The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 270: Phantom Knight?

"Black Mark!"

Watching the three-dimensional skull pattern rising slowly, floating in the night sky like a brand-new constellation, Link murmured.

But at this moment, a small figure slammed into his arms.

With only a hum, the figure bounced back and fell to the ground, and Link himself staggered back two steps.

Looking down, Link realized that it was the little silver-haired girl who hit him.

The child was very handsome, with teardrops on his face, like a picture of pear blossoms with rain.

I guess I was really frightened, and stopped after hitting Link in spite of it. Now he was sitting on the ground and looking up at Link.

After drinking the phantom potion, Link looked vague, only the pair of eyeballs gleaming green in the dark.

This shocked the child, and he cried louder when he wowed.

Link doesn't have the time to take care of her now.

The guys who were chasing the little girl were also taken aback by the black mark that suddenly appeared, but after staring at the mark for a while, they cheered one by one and became even more excited. , Grinning grinningly began to surround Link's side.

Some arrogant people even clamored there for Link to kneel down and prepare to die.

When they got closer, Link realized that they all had a skull-like mask on their faces.

‘Death Eater? ’

Link quickly made such a judgment.

The main members of Voldemort and the Death Eaters are indeed the dead, the prisoners of prisoners.

But this does not mean that there are no people who believe in Voldemort.

In fact, many pure-blood wizards of the new generation have a tendency to worship Voldemort and imitate Death Eaters, because they believe that Voldemort's ideas are very consistent with their own interests.

In addition, many Death Eaters such as Malfoy escaped punishment by contributing their fortunes and became good citizens again.

So Link was really not surprised that there would be a ‘Death Eater’ here. They specified that they would also come to watch the football game. After drinking it high, they exposed their nature.

Link originally saw their bullying of the little girl unhappy, but now that they even hit him with their idea, how could he bear it?

Immediately, before the ‘Death Eaters’ really formed an encirclement, Link grinned and waved his magic wand.

The cursed powers that were originally intended to stop the Sombra from escaping, but were later withdrawn by Link, immediately found their targets again, and slapped them towards the enemy like a huge wave.

The expressions of the ‘Death Eaters’ immediately changed!

The power of the curse is inherently corrosive, even if Link did not use the advanced technique of Shenfeng Wuying, but chose to smash it with a brain, but these mobs are obviously not opponents.

It was just a face-to-face, and all the'Death Eaters' were'washed' by the force of the tyrannical curse. They lay on the ground and struggled hard, trying to get up and run away, or raise their hands to resist, but they were killed to death. Pressing on the ground and being unable to move can only vent the extreme pain of the flesh with a bitter howl.

At the same time, the yo-yo that had been circling in the woods also screamed excitedly and rushed into the crowd.

Link didn't feed him all day today, and now he is starving.

Although these ‘Death Eaters’ are a bit stupid, and the quality of their brain plasma is not very good, they are at least human brains, and some are good to eat.

The anti-magic layer on it allows it to completely ignore the attack of the curse, and between several ups and downs, the screams in the small forest disappeared several times.

The faces of the ‘Death Eaters’ killed by it were still filled with happy smiles. Obviously, they were very grateful that the yo-yo could help them out.

Five minutes later, the horrible howl in the small forest disappeared completely, and the yo-yo fell back on Link's shoulder, and he hit Link with a fishy, ​​full hiccup, causing Link to knock on his head. Several times.

The little guy doesn't know how to brush his teeth after eating, it's so sloppy!

After arguing with Yo-Yo about brushing his teeth after dinner, Link thought of the little silver-haired girl.

The cry of the other party stopped as early as Link had killed the Death Eaters.

Link guessed that she was frightened or fainted.

After all, he's just a child, so nowhere can I see such a cruel picture.

Even if it is an adult like Link, it seems a little disgusting when he has the blessing of Occlumency.

Thinking about this, Link was going to pick up the little girl, take it outside and hand it to the officials of the Ministry of Magic, and leave it to them to find the family.

What Link didn't expect was that as soon as he turned his head, he met a pair of big shiny eyes.

The little girl was not only not afraid, but also very happy and excited!

Seeing Link turned her head to look at her, she quickly got up from the ground, patted the dirt and fallen leaves on her skirt with a bit of disgust, and then quickly stepped forward, hugged Link's leg, and said crisply:

"Big brother! You are amazing! Are you the Phantom Knight who came here to rescue me?"

"Are not you afraid?"

Link was a little confused, and instinctively asked the doubts in his heart.

And after hearing that the big shiny eyes of the silver-haired little girl flickered twice, tilted her head and said:

"Don't be afraid, they are all bad guys, they deserve it!"

Link instinctively took a deep breath.

Seeing such a cruel scene, there is no discomfort at all. Either there is a psychological problem, or I am used to seeing it, both of which mean that the little girl is not easy.

Link is not a good old person, so he doesn't want to communicate with the little girl anymore, so as not to get involved in any more troubles.

Anyway, he only needs to send the little girl outside so that he has a clear conscience.

Thinking about this, Link shook his legs and threw the little girl off, shouted at her to keep up, and then turned and walked out of the small forest.

But Link didn't want to talk to each other, but the little girl didn't think so.

She hurried two steps, stepped forward and grabbed the hem of Link's clothes. As she walked, she kept chanting:

"Big brother, you must be my phantom knight! My grandma said, every beautiful lady will have her own phantom knight. They will be responsible for blocking all dangers for the lady! I just prayed all the way for the phantom knight to come out and save me , And then you appeared! You said you weren't..."

Listening to the little girl's twittering voice, Link's face was a little dark.

He now understands why the little girl covered her head before, closed her eyes, and just rushed forward, feeling like a prayer.

As for the Phantom Knight or something, Link didn't take it seriously.

This is probably the wizard version of the Prince Charming story, the kind used by the old lady to coax little girls to sleep.

And the little girl saw that Link still didn't want to take care of herself, her eyes rolled, she changed her words and said:

"Big brother, if you are not the Phantom Knight, then who are you? How old are you? What is your name? How many people are there in the family? You..."

Link's brain was a little bit irritated.

The black shadow man couldn't catch it because he wanted to save the little girl. Although this kind of thing really couldn't blame the little girl, it didn't prevent Link's mood from becoming extremely bad.

Coupled with the little girl's nagging along the way, Link couldn't hold back for a while and directly replied:

"I'm your father! Alright! Shut up, or I will hang you on the tree and ignore you!"

Link originally thought that a fright of his evil appearance would make the little girl a little bit restrained, but it was a pity that he still underestimated the other party.

Hearing that the little silver-haired girl did not converge, but became happier. She bounced behind Link and shouted one by one father, she was very happy!

This made Link's speech choppy for a while, and the tangled color on his face could not even cover the phantom potion.

Looking at this scene, the little girl hiding in the shadow smiled slyly, and then called out to be more diligent.

The two walked out of the forest noisily all the way, and Link was relieved.

Because the little girl’s family was looking for it at the entrance of the forest, one of the silver-haired girls who belonged to the enlarged version of the little girl screamed with a hoarse voice.

The little girl didn't care about Link when she heard the sound, she threw herself into the man's arms, and the teardrops that had been stopped came out of her eyes again, crying extremely sadly.

Link nodded when he saw this.

He just said it!

How could there be a little girl who is not afraid of such cruel scenes.

It is estimated that the little silver-haired girl is not afraid, but just pretending to be calm.

Along the way, the constant noisy is just trying to vent the fear in your heart by talking non-stop, right?

Having figured this out, Link didn't plan to go up and claim credit with the other's family again, and the magic power disappeared into the night.

"Sister! Gabriel is so scared!"

After crying for a while, the little **** the other side finally grieved Baba and said the first words to her sister.

And upon hearing this, the big silver-haired loli also cried immediately.

She is just this one sister, who is usually very precious, what she wants to give, and her body trembles in fear when she thinks that her sister just had an accident.

This time, it's okay, the big Lolita is crying more than Gabriel's deity, and this momentarily makes Gabriel a bit embarrassed.

However, Gabrielle is still kind. Seeing her elder sister is so sad, she stopped crying. Instead, she touched her elder sister's hair and comforted:

"It's okay, boy, didn't I come back? Yeah! I almost forgot!"

Halfway through, Gabriel screamed as if thinking of something, "I was rescued by a big brother, he must be my phantom knight! It’s not a good habit to like me calling him dad, but It’s okay, just change it in the future! Sister, I’ll take you to see it!"

After Gabriel's blunt pull, the large Lolita was taken to the edge of the forest with all doubts.

However, there is no figure of Link here!


At this time, Link had already rushed into the camp.

He came to check on Cedric and John. The place where they live is not that safe.

But the result is not bad. Mr. Diggory is indeed a smart man. As soon as the riots started, he had dragged Cedric and John and they fled into the small house of the Quidditch World Cup office, where there were a large number of staff on duty. , Quite safe.

Cedric's safety was confirmed, but Link still had no intention of leaving.

At this time, he was standing in the middle of the camp, looking towards a clearing not far away.

There are still several bonfires burning in the open space. Next to the bonfire is a large group of wizards wearing hoods and skull masks. They cheered and laughed and walked around the bonfire while walking. Dancing, the dance is ugly and weird, and from time to time he put a few spells in the sky, Link even recognized the killing spell from it!

And above them, there are four figures floating.

These figures are like the puppets in the hands of the people holding up the wands below. With the dancing of the wands below, the limbs and bodies are arbitrarily placed in various twisted and deformed appearances.

Strangely, Link did not hear any screams even though his arm was crooked to an anti-joint.

In this case, there is only one explanation.

Those four people are already dead, and the ‘Death Eaters’ still refuse to let go of their bodies.

Looking at this cruel scene, Link's breathing was gradually changing rapidly, and the azure blue eyes were gradually reddening, and there was a flame burning in his chest.

He was very angry!

Because there are people he knows among those four people!

Roberts, that poor Muggle camp keeper.

At this time, his head had been distorted 180 degrees, and his unshaven face was very painful, but the corners of his mouth were forcibly pulled up by those ‘Death Eaters’, forming a weird smile.

And beside him, there are three other corpses that are similarly distorted.

A fat woman, a girl in a floral dress and a boy with blond hair.

Recalling what Roberts said to him this morning, Link immediately understood.

Those Death Eaters who hated Muggles must have killed Roberts and his family!

Link's expression was hideous, and almost substantial malice was gradually spreading around him.

The anger in my heart has also turned into a hideous face, constantly roaring in Link's ear, let him kill everyone in front of him!

At first Link was still trying his best to resist, but the strength of this resistance was gradually becoming weaker as the Death Eaters threw the bodies of the Roberts family high and high like a ball.

In the end, Link finally decided to follow his inner voice!

In the dark, he grinned, showing his white teeth, and turned toward the yo-yo that was still hanging on his shoulders and refused to go back, "Can you still eat?"


The yo-yo unfolded its fleshy wings, staring at the crowd in the distance and eagerly called out, indicating that he could still eat a lot of things.

It was originally a creature that can quickly digest food and convert it into energy to maintain a long dormancy. The previous food could not fill its stomach.

Link laughed even more happily when he saw He touched the head of the yo-yo, and took advantage of the darkness to touch the crowd not far away.


The bonfire on the open ground went out first.

Darkness instantly enveloped the entire open space.

The Death Eaters who were celebrating didn't even react for a while, and a series of screams rang out from the surrounding darkness!

Tonight, they will sleep here forever!

Since the group of ‘Death Eaters’ refused to let go of even young children, they must be prepared to be treated equally in the future.

Killing them, Link didn't have any psychological burden at all.

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