The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 240: You suture monster!

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The village of Hogsmeade was very quiet late at night. In the early days, one or two drunk wizards might be seen drunk by the side of the road on the street, but now that is impossible.

Because since Hogwarts started school, dementors will start patrolling the streets at sunset, searching for Sirius Black.

The existence of these monsters makes this winter in Hogsmeade village even colder.

Fortunately, the Minister of Magic had previously made a promise to evacuate the dementors after Christmas. Not surprisingly, the villagers in Hogsmeade will soon be able to return to night life.

But at this moment, in such a ghost village where dementors are rampant, a big dirty black dog emerges from the shadows.

The dementors were not interested in this animal at all and completely ignored it.

The **** dog didn't stop these monsters at all, and walked hard toward the haunted house in the wilderness by stepping on the thick snow.


In the Hufflepuff Lounge, Link was sitting alone on a recliner in front of the portrait of Ms. Hufflepuff.

He didn't turn on the light, and the only light source in the lounge at the moment was the fire in the fireplace next to him.

The crackling sound of the burning wood is very pleasant and has a magical effect of peace of mind.

The heat brought by the flame is even more comfortable for the roasted Link.

He just lay down so comfortably, his fingers gently stroking Arkham's little head.

Just now, Link specifically instructed the Sgars to change their status from guard to hidden surveillance.

In addition, he secretly threw the note with the access code to the Gryffindor lounge at the door, so as to facilitate Black's infiltration.

Of course, in order to prevent Black from actually killing Peter, Link also ordered the Sgars to come forward and interrupt the assault at a critical moment.

All this is to allow Black to act smoothly according to his plan.

As for the question of whether Black will come tonight, there is no need to think about it.

As a half-crazy avenger, he must act after seeing such a report.

And Black also mastered Animagus Transfiguration.

This kind of polymorphism is a kind of human body polymorphism. After practicing it, the caster can freely transform himself into an animal without the need for spells and wands.

Of course this is limited.

Under normal circumstances, each person can only become a fixed animal, and the specific animal will be determined by the height, weight and personality of the caster.

And the animals that the caster can change can only be ordinary creatures, such as the phoenix and thunderbirds and other extraordinary creatures, because their magical structure in their bodies is completely different from that of wizards, they cannot be changed.

The applicability of this curse is very wide, and it is often used for infiltration, assassination and intelligence spying. Therefore, everyone who learns Animagus theoretically needs to go to the Ministry of Magic to file. Professor McGonagall is the one who filed it Nimags, the transformed animal is a cat.

In contrast to its powerful role, Animagus is extremely difficult to learn, even far more than Occlumency.

It often takes several years for learners to learn it, and there are many unpredictable risks when the first time a spell is cast, such as irreversible deformation and the inability to restore the human form.

Blake and Peter are two undocumented Animagus.

Blake's deformed posture is a **** dog. It is with this ability that he can escape from Azkaban and sneak into Hogwarts.

In the light of the fire, Link closed his eyes comfortably.

He is also very interested in Animagus Transfiguration, and maybe he can ask Professor McGonagall for advice in the future.

But at this moment, a soft dog bark made Link open his eyes again.

What caught his eye was a Sgar, and when he saw Link waking up, he yelled again in a low voice.

"Oh? Has Blake entered the Gryffindor lounge? Good job."

As Link said, he stretched out his right hand playing with Arkham, and touched the head of Sgar as a reward.

Sgar, who inherited the characteristics of a dog, obviously eats this set, his little tail wagging fast.

But at this moment Arkham was not happy. It seemed to be entwining Link's arm as if proclaiming sovereignty, and opened his mouth to Nasgar:

"Hiss! ~ (Get away, you stupid dog!

Arkham's fangs gleamed coldly under the fire light, and there was venom oozing out of the tips of the teeth.

This made Sgar, who was still full of joy before, felt the instinctive fear from the deepest part of DNA.

It whimpered twice, then left with its tail between.

Upon seeing this, Arkham grinned very humanely and continued to play at Link's fingertips.

This made Link a little bit dumbfounded.

This little guy is still jealous! !

Smiling and shook his head, Link didn't say much, and then played with Arkham.

It's just not long after playing, but the previous Sgarr who was scared away by Arkham came back.

This time, its back neck, which was not covered by a carapace, was already bloody.

Sgar whimpered and hid under the Link chair and No matter how threatened Arkham was, he didn't want to leave.

Upon seeing this, Link's eyes became fierce, and he poured a bottle of fresh concentrate on the wound of Sgar, then stood up and stared at the exit of the Hufflepuff Lounge.

In the darkness, the shadow of an animal walking on all fours slowly appeared, and it was quickly distorted and enlarged, and finally turned into a sloppy, skinny middle-aged man exuding a foul smell.

It seems to be due to living in the form of a dog for too long.

The middle-aged man still has dog habits.

He saw his eyes congested, and his teeth were black and yellow, and he approached Link a little bit.

Perceiving the danger, Arkham entangled Link's shoulders and let out a threatening neigh at the man.

But Link chuckled lightly and said in a relaxed tone:

"Sirius Black, I didn't expect you to come here to meet me. You are really not afraid of death."

After all, Link looked out of the small round windows in the lounge, which led directly to the ground outside Hogwarts Castle.

Black's actions must have been discovered, but there is no loud noise from outside at the moment, which means that Harry and the others must still be on the way to inform the professor.

And at least for now, Black can never be caught by Dumbledore!

‘Time is running out, I have to let Black go quickly. ’

Withdrawing his gaze, Link thought so.

Then he pulled out his wand.

Blake, who is now in a semi-crazy state, obviously won't cooperate, so violent expulsion is the best way!

Just before Link could move, Blake said in a vague, hoarse tone:

"I warn you, stay away from Harry! You **** stitched monster!"