The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 566: Dumbledore: Do sparring, I'm a professio

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Link held his wand to his chest.

Seeing this, Dumbledore smiled knowingly and did the same.

The two then waved their sticks, bowed to each other, and then slowly stepped back.

After completing this set of standard wizard duel rituals, Link himself couldn't help laughing.

As Dumbledore, it would be too much of a face to be able to cooperate with him in such a middle-of-the-table action.

But after laughing, seeing that Dumbledore had no intention of making a move, Link was the first to turn his wand.

The majestic power of the curse spewed out from the tip of the ebony wand, turned into two invisible blades, and attacked Dumbledore.

The blade was wrapped in a violent air-breaking sound, so powerful that even the air was cut with obvious traces.

Such power was already 80% of Link's power output in normal state not long ago.

But now this is just a simple test.

This was one of the changes brought to Link after the increase in the total amount of mana.

The huge amount of magic power not only improved Link's continuous combat ability, but also made the magic power circuit in Link's body adapt to a larger amount of magic power shock, and could release more magic power at one time.

Dumbledore apparently also has a method similar to Link's Super Sense Charm that can observe the magical changes in Link's body.

I saw his wand waved twice at random, knocked the two invisible blades into the air, and said:

"It's incredible. The magic power in your body has risen by nearly half in just a few days. What's more exaggerated is that you have adapted to this huge change. How did you do it?"

The corners of Link's mouth rose slightly, and instead of answering Dumbledore's question directly, he twirled his wand and said:

"When asking this question, I think it's better for you to pay more attention to your own safety. My Shenfeng Shadowless Spell is not the same as ordinary ones."

Hearing this, Dumbledore raised his brows.

He quickly understood what Link meant.

Because the two invisible blades that had been knocked flying before turned a big bend in the air and flew towards him again.

"Perfect magic control, your attainments in the God's Edge Shadowless Curse are even more superb than Severus, the creator of the spell!"

Dumbledore raised his wand in admiration.

And this time, instead of using the dazzling anti-curse technique, he simply burst out with a golden magic power.

The vast golden magic power is like a curtain wall, and in an instant, the invisible blade that hit it was completely crushed into magic light dust.

Link saluted Dumbledore again as a response to his previous praise, and then said with a smile:

"Then, the warm-up is officially over. Next, please be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, a faint green light beam spewed out directly from the tip of Link's staff.

Dumbledore frowned.

What Link released in front of him was undoubtedly a life-threatening curse.

However, there was no chanting, no wand swinging, no charging, not even the unavoidable flicker of light in the release!

This is no longer as simple as a simple silent and wandless spell.

Instead, it completely tampered with the release rules of the Life Suffering Curse, and optimized its underlying logic to make it more hidden and dangerous!

So what about power?


The golden curtain wall in front of Dumbledore was instantly penetrated!

The green awn continued to fly towards Dumbledore unabated.

Dumbledore quickly raised his wand, and another layer of pale golden energy shield was erected by it.

But perhaps because of hasty preparations, the area of ​​this shield was significantly smaller than the previous curtain wall, more like the round shields used by Roman warriors.

But small is small, but according to Link's observation of the super-sensation spell.

The magic power of this pale golden round shield is almost twice that of the previous curtain wall!

But so what?


Link chuckled lightly, his empty left hand suddenly clenched.

Then a scene that surprised Dumbledore happened.

The dark green light beam, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, suddenly shrank several times during the flight, from the thickness of the original wrist to the thinness of chopsticks, and the light became deeper. .

The pale golden round shield was not as good as the previous curtain wall, as if it were a thin piece of paper, it was penetrated in an instant.


In the end, a more powerful and amazing magic wave erupted from Dumbledore, and this strange life-suppressing spell was successfully eliminated.

This sudden outbreak of defense can be said to be the most helpless emergency choice.

Because it will cause some damage to the user's magic power circuit, resulting in a bit of difficulty in the subsequent magic power operation.

Although this does not have much effect on the legendary wizard.

But being able to use this trick definitely means that Dumbledore has been forced to a certain extent.

Dumbledore looked at Link, who was standing with his hands behind his back instead of chasing in the distance, and nodded slightly.

There were earlier questions about him, and the answers were now clear.

Link's optimization of the underlying logic of the Death Sutra is comprehensive.

The life-suppressing spell released by Link at the moment is far superior to the original version in terms of release speed, concealment and power, and Link has also strengthened its controllability by breaking the test, so that it can 'pervert' in the middle of the process. Penetration.

This is simply...


Dumbledore said involuntarily.

Hearing that, the corners of Link's mouth rose even more.

After a long period of exploration, he has actually discovered that the development direction of the high-level magic spell skills given to him by the system will be affected by his own wishes.

For example, when he initially upgraded the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse to LV6, what he lacked was a comprehensive, offensive and defensive means.

As a result, the system gave control of the power of the curse.

The same is true now.

Link's understanding of the life-threatening curse is actually very simple.

That is pure individual killing and breaking shields.

Therefore, on the basis of this concept, the life-suppressing spell upgraded to LV6 did not obtain the ability called 'Natural Devil Fruit' like Shenfeng Wuying and Continuation Spell, but the original attack form remained unchanged. The situation has been specially improved in terms of aggression.

At present, in terms of the ability of frontal attack and shield breaking alone, the Life Sucking Charm has far surpassed any other spell that Link has mastered!

This time, Dumbledore has a lot of fighting experience, and Link did not cooperate with other spells for compound release.

Otherwise, if it is another slightly weaker legendary wizard, facing the sudden attack of Link's specialization life-suppressing spell is a dead end!

"Next, it's the Fiery Fire Spell!"

As soon as Link finished speaking, a giant butterfly-shaped creature that was almost completely transparent suddenly took shape as he swung his wand.

The yo-yo, who had been hiding between Link's neck, couldn't help sticking his head out.

Because the transparent creature in front of me is so similar to it!

In fact, this thing is indeed a crouch-like monster created by Link based on a yo-yo.

And this kind of fiery creature is not only similar to the Winged Demon.

It also inherits some of the characteristics of the Winged Demon.

For example, super mobility!


A sharp blast of air suddenly sounded, and the curled-winged demon turned into a sharp fire disappeared instantly from the field of vision.

Dumbledore's expression changed, and he immediately raised his wand and became alert.

You don't need to ask more to know that this must also be a fiery spell that has optimized the underlying release logic.

Dumbledore had figured it out, and Link seemed to be particularly fond of this kind of operation.

This is the case with the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse, and this is the life-suppressing curse, and now even the Li Huo curse has been changed by him!

Not only that, but the power of the magic spell after this optimization is outrageous.

Dumbledore clearly realized that the temperature of this thing was probably higher than he thought!

‘Never let it get close! ’

Thinking of this, Dumbledore's eyes flashed a touch of gold.

With the help of this layer of golden lens, he seemed to have observed the trajectory of the Lihuo Winged Demon. With a flick of his wand, several dazzling golden lightsabers appeared out of nowhere, and inserted into the Lihuo Winged Demon. in the body.


The whining sounded suddenly.

Dumbledore glanced in Link's direction with some surprise.

Because that whine wasn't from the Lihuo Winged Demon, but from Link's side.

To be precise, it was the True Winged Demon hidden in Link's neck.

Being stared at by Dumbledore, the yo-yo was embarrassed.

It scratched its head with its claws, and shyly got back into Link's clothes.

It was just a whimper of empathy just now.

Realizing this, Link and Dumbledore were dumbfounded.

But when Dumbledore turned around, there was another dignified look in his eyes.

Because the Lihuo Winged Demon, who had been bound by him before, was now madly eating those golden lightsabers!

This is almost impossible.

What makes up those golden lightsabers is pure energy.

It's still the kind of high lethality, ordinary creatures, even energy body creatures will explode just by touching it, let alone gnawing.

But the Lihuo Winged Demon did it.

Under its gnawing, those golden lightsabers are rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, its size is getting bigger and bigger.

Until the size of the expansion reached a certain critical point, it was actually divided into two fiery curling wing demons of the same size in a twist.

Obviously, this is another ad hoc optimization.

It is indeed Lihuo's instinct to devour energy, so Dumbledore was not surprised even though Lihuo had devoured the ultra-high-intensity energy body such as the golden lightsaber before.

Because at best this means that the power level of the curse that Link uses to unleash the fiery fire is equally high.

As a result, the swallowing ability of Lihuo Winged Demon has been greatly improved.

But the splitting operation in front of him really surprised Dumbledore.

Know that greed and selfishness are biological instincts.

Especially in the low-intelligence organisms such as the flaming fire creatures that are not suppressed by the superego and the ego, the greedy and selfish id will expand infinitely.

This also created Lihuo's unrestricted devouring and body expansion, which was also one of the most terrifying places in Lihuo.

But the fiery curling wing demon in front of him did not choose to expand without limit after absorbing energy, but split?

Either this was done by Link using his mental power to forcibly control the Lihuo Winged Demon, or the Lihuo Winged Demon in front of him already possessed a quasi-super-high intelligence similar to dolphins and killer whales, so he knew how to suppress Individuals satisfy their instincts for greater benefit.

Of the two options, Dumbledore prefers the latter.

In the ensuing battle, Dumbledore's speculation was confirmed.

Because these two Fiery Curling Winged Demons actually started to perform a cross-peak attack on him!

Although this tactic is simple, it is also a tactic!

Coupled with the super high speed that is almost imperceptible to the naked eye, it is almost impossible to deal with them with precise blocking operations!

After realizing this, Dumbledore did not hesitate at all, and a huge amount of magic power spurted out instantly when the elder wand was swung.

Under this powerful magic fluctuation, the space around Dumbledore was slightly distorted.

The two fiery curling wing demons were also crushed in an instant.

And the next moment, Dumbledore also changed his previous passive defensive posture, and controlled the golden magic power in the sky to shoot towards Link like a wave!

Link was not afraid at all.

The fog armor engraved with intricate lines covered the whole body, directly facing the torrent of magic power.

Dumbledore frowned.

From his point of view, Link was clearly over the top.

Or, he was used to Voldemort's blood mine attack mode, so he felt that his attack should be similar. UU reading

But in fact, Dumbledore, who is also a senior legendary wizard, has a completely different attack method than Voldemort.

Voldemort used a crushing attack with overwhelming extreme strikes.

Dumbledore, on the other hand, prefers to use precise micro-manipulation attacks.

At first glance, Dumbledore's attack form is indeed similar to Voldemort, but in fact, every trace of magic in Dumbledore's rolling golden magic wave can be controlled by Dumbledore as he pleases, making them change in the middle. Forms numerous high-penetrating attacks similar to the previous life-threatening spells.

Link's fog armor could not be said to be incapable of resisting this kind of attack, it could only be said that it would shatter at a touch.

Shaking his head secretly, Dumbledore was ready to strike lightly for a while.

It's enough to beat Link into a minor injury, suffer a little bit, and teach him a lesson.

If Link was seriously injured, with Link's stingy personality and the fact that Link was so confident before, I'm afraid that he would be too embarrassed and angry, and he wouldn't be able to step down, right?


Dumbledore sighed deeply, feeling that it was not easy for him.

As a sparring partner, I still have to take care of the opponent's emotions, which is really professional!

Thinking so, Dumbledore silently lowered the wand in his hand.

But at the next moment, things took a new turn.

I saw that Link actually stretched out his hands during the sprint he told, and the ebony wand was crossed with his spare left hand, and then a strange smirk appeared on his face.



The air in front of Link exploded violently.

The torrent of golden magic power that swept in collapsed instantly under the purely physical explosion in Zezhong, and was blown into a cloud of light and dust.

After that, Link was castrated and disappeared, still attacking Dumbledore like a bullet.

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