The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 524: Harvest (middle)

"Although my starting point is good, I still encountered various difficulties during the implementation."

Link said, "Among them, Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall generally believe that I want to open a factory on campus is a good thing that can benefit both students and the school. The only thing worth noting is that my factory must be supervised. , In order to prevent certain squeezers from happening.

I accept this idea.

After all, I also understand the truth of utterance, and at the same time, I also trust Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

These two elders have used time and facts to prove their noble character.

What I didn't expect was that when the factory officially started investing, I ushered in another huge nightmare!

This nightmare is Principal Umbridge who is standing on the main podium now! "

When Link fell, the audience was in an uproar.

A large number of students who have been blessed by the factory have been mobilized by Link at this moment. It can be said that they are irrational, and they can't wait to rush to Umbridge now and give an old punch to Umbridge.

Link did not suppress everyone's emotions this time, but continued:

"Maybe someone has noticed. The name of the factory I founded is made up of the initials of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts.

Not only that, but Umbridge, who has the background of both the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, is also the supervisory professor of the factory.

Ah, the expressions of some people have changed.

You should also understand, right? What do I mean by nightmares?

That's right! This nightmare is that when Umbridge served as a factory supervision professor, he continued to embezzle employees’ salaries under the threat of keeping the factory open, and extorted factory managers and actual investors, that is, myself. And blackmail! "

"You bullshit!"

Umbridge finally couldn't help hearing this.

She put her magic wand against her throat, and screamed angrily with a loud curse, "How could I do such a thing? You are the slander of Chi Guoguo! If you have a seed, please show me the evidence!"

Umbridge's voice, amplified countless times, echoed in the auditorium.

This time she finally caught Link's attention.

I saw Link sneered and turned his head to look at her and said:

"Do you want proof? That's fine, I'll give you proof!"

As Link spoke, he took out an alchemy item the size of a palm from his pocket.

As Link pressed the button above, it was clear that there was a recording of every time Umbridge and John conducted a ‘transaction’.

These recordings were all recorded by John under the direction of Link.

From the beginning of the factory to the present, 15 times have been missed.

Of course, the recordings that are being played now are all edited.

This directly led to Umbridge being very old and cunning at the trading scene to create an image of John's hard fortress, but it sounds like Umbridge is forcibly in the general scene.

Umbridge's face was already pale.

She really didn't expect Link to be so cunning that she had already begun calculating her at the beginning of last semester.

However, this is not all.

When the recording about Umbridge was only halfway through, Link said again:

"As of now, Dolores Jan Umbridge, a professor of factory supervision, has accumulatively demanded fifteen bribes from the factory management represented by me, and the total amount has exceeded 100,000 gold gallons!

This not only includes all the profits made by the factory since its inception, but also includes donations to Hogwarts by other external philanthropists headed by the Foley family!

According to the original plan, I won't take the money.

I will spend all this money on improving the wages of factory workers, the bonus system and the improvement of the labor environment.

However, all the money fell into Umbridge's pocket. "

Link stretched his hand to Umbridge, and suddenly raised his voice:

"Just this kind of rubbish, is it worthy to be the principal of Hogwarts?!"

"Not worthy!"

"Umbridge step down!"

"Damn old toad go to death!"


After Link finished speaking, the yelling at Umbridge in the whole hall immediately became a continuous one.

That's one hundred thousand gold gallons!

In the family of ordinary wizards, this is a wealth that can't be earned in a lifetime!

Ron's eyes were already red at this time.

He scolded a few times with the army, and then said to Harry and Hermione beside him with great excitement:

"I'll just say why John, the manager of the factory, has already said several times that salary increases and bonuses should be paid. But instead of rising, our wages have dropped a bit compared to the factory at the beginning! His feelings are so full of emotions. I swallowed this fat toad!"

The words Harry and Hermione didn't go often. The factory workers didn't respond much.

The few Ron's co-workers on the side resonated strongly.

One of the short boys said angrily:

"At the beginning, I thought that the factory should cut wages. After all, if you pay such a high wage, Lord Foley won't make any money at all! It turns out that there is such an inside story!"

"Yeah! Umbridge is simply not a human being!"

"She even dared to swallow the money of poor students!"

Harry and Hermione stood in the crowd in a daze.

Although driven by the people around, their emotions are also a little excited.

But they are still at a loss.

And what is different from them is.

The two brothers, George and Fred, listened to the excitement and scolding around them, and immediately glanced at each other.

"George, is it time?"

"Of course! My dear brother! There is no more time to wait at this time!"

As soon as George finished speaking, the two brothers looked at each other and laughed. Then they took out a thick tube with great tacit understanding and yelled at Umbridge on the stage:

"Umbridge, meowing!" *2


Two **** of fireworks spouted from the ‘pipe’ held by George and Fred.

The fireworks rose in the wind, and instantly transformed into two huge fire dragon heads composed entirely of colorful fireworks, flying towards Umbridge with the crackling sound of explosions!

"God! They attacked! Stop them!"

This sudden scene finally detonated Umbridge's already highly nervous nerves.

While screaming, she started rushing towards the staff seat.

She knew very well that the target of these people was only her, so she would inevitably be wary of hurting other professors by mistake.

This means that as long as she can return to the seat of faculty and staff, then she is safe!

I have to say that Umbridge is still very witty.

It's a pity, how could Link let her get out of punishment so easily?

Just a few steps after she ran out, Link ambushed several members of the inspection team beforehand. The members had already quietly raised their wands.


Suddenly Umbridge stepped on his right foot and fell heavily to the ground.

The severe pain was so painful that she couldn't get up for a long time.

At the same time, the inspectors who stood in the front were also stimulated by the voice of these two fire dragons and Umbridge.

Under intense fear, some of them instinctively waved their magic wands!

Accompanied by the sound of the wind breaking, several scarlet spells were shot out violently. First they passed through two Weasley magical fireworks that were in fact non-destructive without any hindrance, and then a few lines were drawn in the air. The graceful arc fell into the crowd below.

The few unlucky students were blown out immediately by the powerful impact, and they overwhelmed a large group of people.

This sudden scene completely detonated the crowd's emotions.

"Dogday! Umbridge's lackeys are beating people!"

"They even beat women!"

"my girlfriend……"


Countless people took out their magic wands in anger. They spit out all kinds of foul language, but in the end, they were unified into the strongest sentence completed-the Umbridge of Gan Ta Meow!

The battle is on the verge!

Countless colorful spells constantly shuttle from the crowd.

But Link and his army are at the forefront!

Almost all the inspectors regarded them as targets of fire.

But under the attack of a large number of spells, Link came out of a leisurely stroll.

He just waved his wand casually, blocking any curse that hit him or even the classmates behind him.

Then, stroll forward and approach!

And every time he took a step forward, the inspectors who stood in front of him would take a step back.

This scene made countless ordinary students like Ron excited!

Seeing these students constantly throwing various spells under his protection and knocking down one after another of the inspectors, Link shook his head in disgust.

In addition to this battle to oust Umbridge, Link still had the idea of ​​letting the army train.

That's why he didn't use a lethal spell while still helping the army block most of the spells that came.

In fact, he knew very well that even though he had been training for half a year, the quality of the army was still very poor.

This kind of mob can only fight the wind.

It's just that the combat performance of these ordinary troops turned out to be worse than he expected!

Contrast has long been governed by Beckman. Durmstrang and Hogwarts, who use the same teaching materials, can only describe the performance of ordinary soldiers with spicy eyes!

"This is caused by too loose management!"

Link only thought for a moment, and then reached a conclusion to Cedric and others, "After all the dust settles, the training intensity of these people must be strengthened. This is really... too shameful!"

"Of course, you are the boss. Everything naturally follows your idea." Cedric nodded nonchalantly, and then pointed his finger in the direction of the faculty seat. "But Link, the professors seem to be Can't sit still, what should I do now?"

Link turned his head and looked, and he saw that Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who had seemed quite at ease, had stood up with serious expressions at this moment.

The two of them looked at each other, then drew out their wands together.

Obviously, the current development of the situation in the auditorium has exceeded their tolerance limits.

However, apart from the two of them, the other professors still didn't have any intention to shoot.

This is also normal.

After all, with the exception of the deans of the four major colleges, ordinary professors did not have the courage and strength to participate in this ‘multi-player combat’.

But Professor Sprout had already been greeted by Link and Cedric in advance.

As for Snape.

After experiencing the things before, Link felt that he didn't make a move entirely because he was still making other ideas.


As Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick waved their wands, a huge tornado whirled in front of them and rushed towards the students in the auditorium.

This variant of the magic spell of the reborn spinning wind sweeping was decided after careful consideration by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick.

According to their expectations, this tornado will continue to expand under the magic of the two of them, and finally suppress the magic wands in everyone's hands in a very short period of time, as well as themselves, so as to stop this quickly and steadily. There was a **** conflict.

Seeing this, Link just smiled slightly and shook his head:

"Our professors have been in school for too long. For a long time, they have lost their vigilance and common sense. You must know that not everyone in this world is as kind as the students on campus. With such a small degree of resistance, how could it be possible to overthrow a character like Umbridge?"

After saying this, Link gently shook his wand, and an invisible blade shot out with a strong sound of breaking wind.

The invisible blade plunged straight into the tornado that was gradually advancing, and then exploded violently, turning into countless tiny magic blades.

Under the cutting of these magic blades composed of cursed power, the originally stable magic structure in the tornado was quickly destroyed, and the entire tornado collapsed instantly, exploding into tiny magical light and dust, flying over the auditorium.

The faces of Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick changed drastically in an instant.

They all turned to look at Link, but the latter just smiled and saluted them.

"Is this kid already strong enough to be able to teach the two of us alone?!"

Professor Flitwick said in surprise.

Professor McGonagall, with his lips pressed tightly, shook his head and said:

"Link's strength is indeed comparable to those of us Hogwarts chief professors, but it is not as exaggerated as you said.

If he really wants to fight with all his strength, he will certainly not be able to deal with our two professors alone.


Professor McGonagall did not go on, but put away the wand with a heavy expression, turned his head and said to Madam Pomfrey:

"Poppy, is your potion reserve still enough? I'm afraid the infirmary will be overcrowded in a while."

Hearing that Mrs. Pomfrey's face was full of astonishment.

She didn't understand why two professors could not stop this dispute.

At the same time, Link's smile became even brighter when he saw it.


As Professor McGonagall said, he really needs to fight with all his strength. Under normal conditions, he really can't beat the two main professors together.

Especially one of them is Professor Flivy who has won the International Wizarding Duel Championship.

But, as professors, would Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick really be willing to punish their students?

The answer is, of course, If Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick really dare not care about the lives of the students around them and do their best to deal with Link, then they are not themselves.

Therefore, Link's victory is inevitable!

Just as Link was thinking about it, there was a deafening cheer around him.

After reacting, Link took a closer look and found that the inspection team that had originally blocked them had all been disintegrated.

The angry students had already rushed into the position of the inspectors and surrounded Umbridge.

"Kill this vampire!"

At first, everyone was able to exercise restraint.

But after not knowing who screamed, the students who had already killed the red eyes rushed towards the frightened Umbridge.