The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 529: The end of the betrayer

Hermione waited patiently for the little boy to clean up all the nearby area, then pulled the little boy over and wiped his sweat with a handkerchief.

It wasn't until the boy's sloppy face was completely cleaned up that he smiled and said:

"You did a great job, Hufflepuff adds five points!"

After the words were over, there was a sharp clash of gems in the gem hourglass in the far hall.

The little boy left happily.

Ron couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Hermione very angrily:

"Crazy! I think you are crazy! You actually gave the Hufflepuff kid extra points! Don't you know that he does this job with points and rewards?"

Harry also quietly looked at Hermione.

He knew that Ron was right at all.

As the price of letting the younger students share part of the Hogwarts labor, Link gave some points and monetary subsidies to these positions.

Although this subsidy is not high, it can barely be considered a tasteless if it is dead.

But this is also the case, to avoid the situation of high-grade students participating in the competition in this industry, and effectively let this subsidy come to the pockets of the lower-grade students smoothly, so that they can also earn some college points and earn some points. Money to buy snacks or something.

So in principle, Hermione's approach is simply irrational.

It's a pity that Hermione just nodded nonchalantly after hearing this:

"Yes, of course I know, but I just like to help those who pay for Hogwarts. If you also help sweeping the floor and cleaning up, I can also give you extra points. Even if I give my own college extra points. The behavior is a bit shameful, but I promise that no one can tell what is wrong with this type of thing."

Ron was almost laughing angrily.

Of course, he can't go with the younger students to grab those semi-volunteer jobs that are not profitable. It is too late for him to go to class every day.

So he simply pulled Hermione directly to the bottom of the jeweled hourglass in the hall, and pointed to the hourglass above and said:

"Look at us, we are about to be overtaken by Ravenclaw and Slytherin! These two are forgotten, but the problem is that now even Hufflepuff and Hufflepuff are already catching up with us! This caused this. The culprit of everything is that there are too many'kind' people like you!"

As soon as these words came out, Harry and Hermione both instinctively looked in the direction of the gem hourglass.

In fact, there are not many gem stocks in the four gemstone hourglasses that represent the four major colleges.

This is entirely because the previous college points were used arbitrarily by the Umbridge inspection team due to the right of rewards and punishments, which caused the college points to lose their meaning. Therefore, Link's committee simply gave a new wave of reset results after coming to power.

Harry was actually quite grateful to Link in this regard.

Because he once again made the Academy Cup system meaningful.

What's more, because George and Fred won the talent contest with their amazing fireworks display that day, Gryffindor also won an extra 50 points, which is equivalent to temporarily leading all the colleges by a big margin. .

It's a pity that now this advantage, as Ron said, has been drawn closer and closer.

Contrary to the mentality that Harry found to be a pity, Hermione didn't care about Ron's accusation, still repeating what she had said before.

Ron took a deep breath, before turning back and saying:

"If that's the case, then you should work harder and go to class to help earn those five points! Anyway, you gave the five points. It makes sense to earn them back, isn't it?"

"I'm going to earn it? Are you trying to calculate the score with me? Then I will do the calculation with you!" Hermione said viciously. He can earn back nearly twenty points every day!

And what about you guys?

Instead of earning college points, you and Harry get into trouble every day!

The total number of college points that Gryffindor College has been deducted because of you over the years has almost exceeded four digits!

You still have the face to talk about me now? "

As soon as this remark came out, Ron was completely speechless.

Watching a pale face turn red quickly, Harry sighed.

He understood that it was time for him to make the paste again.

Every time the two quarreled, it was such a process, and he was already getting bored.

However, he had just conceived the language, and when he was about to take action, he saw that Ron and Hermione had both stopped talking and quietly looked towards the direction of the stairs.

The faces of the two of them that had become a little blushing because of the quarrel instantly cooled down, and there was a strong contempt and hatred in their eyes.

Harry followed their gazes a little puzzled.

But the next moment, his expression and eyes also became the same as Ron Hermione.

Not only them, but the students who had been jubilant in the auditorium were also silent at this moment.

Everyone stared fiercely at the figures who were slowly walking into the auditorium from the hall.

Because these people who wore heavy winter school robes with black cloth on their faces were the ones who had previously leaked DA military information to Umbridge, which led to the betrayal of Dumbledore being driven away. By.

Their faces have actually improved a bit under Lin Ke's difficult treatment, and it is estimated that they will be able to recover in the end.

But although the wounds on their faces can be healed, the wounds in their hearts are not so easy to heal.

What they did after Umbridge was driven away made them the object of being cast aside by the teachers and students of the school.

Similar to their situation are those inspectors who have taken refuge in Umbridge.

But the actual treatment of the two is very different.

Although the former inspectors also did wrong things.

But after all, they are only acting out of interest, and what they have done is not too serious against morality, and it is still within the scope of everyone's understanding.

So when everyone meets them every day, they will at most mock them or say a few cool words.

Even if they are willing to work hard to reform, re-behave, and sign a special contract to join the D.A. Army, everyone is willing to accept them again.

Those betrayers are different.

From that perspective, betrayal is the most intolerable crime in human history.

This is the same in Hogwarts now.

No matter where they go, these betrayers will be ruthlessly scorned and spurned by people around them like mice crossing the street.

As a result, the family still has a little money, or all the students who have access to the school have transferred and left Hogwarts.

The remaining betrayers who have nowhere to go can only hide their faces and completely live themselves into ghost-like existences-except for eating, sleeping and going to class every day, they basically hide in a certain one. Weeping in the dark little corner like a resentment.

After these people had finished their breakfast and left as if they had fled, the whole auditorium resumed its previous liveliness. Valley

While discussing the previous topic, everyone instructed the few junior students nearby to clean up all the places that had just been touched by the betrayers, so as not to be contaminated by the stench of the betrayers.

Of course, such instructions are not free.

Often after the students in the lower grades have completed their tasks, the senior students who gave instructions will ask their prefect to help those students in the lower grades add some points.

To a large extent, Hufflepuff College scores are obtained in this way.

Their students are very hardworking and willing to work, and whoever sees them will give them points like Hermione.

After accumulating in this way, Hufflepuff College's score can finally be comparable to the other three colleges.

Finally, after looking at the lively auditorium, Hermione turned her head and said:

"It's almost time, let's go to D.A. Army's morning class."

Ron was obviously still a little angry at Hermione, he mumbled a few times when he heard the words, then turned his head to look at Harry and said:

"Harry, do you still have to go to the responsive room this time and ask Link to cook for you?"

"What is a small stove? What you said is too ugly!" Hermione retorted, "Link is willing to teach Harry Occidental Cerebral himself to treat Harry's headaches, and does not mean to favor Harry!"

Ron hurriedly raised his hands to surrender after hearing this:

"Calm down, Hermione, I didn't mean to say anything bad about Link. I was just a little sad because Harry was going to class alone! I believe Harry is like this too. Right?"

Harry nodded lonely.

If he could, he really wanted to go to D.A. Army's morning reading with Ron and Hermione.

This is not just the friendship between friends, but also because Ron and Hermione's grades have increased with him thanks to the early reading of D.A. Army, which made him feel uneasy.

It is a pity that Occlumency is a threshold that he will never be able to cross.

Even Dumbledore told him to learn Occlumency as soon as possible before he left. How could he give up?

And since Umbridge was driven away, he feels that his Occidental Cerebral skills are improving rapidly.

It is an obvious sign that I have not had any headaches or nightmares for so many days.

Harry felt that he might be able to master Occlumency completely and return to a normal student life soon.

Thinking of this, Harry's heart was filled with power again.

He smiled and said goodbye to Hermione Ron, and then walked up the stairs to the responsive room alone.

However, he had just walked out a few steps, and a sharp pain like a needle **** came out of his mind.

Harry's eyes went dark and he fell down on the stairs.

In the midst of confusion, he could feel a gentle flow of liquid coming out of his nose, all over the place.

The exclamations of Hermione and Ron also sounded at the right time, but the voices were getting further and further away from him.

In the end, as a series of dark and cold images began to flash for no reason, Harry finally fainted.


12 Grimmauld Place, Order of the Phoenix stronghold.

Dumbledore was leaning on the kitchen table, reading a letter with a Hogwarts H badge with great interest.

This letter is from Professor McGonagall.

Since he left Hogwarts, McGonagall will write to him on average every half day.

This frequency is actually problematic.

Because they had agreed that one letter a week would be enough.

Only in the days when Link overthrew Umbridge, Professor McGonagall hysterically wrote a lot of letters to him at once, which raised the frequency to such a terrifying height.

However, it was also officially with these letters that Dumbledore learned in detail about the entire process of Link's harvesting of Umbridge and the current changes in Hogwarts.

The only problem is that Professor McGonagall finally has not received the professional training of the Auror department, and cannot report the situation completely from an objective perspective.

In her letter, she will often carry some subjective private goods.

Sometimes the whole letter even contains most of the content of her personal complaints and complaints.

The writing is almost the same as that of a young couple in love.

For example, in the letter that Dumbledore is currently reading, Professor McGonagall not only reported on the amazing results of the DA Army’s morning and evening readings, but also privately took out books in the restricted area for DA members to consult. Expressed his dissatisfaction and worry.

Fortunately, Dumbledore has read too many reports of this type.

This cultivated his reading ability and gave him the ability to discriminate information.

It is precisely because of this that even if the concentration of negative energy in Professor McGonagall's letters is relatively high, he can still read haha ​​directly.

"It looks like you are in a good mood." Moody limped into the and took a piece of poached egg from the plate in front of Dumbledore and put it in his mouth. "After all, Some people were kicked out of Hogwarts, and even the headmaster's position was taken away."

In the face of Moody's somewhat malicious ridicule, Dumbledore's pleasant mood was not affected.

He happily put down the letter, carefully put it back in the envelope, and then said with a smile:

"I was not expelled from Hogwarts, nor was Link taken away from me as the principal. In fact, Hogwarts currently implements the three-different committee system."

"What's the difference?" Moody said disdainfully, "From the information we have now, the guy named Percy is at all Link's doglegs placed in the Ministry of Magic, and Cedric's student council president Not to mention. Link is now the actual controller of Hogwarts!"

Dumbledore shook his head and continued smiling:

"But he did a good job, didn't he?

Especially the words that Link said to everyone on the day Umbridge was driven away, it was really great!

The Hogwarts system is indeed too old, and it is time for some changes.

Although the consequences of this change are completely unknown, and even negative.

But that is better than doing nothing and waiting for the whole system to rot. "

Moody did not continue to say anything, but quietly stared at Dumbledore.

He knew very well that Dumbledore had already made a conclusion and decision about the Hogwarts matter. No matter what he said, Dumbledore would not change his mind.

He puffed up his mouth and said helplessly:

"Well then, let's change the subject and talk about the Department of Mysteries. What do you think?"