The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 419: Umbridge's Conspiracy

The most important figure in Link's plan to take control of Hogwarts students is Umbridge.

Because she is the guy Link intends to establish as the common enemy of all.

Only when Umbridge became an abomination, Link could get more done with half the effort.

And now, Umbridge is doing very well.

Judging from Link's understanding of his students at the same level, they shouldn't be able to bear it anymore.

"Professor Umbridge, this is Defense Against the Dark Arts... class, we are all 6th grade students, is it really appropriate for you to teach us this kind of basic, low-level theoretical knowledge?"

Not long after Link's expectation, Umurić's blackboard script had just appeared, and a Gryffindor boy in the front row directly opened it.

And this was just the beginning, and there was a series of echoes, and the sound of approval immediately popped up in the crowd like bamboo shoots after a rain, and the whole classroom suddenly became a mess.

They didn't just do it to take revenge on Umbridge.

It's too uneconomical to be straight up just for the little things of the speech, they are not that stupid.

The reason that really drives the students to turn their faces is actually the terrible teaching content of Umbridge.

As a student who can apply for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class with excellent grades.. Improvement class, pre-class preparation is naturally a compulsory course for them.

Therefore, they have a good understanding of the textbook "Magic Defense Theory" this semester, and understand that this is a purely theoretical book on paper.

Now Umbridge is talking to them about a ‘new theory-based curriculum’, which shows that Umbridge’s teachings over the years have been purely theoretical courses with very little practical content, or no practical content at all.

But the problem is that the Defence Against the Dark Arts... exams have practical exams.

Let a group of...candidates study pure theory courses for a whole year, and the students will naturally turn their faces.

Link and Emily are watching the play in the back row.

He was curious what Umbridge would do next.

At this stage, the students are on the side, and even if this matter goes to Dumbledore and Fudge, it would be Umbridge's fault.

After all, Umbridge’s move can be said to hurt the core interests of the students.

On the podium, Umbridge was still in that calm and breezy appearance, letting the students make noise.

Until the students were tired and the murmur in the classroom gradually decreased a little, the Umri Wizard got up and said with a smile:

"Maybe the time we know each other is so short that you are not very familiar with me. Then, please allow me to introduce myself again."

Umbridge turned and walked towards the blackboard, and louder protests erupted from the crowd-everyone thought Umbridge was going to make a long speech like last night.

It's just that she nonchalantly tapped the blackboard with her magic wand again.

While the powder was floating, the big characters ‘Dolores Jan Umbridge’ appeared on the blackboard.

"As you can see, my name is Dolores Jan Umbridge. I am your Defence Against the Dark Arts class professor this year, but at the same time, I am also the Senior Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Magic, the most important of Minister Fudge. Powerful staff. Do you know what this means?

This means that what I represent now is the Ministry of Magic. This also means that I can directly influence the determination of the content of the exam and the formulation of the school recruitment guidelines of the Ministry of Magic, including quotas, job content, job benefits...

And just like what I said last night and just now, the Ministry of Magic is very dissatisfied with the teaching results of your Defence Against the Dark Arts professors changing to one each year, and that's why I am here.

I am not your enemy, classmates, on the contrary, I am your partner, your opportunity.

Before coming to Hogwarts, I had proposed to Mr. Fudge to expand the scale of the Ministry of Magic’s recruitment to Hogwarts to replace the current corrupt and inefficient staff in the Ministry. And this morning, I finally received an official document from the Ministry of Magic! "

Umbridge took out a letter with the Ministry of Magic fire stamp from his pocket and raised it. “On this document, Mr. Fudge officially confirmed that the Auror and Hitler’s campus recruitment quotas for the next two years are based on the original basis. The increase was increased by 5 times, and campus recruitment for the Office for Prohibiting Muggle Abuse, the Reversal of Incidental Magic Event Team, and the International Magic Trade Standard Association was also opened. The initial admission quota is 20 people.

Not only that, in order to allow you to deepen your understanding of the Ministry of Magic's operation and familiarize yourself with the future work content, Mr. Fudge has also established a winter and summer Ministry of Magic experience program for Hogwarts grades 6-7. The quota is tentatively set for each grade. 50 people, by then these selected people will directly enter the Ministry of Magic and participate in the work of the Ministry.

It is worth mentioning that this winter and summer holiday Ministry of Magic experience activity can also be regarded as an assessment for you. Your performance in this activity will be scored by a dedicated person, and the level of the score will affect your application. Interview score when entering the Ministry of Magic.

I have to say that Minister Fudge is so kind to you that I am a little jealous. You know, when I graduated, I didn't have such a good treatment.

However, this also shows that the current Ministry of Magic is in a critical condition and is thirsty for talents. Classmates, you are all the flowers of the future of the magic world. What awaits you will be a glorious life. Your future is promising. You..."

Following Umbridge’s narration, the protests and murmurs in the crowd slowly diminished, and finally fell silent.

This made the hypocritical smile on Umbridge's face a little brighter.

She stood on the podium again and said to everyone:

"Okay, so now, please take out Wilbert Slinka's "Magic Defense Theory", turn it to page 5, and read'Chapter One, Basic Principles of Getting Started'. Don't read it. Whispering."

There was another commotion in the otherwise silent crowd.

However, unlike before, the commotion this time did not expand into a "riot", but only existed for a short time before quickly dissipating.

Instead, the rustling sound of turning over the book, and the uniform, emotional chanting sound.

Link, who saw all this in his eyes, frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy.

Strictly speaking, Umbridge's speech this time still adheres to the style of last night's speech-flowery, false, long and boring.

But this time, the students in the classroom listened more seriously.

This is because in this speech, Umbridge raised a topic that students care most about.

Test scores and job hunting after graduation!

Not only did she imply that she, as the Senior Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Magic, has the right to adjourn questions and even modify the content of the exam.

He also publicly stated that he has won a lot of jobs in the Ministry of Magic this year and the next two years, and of course, there are also the Ministry of Magic experience activities during the winter and summer vacations.

Most importantly, she used the quota card very cleverly.

The number of students at Hogwarts is actually not many. On average, there are hundreds of students in each grade.

Excluding some unqualified bastards, there are only seventy or eighty students in grades 6 to 7 who are eligible to participate in the enlarged version of the Ministry of Magic school recruitment.

Well, it happens to be a dozen or twenty more people than Umbridge’s winter and summer vacation experience activities.

This hand is very beautiful.

Anyone who has ideas about the previous benefits must now face a situation of ‘competition for employment’.

As for the criteria for judging this competition?

Does that need to be said?

Naturally, it is Umbridge's subjective judgment!

Link shook his head.

He now finally understands why in the original book, when Harry founded Dumbledore's Army, a large part of the 6th to 7th grades did not join the senior students with the best combat effectiveness.

It turned out that Umbridge had already given enough benefits and set up a clever mechanism.

In this way, the upper-grade students, driven by their immediate interests, will of course obey Umri’s words.

"Students, we are here for today's course. Of course, please don't forget the homework I assigned, which will be handed in during the last class. Now, after class, I look forward to seeing you again."

The first quarter of Hogwarts' 6th grade... Defence Against the Dark Arts class ended with Umbridge’s announcement.

In the whole class, except for the initial riots, almost all students behaved extremely obediently and conscientiously.

Even after Umbridge announced the end of get out of class, many students were very diligent to get close to Umbridge, not seeing the original impatience and disgust.

This is the power of interest.

But Umbridge naturally wouldn't give these students any good looks, and sent them away very perfunctorily.

After drawing such a big pie and setting up a perfect competition mechanism, she no longer needs to have a good face for these students.

Link just leaned back in the chair expressionlessly and gently rubbed the ebony wand in his hand.

This is a habit after he has entered a state of deep thinking. After so many years, he has now drawn out a beautiful layer of ebony wand.


Emily shook Link's hand with some concern.

With her ingenuity, it was obvious that Umbridge's strategy was also seen through.

This is actually not that difficult, as many people in the classroom can see it.

The real difficulty lies in how to break the game.

Umbridge's use of this hand is a scheme that exploits human desires, even if you see through it, it's useless.

Link turned his head to look, and just about to say something, a warm, faint scent of daisies approached him.

It's Umbridge.

With a smile on her face, she unknowingly stood in front of Link and Emily.

Umbridge is definitely the focus of attention of the students in the classroom at the moment, and her movements even brought many students' eyes to her.

Link didn't get up, he still sat firmly in his seat, looking at each other coldly.

As the messenger behind Fudge who almost took Fudge down, Link had long considered the possibility that Umbridge might target him after coming to Hogwarts, and use him to kill him.

Link was not afraid of this. With his current strength and status, it was too simple for Umbridge and even Fudge to disappear silently from this world.

Link even had some expectation that Umbridge would do some drastic actions against him, such as imprisoning and copying some rules and regulations.

In this way, he can shoot directly and take Umbridge.

The senior students in grades 6 to 7 will certainly not react too much to this at present, but the students in the lower grades are not the same.

Using such a conflict event, Link can gather a large number of lower grades.

Unfortunately, Umbridge didn't seem to be as impulsive as Link imagined.

Now that she appeared in front of Link and Emily, not only did she have no extreme behaviors, but she also bowed respectfully:

"Good afternoon, my dear Mr. Foley, and Miss Victoria."

Hearing this, Link raised his brows and said with a sneer:

"Dolores Umbridge, I remember you, you should be Cornell Fudge's secretarial background, right? The current Senior Deputy Minister of Magic. Well, this post sounds great, but it's responsible for specific matters. It seems to be still—helping the Minister of Magic run errands and organize the materials."

As soon as Link said this, the faces of many students who secretly looked at the situation changed.

Of course they can read the meaning of Link's words.

The core meaning is that even though Umbridge spoke very well just now, it is very likely that he is just painting cakes, and he himself has no real power to realize those cakes.

This was also Link's tentative counterattack against Umbridge.

It's just that the smile on Umbridge's face did not change at all. She seemed to completely ignore the questioning gazes of the other students, and continued to bend down to respect Link:

"You still remember me? It's really an honor for me!

The last time I saw you was at the Harry Potter trial, your speech at that time was really shocking and shocked me deeply. I wonder if I can have the honor to invite you and your wife to the office I just set up to enjoy the afternoon tea time. I have prepared the best black tea and various refreshments using South American pumpkins as raw materials. I believe... "

"I have no time to have afternoon tea with you."

Link interrupted mercilessly.

The smile on Umbridge’s face stiffened a, but immediately returned to normal in the next instant, and he respectfully said again:

"So, then I will retire first. If there is any need, Mr. Foley can contact me. I am waiting for dispatch at any time."

When Umbridge said this, his voice was very soft, especially in the last paragraph, and even used a sound insulation curse, so that only the three of them heard the specific content.

After that, Umbridge left the classroom with a smile.

The students who only left one classroom were looking at Link with various sluggish or envious eyes, and they talked a lot.

In the past, everyone ate, drank, and slept together. Besides, Link himself was relatively low-key and didn't like to brag like Draco, so many people still didn't understand the strong background of Link's family.

But now it's different with Umbridge as a reference object.

At this moment, in the eyes of many people, Link, who can be treated like this by Umbridge, has become a brilliant existence!