubbed by sandpaper.

And as Link continued to move forward, this sound was getting louder and louder, and finally became a sound that Link couldn't be more familiar with-the rustling sound of the basilisk Arkham's scales when he crawled!

"Got you!"

The corners of Link's mouth rose uncontrollably, and then the speed of his feet skyrocketed again, and the whole person rushed out like a bullet from the chamber.