The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 421: The Black Workshop of the Weasley Brothe

Facing Link's request, Harry and Hermione were a little confused, but after reacting, Hermione happily agreed.

She always looked at the black workshop run by George and Fred and was very upset, and she just wanted to use this opportunity to see if Link could copy it.

George and Fred’s workshop was not actually in the Gryffindor Tower, but in a few abandoned classrooms near the Gryffindor Tower.

These classrooms are proof of the glory of Hogwarts' past heyday.

At that time, almost all wizards in Europe would choose to send their children to Hogwarts.

Now, with the rise of Boothbatten and Durmstrang, Hogwarts' student base has been cut, and these redundant classrooms have naturally been abandoned.

After learning the exact location of George and Fred's workshop, Link finally understood why their brothers wanted to ‘greet’ in such a hurry and look for an ‘umbrella’.

Although those classrooms are currently abandoned, they are still Hogwarts' assets.

The behavior of George and Fred is tantamount to illegally occupying school property!

When Link and his party arrived, the corridors where the abandoned classrooms were located were completely dark. The windows of all the classrooms seemed to be covered with a layer of paper. It was impossible to see the scene at all, and the ground was covered with thin sheets. Thin dust—this is proof that Filch is lazy.

The ghost of Gryffindor, almost headless Nick, was hanging upside down from the ceiling and dozing off.

Link is not sure if the ghosts need sleep, but they may also be affected by gravity.

Because Nick was almost chopped off, there is only a little bit of fleshy head that has completely fallen from his neck, and it is shaking slightly with Nick's breathing, which looks terrifying.

This scene made Link and the others instinctively relaxed.

But even so, as they got closer, Nick, who was almost headless, still woke up suddenly.

He looked at Link and the others with a dull expression.

"Sir Nicholas, what are you doing here?"

Hermione frowned and said.

Her voice was like a signal, and Nick's sluggish expression finally became vivid.


A shrill scream erupted from the final of the ghost Nick, and this terrifying voice made everyone including Link cover their ears.

And Ghost Nick took this opportunity to walk directly through the wall into one of the abandoned classrooms.

"No, he's going to inform the news!"

Hermione's face changed drastically, and she yelled and broke in.

Link and others followed behind in a hurry.

Enter the classroom.

The scene here makes Emily and Link frown.

In this not-so-large classroom, dozens of operating tables are densely distributed, and the table top of each table is equipped with crucibles and other medicine training tools and medicine materials.

Surprisingly, compared with those operating desks, the number of students working here is not much.

On average, basically every student worker has to control two consoles at the same time. They move quickly between the consoles, cutting the material for a while, and stirring the crucible twice. They are busy and extremely complicated. , It looks a bit bells and whistles.

But being able to control two at the same time does not prove that the level of these students is very high.

In fact, Link has already discovered that although all the students appearing here are senior students, none of them have been educated in the potions... course.

Their operating methods are also full of flaws, including many seemingly time-saving and labor-saving, but actually imply dangerous operations.

Especially when Nick, who was almost headless, screamed and rushed through the classroom, their movements became even more chaotic under the panic.

Not only that.

The sanitary conditions in this entire classroom are even more worrying.

George and Fred didn't clean the place just because they were about to start work, so that the dust accumulated on the ground could barely pass the upper of the shoe, and the air was filled with an indescribable stench.


Stink? !

The various scenes that he had just seen kept flashing in Link's mind. Link seemed to have thought of something suddenly, stopped his footsteps and looked again at the console closest to him.

To be precise, it is the accumulated material on the operating table.

‘Toad eggs, fox’s glands, giant monster’s old feet, excrement of unknown creatures...’

Link kept reciting the names of these materials in his heart.

And the more he read down, the worse his face became, and finally his eyes suddenly glared:

"Really! George and Fred actually made big dung bombs here!"

Link's huge magic power came out directly, turning into a sealed water polo and rushing out of the classroom with Emily, Hermione, and Harry in her arms.

Those third-rate student pharmacy workers obviously also know what they are making.

They were originally trying to rescue the unstable solution in the cauldron, but now they saw Link running away, and they couldn't sit still, and started to run towards the door.

It's a pity that they don't have the terrifying mobility of Link.

And the potions in those cauldrons became unstable again after losing care.

Boom boom boom—

A series of explosions sounded, followed by a green terrifying stench!

The function of this thing called a dung bomb is actually very simple.

That is, an intolerable stench will erupt after being thrown out and detonated.

And because this is a magical creation, the odor caused by the big dung bomb cannot be removed by ordinary means, and the duration can be as long as half a month.

Relying on this terrible effect, the dung bomb has become the most notorious existence in the history of hoaxes, and it has been listed as a prohibited item by most public institutions, including Hogwarts.

Although the big dung bombs in the classroom have not been completely made and have much less power, they still almost exceed the upper limit that humans can tolerate.

Those student workers who could not escape in time were so overwhelmed by the green stench that they burst into tears and retched. They struggled to crawl for a while before they rushed out of the classroom.

But this is not over yet.

It was so heavy that it had begun to turn black and turned into a stench, and was taken out of the classroom with the running of these students.

From Link’s experience, if this level of odor is not controlled, it will probably directly pollute more than half of Hogwarts!

"Really! George and Fred are troublesome!"

Link scolded, but the wand in his hand kept turning.

With his movements, more and more water was squeezed out of the air, first turning into a big round mouth to trap those student workers who had been polluted and stinking all over.

Immediately afterwards, an oval lid made of water slammed the door and pressed the stench back into the classroom.

It's a pity that those odors still seem to be soluble.

The water cap that Link controlled only touched the green mist for a moment, and it was immediately dyed green, and this color has a tendency to become deeper and deeper.


Link spit out the saliva that was stimulated by the disgusting scene in front of him. With a finger of his wand, he finally stopped the green mist after turning the wall of water into a solid ice wall.

Hermione and Harry, who were hidden behind Link, were completely stunned.

Before that, they couldn't believe that George and Fred were so courageous to set up a workshop in Hogwarts to make big dung bombs.

Emily is pure anger.

You must know that the group of student workers who failed to escape in time were still being washed back and forth by Link in a water polo like a drum washing machine, rinsing the stench from their bodies.

If it weren't for Link's eyesight and quick hands, they are probably enjoying this kind of treatment now.

At the same time, the three brothers, George, Fred, and Ron, were hiding in the corner and looking towards this side with their heads. Nick, who was almost frowning, followed behind them.

"George, our big dung bomb workshop is destroyed! Although the craftsmanship tools are all brought by the workers, the workers do not need to compensate, but the raw materials are ours! That is 5 Jin Jialong's materials."

"I don't think what we need to worry about right now is not the raw material. Fred, you have also seen that Harry and Hermione brought in the guy Link Foley. What do you think he will do after experiencing what he just did? Against us?"

"George, Fred, I was really killed by you! This is all over!"

"Ron, how can we be blamed? Who would have expected that your know-it-all lady would bring Link?"

"Yeah, Ron, you can't blame us for this. Also, strictly speaking, this incident should be included in our contract. In other words, you must come forward to help us solve this trouble."

"George is right. You know, we paid you a full gold gallon!"

"You, you guys..."

Ron's angry hair stood up, and he was about to break out.

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking yet, the three big invisible hands composed of curse power have already grabbed their bodies.

This sudden surprise shocked the three Weasley brothers. They wielded their wands and struggled desperately.

However, they and Link are not heavyweight players at all.

In the screams one after another, George and Fred were dragged to Link.

The scream stopped abruptly.

George and Fred barely squeezed a smile on their faces and said:

"Ah, Link, it just so happened that we met again."

"Yeah, and Harry and Hermione. Thank you for helping Link lead the way."

Even if you don't need to be mindful, Link can read the scent of gritted teeth from the words of George and Fred.

But he was fierce, and Hermione was more fierce than him.

She saw Hermione rush up with a stride, and roared at George and Fred:

"As Gryffindor students, you dare to do this kind of thing! Do you know how many points Gryffindor will be deducted for this? Don't you have the slightest sense of shame in your heart?"

Hermione's angry look was quite similar to Professor McGonagall.

This amazing sense of familiarity made both George and Fred, the two old fried dough sticks, not only appeared for a moment in a daze.

As for Ron, he lowered his head from the beginning, afraid to speak.

Unfortunately, this was not enough to make Hermione ignore him.

"And you, Ron!" Hermione turned her head and roared, "Why are you here?"

"I...I just came to see..."

"What do you look at?" Hermione interrupted Ron's sophistry and sneered. "I think you came to get along with your brothers? Please, you are the prefect of Gryffindor!"

Ron, who had just lifted his head, dropped again.

When Hermione saw this, she wanted to scold again, but Link stopped in front of her.

"You and Harry take Ron out first. I still need to know about these workshops with George and Fred."

Link said slowly, the tone was extremely calm, and even brought a gentle taste that made people instinctively want to be convinced.

Hermione was convinced of Link's words, and when he heard that he was pulling Ron's ear with one hand, and holding Harry, who had been frightened by Hermione, with the other, he walked towards the top of the stairs.

Before leaving, he said to Link full of expectations:

"Link, you must teach them a profound lesson, don't show mercy to our affections! Points will be deducted if they are deducted! Check if they are found!"

The corners of Emily's mouth rose uncontrollably as soon as she said this.

This was the first time she had discovered this Hermione, who was ‘hailed’ as the Miss Know-it-all. Perhaps her mind was not as good as the rumored one.

Judging from what she knows about Link, Link's purpose of coming here to find George and Fred is definitely not simply to teach each other or to maintain school order or something.

But Hermione still thinks Link is a good man who enforces the law impartially.

At this moment, Emily was particularly happy.

Unlike Emily, Link didn't put too much attention on Hermione.

Seeing the Hermione trio disappeared in the dark corridor, Link directly looked at George and Fred condescendingly.

George and Fred at this time were also looking in the direction Hermione was leaving, with grim expressions and gritted teeth.

But after an occasional match between their eyes and Link, this expression was quickly replaced by a stiff smile.

"Link, do you believe this is a misunderstanding?"

"Yes, Link, you can't just listen to that Hermione Granger's side words."

George and Fred are still struggling.

Link ignored them, snapped his right hand, and the invisible giant hand that had bound George and Fred disappeared instantly.

"Now, get up and show me your workshop right away, and tell me all the situation here by the way."

Link said blankly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It was said that George and Fred were sweating in a hurry.

They spent almost all of the money they had accumulated over the years to set up a workshop this time!

Don't say that they were all copied by Link, even if they were stopped by Link, their dream of opening a store after graduation would not be realized.

At this moment, Emily looked at the two with a smile and said:

"You two, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you lead the way?"

George and Fred didn't speak, their eyes kept walking back and forth on Link's poker face and Emily's smiling face.

After a while, they seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, and their expressions suddenly became very strange.

Finally, the two brothers looked at each other, and George got up first and said:

"Ah, yes, I will lead you there."