The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 477: Caring for the lonely old man Hagrid


Harry yelled and almost jumped out of the bed in surprise.

"Yes, it's your potions class professor." Professor McGonagall said with some admiration. "His accomplishments in Occlumency are amazing and he is a real Occlumency Master!"

Harry couldn't understand the admiration in Professor McGonagall's words.

I'm sorry. Snape would do him a few times from time to time in the potions class with dozens of people. If this is really a one-on-one private lesson, what kind of a horrible scene?

Harry felt that Voldemort might not need to deliberately figure out a way to kill him.

Because according to the frequency of class once a week, he would probably be killed by Snape in less than a month!

Professor McGonagall naturally knew what Harry was thinking at the moment.

Seeing that Harry's face was really ugly, she sighed and said:

"If you really don't want Snape to teach you, you can also ask Dumbledore to change you a teacher."

As soon as these words came out, a cluster of flames of hope appeared in Harry’s eyes again, his eyes widened, and he said in a nearly pleading tone:


"Link Foley, I have heard Dumbledore mention that he has studied Occlumency from Professor Snape for almost 5 years, and now he is also very accomplished in this area." Professor McGonagall said. , "Of course, you need to wait for Dumbledore to come back and talk to Dumbledore by yourself. Maybe he has other considerations."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall didn't look at Harry's entangled expression of joy and sadness, and left the ward directly.

With the door closed, Harry sighed heavily.

Professor McGonagall's words just didn't make him feel relieved, on the contrary, it made the haze in his heart thicker.

This has nothing to do with the possibility that he might go to Snape to learn Occlumency in the future, but simply worry about Link.

In the previous scenes, Link was fighting Voldemort.

Although from these pictures alone, Link actually still occupies the upper hand, so life safety should be no problem.

But Link's state of being covered by cold fog and black smoke at the time gave Harry a far more evil and terrifying feeling than Voldemort.

Harry had a rather ominous premonition about this, but out of trust in Link, he did not tell McGonagall about this, nor did he intend to tell Dumbledore.

At least until he talked to Link himself, he didn't plan to tell anyone.

There are so many things involved.

Having made up his mind, Harry lay back on the soft bed, rubbing the lightning scar on his forehead with his hands.

There are obviously thousands of thoughts in my heart, but I can't do anything.


Harry was taken aback by a sudden explosion.

Harry looked up and realized that Ron and Hermione had opened the door.

The two of them obviously ran for a long time before they came here for the first time. Ron's hair that was too long because it was not trimmed for too long was stuck on his forehead due to sweat at the moment, and Hermione was also panting. .

"Harry, how are you feeling now? I brought you a roast chicken..."

While talking, Ron took out another greased paper bag that had been soaked in chicken fat from his arms.

Obviously the oily paper bag had not been opened yet, and the unique aroma of roast chicken permeated instantly, and Harry's stomach roared very cooperatively-he was pulled into the infirmary only halfway through his breakfast until now. It's already afternoon and the rice hasn't come in yet.

Upon seeing this, Hermione hurriedly punched him and interrupted:

"Harry can't eat such greasy things!"

Ron shrank his neck when he heard the words, and Harry squirmed his throat violently:

"It's okay, Professor McGonagall said that my body is not in any serious problem, and that I should leave the infirmary soon and go back to the dormitory to prepare for my homework."

Hermione let out a long sigh of relief.

She may still be skeptical about what others say, but if Professor McGonagall really lets Harry leave the hospital to study as soon as possible, it means that Harry's body is indeed not in serious trouble.

Ron, on the other side, had already laughed and helped Harry open the oil paper bag and handed it over.

Harry's eyes lit up, regardless of not washing his hands, he tore a chicken leg and gnawed.

The Hogwarts house elves have extremely high craftsmanship. The roasted whole chicken is quite tasty, and the drumsticks are the best part of the whole chicken. The rich juice explodes instantly, and the oil and gas fills the entire mouth. Harry's dry stomach was satisfied immediately.

Seeing Harry eating so happily, Ron, who had just finished lunch, felt a little hungry again.

Not daring to grab Harry's big drumstick, Ron carefully tore a forewing root and stuffed it into his mouth to chew, even if he was helping to taste it.

"So," Ron muttered while gnawing on the chicken. "You're all right now, right?"

Harry was speechless, he just nodded when he heard the words.

Ron then said:

"Then you can't go to the Forbidden Forest this afternoon? Today is the day we made an appointment with Hagrid."

Ron's words reminded Harry suddenly.

Ever since they ran into the little giant in the forbidden forest that day, they had reached an agreement with Hagrid to accompany Hagrid to meet the little giant every week.

According to Hagrid's words, this is to allow his brother Glop to communicate with others more, so as to cultivate Glop's social skills, and to prepare for Glop to officially enter everyone's field of vision.

Harry quickly swallowed all the chicken in his mouth:

"Of course I'm going. Hagrid will complain for a long time if I don't. I don't want to..."

Before Harry finished speaking, she heard Hermione say categorically:

"No! Didn't you hear what Professor McGonagall said before? She asked you to go, preview! Homework!"

"This is not good news for me. After all, I haven't even completed my vacation homework, nor have I fully learned the previous knowledge. Going directly to preview will only make my brain more confusing."

"Then you should go and write all your homework well!"

"But I don't want to write."

Harry shrugged his shoulders and said, before Hermione completely changed his face, he said, "Please, Hermione, let me go! Think about Hagrid, he lives alone in such a cold day. In that simple wooden house, what we usually look forward to most is that we accompany him to meet his brother every week. Do you really want to extinguish the last little fire of hope of a poor old man?"

Hermione's face suddenly stagnated with rage, her face turned from red to blue, and then quickly turned white again, but in the end she compromised:

"Well, it's only for this one time! And after you come back this time, you must make sure to finish all your homework before next week!"

"Of course, school will start next week. I don't want to be confined by Professor McGonagall because my homework is not completed."

Harry agreed without hesitation.

After saying that, the hippie smiled and Ron blinked at each other.

I have to admit that sometimes using George and Fred's method to deal with people is quite useful.

Half an hour later, the three of Harry arrived at the hunting ground braving the wind and snow, wearing invisibility cloaks.

Hagrid was already neatly dressed and waiting at the door of the hut.

From the snow that fell on him and his beard and hair that had almost been dyed white, he could tell that he had been standing here for a long time.

Seeing him looking at Hogwarts Castle from time to time, Hermione's unnatural nose was sour, and she lifted the invisibility cloak directly:

"Hagrid! We are here! Why don't you wait in the hut?"

"Ha! You guys are here." Hagrid laughed happily when he saw this. The snow on his head fell with the shaking of his body, finally showing his face, "It's okay, I It’s not cold at all. But how come you wear so thin? This is not good, at least you have to wear a scarf. Don’t walk around here, I'll be right back!"

After speaking, Hagrid went straight into the hut.

Harry and Ron were staring angrily at Hermione—they had planned to go invisible and start Hagrid.

As a result, when Hagrid said so, the circles of the eyes of the two of them were also slightly red.

After a while, Hagrid walked out again.

He still had three scarves in his hand, and put them directly around Harry's three necks without saying a word.

Since Hagrid made it by himself, these three scarves naturally took on Hagrid's rough style.

Warm is indeed warm, but the strange color on it that is neither yellow nor white has anything to do with aesthetics. The wool that has not been deeply processed is even more tied.

The most important thing is that the size of these scarves is too big!

Harry felt like he was wrapping a woolen blanket directly on his head, which was very inconvenient.

But despite the flaws of these scarves, the three of Harry didn't have any intention to take them off. Instead, they smiled sweetly at Hagrid.

Hagrid smiled happily when he saw this.

He clapped his hands vigorously, and then led the three of Harry into the forbidden forest.

And just as their figures completely disappeared in the dense forest, a snowdrift deep in the hunting ground suddenly moved.

Along with the collapse of the snow block, a young man in a tights appeared.

Although he had been hiding in the snowdrift all morning, the young man seemed to have no idea what cold was.

He brushed off the snow on his face indifferently, and then took out a double-sided mirror from a small bag on his waist and began to wipe it.

One click, two clicks, three clicks...

The water vapor on the mirror surface gradually dissipated, and Umbridge's figure wrapped in pink appeared immediately.

"what's up?"

Umbridge didn't even look at the camera, and said while trimming his nails.

"Professor, Hagrid has gone into the Forbidden Forest again," the boy said, licking his dry lips, "but this time Harry Potter and his two followers are following Hagrid in."

Umbridge paused, squinting his eyes to the camera and said:

"Follow up! We will be there soon!"

"Yes! I understand!"

The boy respectfully bowed, put away the double-sided mirror and walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

And as the teenager's pace gradually accelerated, the teenager's figure gradually became illusory.

In the end, the young man's figure had completely disappeared, leaving only a string of footprints on the snow still spreading quickly into the distance.


On the trail in the Forbidden Forest.

The unknown Harry trio still followed Hagrid, continuing to go deep into Glop's stronghold.

Due to Hagrid's overcoming obstacles to open the way, the speed of the three people was much faster this time, and the journey experience was much better.

"...Glope hasn't been as lively as before. I think he should have adapted to the environment in the forbidden forest and become as peaceful as when I first met him. Hey! You can't guess it, Ge Loop has made friends. Although it is just a little goblin, it is a good sign! I think one day Glop will have the ability to truly live in peace with others. When that happens, I will beg Deng. Bliddo gave Glop a job, and he will definitely agree! Haha..."

Hagrid said cheerfully, and the Harry trio behind him looked at him with complicated expressions.

On this road, Shanghai Ge was so excited that he could hardly control himself, and his mouth basically never stopped.

At first, Harry and the others would echo a few words from time to time, but as time passed, Harry and the others had nothing to say.

The current Hagrid is simply incomprehensible.

Any creature with a normal IQ knew that Dumbledore would never allow a giant to live in the Forbidden Forest, let alone give him a position, even though the giant was Hagrid's half-brother.

This is a matter of principle Even if Dumbledore is really ready to do that in Hagrid's face, Umbridge and the parents of the students will find ways to make it pornographic.

At the same time, Harry didn't think Hagrid could educate Goop to be able to live a normal life with ordinary people.

The poor brain capacity of giants destined that they can only use more direct and simple methods to deal with most things in life, and many of these methods are simply unbearable by ordinary people.

The most typical example is personal hygiene.

Due to their strong physique and primitive aesthetics, the giants have no concept of taking a bath at all.

So in fact, the smell of giants is not much better than that of giants.

This difference in living habits based on IQ deficiency is difficult to change even for the genius among the giants, let alone the relatively handicapped Glop.

And what Hagrid said that Glop was gradually ‘getting better’ was simply nonsense to Harry.

Hagrid's method of training Glop is no different from the method of tame animals in the circus.

It is nothing more than guiding Glop to make some kind of action similar to "handshake", and then give a piece of meat, through the reward mechanism repeatedly to strengthen this process, and then Glop will naturally use the action of "handshake" Keep it in my mind.

But this has nothing to do with ‘being better’, Glop just wants to eat meat.

As for the goblin who had made friends with Glop, Harry could only pray that they would be alive when they arrived.

Because according to Hagrid's description, it has been together with Glop for more than a day and a night.

The strongest badger who likes Hogwarts, please collect: () The strongest badger of Hogwarts has the fastest update speed.