The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 551: Lost one?

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Emily called Link's name, and instinctively wanted to chase it.

But Old Kled stretched out his hand and held her arm tightly.

Emily looked cold, and drew her wand to fight back.

But Old Klie was faster than Emily, and took the magic wand in Emily's hand with a tap of his finger.

"Master asked you to leave soon."

Old Kled said with red eyes.

Despite Emily's opposition, she carried Emily and ran away with the help of a few house elves.

At the same time, the rest of the hunter group's position also started fighting again.

This is the moment when their self-confidence is bursting.

Link, the hunting group master, asked them to fire cover, then they would attack with all their strength!

They don't care about Voldemort's reinforcements!

In their thinking at the moment, if they can defeat Voldemort once, they can defeat a second time!

Fighting broke out in the entire memory hall.

Under the cover of numerous spells, Link in the fog armor rushed forward into the darkness!

However, after he really entered the darkness, Link felt the horror of the darkness in front of him.

With that powerful swallowing ability, even the fog armor wrapped around Link felt faintly being pulled.

Not to mention the spells used by the hunters to cover Link.

As soon as he entered the range of darkness, he repeated the previous mistakes and was instantly swallowed by the boundless darkness!

For a while, the torrent of the originally bright spells died down in an instant.

As for Link, who exuded a faint light, went upstream along the dark torrent, and continued to rush away.

Above the military position in the distance, Hermione was already crying anxiously.

Harry, Ron and others even ignored Moody's order to make them retreat, reorganized their manpower, and cast spells like the hunter regiment.

It's just...their curse power doesn't even have half of the hunter group, it's just a futile effort.

Looking at all of this, Sirius, who was at the forefront, had cold hands and feet, and his eyes were cracked.

So many people gave their lives for this battle, but in the end, is there still no way to eliminate Voldemort?

He can't accept this result!


Sirius turned around and roared towards the corner where they were speaking, "Are you shameless old thing really going to die!?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the people around Lu Ping looked at him.

Sirius has always been the person who respected Dumbledore the most.

But right now, he scolded so badly.

What they didn't expect was that Sirius' roar was like a signal.

Only after a while, they were protected behind them. The soldiers also called Dumbledore's name under the leadership of George and Fred.

Under these shouts and calls, a deep sigh suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the fire suddenly appeared!


The clear phoenix sound resounded through the entire memory hall.

In the melody of the song of courage, Dumbledore finally appeared wrapped in the fire of the phoenix.

The swaying firelight passed through the army position, gathered with Link, and launched another charge against the darkness!

With the help of the Phoenix Fire, the darkness that had originally entangled Link finally dissipated.

A dazzling white light burst out above Link's fog armor.

This red and white two rays of light converge together, just like the first sunlight at dawn, the rule of the pierced darkness, and the courage that it brings to people in the dark!

"Principal Dumbledore?" Link looked at Dumbledore, who was surrounded by Phoenix fire with the help of Phoenix Fox, and said with a smile, "I thought you wouldn't be here?"

Facing Link's teasing, Dumbledore shook his head with a wry smile, before looking at the darkness ahead and saying:

"Link, remember the group of people who raided Hogwarts during the Goblet of Fire to cover and rescue Voldemort?"

Hearing this, Link suddenly smiled, frowned and said:

"You mean, this time they are also doing the ghost!"

"Who else besides them?" Dumbledore said with some emotion, "but compared to last time, their power is much stronger, this kind of speed increase is really..."

Before Dumbledore could speak, Link interrupted:

"But I have become stronger too, haven't I? This time, I can't let them save people as easily as that!"

Dumbledore was stunned by Link's words. He stared at Link for a moment before he smiled:

"Ah, yes, this time we are different from last time."

The two smiled at each other, and the light enveloping them was also brilliant, leading them to the depths of the darkness like a comet!

Under the shining light, Voldemort's figure finally appeared in front of everyone again.

He also seemed to perceive the danger coming, and raised his destroyed eyes.

It's just that on his face, there is no trace of dying fear or panic.

Yes, it's just endless ridicule.

The smile just passed away in a flash.

Because in the next moment, the darkness that had been dispelled by the light actually reunited.

They wrapped Voldemort in the darkness again, and gradually condensed into a human-shaped black shadow in front of him.

"He's showing up!" Dumbledore shouted, raising his wand, "Link, it's now!"

As soon as Dumbledore's voice fell, a bucket of golden lightning gushed out!

Link moved faster than Dumbledore.

As early as the moment Dumbledore had just spoken, the fog armor wrapped around his body had been stripped out, turned into a steam explosion and flew towards the shadow man.

In the face of Link and Dumbledore's combined attack, the Sombra slowly raised his arm.

The surrounding darkness and shadows seemed to have been given life, and began to gather in the palm of the black shadow man like crazy.

This dense darkness was continuously distorted, gradually forming a black shield wall.

The next moment, the steam bomb and the golden lightning hit the shield wall at almost the same time.

The steam bomb exploded suddenly!

Massive high-temperature steam spewed out under the huge pressure inside, directly engulfing the Sombra and Voldemort, who was protected by the darkness behind him!

And Dumbledore's golden lightning miraculously blended into the high-temperature steam rising into the sky.

They turned into countless golden electric currents, constantly surging in the thick fog.

It was with the assistance of these electric currents that the dark shield wall instantly collapsed!

Not only that.

The shadow man behind him supporting the inky black shield wall obviously did not expect Link and Dumbledore's joint attack to have such a wonderful reaction.

Under Link and Dumbledore's dual offensive, the darkness on his body gradually receded, revealing a thin figure and a twisted young man's face.

Without the protection of the mysterious darkness, the ultra-high temperature of the golden electric current and hot steam directly acted on the black shadow man.

The hair on its body surface is directly wiped off first.

Immediately afterwards, the skin began to die rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The inhuman screams began to come from the young man's mouth.

The man screamed, his backhand actually drew out a dagger inlaid with emeralds, and the thick golden mist that struck toward the front was a chisel!

An incomprehensible scene appeared.

Accompanied by the young man's movements, the green awning stone on the handle of the dagger turned out to be a masterpiece of light.

With the green light shining, Link and Dumbledore's attack was suddenly repelled.

This sudden change made Link slightly stunned.

Because the dark shadow man in front of him was gathered from darkness, Link originally thought it was something similar to a clone.

But he didn't expect that under that pure and strange darkness, there was actually a human being with a real physical body hidden.

And...what the **** is that dagger?

Judging from the effect of the opponent's use, the man in front of him seems to be using that dagger as a magic wand?


Dumbledore let out a sudden shout, awakening Link from his brief sluggishness.

The next moment, the elderberry wand in Dumbledore's hand lightly waved, and a gust of wind burst.

The pale golden hot steam, which was all condensed around the young man in order to achieve the greatest damage, directly cut out most of it and was blown into the sky.

At this moment, because of Lin Ke's previous steam explosion, large swaths of water vapor had already condensed in the memory hall.

Looking at this scene, Link nodded thoughtfully.

He used the power to control the water, and the water vapor that controlled the ground quickly lifted into the sky, gathering with the pale golden thunder fog.

Between the tossing of the two, they merged into a large thundercloud.

The young man who was still resisting Dumbledore's attack seemed to be aware of it and glanced up, his expression turned ugly, and the muscles in the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

The dagger in his hand was dancing frantically.

The green light and the mysterious darkness kept surging, as if eager to break away from Dumbledore's entanglement.

However, it was too late.

Boom boom boom -

With bursts of muffled sound from the golden thunder clouds above the memory hall, the golden current inside it became more and more intense, and even the hairs of many people in the memory hall had been electromagnetically connected and erected. Up.

"It's now! Lei Yin!"

Link roared and swung down the wand in his hand.

At the same time, there was also a thick thunder pillar condensed from the thundercloud above the memory hall!

This golden thunder pillar is essentially different from the blood thunder that Link had encountered before.

Of the two, Voldemort should have worked hard to pursue the ultimate destructive power when designing these blood thunder spells.

Therefore, the blood thunder is actually based on the power of the curse as the main body, and the rest of the messy magic and negative emotional energy converge.

As a result, this blood mine possesses the unique super-destructive, incurable, and corrosive characteristics of the power of the curse, as well as extremely strong shield-breaking ability and speed.

But the golden lightning that Link used with Dumbledore's assistance at the moment was purely composed of Dumbledore's positive magic power.

Its magical power is somewhat similar to the patron saint curse, but it is more inclined to attack.

Of course, it is said that it is more inclined to attack, but this is also relative.

Compared with Voldemort's **** thunder and lightning, the pure lethality of this golden lightning was obviously weaker than that.

However, due to its magical properties, this golden lightning possesses a characteristic that blood thunder does not have.

That is the power of curses, to be precise, the super powerful ability to destroy black magic!


The golden thunder pillar directly bombarded the young man.

Bathed in the golden electric light, the darkness and emerald green light surrounding that person's original brilliant masterpiece dissipated in an instant, and even the body of the young man gradually turned into decay in a burst of flowing black smoke.

But unexpectedly, this time the young man did not scream like the last time.

In the thunder, he just stared at Link and Dumbledore coldly.

He snapped up the dagger in his hand and slashed it on his other arm.


The arm fell!

The bright blood spewed out like a ruby.

The blood seems to have some kind of magical power.

Under the control of the young man, they actually formed a blood-colored light curtain, temporarily isolating all the golden thunder light around them.

Taking advantage of this short gap, the young man stretched out his only hand and grabbed Voldemort, who was slowly wriggling under his feet.

The next moment, amidst the rippling blood, the young man and Voldemort quietly disappeared into the memory hall.

Without them as a deterrent, the thick golden thunder pillar finally bombarded the ground, smashing a lava pit up to tens of meters deep on the alloy floor of the memory hall!

"How is this possible?!" Link roared with red eyes, "This is a space restriction made up of mysterious things! There shouldn't be a curse in this world that can break through even this restriction!"

Link was somewhat unable to accept the immediate results.

They have done so much preparation for this operation.

The Auror troops won't say anything.

After this battle, more than half of the rookie Auror was directly lost.

The hunter group also suffered heavy losses. Not only did nearly half of the elite hunters win the prize, they also sacrificed nearly ten!

After paying such a price, Voldemort was saved by someone at the last minute?

Link was almost irrational in his anger.

He stared at him with a pair of bright red eyes and looked around, but finally fell on Dumbledore.

Ah yes.

Could all this be Dumbledore's fault?

Link couldn't help thinking about Link was also aware of Dumbledore's prophetic plan.

In this view, Dumbledore's suspicion would be too great!

Could it be that Dumbledore deliberately released the water for his plan to proceed smoothly?

You know, he hadn't participated in the war before.

Sit and watch so many people die!

As soon as this idea appeared, Link's brain expanded wildly.

This made his face become hideous, and the ebony wand in his hand seemed to feel the anger of his master, and began to burst with more and more dazzling light.

At this time, Dumbledore just looked at Link blankly.

There was a complicated light gleaming in those pale brown eyes, which seemed to be pitying, but also pitying.

This made Link's anger even stronger.

He raised the wand in his hand slightly, ready to question Dumbledore.

If Dumbledore can't give him a satisfactory and reasonable answer.

Then he didn't mind having another fight with Dumbledore.

Anyway, the Auror had already been subdued by Barty and Percy.

Even if he meets Dumbledore, he is not afraid!

But before he could speak, Link's Yuguang unexpectedly discovered that the severed arm that was cut off by the mysterious black shadow man himself seemed to have come to life, and flew towards him by himself.

Link instinctively waved his magic wand.

The erupting torrent of magic power was about to explode, becoming a blood mist in the sky.

However, this still failed to stop them.

The blood mist actually penetrated the magic torrent directly, drilling through every pore on Link's body!

Unimaginable pain came from all over his body, and Link only felt that his eyes went dark, and he fell down.

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