The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 398: The importance of Mantra

The Apparition Permit is actually a certificate with a very low threshold for application.

Any Hogwarts student who is over 17 years old can voluntarily sign up for the Apparition Mantra training course before August 31 of each year.

This course is taught by the Apparition Teacher of the Ministry of Magic. It lasts for 12 weeks and costs 12 gallons.

After the course is over, students who have reached the age of 17 can also go to Hogwarts for special training and sign up for the Apparition Exam.

However, compared with the extremely low application difficulty of the Apparition Mantra, its examination difficulty is so high that it almost breaks through the sky.

During the exam, candidates must perform the apparition perfectly. Even the slightest mistake, such as a slight split and failure to arrive at the scheduled place correctly, may cause the exam to fail.

Link remembers that one of the George and Fred brothers in the original book was eliminated because of a slight split during the exam, which caused one eyebrow to disappear.

Of course, failing to pass the Apparition Permit exam does not affect the normal use of Apparition Charm by wizards.

It's like someone in this world is driving a motor vehicle without a license all the time.

But the problem is that if you don’t pass the exam, it means you’re inadequate. Forcibly using the phantom, the probability of accidents will increase a lot.

More importantly, if you Apparition is caught without permission, then you will face a huge fine-this is one of the important sources of funding for the reversal of the accidental magic incident team.

But this is only for ordinary wizards. For Link, the license is nothing at all.

Because he can leave the house elves or other entourages with him when he goes out, even if he is caught by the illegal Apparition himself, the Ministry of Magic will not do anything to him for this kind of thing. In the end, it is nothing more than a fine.

If it weren't for Fudge's obvious signs of biting people recently, Link wouldn't have thought about getting a permit.

And unlike Link's indifferent, Old Batty obviously put the task given by Link at the highest priority.

Only on the second day, a clerk claiming to be from the Phantom Shifting Office under the Reversal Incident Magic Event team knocked on the door of Foley Castle and bowed down and gave a hardcover certificate that had been backed up and had Link's name written on it. Handed it to Link.

Mr. Victoria was completely surprised by this scene.

You must know that when he first moved to the country that year, he went through various procedures but was almost suspected of life by the Ministry of Magic card.

But now that Link does a phantom manifestation permission similar to the immigration procedure level, it doesn't need to be an exam, and there is even someone to send it to the door! ?

Emily felt a little embarrassed looking at the appearance of her father who had never seen the world.

She has been involved in the management of the Foley family after she was engaged to Link, so she knows that an ancient and rich pure-blood family like the Foley family is so arrogant.

Except for the owl exam and the newt exam, let alone the Apparition Approval, no matter how difficult it is to obtain a certificate, it is a matter of one sentence to the Foley family.

Of course, there is also a Phantom Appearance Permit to get it so fast this time. The certificate itself also has a special relationship.

After all, even if the Apparition Mantra got the permit, there were not a few people who had accidents every year, and others could not find them at all.

Without participating in the discussion between Emily and Mr. Victoria about the privileges of the pure-blooded old nobles, Link returned to the room directly after getting the Apparition Charm permission and opened his own data panel.

Compared with the time in Germany, the pattern on the Link data panel has grown some more inexplicably, and it currently covers the entire frame of the data panel.

Fortunately, these patterns do not affect the normal use and display of the data panel, and the spread has stopped, otherwise Link Fei ran directly to ask Grindelwald what the **** did.

Of course, Link's attention at this time is not on these patterns, but the line of white characters at the bottom of the skill list-Phantom Mantra lv1.

This is the result of Link's last month.

As early as when he first arrived in Germany, Link had already started learning about the Manifestation of Apparition with Snape.

The priority of this matter in Link's mind is even higher than the capture of Durmstrang’s ‘Arsenal’.

The reason why Link values ​​the Manifestation of Apparition so much is because after several battles with Voldemort and other enemies in the past, Link has fully realized the great strategic significance of Manifestation of Apparition.

At the same time, I think of some studies I have seen before and film and television materials of later generations, from which Link drew an amazing conclusion.

That is, if the level of the Phantom Shifting Curse is raised, its casting speed and cooling speed will also be greatly reduced, and finally it can even reach instantaneous casts like Link's other spells.

This is almost equivalent to flickering or flashing!

And the importance of blinking to a spellcaster is naturally needless to say.

For now, with the escalation of the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse again, Link's strength on the attack and control side has almost been fully stretched.

The ability on the defensive side is not inferior because of Link's long-term investment in spells.

If you can master the high-level flashing version of Apparition Mantra, then Link’s last shortcoming in mobility will also be made up!

In the past, Link had been in the area covered by Hogwarts for a long time, so he ignored the huge effect of Manifestation.

Now that I know it, then of course we must pursue it courageously.

It's a pity that some things are useless to rely entirely on blood and hard work.

The Apparition Mantra is another in-depth exploration of the space field by the wizards, and it hardly forms a common knowledge connection with any other mantras.

This means that Link can't at all speed up the skill level through the huge accumulation of knowledge in the past when learning dark magic, but can only learn step by step like everyone else.

At the same time, Apparition Mantra is extremely dangerous.

In order not to let the learners learn to learn, the wizards appeared to be separated due to various mistakes and turned into pieces of corpses, so they deliberately made the teaching of the Apparition Mantra particularly slow and safe. This is straightforward. As a result, Link's progress in the Apparition Charm was slow even if he had top-level teaching such as Snape for teaching.

But it doesn't really matter.

Link, who has the system, can fully upgrade through skill points after mastering the lv1 Phantom Mantra.

He did indeed do so.

The common skill point Link, which was obtained in Grindelwald at the same time as the golden skill point, remained.

At the same time, Link is also preparing to temporarily save the golden skill points of the Slytherin pendant box, so as to directly add points after the Apparition Charm is upgraded to lv4, and upgrade to lv6.

Of course, this is just an ideal state.

Link is not actually a person who likes to accumulate skill points.

If Link gains more golden skill points or discovers other higher priority skills, he will still use up the skill points without hesitation.

"It's a long way to go."

With a long sigh, Link closed the data panel and raised his wand under the care of the house elf little button to restart the ultra-short-distance Apparition Mantra training.

Link can be said to hate this kind of mechanical repetition, but there is no way, this is the only way Link can gain the experience of the Apparition Mantra.

For the next three days, Link used the training room as his living room. He almost abandoned all his social time and sleep time, and devoted himself to the practice of the Phantom Shifting Mantra.

Emily and Mrs. Foley obviously also knew the importance of this retreat to Link. In addition to sending small buttons to protect Link’s training safety, clothing, food and daily life, they also increased the martial law of Foley Castle to protect Link’s There will be no accidents during training.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the door to the training room of Foley Castle finally opened again.

When the little button walked into the training lightly, he said to Link:

"Master, today is the day of Harry Potter's trial, and Mr. Barty Crouch is waiting for you outside."

Hearing that Link stopped waving his wand and opened the data panel, he saw that the skill bar of the Apparition Mantra above stopped at 89% of lv2.

This is the result of his full training over the past few days.

Link feels a headache when he thinks that this is just the beginning, and the experience required for subsequent lv3 to lv4 will be super doubled.

The efficiency of this training method is still too low.


With a long sigh, Link walked out of the training room without a word.

Old Batty had already waited outside the door, and today he finally replaced his rigid and old-fashioned suit and trench coat, replaced by a fuchsia robe with a delicate silver w emblem embroidered on the chest.

This is a symbol of his status as a Senator of Wiesengamo.

Today’s trial of Harry Potter is a secret trial and is not open to the outside world.

Strictly speaking, apart from Harry and Harry's defenders and witnesses, only Congressman Wiesengamo like Barty Sr. can participate as a jury.

But Link was an accident.

As the winner of the Merlin Second Class Medal, he himself has half-footed into the noble organization of the Wiesengama Council. Coupled with the guarantee of a hot figure such as the old Barty, he has made an exception. Observation qualifications were granted.

Of course, Link is not a member of the jury and is not eligible to vote for a verdict.

Seeing Link, who was wearing a training suit, walked out of the training room, Old Batty walked up to meet him anxiously:

"I just received the news that they temporarily advanced the trial time and want to directly convict Harry Potter by making Harry Potter late. I have already sent a letter to Dumbledore, and I don't know if it will be too late."

Old Barty spoke even lower.

He could see that even though Link was expressionless at this time, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he was obviously not in a good mood.

"Don't worry about them," Link walked to the teleportation hall on his own, changing into a dress with the help of small buttons as he walked. "Dumbledore will never let Harry Potter be expelled from Hogg. Watts, we have won this trial. You just need to think about how to make a profit."

After that, Link had put on a new dress with a style somewhat similar to that of a priest, and he straightened his neckline and walked directly into the fireplace.

Old Batty nodded quickly to follow.

A handful of Floo fans were raised along with the small buttons, and a group of faint green flames engulfed the two of them and disappeared.

After a while, what appeared in front of Link was a magnificent hall.

Dozens of neatly arranged gilded fireplaces are neatly located at the edge of the hall, and a large number of hurried wizards are constantly lining up to enter and exit from the fireplace, crowding the hall with people.

Link walked out of the fireplace as usual.

The Apparition Mantra training in the past few days has made him accustomed to this feeling of receiving space transmission.

"Mr. Crouch! Mr. Foley!"

A woman wearing gold wire glasses trot over on high heels and said respectfully, "The trial is about to begin, please follow me."

Old Barty nodded when he heard the words, gave Link a gesture of please, and walked ahead to help Link lead the way.

They bypassed the Magic Brothers fountain and walked into the Ministry of Magic.

There are not a few people who greet old Batty along the way, and there are countless people who cast their curious eyes on them.

Of course, most of their attention was focused on Link, a young man who was led by the old, who was obviously very high in status.

Many people wondered about Link's identity in their hearts, until the three of Links entered the magic elevator, and everyone really started to whisper.

The female secretary who came to introduce Link and Old Batty clearly knew Link's identity.

She pressed the elevator skillfully, and then she kept looking at Link amid the creaking of gears, and there was an inexplicable light in her eyes.

It's a pity that neither Link nor Old Barty had the thought of interacting with her at this time.

The two of them ignored her and remained silent all the time.

"The Department of Mysteries."

The cold announcement sounded abruptly in the serious elevator.

The waitress seemed to be taken aback, and her body trembled abruptly.

Old Batty glared at her with a bit of dissatisfaction, and went around her to help Link open the fence doorway outside the elevator:

"Please, Mr. Foley, the site of this trial is in the tenth courtroom. We still have a long way to go."

"Then hurry up."

Link said indifferently, and walked towards the depths around the old Batty.

He had been to the so-called trial room before because of Sirius Black, so he was not unfamiliar with this place.

The two of them went all the way, after passing a long corridor that resembled Hogwarts in style, a heavy wooden door with half-clad iron finally appeared in front of them.

"The tenth courtroom should be here..."

While talking, Old Batty stopped in front of a huge wooden door without any signs.

He motioned to Link with his eyes, then twisted the heavy iron handle and pushed the door in.

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