The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 227: Start (2 in 1)

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"Live map?"

"How do you know we have that thing?"

George and Fred exclaimed.

Link laughed and said nothing.

The three of Harry on the side looked dumbfounded.

After a long time, Emily frowned and said:

"What is the live point map?"

"A magic map that shows all the information about Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It can not only show users every classroom, corridor and corner of the castle, but also show the hidden secret passages. In addition, the castle The location information of everyone inside will also be displayed by it with movable dots and names."

Link explained in a serious manner, "Of course, the most powerful thing about the live map is that the name magic attached to it can ignore most of the hidden methods in the world, including compound decoction and polymorphism."

Hearing that Emily's face finally showed a little surprise. As the only daughter of the Victorian family and the overlord of Slytherin, she knew very well what role the live map could play.

In fact, in an interview, Ms. Rowling had personally admitted in an interview that he regretted the creation of such a prop as a live spot map because its abilities were too BUG.

The reason why she wanted to take the live spot map from Harry later was because if there was a live spot map, the following plot would not be able to develop.

On the other hand, Harry and the three were also taken aback after listening to Link's explanation.

Ron looked at his two brothers in disbelief and said:

"You have such a good thing? But you never told me! We are brothers! Brothers!"

"Shut up! Ron!"

George and Fred scolded Ron in unison, then grinned at Link and said, "What are you going to do with the live map?"

Link Road:

"Of course it is to help your little brother find his pet rat Scab."


Ron murmured, he was so moved that he almost cried, he really didn't expect Link to spend so much time for him.

Then his eyes flowed between George Fred and Hermione:

"It looks like you are my true friend, Link. Compared with you, some guys who don't want to share treasures with their brothers and some people who indulge in irresponsible pets are really bad!"

"What did you say! Ron!"*3

Ron was yelled at by the three of them, and he shrank directly behind Harry in fright.

Harry was also interesting enough. Facing the angry three people, they didn't hide or hide, just help Ron with an awkward smile on his face.

Fortunately, George and Fred didn't mean to really punch Ron. After frightening for a while, they turned their heads and looked at Link with a scrutinizing look:

"Link, as far as I know you are not very familiar with Ron, are you? Why do you want to help him?"

"Because Harry begged me for help some time ago," Link said, "He said that Ron and Hermione were very stiff because of the rat-spot problem. I hope I can find a way."

Hearing that George looked at Harry again, and seeing the latter nodded hurriedly, he smiled in relief:

"It looks like we have been worrying too much. But I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't give you a better map."


It was Ron who was talking, and he leaned out from behind Harry and said angrily, then Fred glared back again.

George continued:

"Because the live spot map is missing."


"Yes, when we came back from Hogsmeade last night, we hid the map of the spot on the back of the portrait of Mr. Buck on the second floor because we were afraid of being searched."

George and Fred said helplessly, "But when we went to look for it this morning, the map was missing."

Hearing that Ron and Harry became frustrated again, the disappearance of the live map meant that Scabbard couldn't find it again.

But Link's expression became serious.

If he knew well that what George and Fred said was unlikely to be a lie.

They themselves don't have much possession of the map of the point of life, otherwise it would not be given to Harry in the original book.

And Link only borrowed it temporarily and didn't say not to repay it.

In this case, the matter is more serious.

The live spot map disappeared at the time when Black sneaked into Hogwarts for the first time, and it is most likely that Black discovered and took it away.

Because the map of the live spot was originally made by Black and Harry's father, he knew the purpose of this map too well.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the live spot map was taken by Dumbledore during a big search last night.

But this possibility is not very big, because if this is the case, then he doesn't need Link to prove his ability, just rely on the map to live up to.

After passing most of the possibilities in his mind silently, Link looked up and said:

"Don't worry, I still have plan b if the map is gone."


"Well, you give me a spotty personal item."

As soon as Link finished speaking, Ron quickly found a dirty handkerchief in his pocket.

"This is a splattered little quilt, okay?"

Facing the handkerchief that Ron handed over, Link didn't take it with his hand, but instead put on the Levitating Charm and let himself fall into the kraft paper bag.

"This works, wait for my good news."

Link said so and was about to take Emily away.

With the goal achieved, he has no interest in continuing to chat with George and the others.

It's just that Emily doesn't think so.

She grabbed Link, and then her eyes swept across George and the others one by one:

"There is a question I am curious about. You two are cleaning and cleaning. How come Harry Potter and the others are here?"

"They are here to watch the excitement!" George and Fred stood straight, "They definitely didn't help us clean together!"

As soon as he said this, Harry and the others finally reacted, and hurriedly hid all the mop and rags in his hand behind him, and said in embarrassment:

"Yes, yes! That's it! Haha!"

Emily sneered:

"You really have a deep relationship! But... do you know what the two of them were punished for?"

As soon as these words came out, Harry and Ron both looked a little embarrassed.

The explanation George and Fred gave them was that Emily Victoria saw them unhappy and deliberately asked Snape to frame them.

It's just that Victoria belongs to Link, and Link just wanted to help them.

So now he is really embarrassed to say these things.

But at this moment, Hermione on the side moved.

I saw that she took two steps forward in the desperate eyes of George and Fred, and said to Emily:

"Of course I know, isn't it because you don't like them?"

"Ohhhhhhh! Did they tell you that? It seems that I am going to take back the previous words about your good relationship. After all, true friends don't deceive each other."

Emily covered her mouth and smiled, "These two Weasleys were actually punished because they were peeping at the Pattif Teahouse and painting the lovers' affection!"

"How do you! You were in the teahouse? With Link?"

Hermione's expression became exciting in an instant.

She pointed her finger at Link, her face was filled with disbelief and sadness, making it as if it was Link who really did the wrong thing.

"Link! I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Hermione dropped the sentence heavily, and then stopped looking at Link.

Link looked helpless, and Emily beside her was smirking constantly.

Ever since she realized that Hermione had something to do with Link, she especially liked seeing Hermione deflated or angry.

And her mocking look made Hermione even more angry.

She gasped with a big mouth and hurriedly, and suddenly glanced at her eyes to find that the three Weasley brothers beside her were also laughing.

"You still have a smile! It took me the time I was supposed to go to class before I came to help you clean together! As a result, you lied to me even for the penalty!"

Hermione gritted her teeth and scolded, but George's eyes were condensed at the moment, and he turned his head and said:

"Don't talk nonsense! I never asked you to come and help!"

"Yeah, yeah! Just like what I just said, you are just watching the excitement."

Fred also said aloud, winking at Hermione as he said.

It's a pity that the current Hermione doesn't eat his suit. Hermione took a deep breath, calmed down a bit, and then sneered and said to Link:

"Link, do you know? Just before you came, George and Fred were spitting at your medal!"

"Hey! Hermione! You can't talk nonsense!"

"Don't listen to her! Link! We definitely didn't do such boring things!"

George and Fred argued flusteredly.

It's a pity that Link's eyes have changed when he sees them.

"You are really good, I will tell the professor about this."

After dropping this sentence, Link and Emily left the prize showroom without looking back.

Only George and Fred were left wailing inside.

After leaving, Link took Emily upstairs again.

After the incident just now, Emily looked a lot better, and even hummed a little tune.

"I admit, this thing is quite interesting."

Halfway through, Emily said with a smile suddenly.

When Lin Ke heard this, he also chuckled lightly:

"Where is this, the more interesting things are yet to come."

As soon as these words came out, Emily, ‘oh? With a cry, his expression immediately became curious.

But Link did not continue to speak, but pulled Emily to speed up.

The two of them went all the way, and finally came to the giant stick and Barnabas tapestry on the eighth floor.

"Look carefully."

With that said, Link started walking back and forth under Emily's suspicious gaze.

Then, a wooden door appeared on the wall.

This surprised Emily, and Link stepped forward and pushed the door open and made an inviting gesture:

"Honey, please come in."

Emily walked in, and a laboratory covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters, full of various workbenches and boiler magic arrays and other alchemy props, appeared in front of her.

"This is... the responsive room?"

Emily spoke in a daze, but Link, who followed in after hearing the words, raised his brows and said:

"Yo you still know this."

"Well, this magical room was mentioned in "Slytherin". I always thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true." Emily looked around and said in surprise, "How did you find its?"

"A gift from a friend," Link said with a smile. "Filch."

Emily suddenly realized that it is not surprising that Filch, who has worked at Hogwarts for most of his life, found this place.

But at this moment, Emily found out that Lin Ke had taken out the box containing the'Sgal Embryo' from his own non-marking stretched bag, and a large transparent canister was placed in the laboratory. center.

Then Link opened the box and put the embryos in the machine one by one.

"Come on, start."

As Link said, he inserted the wand into a hole in the machine again, and the machine made a roar.

"You are preparing..." Emily approached curiously and said thoughtfully, "Use the'Sgar' to help that Weasley find a pet? Wait! You also collected those black hairs ! You want to catch even Black!"

Link shook his head very approvingly at Emily, and then shook his head again:

"Scarball is definitely going to be found, but it depends on Dumbledore's performance if he can find Blake."

"what do you mean?"

"A lot has happened recently, Emily." Link said with a stern face, "I didn't want you to worry about it before, so I didn't tell you. Now, I think it's time to let you know everything."

After saying that, Link pulled out another magic and released the sound insulation curse, and then began to tell Emily.

Link said everything, except for the part that he was a traverser and worried about being taken away, Link told Emily almost everything.

And after hearing that Emily's expression changed again and again.

Emily looked surprised after hearing that the Dementor had no effect on Link.

After hearing Link's speculation about the particularity of his body, he clenched his fists nervously.

Finally, he gritted his teeth angrily when he heard that Link had come up with a solution to deal with Snape, but was asked by Dumbledore to prove his ability.

"Dumbledore! He is lying to you!"

Emily said angrily, "He wants you to catch Black directly, but he doesn't want to tell you the answer!"

Hearing this, Link nodded in agreement.

He had already figured out that Dumbledore, the old honey, actually wanted to prostitute him for nothing.

But he is not without countermeasures.

Helping Ron find the rat spots is a method Link uses to show muscles.

I believe that as long as this Pollink can succeed, then Dumbledore will not have more doubts about Link's ability.

And the special mouse Link also has other functions, and Link must ensure that it is always under his control.

Only in this way can Link attract Black to continuously sneak into Hogwarts and put more pressure on Dumbledore and Snape.

Thinking like this, Link held Emily's hand and said softly:

"Don't worry, Emily, I already have a solution."

With this, Linker paused, then cast his sight on the canning machinery that was in operation and said:

"Skars will take shape by Christmas at the latest, and I will let them tell me the answer."