The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 498: greedy

Harry was still thinking about this issue until consciousness returned to the corridor again.

   In fact, the answer had already surfaced in Harry's heart.

   It's just that he doesn't want to believe it.

   After a jerky shot, Harry instinctively wanted to return to the responsive room again, telling Link everything he had just seen.

   At this moment, he desperately needs Link to tell him the answer and tell him what to do next.

   Snape seemed to have noticed Harry's thoughts, and immediately stood in front of him.

   This doesn't make Harry give up.

   He raised his wand without hesitation and pointed it at Snape, but before he could cast a spell, Snape's wand exploded with a dazzling white light.


   Harry was knocked into the air and slid out on the floor before he climbed up again with a groan.

   "You should go back to sleep."

   Snape looked at Harry and said.

   He was almost completely shrouded in darkness, but even then Harry could still feel the coldness spreading in the other's eyes.

"Have you seen it?" Harry endured the sharp pain in his chest and abdomen. He felt that his ribs might have been broken just now. "What's in the Department of Mysteries? Why did Voldemort and his Death Eaters? We will..."

   "Don't call the Dark Lord by name!"

   Snape interrupted Harry's speech with a roar, and Harry's scar burned again when he was watched by the angry pair of eyes.

   But this time he didn't put too much attention on it.

   Because he was surprised to find that Snape seemed a little nervous, but when he spoke, he tried to pretend to be cold and indifferent.

   The two looked at each other in silence for a long time before Snape continued:

   "There are many things in the Department of Mysteries, Potter, there are few things you can understand, and none of them are your business. Did I make it clear?"

"Clear, sir." Harry stared at Snape with piercing eyes. "But now I am even more curious, why do you call Voldemort the Dark Lord? In my mind, it seems that only Death Eaters can do it. Call their master like that!"

  As soon as this statement came out, Snape's hand holding the wand trembled slightly.

  Despite the dark cover and small movements, Harry still noticed Snape's anomaly.

   Intense anger rushed to his brain, he bit his teeth into a crunch, and said every word:

   "You belong to them!"

   Snape's hands finally stopped shaking.

   The face hidden in the darkness also regained its former indifference and calm.

  ‘This is about the compulsory calming effect of Occlumency. ’

   Harry thought so, but his body slowly backed away.

   He felt that he was in a very dangerous situation right now. As the existence of Snape's ‘spies’ identity was punctured on the spot, he was likely to be killed by Snape.

   And if I, the only person who knows the truth, died.

   Then Link, Dumbledore, and everyone at Hogwarts will continue to be poisoned by the hungry wolf Snape!

  Under the cover of darkness, Harry started to retreat faster and faster.

   It's just Snape but didn't mean to step forward to stop it.

   He was silent for a moment and finally spoke again:

   "You have fallen too deep, Harry. Link is a better caregiver than the Dark Lord and Dumbledore, and among the people I have seen over the years, the only man who can match Grindelwald back then.

   He is like a devil disguised as Santa Claus. Anyone who comes close to him will receive a wonderful gift from him, and will have a good impression of him.

   But when you really open the exquisite gift box, you will find that the gift box is not a gift, but a chain made of emotions.

   These chains will bind your heart firmly, making you uncontrollably surrender to him, and act according to his instructions and ideas.

   Harry! You must be careful of Link!

   must stay away from him!

  He is not at ease! "

   Snape's voice gradually became excited from the initial indifference.

   At the end, it even turned into a stern roar.

   At the same time, Harry's retreat speed continued to increase, until finally he officially turned around and began to run wild in the dark.

   Snape didn't mean to stop him from beginning to end, he just stared at Harry's back, his eyes flashing with worry.

   He knew very well that Harry must have heard everything he said.

   But at the same time he is also very clear.

   These own words, Harry would not believe a word!

   This is the horror of Link.

  If only a paragraph of his own words could make Harry sober, then Link wouldn't be called the devil pretending to be Santa Claus.

   He turned his head, looking at the wall of the door to the responsive room with a complicated expression.

   He can't remember when his most proud disciple became like this.

  In the impression, Link was still holding his mother's thigh a moment ago, looking at him with fear and curiosity.

   But in the next moment, Link's figure quickly swelled again.

   finally grabbed him by the collar, pushed him against the wall and shouted loudly to let him live.

   A wry smile appeared on Snape's face when he thought of the scene.

   Snape didn't think Link was kind.

   Link is just being selfish.

   Link himself admits this.

   Link just didn't want to lose his teacher, so he didn't allow him to die casually.

   If it is really good for him, Link should protect Harry and keep Harry as far away from this whirlpool as possible.

   He believes that Link's ingenuity must be able to see this through.

   It's just that Link doesn't want to do that.

   With a long sigh, Snape did not open the door of the responsive room, but continued along the corridor, finally standing in front of the entrance of the principal's office.

   The monster stone statue hiding in the dark didn't have the password that Snape asked for, and silently jumped to the side, revealing the passage behind him.

   Snape climbed up the stairs, passed through the door opened long ago, and entered the principal's office.

   Although it is late at night.

   But at this time, the principal’s office was brightly lit.

   The portraits of the former principals who had fallen asleep during the day were whispering in excitement, and the Phoenix Fox on the corner shelf put his head under his wings and took a nap.

   And not far from it, Dumbledore, who shouldn't have been at Hogwarts at the moment, sat behind the eagle's table and read a thick pile of parchment.

   Maybe he noticed Snape's sight, Dumbledore at the desk put down the quill in his hand, raised his head and smiled at Snape:

   "Ah, here you are, Severus."

   Snape nodded, and didn't continue to walk into the office, just stood in the open door and said:

   "When did you come back?"

"I just came back soon." Dumbledore stretched out his hand, and said helplessly with his chin pointing to the mountains of documents on the desk. "The vacation time is always short. I didn't expect that I would go out for so few days. So much work has accumulated."

   Snape didn't speak, but continued to stand vigilantly, acting as if he was ready to turn around and flee at any time.

   Dumbledore waited for a long time and didn't see Snape answer, so he suppressed the smile on his face, and crossed his hands to support his chin and said:

   "You should already know about Harry, right?"

   "Of course," Snape said coldly, "but I don't understand why you pushed Harry to Link to learn Occlumency. Link has ulterior motives, you know!"

"Don't say that, that's your best and most promising student, isn't it?" Dumbledore sighed. "There is an old saying in the East that you can't have both fish and bear paws, and you should always do it. Choose. If you are too greedy and want both. Then in the end what awaits you is nothing but a basket of water."

   A sneer suddenly appeared on Snape's face after hearing this:

   "Yes, you are indeed experienced in this area. The momentary greed made you lose your lover and family at the same time. After so many years, I don't know if you regret it."

   As soon as he said this, Dumbledore's expression instantly darkened.

   He stared at Snape coldly, and Snape stared at Dumbledore without showing any weakness.

   The invisible confrontation between the two of them seems to have caused the temperature of the entire office to drop a little.

   Phoenix Fox had already pulled out his head and helped his master stare at this guy who dared to speak bad words.

   The portraits of the previous principals on the wall also fell silent, closed their eyes again one by one, and began to pretend to sleep.

   After a long time, Snape still lost to Dumbledore's sharp gaze like a falcon, silently averted his gaze and spoke first:

   "You called me over so suddenly, isn't it just to tell me this?"

   Hearing this, Dumbledore also lowered his eyes, hid his gaze, nodded and said:

   "The Dementors have fully taken refuge in Voldemort. The successful escape of those imprisoned Death Eaters is a very good proof."

   Snape looked down at a newspaper on the eagle's table and said:

   "You only found out after reading the newspaper?"

   Dumbledore reached out and rubbed the rough surface of the newspaper, and said in a dreamlike tone:

   "Yes, such important information, I actually only learned about it through the Daily Prophet."

   "You are doubting me!"

   Snape gritted his teeth and said, "I want to say I don't know anything about this, do you believe it?"

   It was deathly silence in response to Snape.

   Dumbledore looked at Snape expressionlessly, and made his own answer in such a silent posture.

   This made Snape's breathing become quicker.

   He took a few deep breaths in a row, and then he took the first two steps:

   "What are you going to do next?"

   Dumbledore's gaze flickered a few times when he looked at Snape, and a trace of unbearableness appeared on his face.

   Finally, he sighed and said:

   "Investigate the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic has acted strangely recently. It seems that there is something wrong with them. In addition to the Azkaban incident, I have some doubts that some of the Ministry's senior officials have turned to Voldemort."

   Snape nodded, and immediately asked:

   "Is it just like this?"

   Dumbledore fell silent again.

   The eagle-eyed gaze appeared again, and he kept scanning Snape up and down, as if he was judging whether Snape was really feasible.

   And this time, Snape didn't dodge, even though his back was irritated with sweat by the sharp gaze, he stood up and looked at Dumbledore.

   After an unknown period of time, Dumbledore finally said:

   "We received a report saying that a Voldemort Horcrux was contained in the Department of Mysteries."

   "Really? I see."

   Snape was obviously relieved.

  The question just now was his last test of Dumbledore.

   If Dumbledore does not answer, it means that Dumbledore has lost the most basic trust in him.

   And judging from the results of the temptation, Dumbledore is only a little dissatisfied with some of his actions now, and it is far from the point of losing trust.

   Of course, it cannot be ruled out that all of this is a play by Dumbledore.

   Snape never thought Dumbledore was a good person.

   If this was the smoke bomb that Dumbledore deliberately threw to confuse him and Voldemort, and he really believed it, then he would really lose everything.

   Therefore, we must be more cautious...

   Snape stared at Dumbledore expressionlessly for a moment, and did not inform Dumbledore of the previously seen images in Harry's brain, but silently exited the office.


   The door closed automatically, and the principal's office returned to silence.

   Dumbledore did not continue to review the documents on the desktop, but continued to stare in the direction of Snape's departure, his eyes straight, as if in a daze.

   "Albus, you are too indecisive."

   An old voice suddenly rang in the office.

The strange voice shocked the portraits of the previous principals on the wall of the principal’s room. They opened their eyes and searched in the Finally, their eyes fell on one side in the corner. On the floor full-length mirror.

   That mirror was brought back by Dumbledore tonight.

   At first, it was no different from an ordinary mirror.

   But at this moment, there is a thick mist on its mirror surface.

   Mirror continued:

"If you think that guy just now is not credible, you should not tell him your real plan for the next step, but kill him directly. If you are credible, don't talk about the suspicious nonsense first, believe it all. He is it.

   Now that you have played like this, I dare say that he is already wary of you. "

   Dumbledore closed his eyes and said:

   "It doesn't matter, Severus will not betray, I just put some pressure and motivation on him, so that he can work harder."

   Mirror said:

   "Relationships need actual benefits to maintain. Since you think he is available, give him what he wants."

   Dumbledore shook his head and said:

   "I can't give it, Gellert. As I said before, he is too greedy, he wants all the fish and bear paws."

   "Ha! Isn't this the same as when we were young?"

   The old voice in the mirror said happily.

   And when he heard that Dumbledore opened his eyes, he said with a wry smile:

   "Yes, it's exactly the same as when we were young."