The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 418: The new capitalist has emerged

Snape walked out of the classroom without looking back, his footsteps were very dashing, his black robe clapped and fluttered against his back like a big bat.


As the teacher's door opened and closed again, the students in the classroom finally wailed.

"Link! What can I do with a 40-centimeter paper?!"

John jumped up and hugged Link's thigh in an instant, screaming loudly, and tearing his nose.

This disgusted Link, he almost instinctively threw his leg, but he just didn't throw John out.

The two entangled each other for a long time, then Link picked up John, copied the potion note with ‘copy into a pair’, and handed it to John:

"Okay, okay, take it back and read it slowly. As for the paper, you can solve it yourself. This is good for you."

Hearing that John hurriedly flipped through the notes twice, his eyes suddenly widened, and he happily stuffed the notes into his arms and said:

"Hey, Link, you are so kind."

"You don't need to remind me of this," Link gave him a blank look. "How are you now? Emily and I are going to have lunch. You should also go home soon. Don't make light bulbs."

"Of course, you go quickly."

John waved his hand and sent Link and Emily out of the classroom with a big smile.

As a result, when I looked back, I saw that the entire classroom was looking at him with indifferent or contemptuous eyes.

Especially the Slytherins.

The sarcasm in their eyes was almost unabashed.

John chuckled, not caring about it, patted the copy of the note in his arms and trot to the bedroom.

He had seen it very clearly before, and now the notebook in his hand was made by Link using a copy of the double curse.

This means that this copy of the notebook may disappear at any time due to exhaustion of magic power, and he must copy it down as soon as possible.

As for the group of people in the classroom, in John's view, they are the real fools.

Snape was actually a very good professor of potions, just opened his mouth.

But he was right in one sentence.

Although they can enter Potions. Ban has proven that they have a certain talent, but this talent is not enough to make them proud.

John has a very clear understanding of himself. He is very clear that his talent is in Potions. The class can only be regarded as medium. Under such circumstances, he wants to have a better life in class and wants to be in Potions. To go further along the way, the best way is to turn to Link and Emily, the pair of geniuses.

The rewards for doing so are also very generous.

The notebook given to him by Link, John can be determined by only a rough scan, which is almost equivalent to a martial arts secret book of potions.

With it, John's learning efficiency can at least be several times faster than other students!

As for shame.

What's the shame of fighting with your brother?

It would be embarrassing if he went to beg Link seriously!

In the auditorium, Emily also held a notebook in her hand, reading and reciting carefully.

Unlike John, the note in Emily's hand was not Link's pen, but the potion note that Snape had given Link as a birthday present.

As far as professionalism and comprehensiveness are concerned, this thing will take a few blocks away from Link's book.

Link put a piece of potato that was simmered to the point of crispness into his mouth, and said to Emily a little distressed:

"My dear, don't read the broken book, let's have lunch first."

"That's not good!" Emily said without looking back, "you can't do two subjects for every class in the future, right? I don't want to hold you back."

Link shook his head helplessly, and in the end he could only help cut a portion of the grilled steak, remove the bones and hand it to Emily's mouth.

"If that doesn't work, let me feed you, come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Hearing that two red clouds floated on Emily's cheeks immediately, she secretly glared at Link, but she swallowed the barbecue very honestly.

The two of them just fed and ate, enjoying their lunch.

The students sitting around them were a little bit overwhelmed in an instant. The dog food was so powerful that it was about to support them.

But they didn't dare to go up and say anything to Link.

You know, Link's notoriety for his bad temper has spread throughout Hogwarts.

Even the freshmen were taught Link's deeds overnight by senior seniors. Now they are respectful and scared of such a ‘legendary’ senior Link.

But there are exceptions to everything.

The brothers George and Fred are typical.

Seeing Link and Emily kissing me and me there, instead of bypassing them, they greeted me with a grin and said hello:

"Hey! Link, good noon!"

Link ignored them at all, changed directions and continued to feed Emily.

But Emily was obviously not as cheeky as Link was. Seeing George and Fred staring at her, she naturally couldn't eat anymore, shook her head, put down her book and started to eat herself.

Link put down the fork and looked at the brothers blankly.

"Don't be angry, Link, we just want to do a business with you."

"Ha! What business can I do with you?"

Link said with a sneer.

Hearing that George and Fred were not annoyed, they slowly spread a piece of parchment on the table:

[Lots of Jin Jialong!

Is pocket money not enough to cover your expenses?

Want to earn more gold?

Please contact George and Fred Weasley in the Gryffindor common room,

Find a simple, painless part-time job after school.

(Note: All jobs are at the job applicant’s own risk.)]

Link's eyes focused on the last line of the parchment statement.

The thing was written in a font that was so small that it was almost invisible. Lin Ke squinted his eyes and looked at it for a long time before he read the two words from the line after the ‘Note’—cannibalism!

Link raised his head and looked at George and Fred strangely.

It was the first time he discovered that the two brothers really had the talent to be capitalists.

"Link, we plan to recruit student workers to produce ‘quick-effect truant candy’, ‘fake magic wands’ and similar products to supply our sales in Hogwarts. But we have a problem now."

When Fred said this, George took the conversation and continued, "That is, there are too many people who come to sign up for work. This is far beyond the market demand of Hogwarts and our funds."

Fred continued to relay, "So we thought, could you contract out the off-campus sales rights for our products? Of course, you shouldn’t ask us to give you permanent authorization. The time limit we can give you is only two sales. Years, and the formula cannot be given to you."

Looking at the Weasley brothers with anticipation in his eyes, Link couldn't help but sneer.

He pushed the parchment back in front of the Weasley brothers and said:

"I am not interested in doing business with you."

"Don't be like this Link, of course we know that your family's great cause is not worthy of this Jin Jialong. But mosquito legs are also meat! Jinshan Yinshan is also a pile of gold coins and silver coins. We..."

George continued to persuade, but Fred stopped his brother and said to Link with a smile:

"Link, you don't have to agree to this matter. After all, we are a little overweight. But you must help us with another matter!"

George also seemed to react, and then said:

"Yeah, Link, you should also be able to see that our student industry has never had a precedent before. If Cedric is a little creamy...cough cough, if President Cedric suddenly sees us not pleasing to come and stop, Then our business will be all over. We have no way in this regard, so I can trouble you to say hello. Don't worry, the benefits will definitely not be less for you!"

Hearing that the sneer on Link's face became more intense.

Link bet that George and Fred didn't even think about doing business with him. The most fundamental purpose was to persuade him to help solve the student union.

‘I didn’t expect that the two of you who were born in pure wizarding families would know how to use the threshold effect. ’

Link sighed and shook his head, and said neatly:

"Since you are worried about being checked by the student union, treat those student workers well and don't let production accidents happen. As for saying hello to the student union, haha, I'm not interested in doing this for you."

After saying that, just as Emily had finished her lunch by herself, Link took her hand and walked out of the auditorium.

And George and Fred were staring back at their departure.

After a long time, Fred said to George with some worry:

"Let me just say it. Link can't agree. He has never looked down upon such a small business. What should we do now?"

George was silent for a moment and said:

"If it doesn't work, let's go to Ron? Anyway, he is also the prefect now, and he can talk to Cedric's creamy little white face. And ah, Ron’s price is much cheaper compared to the others. I estimate that one Jin Jialong can be won, after all, this child who is poor has never had a real Jin Jialong."

"You are wrong to say that, George." Fred said with a serious face. "We are brothers. Isn't it right for such a close relationship to help each other? How can we talk about money? How vulgar!"

Hearing that George's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"What you said makes sense!"

"It shouldn't be too late, just do it!"

"Go! We want to influence our dear little brother with love!"

George and Fred hit it off and walked to the Gryffindor common room with their backs on their shoulders.

At the same time, Link and Emily were walking outside, chatting.

Of course, because the timetable stipulates that they will go to the classroom for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class in the first class in the afternoon, their walking range has never been too far away from the classroom.

The two of them walked slowly and slowly, stepping on the spot very accurately and entering the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

In the classroom, Umbridge was already sitting behind the podium.

She was still wearing the fluffy pink cardigan that was sitting last night, with a black velvet bow on her head.

Like Link and Emily, there are not a few people who choose to enter the market at a low pressure.

This is everyone's revenge for Umbridge's long speech last night, which wasted time.

The 6th grade students are not as cute as the lower grades. Dismissing the new professors can be considered as their daily operations, not to mention that Umbridge’s first impression of everyone is very bad, so they do something small. It's normal for the means to come out.

For example, this time when a meal enters the classroom, even if they are late, they are actually tens of seconds or a minute late.

If the professor punishes, it will appear that the professor is stingy and mean.

If the professor does not punish him, his prestige will be lost, and the students will often do more excessive things.

Umbridge seemed to choose the latter.

She turned a blind eye to all the students who entered the hall laughing and laughing. After everyone was seated, she got up and said:

"Good afternoon, classmates!"

"Good afternoon."

The response from the crowd was so weak that it was almost inaudible.

This is because not many people speak at all, even if they speak again, they will be stared back at the first time by others.

"Tsk tusk tusk," Umbridge shook his head. "Classmates, it's not good to be rude like this. Do you think it? I hope you can answer like this: ‘Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.’ Please do it again.

Good afternoon, classmates! "

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge."

This time the response was a little louder, but it was still much lower than the normal volume. It was obvious that someone had only opened their mouth and made no sound.

However, Umbridge did not continue to struggle, but took it as soon as he saw it, and said in her whining voice:

"That's right, it's not too difficult, is it?

Alright, please put away the wand and take out the quill. "

As soon as this statement came out, the crowd burst into depressed whispers.

Some people even make loud noises deliberately when picking up textbooks and quill pens.

You should know that in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, putting the wand away means that the lesson will not be too interesting.

Moreover, this class may be completely filled with a huge amount of theoretical knowledge that needs to be memorized and copied.

And Umbridge clearly wanted to do just that.

She opened her handbag, drew out an outrageously short magic wand, tapped it **** the blackboard, and a string of blackboards automatically appeared.

【Defense Against the Dark Arts】

【Return to Basic Theory】

"Students, your teaching in this course has always been intermittent and unsystematic, isn't it?" Umbridge turned to face all the students, crossed his fingers, and put his fingers upright on his chest. "The teacher keeps changing. , The most important thing is that many of them don’t actually have teaching qualifications. UU reading they often ignore the Ministry’s regulations and teach you according to their own ideas.

And now, you will be happy to know that these issues are about to be changed.

What you are attending now is a well-arranged, theoretical-based Defence Against the Dark Arts course approved by the Ministry of Magic!

Below, please copy these down! "

After that, Umbridge knocked on the blackboard again, and the writing on the blackboard reappeared.

【1. Understand the basic principles of Defense Against the Dark Arts. 】

[2. Learn to identify the scenes where Defence Against the Dark Arts can be legally used. 】

[3. Evaluate Defence Against the Dark Arts in the context of actual application. 】

These three outlines just appeared, and there was another wailing of dissatisfaction among the students.

And Link and Emily looked at each other and smiled.