The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 518: Expel

Fudge was almost laughing at Dumbledore.

He pointed at Dumbledore and whimpered for a while before saying:

"It seems that our principal is still not giving up! But it doesn't matter, Dolores, I believe you must have more decisive evidence, don't you?"

"Of course, Mr. Minister."

Umbridge smiled and took out a stack of parchment, each with a bright red seal. "In fact, when these children get lost and know their way back, I will ask the full-time Auror in the Auror office to help. The production of transcripts.

What you see right now is the copy of the transcript with the seal of the interrogation team of the Auror office.

Those experienced Aurors can testify that what these children say is true.

Link Foley did form an illegal student organization called D.A. Army with Harry Potter a few months ago, and taught students untimely and highly dangerous spells in class! "

"Great!" Fudge said as he took the dossier, with a bright smile on his face, "This is really exciting, Dolores. I'll see...Oh! This is amazing, they He even taught the students the patron saint curse and Occlumency..."

Dumbledore reached out and snatched all the files from Fudge.

He looked at the text carefully, and the gloomy expression on his face slowly became active.

Finally, he put down the file and looked at Link and Harry with a smile.

Those eyes were filled with relief and admiration.

It seemed that he was very satisfied with the courses arranged by Link and Harry.

Harry lowered his head in shame, feeling that he might be fired tonight.

The thought that I had lived up to the expectations of Dumbledore and so many people, and that I might still need to return to the life of living in the cupboard of Dursley's home, I almost died.

And Link stared at Dumbledore blankly.

There seemed to be no focus in his eyes.

This is a sign that Occlumency is working at full capacity.

"It seems that everything is over." Fudge said happily, "It is not always possible in this world to use the phrase ‘I don’t know’ or deny that can be fooled.

Faced with such conclusive evidence, I think the children who participated in the rally need to be confined and punished. As for the two main criminals, Link Foley and Harry Potter, it is no longer suitable to stay in Hogwarts. NS. them……"


Umbridge interrupted Fudge with a sudden cough.

When Fudge turned her head in confusion, she reminded in a low voice:

"Mr. Minister, their illegal student organization is called D.A. Army!"

As soon as he said this, Harry could clearly feel Professor McGonagall's breathing heavier, and his face was full of anxiety.

He didn't understand what was going on, and Fudge obviously didn't understand either.

"Yes, D.A. Army, Dumbledore's Army, Connelly." Dumbledore said with a smile, "It's not Foley's Army or Porter's Army. It's Dumbledore's Army."

An expression of awakening suddenly flashed on Fudge's face.

He took a big step back in horror, and even discovered that his robe was squeezed into the fireplace, and cried out in surprise:

"You? You organized this?"

"Yes," Dumbledore replied happily, "I control it all. Link and Harry are just following the orders of my principal."

"You recruited those students, do you want to form your own army?"

"It should be the first time I met them in person tonight, so I can see if they are willing to follow me." Dumbledore nodded, "Of course, I understand now that not everyone can be noble. Dedicated to ideals."

Fudge turned his head abruptly to look at the team of inspectors who covered their faces, and then yelled:

"Then you are indeed plotting against me!"

"Yes, that's it!"

"No! It's not like that."

Link spoke suddenly.

Although his face was expressionless, he said solemnly, "Professor Dumbledore, you don't have to fight crime for us. This is meaningless."

Hearing that Dumbledore just looked at Link quietly, there was a complex meaning in his eyes that could not be said.

And Fudge on the side roared:

"Shut up! Link Foley! There is no place for you to speak!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Link's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

Fudge instantly felt a strong sense of crisis spread over him.

Not only Link, but Percy, who had been standing next to him watching a play, turned savage now.

His appearance reminded Harry for no apparent reason a bully dog ​​his cousin had raised.

Whenever someone speaks loudly to his cousin, the dog will grin at that person.

Fudge's arrogant arrogance instantly dissipated.

He opened his mouth wide, first looked at Link, then at Percy, and finally said loudly to Dumbledore:

"Very good, very good-I was here tonight to fire Link Foley and Harry Potter, but I didn't expect to catch such a big fish. You guys really gave me a surprise! "

"Mr. Minister, I have completed the statement about Dumbledore. It includes not only his entanglement with the students to form an army of wizards, but also his bad intentions to overthrow the Ministry of Magic."

Percy grinned and said, "I will copy this record later and send a copy to the Daily Prophet. If the speed is fast enough, I might be able to catch up with the headlines tomorrow morning."

Professor McGonagall looked at Percy with an incredible look.

It seemed that he didn't believe that the students he had been optimistic about now turned into this look.

It's a pity that Percy turned a deaf ear to this, but quietly began to copy the parchment in his hand.

"Ah, that's it." Fudge sighed. "Dumbledore, you will now be escorted to the Ministry of Magic, where you will be formally prosecuted, and then sent to Azkaban for trial."

"The program is exactly what you said," Dumbledore said softly, "It's just that I think we may have a small difficulty."

"Difficulty?" Fudge looked a little tired and said hoarsely, "I don't see any difficulties."

"No, the difficulties do exist. That is I'm afraid I won't be as you expected, uh, sit and wait, Connelly."

Dumbledore said with great pity, "I don't want to go to Azkaban at all. Even though I can easily escape even if I go there, it takes much time.

And frankly, I think I still have a lot of things to deal with, and I don’t have time to play this kind of game with you at all. "

Fudge's face grew redder, and it looked like someone had just filled it with boiling water.

The two Aurors who had been standing beside Fudge as their guards glanced at each other. One of the Aurors stood firmly in front of Fudge and stretched out his wand.

"Don't be stupid, Dalis," Dumbledore said kindly, "I'm sure you are an excellent Arrow. I even remember that you passed the NEWT exam with a full grade. But if you want to use it to me Violence, then I have to be rude to you."

Hearing that the Auror, called Dawlish, glanced at Fudge and Percy, it seemed that he wanted to get the next step.

"Dumbledore, you don't really want to deal with so many of us alone, do you?"

With the begging in his eyes, Fudge finally spoke.

But this is obviously not the answer that Dalis wants.

Hearing that, Delux blinked a few times at a loss, looking extremely stupid.

Percy, who was a little further away, quietly moved out, probably because he didn't want to be classified by Dumbledore into what Fudge called ‘us’.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall also stood up with a magic wand:

"Who said Dumbledore was alone?"

Hearing that Fudge and others were shocked, Umbridge had already pulled out his wand.

"Minerva, don't mess around!" Dumbledore said in an unprecedented harsh tone. "Your job is to educate students, not to fight with the principal!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Fudge yelled, pulling out his wand, "Hurry up! Get him!"


The moment Fudge finished speaking, a bright silver light exploded with Dumbledore as the center.

The entire principal's office was shaken by the powerful shock wave, and a lot of dust quickly filled the entire office, and even the portrait of the principal on the wall fell off a lot.

And then, there was the second explosion of silver light!

Harry felt that his eyes were blurred into a ball, and his ears were constantly humming.

The shouts, screams, and Phoenix Fox's chirping all blended together and became an uncomfortable noise.

Link pulled Harry behind him hard, and then he waved his wand, sweeping away all the dust and forming a shield to completely protect him and Harry in it.

"Are you okay?"

Dumbledore's calm voice appeared quietly.

At this time, the principal's office has completely become a mess.

Office desks and chairs, closets, benches...

Almost all the slender-legged furniture has been knocked over to the ground and damaged to varying degrees.

The silverware on the table and even the bottles and jars used in alchemy and potions in the corners were all smashed to pieces.

As for Fudge and others, all of them lost their consciousness and lay in the ruins.

Facing Dumbledore’s question, Link nodded silently, and then said again after a pause:

"Professor Dumbledore, where are you going?"

This was clearly the question Harry wanted to ask, and Harry just got out of Link's head despite the humming of his head.

"Hmm! Don't worry about me, old man, Link. Well, of course, don't worry about Hogwarts either."

Dumbledore said with a smile, "I won't be too far away from you, after all I have to look at Hogwarts, lest Fudge mess it up.

To be honest, this is like another vacation to me.

It just so happens that I also have some very urgent personal affairs that I need to deal with. "

"Professor Dumbledore..."

Harry said weakly.

His face was full of guilt.

Before tonight, he hadn't expected that their jokingly obtaining the name of the organization would cause Dumbledore so much trouble.

"We are running out of time and they will wake up soon. So, listen to me, Harry." Dumbledore interrupted urgently, "You must learn Occlumency as soon as possible. This is especially true for you. important!"

Seeing Harry nodded, Dumbledore turned his gaze to Link.

This time, his eyes softened a lot.

"And you, Link," Dumbledore said softly. "You did a good job. Since this is what you want and you have worked hard for it, then go on. I believe you won't let it. People are disappointed. I also believe that you are making the world better and better. This is what I expect of you.

But in this process, there is one thing you must keep in mind!

Don't indulge in the pursuit of power, let alone love.

The power of love is greater than you think!

It may not be able to split mountains and rocks, or it may not be able to help you kill enemies.

But it can do things that pure destructive power can never do! "

After all, Fox had fallen on Dumbledore's shoulders.

Dumbledore smiled and winked at Link, then grabbed Fox's golden tail feathers.


The flames gushed out, and Dumbledore disappeared in the office.

Link looked at the place where Dumbledore was before, with complicated eyes.

He didn't quite understand what Dumbledore had said to him before.

Because from the words Dumbledore told him to remember the meaning of ‘love’, Dumbledore seemed to have decided to act according to Trelawney’s prophecy.

It's just... why?

Although this prophecy was also what Link was eager to realize, what good would it do for Dumbledore?

Why would Dumbledore help him?


The faint groan awakened Link from thinking.

He turned his head to look at the source of the sound, only to realize that maybe it was because of the previous flames that had disturbed him, that Fudge and others who had lay down on the ground had all awakened.

Fudge struggled to get up from the ruins, searching in the office with a pair of bloodshot eyes:

"Dumbledore...where is he?"

"he's gone."

Link slowly replied in a dreamlike you gone? "Fudge obviously hasn't reacted yet, "Where can he go?" The entire Floo network within Hogwarts has been blocked, and he can't Apparate at Hogwarts, he..."

Fudge's voice was interrupted by Percy's wild laugh.

He laughed so madly and so joyfully that his entire face was distorted.

Harry and McGonagall stared at him dissatisfied, and just as they wanted to scold them, Umbridge beside them also laughed.

Finally, it was Fudge.

The three fell into the ruins and laughed constantly.

Their laughter was harsher than each, and Harry covered his ears in pain.

But for some reason, Harry always felt that Fudge's laughter looked strange compared to others.

It feels like laughing, rather than crying——