The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 414: Unusual banquet

With Professor McGonagall's head held up and his chest tall, and a group of freshmen like chicks slowly appeared, the entire auditorium was instantly quiet.

Everyone, including the professors, looked serious, watching the freshmen.

The freshmen had heard countless horrible experiences about the Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony from their elders or companions long before they came to Hogwarts, and they became even more panicked when they were stared at this moment. Now, some of the little girls are almost crying when they look at their expressions.

But what they didn't know was that everyone, including their parents, deliberately created such a terrifying and difficult atmosphere in the Hogwarts Branch Ceremony Camp.

Frightening freshmen has been the unspoken rule of Hogwarts for thousands of years, and no student from Hogwarts will destroy this tacit understanding.

In this silence, the sorting hat placed on the high chair at the end of the passage suddenly began to sing:

I ordered a new hat a long time ago,

Hogwarts Sea was not built at that time,

The four founders of Noble Academy,

Thought they would never part ways.

The same goal connects them together,

The wishes of each other are so consistent:

To build the best magic school in the world,

Let their knowledge pass on.

The hat was motionless again after speaking.

There was applause in the auditorium, but there were still many whispers during the period.

"It seems to be off topic this year, isn't it?"

Cedric tilted his head and spoke softly in Link's ear.

He and Link sat in the front row of the Hufflepuff long table together this year, which is a status symbol.

Lin Ke didn't speak for the first time when he heard this, but frowned.

The first half of the Sorting Hat song tells the story about the four giants of Hogwarts co-founding the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and finally Slytherin leaving.

Everyone who has lived in Hogwarts is familiar with this story. After all, "Hogwarts-A School History" can be said to be a must-read book for every Hogwarts student.

The focus is on the second half of the Sorting Hat song.

The Sorting Hat seems to be taking this to warn Hogwarts students not to divide and not to let enemies outside the school have the opportunity to teach?

This is more interesting.

According to Link's understanding, the Sorting Hat would not do such a thing at all under normal circumstances.

So what Dumbledore taught him to say?

If this is the case, it can be seen from it that Dumbledore's attitude towards the issue of Slytherin College's defection still tends to be gentle.

Link couldn't help but sneered.

In his opinion, Dumbledore's approach was just right and right.

Link didn't believe that Dumbledore didn't know that the Slytherins couldn't listen to them at all.

Link didn't even believe that when the Slytherins really fought Voldemort, Dumbledore would not make a deadly move to fix it.

When the time comes, none of the Slytherins will end well.

If that's the case, why not just like him, hurting the Slytherins before they turn, so that they have no chance to turn back?


But what Link had to admit was that although Dumbledore's approach was a bit vicious, it could be said to be nice, as long as it was misinterpreted, it would easily be convincing.

Thinking of this, he narrowed his smile, and Link said to Cedric:

"This should be Dumbledore's warning to all of us through the sorting hat. He also found that there was a problem on the Slytherin side, which happened to prove that our plan was correct."

Cedric heard this with a smile on his face and nodded in satisfaction, looking very happy, just as Link expected.

And just as Link and Cedric were talking, the sorting ceremony had already begun. Freshmen one after another put on sorting caps and were assigned to various colleges.

The solemn atmosphere in the auditorium has long since disappeared.

The veteran students in each college are warmly welcoming their new students, which makes the freshmen a little flattered.

You must know that they thought they would be subjected to a series of inhumane tests in the first moment, but in the next moment they went straight to heaven.

Link and Cedric also stood up quickly, piled up smiling faces and connected the new students to their long table, and then the other old students would entertain them.

This work is undoubtedly very hard, because compared to the other three colleges, Hufflepuff always has the most freshmen.

This is directly related to the philosophy of the founder of Hufflepuff.

The great Ms. Hufflepuff firmly believes that it is too cruel to let the children come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Witchcraft with great expectations, but in the end they are lost because there is no need for the academy.

So under her will, Hufflepuff would never refuse any little wizard who wanted to join.

Slowly, the long team of freshmen has disappeared.

Professor McGonagall took up the high chair and the sorting cap and strode back after assigning the last freshman, and at the same time Dumbledore stood up.

"Welcome to our new students," Dumbledore said in a loud voice with his arms outstretched, "Welcome our old students too, welcome back! There is a lot of time for speeches, but it's not now. Eat happily!"

As soon as Dumbledore's voice fell, the deliciousness suddenly fell from the sky.

The five long tables were immediately piled up with chunks of beef, pies, various vegetables, bread, jam, and a jug of pumpkin juice. The long tables were overwhelmed and moaned.

Dumbledore walked down amid praise and applause, and threw his long beard on his shoulders so that they would not block his plate.

Not far from him, the students started to feast early, after all, almost everyone was hungry after the entire day of the journey.

The freshmen are particularly excited.

It was the first time in their lives that they participated in such an extraordinary banquet, and it was also the first time they saw such a cheerful and unpretentious principal.

At this time, the Hufflepuffs would smile and fully carry forward the unity and loyalty of Hufflepuffs, and even if they were still hungry, they would go forward to help the freshmen to introduce and grab food. The freshmen blushed one by one.

Of course, they don't grab everything.

If they think of pumpkin pie and pumpkin juice, they will give priority to Link. They all know that this is Link's favorite.

In this way, until the last dessert was wiped out by the students, and everyone was full and started to chat, Dumbledore finally stood up again.

His appearance made the auditorium quiet for an instant. Although everyone was sleepy after eating, they still looked at Dumbledore firmly.

"Well, now that we are digesting another very rich and delicious meal, I request everyone to be quiet for a while and listen to me talk about the precautions for the new semester as usual." Dumbledore said with a smile, "The first-year students should I know that students cannot enter the forbidden forest in the hunting ground. Several of our senior classmates should know this by now."

The students burst into laughter as soon as Dumbledore's voice fell.

Because to be honest, as long as it's not that kind of particularly honest and timid student, the old students from the second grade and up have not gone to the Forbidden Forest to explore the dangers.

Dumbledore was not angry when he saw this, and waited for everyone to finish laughing before continuing:

"The administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me. He also told me that this is the 426th time. I must remind you all that magic is not allowed in the hallway between classes. There are many other regulations listed in the long one. , Posted on the door of Mr. Filch’s office."

"In addition, there are two changes in our faculty this year. I am very happy to welcome Professor Grapland back, and she will teach you the lesson on protecting magical animals. I am also very happy to introduce Professor Umbridge, she will become our dark magic New professor of defense class."

There was a sparse applause in the auditorium, and Cedric also looked at Link with questioning eyes, meaning whether this Umbridge was the so-called ‘pressure from the Ministry of Magic’ as Link said.

Link nodded slightly when he saw it, and didn't say much.

Dumbledore on the stage also continued:

"The selection of the college Quidditch team will be -"

Dumbledore stopped talking suddenly and looked aside questioningly.

Everyone followed his gaze curiously, only to notice that Umbridge beside him had actually stood up at some point.

"Ahem!" Umbridge saw that everyone's attention finally fell on her, cleared his throat and said, "Thank you, principal, thank you for such a warm welcome."

As soon as this remark came out, many people frowned.

But this has nothing to do with the content of her words, but because of her voice.

Her voice was sharp and high, a bit like a sweet and greasy girly voice.

This was nothing at first, but the point is that the voice of a weird old woman like her gave everyone a great sense of contrast and nausea.

Umbridge didn't care about everyone's gaze, and continued:

"Well, I must say, it's great to be able to go back to Hogwarts. It's so pleasant to see these cute little faces looking at me. I desperately hope to get to know you soon, and I believe we will Become a very good friend."

"The Ministry of Magic has always believed that educating young wizards is a very important task. Some of the precious talents you are born with, if you are not trained and trained under careful and careful guidance, they may be fruitless. Unique to the wizarding world Ancient skills must be passed on from generation to generation, or they will disappear."

"The past principals of Hogwarts have all innovated in the management of this historically famous school. This is totally right, because if we don’t make progress, we will stagnate and we will decline. But at the same time, progress for the sake of progress. The practice should never be encouraged, we..."

Umbridge’s speech seemed to never end.

After Dumbledore took over at Hogwarts, the students had never enjoyed such a boring treatment.

Because of this, Umbridge’s speech was only halfway through, and the auditorium became noisy.

Everyone is whispering, it seems that it's a lot of face to be able to continue to stand here.

The strange thing is that Dumbledore and the professors also turned a blind eye to the poor performance of the students. Even Snape and McGonagall, who used to hate student troubles the most, were unmoved, and just let the auditorium grow more and more. chaos.

Because the more chaotic, the less Umbridge won't come to Taiwan.

Unfortunately, Umbridge seems to have extremely rich experience in this area.

She completely ignored the state of the students and continued her speech on her own.

"...Because some changes have achieved good results, while other changes will be found to be decision-making errors when appropriate. At the same time, some old habits will be retained. This is understandable, and some habits are outdated. Then we must abandon it. Let us keep moving forward into a new era that is enlightened, efficient, and sensible, resolutely maintaining what we should maintain and abandoning what we should prohibit."

After that, Umbridge sat back, and Dumbledore started applauding for the first time-he was probably the only person on the scene who listened carefully to the entire speech.

Dumbledore's applause was like a signal, and soon the auditorium was filled with sparse applause.

The students were very happy, but this has nothing to do with the content of Umbridge’s speech. What everyone cares about is that everyone will be able to go back to the dormitory soon after her speech.

As for Dumbledore, who stood up again and began to speak?

This kind of thing is not in the range of students' worries at all, and they all know that Dumbledore will never let them down in this regard.

"This Umbridge, not to be underestimated!"

Cedric leaned on Link's side again and laughed.

Hearing this, Link nodded and said:

"Do you see it?"

"Of course, she just sent Dumbledore a battle book." Cedric said, "And it's still a very high-level battle book. It seems that her zz struggle experience is very good, we must be careful to deal with it. ."

Seeing Cedric's expression particularly serious, Link said with a smile:

"You don't need to be so nervous. Just a Umbridge is nothing. Even she can be our help at some point."

"Oh?" Cedric was surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, soon, you will know in a while."

After Lin Ke said, the students began to cheer-Dumbledore's speech was completely over.

Link didn't explain to Cedric, who was still thinking about it. He got up and straightened his neckline and said:

"I will be responsible for the guidance of new students this year."

Hearing that, Cedric stopped questioning, nodded and said:

"Of course, UU read if you want."

Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbot, the new Hufflepuff prefects, were sitting not far from Cedric, and their faces were somewhat at a loss.

In order for the new prefect to accumulate experience, the new prefect is responsible for the guidance of new students, which is Hogwarts's practice.

Ernie and Hannah believed this kind of words that were obviously working to huyou people, so they were a little bit disappointed when they heard Link robbed them of life.

Their thoughts couldn't escape Link's eyes. Seeing Link's chuckle, he shook his head and said:

"You guys follow along, just as you are studying."

As soon as these words came out, Ernie and Hannah were immediately resurrected on the spot.

Ernie jumped three feet high and shouted loudly:

"Yes! Senior!"
