The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 317: reward

"The strongest badger of Hogwarts (!

It is the consensus of all referees to conceal this incident from the outside.

Everyone knows that once something is exposed, it will inevitably trigger panic among the students and even some riots.

Moreover, this triwizard competition is jointly held by the three major magic schools and the Ministry of Magic of the country.

This will inevitably cause the credibility of the Ministry of Magic and all schools to plummet.

Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic didn't really matter. After all, they were strong and fat, so even if they were damaged, they wouldn't hurt their bones.

But Boothbarton and Durmstrand are different.

The two of them are already in the midst of failure. If they are half-dead, if they are dealt with in this way, it will be even more ruined.

However, in the following Warriors scores, the top three can be fought for, they have expressed exceptionally strong points.

In the end, after arguing for a long time, everyone sorted out their expressions and walked out of the tent together.

They stayed in the tent for a long time, and the students in the stands were already a little impatient. Even some smart students who like brain supplements also guessed the true situation of some things based on the big movements on the black lake before.

At this moment, seeing Dumbledore and the others reappear, the murmurs in the stands finally ceased.

Under everyone's eager and curious gaze, Bagman cleared his throat and made his debut:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we finally made a decision. The mermaid leader, Mr. Morente, told us everything that happened under the Black Lake. We decided to give the Warriors a score of 50 points as follows. ..."

Bagman deliberately paused for a while, and after catching everyone's appetite, he continued with a smile:

"Furon Delacour has shown an excellent use of the Bubble Head Curse. But when faced with the attack of Grindillo and the merfolk, she failed to break through the line of defense and failed to save the hostages within the specified time. Combining the above situation , We gave her 25 points!"

There was sparse applause from the stands, which were all presented by the admirers of Fleur in Hogwarts.

As for the students of Boothbatton, they only felt very embarrassed, each of them almost buried their heads in their chests.

Furong herself has a very peaceful mind. She holds Gabriel, who has been checked by Madam Pomfrey, and shook her head:

"I should get zero points."

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to her at the scene, and Bagman continued:

"Mr. Krum showed us his transfiguration technique. Although it is incomplete, it is still very effective. His experience at the bottom of the lake is almost the same as that of Furong, and he also failed to rescue the hostages. Therefore, we gave him a score. 30 points.

In addition, as a Krum fan, I want to give Krum a suggestion as a private person.

In my opinion, Krum's strength should not be the only way to know this. It is the transformation technique that really restricts his combat power. I must remind you, Krum, you are a wizard, and magic is your strongest means. And the idea of ​​turning yourself into a shark just makes you temporarily lose the ability to cast spells, which is not worth the loss! "

"Bagman makes a lot of sense. Krum's move is really stupid."

In the stands, John shook his head and said.

Hearing that Cedric almost laughed, he said cheerfully:

"I've said it a long time ago, Krum is nothing at all, I can go to me!"

The conversation between the two didn't even evade Slytherin.

But what is surprising is that the Slytherins who used to like to get close to Krum most did not help Krum this time, and some of them were even following John and Cedric.

In their view, Krum was already a loser.

All the glory in him has also disappeared.

Now Link is the new star that can illuminate them.

"Next is our Harry Potter! He used the fish branch very creatively and achieved amazing results!" Bagman said with some embarrassment, "but he could not rely on his own strength to break through Green. Dilo and the mermaid's line of defense. Strictly speaking, he is no different from those hostages. They were both found and rescued by Link and brought ashore.

But what is embarrassing is that our rules do not restrict the warriors from cooperating. And Harry himself did successfully reach the shore with Ron within the time limit. So the referees had a big disagreement on this matter.

However, after the final vote, we still concluded that Harry had indeed completed the project task in a manner that the minority obeyed the majority. So our score for him is...40 points! "

Although Bagman had finally announced the score in the most provocative tone.

But in the end, the cheers and applause from the stands were still pitiful.

No way, everyone felt that Harry's performance of being rescued by Link as a hostage was even more embarrassing than Fleur.

Seeing this, Bagman also shook his head silently.

He was a little grateful that Harry hadn't woken up yet.

Otherwise, Harry would have committed suicide if he saw this scene with his own eyes.

Quickly healed his emotions, Bagman said in a cheerful and proud tone:

"Finally, it's our Link Foley..."

Bagman had just begun to speak, and the voice amplified by the sound curse was drowned out by the sudden explosion of cheers from the stands.

This shocked Bagman and made him sigh at Link's popularity, and at the same time he had to increase the volume and shout:

"Link also used the Bubble Head Curse, and he was the only warrior who tamed the horse-shaped water monster, defeated the mermaid and Grindillo, and successfully rescued the hostages within the specified time!

The most commendable thing is that he also showed his noble character! He didn't just care about his own grades. While completing the project, he also rescued other hostages and helped Harry Potter, who was also his competitor!

All of our referees agreed that Link was the best performing warrior in this event and was impeccable! So Link's final score is-50 points!

In this way, Link has obtained full marks for both projects so far! Temporarily ranked first in the score list! The rest of the warriors, you must come on! "

The cheers and applause became louder and louder.

Various flags depicting Link's head, Hogwarts school badge, Hufflepuff School badge, and Link's response are also constantly flying in the stands, which is particularly spectacular.

"That's great!"

Emily held Link's arm tightly with her hands tightly, her body trembling unconsciously, and her small face flushed, she seemed to be driven by the surrounding atmosphere, becoming even more excited than Link.

Other people around, including the referees, Ron and others, and Fleur were also applauding Link.

Link also nodded to them one by one.

"The third and final project will take place in the evening of June 24! The Warriors will learn about the details of the project one month in advance!" Bagman continued, "Finally, thank you all for your The support of the organizing committee!"

After that, the second event of the Triwizard Tournament officially ended.

But the audience was hesitant to leave, and continued to stop in the stands and shouted and cheered.

Dumbledore and others ignored it, and went straight back into the tent.

They still have a lot to discuss about the situation of the Death Eaters attack today.

"Let's go, too! Everyone must be waiting for us to go back and celebrate!"

Emily grabbed Link's arm and said.

At this time, she had completely recovered from the horror of hearing that Link was attacked by Death Eaters.

After she thought about it, as long as Dumbledore knew about and dealt with this matter, there shouldn't be any problems.

After hearing this, Link slowly withdrew his gaze from the back of Old Barty.

If Emily was also tempting, you would find that Link's eyes were extremely cold at this moment.

After experiencing the previous attack by Barty Crouch Jr., Link has completely lost patience with Barty Sr.

In this situation, a quick fight is the most important thing.

‘Maybe it’s time to beat Barty Crouch Sr. cruelly. Anyway, most of the hunters have already arrived outside the school. It should be easy to catch an old man. ’

After making up his mind, Link's eyes flashed fiercely, but on the surface he said calmly:

"I still have something..."

However, he got stuck in the middle of talking.

Because the horse-shaped water monster appeared in Link's field of vision again.

Different from the chic appearance in the water, the water plants on the horse-shaped water monster have been slowly dried by staying on the shore for a long time, causing its originally huge body to become thin and skinny.

Link frowned.

He remembered that he had completely lifted the restrictions on the horse-shaped water monster before entering the tent and set it free.

In that case, why is it still here?

At this moment, the horse-shaped water monster also happened to approach Link.

It sobbed and arched its head against Link's chest, and Link pushed it away disgustingly, but it continued to move in, push it away, and move in again...

After going back and forth many times, Link finally became a little impatient.

His level of chanting spells was not high enough to understand the thoughts of animals, and he didn't understand what this horse-shaped monster meant.

"Is it hungry?"

Amy said curiously.

While talking, he took out a piece of beef jerky and stuffed it into the horse-shaped water monster's mouth.

As a result, it ate things, and then continued to ink with Link.

"Don't bother, I guess he surrendered to you and regards you as his own king."

Hagrid's familiar voice came from the side.

When Link and Emily heard about their reputation, they found Hagrid in an awkward dress walking towards this side.

"Link, what did you do? Obviously I took care of it for more than half a year before I barely became its friend. In the end, you tamed it! This is really...extremely powerful!"

Hagrid yelled, his big face flushed with excitement.

But it was said that Link's expression was a little weird.

You must know that his method of dealing with the horse-shaped water monster can no longer be described as unfriendly.

That is cruel!

As a result, this horse-shaped water monster that had just been abused by himself was tamed by himself?

Could it be said that this horse-shaped water monster is shaking m?

Link looked at a circle of horse-shaped water monsters with weird eyes, and then said to Hagrid rather silently:

"If I say that I actually don't know what is going on, do you believe it?"

"Of course I believe it," Hagrid nodded like smashing garlic. "This is talent!"

"Stop talking about it, Hagrid, get it away." Emily said disgustedly, "We are still anxious to go back to the castle to celebrate!"

"Right, right, right! This is the most important thing! Leave the horse-shaped water monster to me, you go back first!"

Hagrid slapped his head fiercely, and said flatteringly to Link, "Link! Turn around and teach me how to train your horse! You looked so handsome just now when you rode ashore, and I want to ride a horse too. The water monster goes to Olim (Ms. Maxim's name)."

After he said that, before Link refused, he ran towards the wooden house with the horse-shaped water monster on his back, leaving only Link and Emily, two people who were somewhat frightened by his terrifying force, standing in a daze. In situ.

It was a long time before Emily reacted first, and continued to urge Link to return to the castle.

However, Link shook his head firmly and said:

"I'll go back with them first. I still need to go to the Owl Tower. As you know, Cedric's group is going crazy. If I go straight back, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to get out of the lounge again today. "

After Lin Ke said he wanted to continue to explain, Emily nodded excitedly and said:

"You should indeed send a letter to Aunt Leone! I believe he will be very happy after hearing your performance!"

As a result, Link's mouth just opened and closed again.

Then he didn't even hesitate, and after saying goodbye to Emily, he ran directly to the Owl Tower.

After all, time waits for no one.

Old Barty's meeting with them could end suddenly at any time, and Link must send the instructions out as soon as possible.


However, Link's worries are superfluous.

The discussion meeting between Dumbledore and the judges lasted far longer than Link imagined.

When the crescent moon was high in the sky, everyone finally walked out of the tent.

"Then guys, it's so decided."

Looking at everyone, Dumbledore concluded, "The third event of the Triwizard Tournament must continue to be held, but the venue, format, and rules of the event must be improved in terms of safety to prevent things like today from happening.

In addition, I will personally inform Minister Fudge about today's matter, and let the Ministry of Magic intervene to investigate the matter.

Of course, the most important thing is that all of us here must keep this matter secret.

Although we have not signed any contract, I believe that none of us would dare to violate the above resolution, right? "

After that, Dumbledore's faintly gleaming green eyes scanned everyone present.

The stern breath in the eyes made everyone nodded Upon seeing Dumbledore's expression, his expression became friendly again.

He smiled and invited:

"Then it's over. Does anyone want to have a bedtime drink with me? That's the latest bottle of honey liqueur!

Well! Especially you, Barty. We couldn't drink it last time, so you won't refuse me this time, right? "

"Sorry, I'm afraid this time it won't work." Old Barty looked very irritable, pressing the brim of the newsboy hat on his head, "I still have official business to deal with, and I must go back immediately!"

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