The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 330: How to be afraid of death

"The strongest badger of Hogwarts (!

Magic power is a force born based on emotion, mental power, and physical power.

So when Dumbledore completely lost his mind, his spilled magic power naturally turned into a dangerous crimson color, and he began to torment this tortured little cemetery wantonly.

Those terrifying magic powers almost directly plowed and vaporized nearly 100 square meters of land around Dumbledore in a flat push, and then began to twist and deform, turning into ghost claws or tentacles constantly clapping. The explosion exploded one after another small pits on the ground.

For a while, mud and bones continued to fly and explode, and the shocked Link retreated directly to the vicinity of the house, and erected a protective wall with the force of a curse.

Fortunately, Dumbledore's more than a hundred years of cultivation still played a role.

After venting frantically for a few minutes, his sanity gradually returned.

But the reason for this part of the return is still very limited.

Because Link found that he had reached the resurrection stone on the ground again.

"Ho **** ho!~"

There was a strange sound in Dumbledore's throat.

He grabbed the resurrection stone with his stiff palm, and then kept wiping and stroking it.

Along with his movements, a faint light suddenly lit up on the originally pure black resurrection stone, and then several translucent phantoms emerged from the resurrection stone.

It seemed to be a family of three, two tired-faced middle-aged couples leaning against each other, each arm resting on the shoulder of a young girl in front of them.

They looked sad, but they didn't speak, just looking at Dumbledore.

Most importantly, their faces are somewhat similar to Dumbledore.

After they appeared, Dumbledore stopped all his movements.

He grew his mouth and stared at the three of them, blinking unwillingly.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

After a long time, the mother opposite suddenly moved.

She stretched out her hand with a sad expression to touch Dumbledore's cheek, but unfortunately, the intangible arm passed directly through Dumbledore's face.

This action seemed to trigger Dumbledore's emotional switch, and he finally collapsed to his knees, crying and confessing to the three of them.

He said a lot, but Link was not interested in listening.

Because Arkham and Yo-Yo hurt badly.

Especially yo-yo.

Arkham's demon-resistant scales cover at least the whole body, and the most severely injured part of its whole body is when it opened its mouth to bite the ring of the resurrection stone, the mouth was a little broken by the flow of magic.

But the curly-winged demon yo-yo, a creature that usually needs to be shrunk into a shell ball, has no demon-resistant scales on the entire front!

What's more, it used to be the main force of Arkham's charge, and it can almost be said that it rushed through the entire flow of magic power on its own.

The result of this is that now the entire surface of the yo-yo's chest and abdomen is torn up, and the pair of huge fleshy wings have also become tattered, and they can only scream while lying in Link's arms.

At this time, Link was constantly applying the healing potions he brought with his arms to Arkham and Yo-Yo, and from time to time he would fill them with a bottle or two of concentrated white fresh.

With his efforts, Arkham is basically fine.

But the situation of yo-yo is still not optimistic.

Although Link has used all his carefully refined potions on it, and even used the secret "Slytherin Grimoire" from Snape, he is so big in the face of yo-yos. The area of ​​the wound still did not have a very good effect.

Looking at the yo-yo with blood flowing in his arms and gradually fading, Link gritted his teeth and got up to summon the Knight Bus to St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital.

It is very possible that a yo-yo can't support that long distance at all, but it can be said to be the best and the only way.

But at this moment, he kept pressing his big hand on Link's shoulder, pressing it back to the ground.

"give it to me."

Dumbledore did not know when he had come to Link, and as he spoke, he lifted Arkham from Link's arms.

Then under Link's suspicious gaze, he suddenly took out a glass water tank filled with transparent liquid from his pocket, and stuffed Arkham in it.


The screams cut through the night sky, and a few dog barks echoed in the village below the mountain.

I saw that Arkham, who was still soft, bounced the moment he was stuffed into the glass water tank, struggling and screaming to get out of the water tank, but was pressed back by Dumbledore with magic!

It is not surprising that it will have this kind of reaction, because its wound reacted violently with the transparent liquid in the tank the moment it was immersed in the water tank.

A large amount of fine foam continuously emerged from its wound, directly covering the entire front of the yo-yo.

Such a scene reminded Link of the scene where he used hydrogen peroxide to clear his wounds when he was a child.


Recalling the unforgettable pain, Link also gasped in sympathy. Arkham thought Link was talking to him, and looked at Link with a puzzled face.

But even if he understood the terrible pain Arkham was going through at the moment, Link still had no intention of stopping Dumbledore.

Because with the super-sensing curse, Link could clearly see through the fine foam that Arkham's wound was healing quickly.

The unknown transparent liquid almost cured Arkham in a short time in a miraculous way!


After confirming Arkham's recovery, Dumbledore immediately lifted Arkham out. After finishing the work, he shook it twice and threw the remaining water on Arkham's body back into the water tank before pushing it into Link's Wai. in.

"Hey loudly!~"

Arkham, who returned to Link's arms, was like an aggrieved child, constantly screaming, and at the same time, he kept drilling Link's chest with his forehead.

Seeing this, Link could only be touched and comforted, and he managed to coax Arkham well. Then he pointed to the tank of liquid thoughtfully and said:

"What's in it?"

"Phoenix tears."

Dumbledore's answer was concise and concise, and he quickly retracted the water tank.

"It's really Phoenix tears!"

Link's expression became weird in an instant.

In theory, Dumbledore used so much, so precious Phoenix tears healed Arkham, Link should be grateful.

But the first thought that came to Link's mind was - how could this old man have so many phoenix tears?

Does he have the habit of cruelty to animals, hang up Phoenix Fox every day for the sake of Phoenix's tears, right?

Thinking about this, Link's eyes on Dumbledore began to become more and more weird.

"Cough cough cough!"

Dumbledore seemed to be unable to bear Link's gaze, and began to change the subject, "I can feel the curse remaining on the wreckage of the ring. Thank you Link this time."

He leaned down again and said to Arkham to the yo-yo:

"Of course, thank you too."

Arkham and Yo-Yo grinned at him when they heard the words, and Dumbledore was not angry when they saw this. He smiled and shook the resurrection stone before Link's eyes.

"Do you know what this is?"

Link and Dumbledore looked at each other and said:

"Deathly Hallows-Resurrection Stone."

"You know?" Dumbledore looked surprised, but then nodded thoughtfully. "But you know it's normal, after all, you are their child."

Link frowned. Judging from Dumbledore's words, his cheap daddy seemed to be more involved in this matter than he thought.

After all, although "The Collection of Poetry and Bidou Tales" is widely circulated, the actual existence of the Three Hallows of Death in it is rarely known.

At this time Dumbledore's eyes became serious and said:

"You want it, don't you?"

"You won't give it to me, will you?"

Link said indifferently with no expression on his face.

He really wanted the resurrection stone, not only the resurrection stone, he even wanted the other two deathly sacred artifacts.

But this was not because Link was obsessed with their power, but because just now when Dumbledore brought the resurrection stone close to him, another golden barrage had flashed on his retina.

[Task: Collect the Deathly Hallows! 】

【Current progress 03】

[Task reward: unknown! 】

Link was unavoidably excited when he saw this task.

This is the second time in the history of the system that he has issued a rewarding task. Although the reward is unknown, from previous experience, this will definitely not be a loss.

However, this task is almost impossible to complete at this stage, because the three Deathly Hallows are actually all under Dumbledore's control.

Link would not think that Dumbledore would be generous enough to give him these three sacred artifacts.

Of course, this does not mean that Link has no chance to get the Three Holy Artifacts.

It just needs some planning.

But to Link's surprise, Dumbledore shook his head after hearing the words:

"No, I can give it to you."

Link was startled suddenly, his pupils dilated slightly.

"According to legend, the person who owns all the Deathly Hallows is the master of Death. When I was young, I was convinced of this legend, and even embarked on a journey to search for the Three Hallows of Death with my companions. So I know that you are very aware of the Three Hallows of Death. What a desire for the instrument."

Dumbledore spoke in a deep, hoarse tone, and as he spoke, three spheres of white light floated from the tip of his staff.

Those rays of light quickly transformed into a magic wand, a gem, and a cloak in the air, and quickly assembled after going around Dumbledore's body, and finally turned into an equilateral triangle surrounded by a circle and a straight line. Strange pattern, "But I can tell you clearly that the legends of the Deathly Hallows are fake. Although they all possess all kinds of magical powers, they don’t have the kind of powerful magic power that can make death surrender. In fact, according to us According to the investigation, the Three Hallows of Death are nothing more than three powerful magic items manufactured by the Peverier family using an unknown method. Of course I can give you this kind of dead object. It is not only a resurrection stone, but even I can give you even the old wand in my hand.

But not now, but to wait for the right time. After all, I still need to use them to accomplish some things. "

"What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say?"

Link said coldly.

"Of course there is a difference, at least it can dispel some of your bad ideas, can't it?" Dumbledore said with a grin, "Oh yes, I haven't used Occlumency since the beginning, you should be able to use it. Can you tell the truth that what I said above is true?"

Link didn't speak, in fact there was nothing to say.

Although Link has Occlumency, Dumbledore is too old and cunning.

He even guessed Link's general idea directly without any magic.

Link who understood this was not polite, and said directly:

"It's better for you to keep your promises and be fast. I don't want to wait too long."

Link's speech contained a threatening flavor, which was extremely arrogant.

After all, the object of his dialogue is the strongest white wizard of this century!

But Dumbledore was not only not angry when he heard the words, but he laughed.

He knew that Link did have the ability to threaten him.

Dumbledore smiled and stroked his beard and said:

"That's great! We should be honest like this! From now on, just tell me what you want, and I will give you what I can give you.

But I still need to remind you. "

Dumbledore took out the resurrection stone again, and said seriously, "After you get the resurrection stone, you must not use it! Even if you need to use it, be vigilant!"

"Oh why?"

Link squinted his eyes.

He also made some speculations about the Three Hallows of Death.

When he wanted to come to the resurrection stone, the original role should be to control the army of dead souls and even resurrect the dead in a sense.

The current performance of the resurrection stone is so weak that its method of use has been lost.

Therefore, Link really wants to study the resurrection stone carefully to see if there is any way to restore it to its original state.

But it seems that Dumbledore has a different view on this.

"Because the resurrection stone can actually be regarded as a curse." Dumbledore explained, "everyone who uses the resurrection stone can indeed summon the dead souls of the dead and talk to them. But those dead souls will use the most beautiful and most beautiful Sad language is used to beautify the beauty of death, to tell one's own pain, to torture the user of the resurrection stone, and finally to confuse it to self-destruction.

You may be suspicious of what I said. But the fact is that every user of the resurrection stone has destroyed himself. "

Link's expression was a little surprised.

Because he knew that Dumbledore didn’t In the original book, except for the author’s own son, Harry Potter, every user of the Resurrection Stone had nothing to do with him, even Snape died. The hand of Dumbledore is also strictly self-destructive.

Link lowered his head, with a complicated expression, and asked with some confusion:

"You know this, but why did you use the resurrection stone just now?"

"Ha! This is the horror of the resurrection stone." Dumbledore smiled happily. "I know that if I use the resurrection stone, I will go to death, but I just can't help it. After all, with energy and death. Compared with the reunion of his family, what is death?"

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