The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 268: Veeva

After recovering, Percy slumped in the chair, with a decadent expression and gloomy eyes.

Even the nightmare-like ridicule of George and Fred on the side doesn’t even bother. If usual, he would move out of his identity as the elder brother to have a good theory with them!

Of course, it can only be a theory, his tall and thin body as a bamboo pole can't beat his two twin brothers.

Mr. Weasley felt distressed, so he went up and patted Percy on the shoulder.

But this Hao is useless, and Percy is so ugly in front of the person he admires the most.

Link on the other side had a lively chat with Fudge.

Fudge brought a large group of people to the front of Link and Mrs. Foley. They greeted each other daily, and then introduced Link and Mrs. Foley to the Bulgarian Minister of Magic behind him.

"The current patriarch of the Foley family! Mrs. Foley! You must know this? Ah! Of course, there is also the next heir of the Foley family, Link Foley, who is also an amazing young talent in history. The youngest Merlin Second Class Medal winner! I personally awarded it to him!"

Fudge spoke loudly and seemed proud.

The Bulgarian minister wore a gorgeous black velvet gown with gold trim. He was a tall and sturdy, middle-aged man who looked rather fierce.

He was a little careless when he first came in, but after hearing Fudge's introduction, the eyes looking at Mrs. Foley and Link immediately became solemn.

The Forli family’s business of magical animals that are neither black nor white is very big. There are also many industries in Bulgaria, which have a lot of influence in Bulgaria.

So the Bulgarian minister quickly got his attitude right, saying hello to Link and Mrs. Foley in gurgling Bulgarian.

Mrs. Foley was in a good mood, and also began to talk to each other in Bulgarian.

Watching the two chatting happily, Fudge rubbed his hands with some envy, and whispered to Link:

"It's great! I mean that your mother can speak Bulgarian. It's amazing! I'm not very good at language. Mr. Obalonsk doesn't understand English. But Barty Crouch, the only translator who can also work I know where I'm going, but it's rude to leave only a house elf to occupy a place here!"

Fudge was chatting.

He wasn't stupid enough to want Mrs. Foley to help him as a temporary translator. He was just a simple complaint.

After all, it's too tiring to entertain an important guest who doesn't speak the language.

But this is also good, at least even if Fudge scolds the other person in person, the other party will not understand it.

He had done this kind of thing many times along the way just now, and now he couldn't help but want to laugh when he remembered that the other party was still smiling after being scolded.

Looking at Fudge who was snickering again, Link's expression was a little weird.

By observing the expressions of the Bulgarian minister with the chanting mantra and the memories remaining in his mind, he can be sure that the Bulgarian minister must speak English.

Then the real clown becomes Fudge himself.

Link predicts that after the Bulgarian Minister returns, he will publicize Fudge's rude behavior when receiving him, which will make Fudge and even the Ministry of Magic a big ugly!

After pursing his lips, Link didn't tell Fudge about it in the end.

Fudge has been too bloated lately and deserves some blow.

While Link and Fudge were chatting, the Malfoys also arrived in the box.

As soon as they came in, they got on the bar with the Weasley family again, and the few people said something to each other, yin and yang mocking each other strangely, the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

Fortunately, everyone knows that this is a very important occasion, and at last it didn't fight as much as before at Lihen Bookstore.

At this point, all the guests are here.

Ludo Bagman, the director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic and the host of this match, hurried to the box and asked Fudge:

"Minister, can you start?"

"Let's start when you say, Ludo."

Fudge said kindly, looking very generous.

Lu Duo didn't go out after hearing the words, so he directly took out his wand and pressed it against his neck, and said with a loud curse:

"Gentlemen and ladies! Welcome! Welcome to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!"

Under the blessing of the spell, Ludo's voice exploded like thunder.

As soon as his voice fell, a burst of more intense cheers and applause resembled a tsunami-like roar from the stands, and there were even some chaotic national anthems—this one was sung by a Muggle-born wizard. Bulgaria and the Ministry of Magic have never set up a national anthem.

On the huge blackboard directly opposite the box, the original mess of advertisements gradually disappeared and was replaced by a line of scores:

Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0

Under the attack of the sound, the box trembles slightly, and Link and others inside are also a little excited.

Emily clutched Link's hand tightly, her palms were sweating with excitement.

"Well, less gossip, please allow us to introduce the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

As soon as Lu Duo said this, loud cheers erupted from the neat bright red square in the stands on the right.

The Bulgarian minister seemed to have thought of something, looked at Link with some concern, then turned his head and said something to Mrs. Foley.

Mrs. Foley chuckled and shook her head proudly.

"He thinks you will be fooled by Veeva, so he wants me to cover your eyes. But I don't think it affects you, right?"

When Mrs. Foley saw Link looking over, she explained with a smile.

Lin Ke also smiled confidently when he heard this.

Veeva is a kind of female elves who possess wisdom and can transform, and are both intelligent and magical creatures with elves.

But compared to fairies, Veeva doesn't have powerful magic power, only superb transformation skills.

They can become all kinds of animals, and when they transform into human form, they will become the most beautiful women in the world, and have the ability to charm, which can make men crazy for them.

This fascination ability is also an important ability for them to survive, because there are only females in their ethnic group, and reproduction can only rely on fascinating males of other races.

Of course, this kind of beauty and ability also brought them a fatal disaster.

In the nightingale tavern that Old Kled often goes to on Knockoff Alley, there are many veevas. They are all caught by hunters and sold for venting. It is said that they are expensive.

Today, Veeva has almost been caught as a protected animal.

Link also asked the old Klie if the Foley family had ever participated in this kind of unscrupulous business.

Old Kled didn't answer this, but just smiled at Link.

The smile was cruel.

Link shuddered, and finally wiped the cruel and evil smile of old Klie from his mind.

At this time, a hundred veevas had already slid to the arena.

They are indeed the most beautiful women in the world, and they are not the same kind of beauty that comes out of the Bangzi country factory, but each has its own characteristics.

With the sound of passionate music, the velas began to dance.

Their skin glowed with holy soft light under the moonlight, their bright hair was windless, their expressions were coquettish, but their faces were extremely pure...

The dance is crazy and charming!

In an instant, Link seemed to see a cloud of ambiguous pink magic rippling out around them, and gradually covering the entire stadium.

Down to 5 years old, up to 100 years old.

All the men in the stands are crazy!

Their pupils were dilated, their expressions were obsessed, their eyes flashed with greed, and some of their mouths even drooled, and they kept reaching out their hands and slowly moving towards the velas, as if they wanted to hold each other in their arms.

The female companions beside them angrily tried to pull them back to their seats, but were rudely pushed away.

Now they have become the slaves of Veeva.

The people in the box were no exception. Harry was about to turn over the railing, and Ginny was dragging his clothes tightly.

As for her brothers and fathers who were also picking up the railing, she could no longer take care of them.

Fudge was also recruited. He raised his hands in the air with a smirk and grabbed and grabbed, as if he had eaten poisonous mushrooms and saw a villain. With his chubby body, how wretched it looked.

Link is one of the few men on the scene who didn't get a hit. His Occlumency lv5 can resist even ordinary Imperius spells, so he won't be fooled by Veeva.

But Emily was obviously still not at ease.

In order to prevent the vixies outside from hooking her fiance's soul, she desperately covered Link's eyes with her hands and prevented Link from watching the performance outside.

This makes Link a little regretful.

Even leaving aside the fascination ability, the looks and dances of the veevas are all top-notch.

It can be seen that they are really good at this.

"It's amazing. It seems that your mother's efforts have not been in vain. You are indeed a genius!"

The Bulgarian minister admired Link from the bottom of his heart. He spoke English, but his voice was very small. After speaking, he looked at Fudge with contempt and snorted coldly, "In comparison, he is a stupid pig. I really don’t know him. How did you become Minister of Magic"

The fact that the Bulgarian minister was not charmed means that either he has also practiced Occlumency to a very high level, or he has a terrifying willpower.

Anyway, he is not a general person, he is also very strong, and he is indeed qualified to despise Fudge.

Seeing that he and Mrs. Foley seemed to have a good relationship, Link followed the conversation and flattered him a few words, which immediately made the smile on the Bulgarian minister's face even brighter.

Then, Veeva's performance ended, and the pink ambiguous magic disappeared.

There were angry roars in the stands immediately, and the men didn't want the vees to leave.

Harry and the others apparently had the same idea, one by one looking at the backs of the veils going away, with an expression that was still unfinished.

Ludo can only stand up and appease everyone.

This is the work that must be done, otherwise the angry crowd will probably cast spells on his side.

"Okay, okay! Let me hold my wand high and welcome the mascot of the Irish national team!"

After finally pacifying everyone, Ludo wiped his sweat and announced it.

Immediately afterwards, with only a whistle, a huge comet composed of gold and green flew into the stadium.

Then it divided into two smaller comets and rushed to the goals on both sides.

Along with their trajectory, an arched rainbow slowly appeared, and countless rays of light circulated on it, spilled, and finally condensed into a huge clover.

With the vision provided by the Transcendent Charm, Link can clearly see that the huge clover is actually made up of countless Irish dwarfs wearing red vests and moustaches. Each of them is holding it. A golden or green lamp.

Under Link's gaze, they began to slowly throw gold coins down the court.

This caused the entire arena to explode again!

Everyone stopped mentioning the previous Veeva, and began to fight frantically for the gold coins that were falling like raindrops. Some fanatical guys were even unwilling to give up when their noses were swollen and swollen by gold coins.

Scattered gold coins also bounced and fell into the box. Most of the people in the box, including Harry, were overjoyed and quickly collected the gold coins in excitement.

George and Fred were especially excited, they had already picked up a bag in just a short time.

Link picked up one and held it in his palm for a while, then threw the gold coin out, which happened to fall into George’s bag, which caused George to give Link a thumbs Junior What the dwarves throw away are magic gold coins that they rely on their own ability to transform. These gold coins have exactly the same shape as Jin Jialong, but they don't have the unique magic power added by the fairies, and they don't have currency attributes.

Most importantly, these gold coins can only exist for a few hours, and then they will disappear.

Looking at the crazy crowd in the stands, Link smiled disdainfully.

The performances in Bulgaria and Ireland are seyu and money respectively. These two are the most basic desires of human nature. They are indeed very successful and are very popular with the audience.

But in Link's view, this is similar to the nature of the death of an old man, and the relatives invited a bunch of dancers to dance the "nothing" at the funeral.

It's not that it's not good-looking, but that it's too rude and rude to put it in the wrong place.

This also proves that the wizarding world is completely crushed by the Muggle world in terms of culture and self-cultivation.

Link very despised the vulgarity of the wizards in his heart, but he was still smiling on the surface. Seeing Emily picking up the gold coins stupidly, he even helped pick them up together.

No way, my wife likes it, it doesn't matter if I'm a fool.

And Link didn't think that Emily couldn't tell the truth about the gold coins. She probably just picked up the gold coins to celebrate.

The situation when the Irish Leprechaun exited is completely different from before.

Everyone in the stands was smiling.

This is normal. Fuzhang's conscience is right to some extent. It is difficult for anyone who has just picked up a bag of gold coins to show an ugly face to others.

Ludo Bagman just picked up a lot. At this time, he smiled from ear to ear, and Fudge stared at him for several times before he remembered his own job. He began to announce the players entering the field and introduced everyone excitedly. Players.

And with the figures riding broomsticks across the arena, the game officially began!