The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 439: Hitman Ron

   This is a very outrageous thing.

   Ron obviously hates Link so much, but in the end he still wants to work in the factory run by Link.

   But in fact, this is understandable, even quite reasonable.

   Ron is a pauper after all.

   His poor and even the Daily Prophet could only watch Harry and Hermione, not to mention other snacks and toys.

   As for going to work in the George and Fred factory.

   That is the real impossible thing to do.

   No one knows better than Ron how pitted his two brothers are.

  George and Fred even snatched the Jin Jialong that they had asked him, the new prefect, to give him a message. They later snatched it back on the grounds that ‘you’re completely useless’.

   The workshop they opened is more of a sweatshop. The wages are pitifully low, and there is personal danger.

  The ghost went to work there!

   So for Jin Jialong's sake, Ron still came to the M.O.M.H.L factory.

   Of course, whether you really want to work here depends on whether Link and John’s previously announced remuneration are true.

   With deep suspicion, Ron looked at the notice board in front of him.

   The notice board was densely posted with dozens of jobs. The first thing that caught Ron’s eyes was the all-enlarged “10 cikes/hour” behind the first few jobs.

  ‘1 gallon is equal to 17 cikes, which is equal to 493 nats. This means that as long as you can work here for two hours a day, you can have 1 gallon and 3 cikes? Merlin! The weekly salary of the waiter at the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley is only 10 gallons! As long as you catch up here for 17 hours, you can do it for a week? ’

   Ron felt his heart beat suddenly speeding up, and a lot of blood rushed to his forehead, making him feel dizzy.

   But soon this excitement was replaced by a deep loss.

   Because these ‘maximum positions’ that were specifically placed at the front of the notice board have all been crossed out.

   This means that these positions are already filled and no manpower is needed.

   "Let me just say it! This must be false propaganda. How can there be any reason why a student's part-time salary is higher than that of a full-time student? Link this guy is no different from George and Fred. It's really as dark as a crow in the world!"

   Ron whispered.

   But at this moment, a big hand patted him on the shoulder.


   Ron was so frightened by the sudden change that he jumped up, but when he turned around, he saw a senior Hufflepuff girl looking at him with the same horrified expression.

The opponent is not very beautiful, but it is a hot body, a front convex and back curled, and a head higher than Ron. It is the type that makes most men unable to look away from just a glance. .

   It's a pity that Ron was so frightened at the moment, he didn't even bother to pay attention to the beauty of the other party.

"Hmm! Sorry, I scared you." The girl reacted first, and after an apology, introduced herself, "I am Gregory Lynn from the human resources department of the MOMHL factory. I saw you keep watching The sign came to say hello. Excuse me, are you looking for a job?"

   "No, no, no! I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!"

   Ron blushed, and he denied it as he raised his scarf to cover his face.

   See you in my pity.

   He came here early to avoid being discovered by his acquaintances. Originally, he wanted to find out the news first, and if he was good, he would try to disguise himself and come over to work.

   As a result, I met the employees of M.O.M.H.L.

'How to do how to do? He is an employee of Link, and if he tells Link about my visit, I'll be all over! No, I will leave now! ’

   Ron panicked and turned around to leave.

   As a result, the female HR named Gregory Lynn reached out and pulled him back.

"Don't rush to leave, brother," Gregory Lynn said in an urgent tone as if he saw Jin Jialong in his eyes. Let’s get a job. If you really don’t think it’s okay when I’m finished, then it’s not too late to leave.”

   Ron turned his head and waved his hands again and again:

   "No, no, no, all of your positions here are no longer hiring. I have seen them just now."

"Who said it's not hiring anymore?" Gregory Lynn frowned suspiciously, but soon realized something, turned his head and glanced at the "maximum salary positions" at the top of the notice board, and suddenly realized, " Oh! What positions did you say! Come on, now the factory has been opened for more than a week, and those positions have naturally been selected. But don’t worry, there are still slightly worse positions. Come with me. have a look."

   Ron naturally refused, trying to escape when he struggled.

   But that Gregory Lynn didn't know where the huge power came from, and he pulled Ron directly to another sign.

   "Hey! How about this? Wizard chess enchanter, 7 cikes per hour."

   Gregory Lynn pointed to a post on the upper side of the notification card and said.

   As soon as he said this, Ron, who was still struggling violently, suddenly froze in place. He turned his head hard and said:

   "The hourly rate of 7 silver Xi Ke? Is this true?"

   This is a rather idiotic question, because Ron himself had already seen the black and white words on the sign while he was speaking.

   But Gregory Lynn still smiled and explained:

   "Of course, but this position requires you to have an excellent OWL score in the spell course, and at the same time have a certain degree of alchemy. It is best to study the NWET alchemy course."

   "I'm only fifth grade this year, and I haven't passed the OWL exam yet."

   "Really?" Gregory Lynn said with some surprise, "You don't seem to be that small."

   Ron lowered his head shyly. He felt that Gregory Lynn was complimenting him for his maturity.

"I'm really sorry, this is my mistake." Gregory Lynn apologized and pointed to a position again, "Then what about this position? Humeizi killer agent dispatcher, salary 6 cK per hour, but need to pass For a practical exam, only students who have successfully produced three copies in a row can officially take up their posts."

   "Uh, this...I don't like this very much."

   Ron said weakly, while lowering his head, because although Humeizi Killer is a relatively ordinary and simple potion, as a potion inferior student, his pharmaceutical success rate is still pitiful.

   Ron has never regretted not studying hard like today.

   If he listens to Hermione, if he takes the potions class seriously, then this 6-Sike-per-hour job might be his!

   Gregory Lynn naturally couldn’t read Ron’s true thoughts. Seeing Ron’s pitiful appearance, she comforted:

   "It doesn't matter, there are other jobs, but the money is a little bit less, and the people are harder."

   Gregory Lynn looked for the sign for a while, then he muttered:

   "Well, potion material processing worker, with an hourly salary of 5 cikes. Basic knowledge of potions is required. You should be able to do this?"

Speaking of this, Gregory Lynn seemed to have thought of something again, leaning close to Ron’s ear and whispering, “In addition, each work station in this job is separated separately for safety reasons, so you don’t have to be afraid. Did someone find out that you came to work?"

   Ron was very excited when listening to Gregory Lynn’s narration, but when he heard the last sentence of the other party, he only felt that his whole body was blown up, and said with a look of horror:

   "You... how did you know?"

"Hehehe—" Gregory Lynn covered his mouth and smiled, "You have a thin-skinned face, and I have seen too many students who are afraid of being laughed at by your classmates because you come here to work. But what's the truth about being laughed at? The big deal? Can you still suffer any losses? We did not break the law and did not hinder others. Is it possible to make money from our own labor? Is it wrong? No money is the real uncomfortable thing. Make a few here. Heavenly, wouldn’t it be good to go to Hogsmeade Village to eat and drink, or buy a gift for your parents?"

   Ron looked at Gregory Lynn blankly, he had never heard anything like that anywhere else.

   But it is undeniable that he was a little moved by Gregory Lynn.

  Especially the phrase ‘no money is the real uncomfortable thing’, he feels even more about it.

   Reminiscent of the grievances he encountered in the past because he did not have pocket money, Ron only felt that his nose was sour, and he nodded and said:

   "You are right, making money from your own labor is not at all shameful!"

   Hearing this, Gregory Lynn’s eyes lighted and said:

   "That means you are willing to do this job?"

  When it comes to this, Ron didn't have much to hesitate, and nodded again.

   "Oye! Great!"

   Gregory Lynn cheered, took Ron's hand directly and ran into the human resources office not far away, swiftly took out a contract from the drawer and placed it in front of Ron:

   "Sign here, and here you need to press a handprint to give you inkpad..."

   Ron was guided by Gregory Lynn to sign and draw on the parchment. The speed was so fast that he could not even carefully read the content of the contract written on the parchment.

   This shouldn't have happened, but Ron really didn't want to care about these things at the moment.

  Because he didn't realize until now that his hand was always being held by the beautiful senior sister Gregory Lynn, and the other party seemed to be... even talking to his ear before.

   Thinking back to the feeling of hot air spitting on his ears, a layer of goose bumps appeared directly on Ron's arm.

   And just when Ron was thinking about it, Gregory Lynn had helped Ron complete the signing of the contract.

   Gregory Lynn pointed to the door and smiled sweetly:

"Okay, classmate Weasley, turn right when you go out, and the third classroom is the workshop you are going to. You can just go in and pick a station and start working. Hehe, rest assured, every station is equipped with a timer Counting equipment, you will never be greedy for any of your copper nats."

   While speaking, Gregory Lynn pushed Ron out of the office, and then, despite Ron's stammering, obviously there was something to say, he closed the door directly.


   As the door was closed heavily, Gregory Lin let out a long sigh of relief, flicking the parchment contract in his hand, and said very happily:

   "Successfully fooled another silly boy, and today’s commission is increased by 2 silver sikes, hehe, that’s great!"

   After saying this, Gregory Lynn put the parchment away, made a cup of coffee for himself, sat down, and tilted his two long legs on the table, and started fishing without any manners.

   Ron in the corridor naturally didn't know anything about what happened behind the door.

   He stared at the closed door in front of him blankly, his fiery brain quickly cooled down, and it took a while before he walked to the right in despair.

  It wasn't until he actually walked into the classroom that Gregory Lynn pointed out for him that Ron gradually woke up from his fantasy.

  The four rows of neatly arranged workstations appeared in front of him at this moment.

   Gregory Lynn did not lie to him. These workstations were all separated by dark brown wooden boards. Only the side facing the aisle had an opening.

   Due to the fact that it is too early, there is no one in the workshop except him at this time.

   Until now, Ron had no turning back, he could only sigh, and walked into a hidden workstation in the innermost part of the workshop.

   The compartment door closed automatically, which made Ron finally feel a little sense of security.

He turned his head and began to look at the environment of the workstation, only to find that there were a full set of potion handling tools hung on the partition wall, such as dragon leather gloves, which are prone to breakage, and there are extra spares. This is very different from the George Fred workshop, which requires its own tools.

   Not only that, there are two buttons, one red and one gold, on both sides of the empty metal workbench. The red button says "Supplementary Materials", and the gold button says "Submit Finished Products".

   Ron sat down at the workbench and tentatively pressed the red button.


   The trap door that was close to the red button opened instantly, and a small pot of absinthe was bounced out, and at the same time two digital clocks appeared on the wall in front of Ron.

   Looking at the bright red numbers on the clock, Ron felt a little at a loss.

   He was dancing and dancing for a long time at the work station, UU reading finally remembered his work, picked up the kit on the wall and started to deal with the absinthe in front of him.

   Wormwood is one of the main materials of dreamless sleep medicine and blood tonic medicine, and its processing process is not complicated.

  You only need to chop it, squeeze the juice, boil, and filter to get a portion of absinthe juice.

   Even a first-year student who has just taken a few potions class can easily handle it.

   So even though Ron was a little embarrassed at the moment, his progress was still very smooth.

   hurriedly filtered and bottled the absinthe juice, put it in the tub, Ron pressed the golden button on the right hand.


   There was another crisp sound of the mechanism, an alchemy mechanical arm protruded from the small door on the level of the golden button, and quickly grabbed the wooden basin back.

   One of the two digital clocks in front of Ron stopped counting.

   The time above is fixed at ‘11 minutes and 43 seconds’.

   Not only that, the time was also recorded separately on a digital leaderboard on the right side of the clock:

   No. 1-Station 17, ‘11 minutes and 43 seconds’;


   Only one second to remember the address of this site:. Mobile version reading URL: