The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 392: Harry's difficult situation

Near noon the next day, Link and his entourage returned to Foley Castle through the remote international Floo network.

Only Link, Emily, Old Kre and Snape have returned from Germany this time. As for Beckman and other hunters, they are still stationed at Beckman Castle. The situation in Germany has not yet stabilized, and Beckman needs not only To go to Durmstrang to take classes, you still need to stay there to guard the wealth that was just snatched back.

It's just this kind of chirping behavior that made Snape a little dissatisfied.

He dared to use his identity as a potion master to assure that Link's body was only weakened, and he was far from reaching the stage where he needed to rest for a night before setting off.

Looking at Link and Emily, who were laughing and joking as if returning from an outing after they walked out of the gilded fireplace in Foley Castle, Snape curled his lips with a bit of resentment.

And Link, who was fighting with Emily, seemed to be aware of this gaze, and looked back at Snape quickly.


With a light smile, Link turned his gaze back.

Snape had already told the story as early as last night.

In a nutshell, Harry Potter, the hapless kid, originally stayed at his aunt's house, enjoying his not-so-pleasant summer vacation.

Then he and his fat cousin Dudley were attacked by Dementors.

Although the relationship between the two of them was not good because Dudley often bullied Harry, Harry still couldn’t watch Dudley being killed by a dementor, so he used what Lupin had taught him. The patron saint curse drove away the dementors.

Then the most dramatic scene appeared.

Harry’s act of saving his Muggle cousin was not awarded by the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. Instead, the Ministry of Magic used Harry as a little wizard to openly use magic in front of Muggles. A letter of notification was issued to Harry on the grounds of the Reasonable Restraint Act and the International Wizarding Federation Confidentiality Act.

He is required to accept the public trial of the Wisengama Council and to punish him based on the results of the trial.

Moreover, according to the content already mentioned in the notification letter, the penalties for these two crimes include but are not limited to expulsion from Hogwarts, breaking the wand and depriving the caster power, Azkaban life imprisonment...

Harry collapsed after receiving this notification letter.

To know that as Harry, who has been sent to others to enjoy the uneven treatment all the year round, the student life at Hogwarts is his white moonlight and the biggest source of motivation for his persistence.

Now because of this little thing everything will be taken away!

This made him unacceptable anyway.

Fortunately, just when he was about to do some extreme behavior, the members of the Order of the Phoenix sent by Dumbledore arrived.

They successfully moved Harry from his home to 12 Grimmauld Place. The old house of the Black family and the current nest of the Order of the Phoenix were protected by the caretaker.

Things seem to have calmed down here, but Link knows very well that this is just the beginning.

Those dementors who attacked Harry and Dudley can basically be determined to be spies sent by Voldemort to catch or investigate Harry's situation.

This is not difficult to understand. As a pure dark magic creature, the Dementor was recruited by the Dark Lord Voldemort, it was just a matter of time.

Dumbledore had already warned Fudge in this regard, but it was a pity that the other party completely ignored him.

As for the notification letter that Harry received, it was entirely Fudge's masterpiece.

Fudge was slapped in the face by Dumbledore about the attack on the Triwizard Tournament earlier, and now he must find a way to get it back.

Harry happened to give him this opportunity.

It can be said that the current dilemma that Harry is encountering is entirely the result of Voldemort and Fudge's unconscious cooperation.

This gave Harry and Dumbledore a huge problem.

Because they now have to face both Voldemort's possible attacks at any time, and Fudge's attack on the legal level.

The reason why Dumbledore was so anxious to summon Snape and Link back was that he wanted Snape to protect Harry from such a loyal existence, while he wanted Link, the Folly family. The heir to mobilize energy to help relieve the pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Link was quite dissatisfied with Dumbledore's random assignment.

In terms of identity, he was Dumbledore's collaborator, not the group of people in the Order of the Phoenix who obeyed Dumbledore's words.

And this time, Link knew very well that even if he hadn't joined Snape with him, Harry would still have nothing to do, but Dumbledore's ability was enough to solve the matter.

So when he came back this time, it could be said that it was entirely on the face of Snape and Harry.

It's a pity that Snape seemed to be totally indifferent.

Shaking his head, Link walked outside the teleportation hall with Emily and others smiling.

Mrs. Foley, Mr. Victoria and the others had already been waiting outside. Seeing the three of Link appeared, Mr. Victoria's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but quickly stepped forward and hugged Emily.

Crying with tears.

This scene is like Link is not his son-in-law, but some criminal who kidnapped his daughter.

On the other hand, although Mrs. Foley missed Link very much, especially when he heard that Link had an accident in the spell training room a few days ago, she was extremely anxious, but at the moment when the two met, Mrs. Foley was unexpectedly restrained. Standing in place with a smile on his face.

"Mother, I'm back."

Link ignored Emily's begging eyes, and as he spoke, he stepped forward and gave Mrs. Foley a light hug.

The two separated quickly, and Mrs. Foley took Link's hand and kept looking at Link up and down. Only after a long time did she choked up and said:

"You have grown taller, and you have become stronger."

Hearing that Link could only laugh twice.

He felt that Mrs. Foley’s thoughts were a bit different. To be an ordinary person and see the child returning from a long distance, shouldn’t the first sentence be, ‘You are suffering outside. Look, you're all thinner. ’Or something?

Why did you change to Mrs. Foley and the other way around?

Mrs. Foley didn't care what Link was thinking now. Since it was confirmed that Link was in good health, she quickly turned her attention to Emily, who was held tightly by Mr. Victoria.

There was a faint expectation in her eyes, focusing on Emily's lower abdomen and the pace of her legs.

But after just looking at it for a while, this expectation turned into a deep disappointment.

"It seems that you have not gained much from this trip to Germany."

Mrs. Foley sighed and said, she even let go of Link's hand when she spoke, obviously very disappointed in Link.

Now Link couldn't hold back a dry laugh, and he was speechless to the extreme.

You must know that they received a whole Beckman family in their entire trip, and they also took advantage of the collapse of the Despicable Alliance to pick up a large wave of bargains.

Although Link had the full authority to handle these matters to Old Klie, he was still surprised to find when he finally checked the accounts. After this battle, the wealth of the Foley family had almost doubled!

This is nothing. After the integration of the Beckman family, the Forli family's power that can be used to invest in war and its influence in Europe have also been greatly increased.

If Mrs. Foley has worked so hard for so many years, the Foley family has grown from a small family that was on the brink of collapse after being purged by the Ministry of Magic to become a local snake in the magical world.

Then the result of Link's trip to Germany is to transform the Forli family from a ground-snake head whose influence is basically limited to the country, into a famous and ruthless character throughout Europe that should not be underestimated.

The two cannot be said to have achieved greater success, but it can never be regarded as fruitless.

Link secretly glanced at Old Kled.

Old Klie was a little unhappy with Mrs. Foley because of the previous incident. Now Mrs. Foley has directly denied the results of his work in Germany. Link guesses that with the old Klie's temper, it should be about to explode by now. Edge.

However, to his expectation, the old Cree, who heard Mrs. Foley's comment, was not only not angry, but also bowed his head in shame.

Obviously, Old Kled quite agreed with Mrs. Foley's words, and blamed the fault entirely on himself.

"This is a good thing!"

At this moment, Mr. Victoria spoke suddenly.

His voice was weak, and it sounded like hesitating, but his body was firmly blocked between Emily and Link and the others, like an old hen guarding her cubs.

When these words came out, both Mrs. Foley and the old Kled glared at him.

Especially Old Kled, his expression is grim, as if he was going to go up and tear Mr. Victoria to pieces in the next moment.

"Don't you think you are too greedy? Mr. Victoria!" Old Kled gritted his teeth. "We have given you a full 10% of the income from this time in Germany. This is the hush fee for you. I think you should It’s only when you are satisfied!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Victoria's face changed, and he quickly defended:

"I don't want that money, you forced it to..."

Before Mr. Victoria had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the sneers of old Kled and Mrs. Foley.

Upon seeing this, Link cast a pitiful look at him.

Judging from what he knows about Mr. Victoria, although there are still a bunch of dumb guns in his manor to feed, he should be telling the truth.

Lin Ke sighed silently. He guessed that Mr. Victoria would be tortured by Mrs. Foley and Old Clay in a while.

The two of them already wanted little Foley to think that they were going crazy, and anyone who tried to stop them would receive their most fiercest revenge.

At this time, Snape, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help it, and said:

"I said, are you enough? Dumbledore and Harry are still waiting for us, Link, we have been delayed for too long, it's time to pass."

Hearing that Link's expression regained indifference all of a sudden, he said lightly:

"As far as I know, their situation is far less critical than you said."

"Yeah, Severus," Mrs. Foley also helped. "My poor boy has just returned. Wouldn't you just want him to see me and leave again?"

Snape took a deep breath:

"If that's the case, please do it yourself, I'll pass it first!"

After saying this, Snape turned and left, but before he could go far, he heard Link say lightly:

"I said, Professor Snape, don't worry. The situation on their side is far less dangerous than you think. If you catch up like this, people will look down upon you and feel that you are making a bad deal. This is not in line with yours. Personality will make you more exposed.

In short, let's stay for lunch together, and then we will go there together.

By the way, mother, lunch should be ready, right? I miss the pumpkin pot made of small buttons. "

"Of course, come with me."

Mrs. Foley smiled and said, and Yan Shi led Link and Emily to the restaurant happily.

When Snape saw this, he froze in place and hesitated for a while before he followed Link and the others with a gloomy expression.

The first meal of a wandering child is always a sumptuous meal, which has nothing to do with nationality and race. This is basically the case in every family in the world.

Accompanied by it, naturally, parents have countless concerns and conversations.

Mrs. Foley did just that.

He completely ignored Snape who was eager to see through, and took Link by the hand and chatted with Emily all afternoon.

To be honest, it made Link regret that he didn't come back and ran to Harry and Dumbledore with Snape the first time he came back.

Because the main idea of ​​Mrs. Foley's speech is-you'd better have a baby sooner.

Emily was okay with this, and on the whole showed a shameful but welcoming attitude.

But for Link, it was all kind of torture.

In his previous life, he was a little afraid of marriage and childbirth because of the severe social environment. After crossing, he met Emily, who he really liked, and finally overcome the fear of marriage. As a result, before long, Mrs. Foley asked him to have a child. NS.

Link was really scared.

He can say that he doesn't know anything about parenting. You may ask him to beat the Ministry of Magic or Voldemort with his wand and he might readily agree, but you let him have a He is really a little scared.

It wasn't until the evening that Link finally freed himself from the combined persuasion of Mrs. Foley and Old Kled, and led Emily to Grimmauld Square under the leadership of Snape.

Link, who came to this important place in the original book, felt very disappointed.

Because Grimmauld Square looks small and shabby, its central location is not the fountains or statues commonly seen in other squares, but a wasteland overgrown with weeds.

Even during the rush hour close to dinner time, there is not much traffic in this small square.

Except for the sporadic passing vehicles and pedestrians, there are only a few hobos in tattered clothes lying down casually on the road that has become uneven due to frequent repairs, gray and black, as if it were covered with patches.

Not only that.

Perhaps it is because the large chimneys not far away are emitting heavy smoke, and the entire sky here is dusty.

After the combination of the sky and the road surface, the entire area is covered with a layer of dust and rundown.