The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 410: Harry's grievance

After leaving the two cars at the end, the students who appeared in front of Link finally became normal.

Link continued to follow the previous practice, leaving a few old fritters in each compartment to maintain order, and he took the rest of the old fritters to continue patrolling forward.

His practice has won unanimous praise from the old fried dough sticks.

The old fritters have now tasted the sweetness.

Although they were just volunteers (coolies) captured by Link, they had no substantial right of punishment or deduction, but no one dared to disobey them under the banner of linking Link.

Of course, these old fried dough sticks naturally did not dare to ‘play favoritism’ on purpose to retaliate against bullying classmates.

Although they are oily, they are far from bad.

On the contrary, they are particularly disgusted with bullying the weak, which has almost been set as an unspoken rule in their circle. If someone violates it, they will be attacked by the group.

And Link won't allow them to do this, because it has something to do with his prestige and reputation among ordinary students. This is a dead line, whoever touches who ‘dies’!

However, despite many restrictions, the feeling of arrogant and domineering walks along the way has deeply fascinated the old fritters.

Many people have only now realized that being a prefect is so cool!

Among them, George and Fred are the ones who have the deepest feelings. You must know that because Percy often puts on airs, they were originally the most annoying prefects, and even secretly referred to them as ‘loyal dogs’.

And now, they feel that they may have some understanding of why Percy had that kind of performance.

After all, being a prefect is really cool.

Link walked all the way and divided the people. By the time he arrived at the front part of the Hogwarts Express, all the old fritters around him had disappeared.

But after arriving here, they are indeed no longer needed.

Because all the students here are basically ‘good comrades abiding by the law’, and they can maintain their order without supervision.

Naturally, the students here are much cuter than the ones at the end of the car. They will greet enthusiastically when they see Link, and some little girls will even run over shyly and stuff some snacks such as cookies and chocolates into Link's arms, and then become red. Quickly ran away with his face.

Link readily accepted this, but he would never dare to eat those snacks.

After all, his mother had taught him since he was a child that he can't just eat what strangers give you.

This sentence may seem extremely naive in the eyes of many Muggles, but it is a famous saying in the magical world where potions are developed.

At least every year at Hogwarts, there are a few poor bugs who have been ecstasy and controlled.

The most famous of these is the Kingsley incident five years ago.

Kingsley, the well-known rich and handsome Slytherin College, after eating a cookie with ecstasy by mistake, directly talked to the druggiver Elena (Slytherin College, height 191cm). , Weight 213kg) tie the knot.

During their relationship, they did all the things that should be done that they were afraid to do, and every day they did something inappropriate for children in public in the auditorium. Disgusting everyone couldn't even eat during that time.

The most sao thing is that when someone suggested that Kingsley might be controlled by someone with ecstasy, Kingsley himself jumped anxiously, had a fight with those people, and announced that he only loves Elena in this life. And put this vow in the Slytherin lounge.

Therefore, at Kingsley's insistence, his love affair with "Troll" Elena lasted for nearly half a year, until Elena couldn't afford the new **** agent.

It is not clear how big the psychological shadow of Kingsley is, Linke is not clear, but it is certainly not too small, because it is said that this person transferred to school and immigrated to the United States overnight after he was sober.

This is definitely the most correct decision he has made in the past year, because until now, the story of Kingsley is still circulating among Hogwarts students.

He has become a member of Hogwarts' many legends.

There are even students who go to the Slytherin lounge on time every year to pay tribute to the vow left by Kingsley.


Just as Link recalled Kingsley's story, a familiar voice suddenly remembered.

He turned his head slightly, and saw that at the entrance of the car ahead, Hermione was waving at him excitedly.

Seeing that Link had noticed herself, Hermione immediately squeezed away from the crowd and came to Link.

During this time, Link also noticed the prefect badge that was rubbed to reflect light on Hermione's chest.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he praised:

"Hermione, congratulations on becoming the prefect. I have to say that choosing you as the female prefect of Gryffindor's fifth grade is definitely the best decision Professor McGonagall has made in the past five years. No one is better than you. suitable!"

"Ah! Thanks...thank you!"

Hermione seemed to be a little dizzy by Link's compliment. She even forgot what she was about to say, and just bowed her blushing head to thank her.

It had been silent for a while before Hermione finally remembered, suddenly raised her head and said:

"Yes... By the way, Link, why didn’t you come to the prefect coach? President Cedric just spoke to us new prefects in the prefect coach and taught us a lot of things. What he said is really good. You should come and listen."

"This year's student council president is indeed Cedric."

Link nodded and said.

In fact, Hogwarts also has a student union, which is a student self-government system established by the prefect system.

The detailed promotion mechanism is that the professors of each student will select a pair of male and female prefects from the 5th grade students of their own college every year.

Then, they are in charge level by level, and finally every year, from a total of 8 male and female prefects in the 7th grade of each college, one of the most outstanding is selected as the president of the student union and supervises all the prefects.

Cedric was selected as the best man in the original work of the Hogwarts Warriors, and it is almost ironclad to become the president of the student council this year.

Hermione, who was on the side of hearing the words, frowned when he saw Link looking like this, and said in doubt:

"Did you know that Cedric would become the president of the student council?"

Link nodded and explained:

"This is no longer a secret. After all, Cedric is really good. To be honest, if I were not there last year, the Warriors who played for Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament would have a high probability of being Cedric. ."

After saying that, there was a trace of dissatisfaction and disbelief on Hermione’s face. This is normal. Gryffindor and Slytherin have always regarded themselves very high. Although Gryffindor will not treat like Slytherins. Throwing insults like rice buckets on the Hufflepuffs, but they still look down on Hufflepuffs in their hearts, so naturally they wouldn't believe how good Cedric would be.

Upon seeing this, Link did not persuade him, but said with a smile:

"Anyway, he is the president of the student council this year. You and Harry have been in contact with him for a long time, and then you will know if he is as good as I said."

After hearing this, Hermione finally nodded, but she soon said with an awkward smile on her face:

"Uh... Link, this year's new prefect of Gryffindor is not Harry."

"Who else can it be if it's not Harina?"

Link asked almost instinctively.

Link was stunned as soon as he said this.

Previously, it was inherent thinking that made Link think that Harry, Dumbledore's ‘pro son’, must be the new prefect of Gryffindor, but now that Hermione mentioned it, he remembered it.

In the original book, Harry seems to be really not the prefect!

"Oh! Come and see with me."

At this moment, Hermione didn't know what to say, so she pulled Link up and walked towards the front carriage.

The two entered the carriage quickly and saw Harry, Ron, and Neville in an open compartment with a carrot necklace hanging around their necks, chatting vigorously with a girl with staring eyes.

Of course, the talk was vigorous, but it was mainly Ron talking happily, while the rest listened quietly, adding a few sentences from time to time.

"...Perhaps I should patrol the aisles more so that if someone is doing bad things, I can punish him. For example, Malfoy's attendants, what are their names, oh yes! Crabbe and Gore I want to punish Gore to write sentences, it will definitely kill him, he hates writing! See me to learn from him,"

Seeing Ron in the box starting to imitate Gore's weird movements, the corner of Link's eyes twitched, and then he looked at Hermione.

This made Hermione extremely embarrassed, and her blushing face instantly became gloomy.

Because Ron's chest is also wearing a prefect medal.

"So...this year Gryffindor's new prefect is Ron?"

"Yes...Yes," Hermione said unnaturally, and took a deep breath. "Leave it to me Link, I'll get this shameful and conspicuous guy!"

Hermione didn't make it clear what she was going to fix, so she took Link into the box and closed the sliding door forcefully.


The loud noise shocked Ron and Harry and the others, who was amused by Ron.

But before they could react, Hermione hit Ron's shoulder with a punch.

"Ron! We can't abuse our power!"

"Oh! It hurts!" Ron shrank his shoulders and cried out in pain, "I just want to be an eye for an eye for a tooth! You know that Malfoy is also a superior. Do you think he abuses his power? "

"So you want to lower yourself to his level?"

"Of course not, I just want to make sure that before he bullies my friend, he will teach his friend a lesson. This is not...oh! Link! You can count it, I just kept gathering in the prefect car I'm all wondering why you didn't come!"

In the middle of the explanation, Ron finally found Link behind Hermione and greeted him with excitement.

Link nodded even if he had said hello, but Hermione saw Ron still daring to distract, suddenly furious:

"For God's sake! Ron, you fellow!"

With that, Hermione raised her fist, ready to do it again.

Ron was so frightened that he waved his hand hurriedly:

"No, no, no! You can't do this to me! I am the prefect now, although you are too, but at least you have to be polite to me! And, look, Link is still there!"

As soon as she said this, the anger on Hermione's face suddenly stagnated, and her already raised fist was also closed.

I don't know whether it was because Ron became the prefect or because Link was also present.

However, the "capital crime" is unavoidable, and the living crime is inevitable, and Hermione still continues her ideological education of Ron.

Well, use words to cure.

As for Link, he sat next to Harry at this time, and unceremoniously unpacked the chocolate frog on their table.

"Well, chocolate can be said to be my favorite thing to eat besides pumpkin. It makes me happy."

Link said while chewing. Seeing that Neville, who was opposite him, was already shaking and sweating, he asked a little surprised, "Why are you Neville? Are you unwell?"

", no, I'm just...a bit cold, Link, don't worry about me."

Neville shrank his neck and said, while also covering the eyes of the pet toad in his arms with his hands, as if he didn't want it to see this cruel scene.

Hearing that Link didn't care, he turned his head and looked at Harry beside him.

But before Link could speak, Harry hurriedly folded his hands together in a begging way:

"Please Link, don’t ask me why I didn’t get the prefect badge. I have been asked countless times along the way, but I really don’t know. And I don’t have any opinion on Ron as the prefect. , We are friends and I am very happy!"

Hearing this, Link closed his half-opened mouth and turned to stare at Harry with piercing eyes.

When he touched the chanting mantra, he could clearly perceive a dense black mist that was almost condensing into a substantive black mist. The emotions of dissatisfaction were lingering around Harry.

It can be seen that Harry was insincere.

If you think about it, you will know.

Almost everyone familiar with the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore thought that Harry would become the prefect.

Then it would be natural for Harry himself to have the same thoughts over time.

As a result, Dumbledore gave the position of prefect to others. What do you make Harry think?

Even if Harry wasn't interested in the position of the prefect, it was another way of saying that he was sent to someone else.

The ridicule of others secretly, Ron's brilliance...

All of this made Harry couldn't help feeling dissatisfied.

If Link was an individual with ulterior motives, then a few casual provocations would now make Harry feel resentful towards Dumbledore and even Ron.

This is too simple for Link.


However, considering that he and Dumbledore are now allies, Link still slapped his mouth to comfort him:

"I think I might know something."

As soon as he said this, he was still far away from Link just now, and Harry, who was afraid that Link would continue to question, immediately posted it again, with a strong thirst for knowledge bursting into his eyes.

"Why?" Harry said almost instinctively, but then realized that he seemed to be overly excited, and hurriedly remedied, "Uh, I'm just curious, um, it's just that."

All the changes in Harry's expression fell in Link's eyes, which he thought was very interesting.

At this moment, the sliding door of the box was opened again, and a head with a large platinum gold back came in and said to Harry in an extremely arrogant tone:

"Aha! So you are here! Harry Bro! ~ Special! ~"