The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 583: Chosen Son?

"Oh? What kind of deep fall?"

Link frowned.

"That was after Principal Maxim accepted Madero's proposal," Fleur said with a sad face, "Both Barton has completely turned into a jungle of the weak, and everyone is constantly 'fighting', just to be able to Get more resources and privileges.

Like you said earlier, this works very well.

Today, in just half a year, the grades of Beauxbatons students have nearly doubled.

But there are also a lot of people who are completely lost.

My sister, Gabriel, is one of them. "

Fleur choked, "She was in Beauxbatons, and now she has become a student at the top of the pyramid. What she does every day is not to torture herself and study hard. It is to double the hardships she endured. Violence against the students at the bottom.

Everyone is talking about how good she is, how good Gabriel is, and the bright moon that is destined to illuminate the world.

But only I know.

She is not her anymore.

No longer the cute and kind little girl she used to be.

Now she is a devil!

So please, save Gabriel from that jungle called Beauxbatons! "

When it came to the end, Furong was already sobbing and almost fainted.

The faces of Link, Dumbledore and others were strange and complicated.

Before listening to Fleur's narration, what they had guessed was that Gabriel had suffered a crushing defeat in Beauxbaton's fierce competition of the jungle.

Become a enslaved existence by other high-level students and suffer from bullying.

Therefore, Furong wants to rescue it.

This is also more in line with everyone's impression of Gabriel.

Gabrielle was originally the kind of weak, cute little girl.

But he never thought that the current Gabriel would actually be transformed into a bully who ran rampant on the campus?

The contrast is so strong.

Emily didn't understand this in particular.

She herself was born in a Slytherin court. In her opinion, it is a good thing that Gabriel can become stronger. What's so unhappy about Furong?

Could it be that she felt that her younger sister was doing better than she was, so she was jealous?

This is quite possible.

Sometimes the feelings between women are so strange.

Very few mothers and daughters have jealousy and hatred, let alone sisters.

Link didn't think so much.

His focus wasn't on that at all.

After closing his eyes and pondering for a moment, Link asked again:

"Furong, I have two more questions here. I hope you can answer them. First, did Maxime use the funds for the annexation plan of the magic school to come from Nicole Lemay's legacy?"

Furong didn't understand the meaning of Link's question, but she still said:

"Yes, Mr. Nicole Lemay is an alumnus of our Beauxbatons, and he has always had feelings for Beauxbatons. The reason why Beauxbatons' student bursaries are better than Hogwarts and Durmstrang is higher, precisely because Mr. Nicole Lemay sponsors a large sum of Galleons to Beauxbatons every year.

After the news of Mr. Nicole Lemay's death, Beauxbaton also received a huge donation from the Nicole Lemay Foundation.

It is said that Mr. Nicole Lemay had already decided before his death that he would give Beauxbatons the sponsorship money to be used for the next 500 years. "

"Tsk tsk tsk, and then Maxim spent all the money on expansion without hesitation."

Link said with a half-smile, the smile on his face carried a strong sarcasm.

Link has also been heard of Nicole LeMay's annual sponsorship of Beauxbatons.

Although the exact amount is not known, it is certain that it is a huge sum of money that is enough to make all the organizations in the world, including the Ministry of Magic of various countries, jealous.

It is with this money that Beauxbatons can arrogantly refuse the request of other forces such as the Ministry of Magic to intervene and gain control of it through money.

Otherwise, Beauxbatons, like Hogwarts, would have to accept the constraints of the Ministry of Magic.

And now, Nicole Lemay gave them the sponsorship for the next 500 years at once!

What a huge amount of money should this be?

If it is put into the market in an instant, I am afraid it can trigger massive inflation, right?

Of course, according to Nicole LeMay's original vision, such a situation that is harmful to the world economy will not occur.

After all, his money was planned to be used by Beauxbatons for 500 years.

But Maxim directly used them in external expansion.

This is pure cub selling Ye Tian, ​​don't feel bad.

"And now the person who advocates the entire Beauxbatons finances is Professor Lillo."

Furong continued to speak.

This is entirely a supplement to her previous statement.

But when Link and Dumbledore heard the words, they both sighed deeply.

"Last question, Furong." Link said in a faint voice, "Can you repeat the full name of Professor Lilo?"

"His full name, of course, is Madero Tomfod Lillo."

Dumbledore nodded, looked at Link and said:

"Looks like we've found the right master."

"That's right, it's almost the same as what we expected." Link murmured, "The group of shadow men, or Voldemort, infiltrated Beauxbatons and took advantage of Maxim's eagerness to succeed. Psychology, occupying the legacy of Nicole LeMay, began to expand and rule with Beauxbatons as the shell."

"What are you talking about?" Fleur asked with a puzzled face, "I admit that Professor Lilo is indeed malicious, and I hate him very much. But he can't possibly be Voldemort, right? The image of the two is different. It's just too big."

"No, the difference is not big at all. On the contrary, the behavior patterns shown by the two of them are actually very similar."

Link shook his head and said, hearing that Dumbledore also took over the conversation and continued, "Indeed, the reason why you think they don't look alike is entirely because you don't know Voldemort. The reason why Voldemort was able to gather so many loyalists in the early days Death Eaters, it's all about those qualities you just used to describe that Professor Leroy. Love is the biggest thing they have in common."

"If you still don't believe it, I have more direct evidence to prove it."

As Link spoke, he raised his wand and drew a series of English characters in the air.

They flickered in the air, and together they built the name of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"This is Voldemort's original name. When Voldemort first debuted, he felt that this name was not worthy of him, so he transformed it on this basis. So he got..."

The characters flashing silver in the air quickly rearranged and combined, becoming Lord Voldemort.

"And if we apply the same way of thinking to Professor Lillo's name, we will find another reality."

The words of silver light changed again, first back to Tom Marvolo Riddle's order, then quickly shuffled, reorganized, and finally became Mardlo Tomvd Lilo (Mardlo Tomvd. Rielo), such a weird word.

Furong was too frightened to speak.

Her eyes stared straight at the characters that flashed silver-white light in midair, her expression at a loss.

Even in her wildest conjecture, she did not treat Professor Lillo as Voldemort.

This is really outrageous.

"Furum, maybe you haven't heard of it in France, but in fact, we have united most of the forces in the magic circle of the country," Link said with a smile, "and not long ago, with Voldemort and Voldemort who were entrenched in the country. The Death Eaters fought a big battle."

Furong shuddered, and said impatiently:

"So did you win?"

Wen Yan Link nodded first, then quickly shook his head and said:

"We did win in the frontal battle. Voldemort was almost killed by us on the spot, but unfortunately, at the last moment, a mysterious person arrived to resist the joint attack of Professor Dumbledore and me and the world. The most powerful anti-apparition ban in the world has saved Voldemort."

"This... how is this possible?"

In Fleur's view, Dumbledore's power is beyond doubt.

Plus a genius-level character like Link.

Such a combination can already be said to be one of the most powerful fighting forces in the world.

But even so, still failed to leave Voldemort?

So what should Voldemort be terrified of?

"There's nothing to be afraid of, we can defeat Voldemort once, and naturally we can defeat him and his henchmen a second time." Seeing Fleur's fear, Link comforted, "In fact, we came to France this time. In order to investigate Voldemort and his mysterious henchmen. We had originally suspected that France was the base of these people, and now, the news you brought has undoubtedly confirmed this speculation for us."

After saying that, Link also winked at Dumbledore.

It's ridiculous that they were still thinking about the countermeasures for the early exposure.

Unexpectedly, Furong immediately provided them with almost substantive irrefutable evidence.

This is really another village.

What made Link most proud was that Dumbledore was slapped in the face.

Dumbledore said it before.

If the information about Voldemort and Sombra can be found out when shopping, it would be better to wait for Sombra to choke to death.

And now, isn't that done?

Just looking at Dumbledore's now slightly distorted face, Link felt incomparably relieved.

But what he didn't know was that what Dumbledore was troubled about was not the fact that he was slapped in the face.

It is the cruel truth behind this incident.

There is a kind of person in this world.

A being called the Chosen Son.

A distinguishing characteristic of such a person is that he is loved by the world.

Anything they look forward to will quietly be helped in ways that no one expected.

Looking closely at what happened to Link in the past and now, Link is obviously such a person.

And Dumbledore is almost certain that Link's ability, which is almost comparable to that of the Chosen Son, comes from the blood of the king.

But this ability actually comes at a price.

It was the kind of price that Link couldn't bear no matter what.

For now, Link may not have to worry.

After all, his price had already been paid in advance by someone.

But if one day, the price of the advance is exhausted, and there is a new price to pay, how will Link choose?

Is it to endure the pain, pay the price, or give up decisively?

This is a difficult choice, after all, the ability of the Son of Heaven's Chosen is so addictive.

This is almost a permanent buff for the phlegm, and it's still the ultimate enhanced version of .Pro!

Dumbledore sighed and slowly closed his eyes.

On the other hand, Link smiled unabashedly.

He felt that Dumbledore's mocking eyes were unbearable, so he avoided it on purpose.

Link twisted his neck happily, then looked at Furong and said:

"Don't worry, Fleur, dealing with Voldemort is something we have already determined to do, and it would be a simple matter to rescue Gabriel during the period.

Besides, Gabrielle isn't really in any serious danger right now, is she? She's just been in a bad environment like Beauxbatons for a long time, so there's something wrong with her mind. Great that we forced her to take her home and transfer to Hogwarts. Young man! Very adaptable!

I guess she will be a little uncomfortable at first, and maybe hate you, but after a few months, her xinxing should be corrected. "

Hearing that, Emily quietly poked Link with her elbow and rolled her eyes at him.

It's a bit rude to say such a big deal about people transferring to another school.

But this time, Link was uncharacteristically, staring at Emily's white eyes again.

Emily didn't think enough.

Although this is a bit rude and embarrassing for Fleur and Gabrielle and others.

But what he said was actually the best solution.

At least for him and Emily and others.

At the same time, this also delineated a range for Furong in advance, a range to what extent they could help.

Otherwise, what if Furong really had no self-awareness to propose something to make Link change Gabriel's persuasion, so that she could continue to study at Beauxbatons and be as simple as before?

This is a tough job even for wizards of Link and Dumbledore's level.

Persuading adolescent children to return to the right path is the most troublesome!

Link felt that his friendship with Furong was not deep enough to help her deal with such troubles and difficulties.

Furong obviously didn't understand the hidden meaning in Link's words.

She just looked at Link and Emily who were arguing with their eyes in embarrassment, and after a while, she couldn't help but say:

"Well, actually, the solution Link said is not impossible. It's just... It's just that Gabriel is still living in Beauxbatons. If we want to take her to Hogwarts, we're afraid... I'm afraid we have to go to cloth A trip to Sparton..."

Speaking of the back, Furong's cheeks were already hot, and her voice was barely audible.

She felt that her request was too much.

Knowing that Beauxbatons had become Voldemort's den, she even asked Link to help her bring Gabriel out.

This made her not so thin-skinned a little bit unable to hang on.

However, upon hearing this, Link frowned and said:

"Isn't it summer vacation now? Is it possible that Beauxbatons is the same as Durmstrang, and the winter and summer vacation time is different from Hogwarts? Shouldn't it? You know that Durmstrang's vacation difference is Because of the climate, Beauxbatons shouldn't have that problem."

"It is true that Beauxbatons' winter and summer vacations are the same as Hogwarts." Fleur lowered her head and whispered, "but since the reform half a year ago, Principal Maxim has tried to make the students spend all their time. They were all used for study, and at the same time, in order to better conduct enrollment, the winter and summer vacations were canceled.

Even during the winter and summer vacations, students and staff need to carry out their day-to-day work in Beauxbatons.

It is also necessary to receive parents of students who come from all over the world to review and visit Beauxbatons.

These parents include, but are not limited to, those whose children are already enrolled in Beauxbatons, and those who are willing to send their children to Beauxbatons but have not yet made up their minds.

Principal Maxim believes that this move can not only reunite the old students with their parents, but also allow the parents of prospective Beauxbatons students to experience the excellent learning environment and atmosphere of Beauxbatons, thereby further increasing the number of students. "

"She really... really fought hard enough to have the courage to do it. There should be a lot of people against doing it, right?"

Link said with some emotion.

The appearance of this policy made him somewhat admire Maxim.

This courage can no longer be described as big.

If Link had dared to implement such a strategy at Hogwarts, angry students and parents would have filled his and Dumbledore's offices with roaring letters the next morning.

By the way, there may be some over-the-top parents who come to Hogwarts to smash the door in person.

The thoughts of these parents are also easy to understand.

They just send their children over to school.

It's not sold to schools anymore.

Why don't they let them go home for reunion?

"In the beginning, there were indeed many people who opposed it." Fleur sighed, "but Principal Maxim said that students and staff who stay in Beauxbatons during the winter and summer vacations can get an extra 30 gold per week. After receiving Long’s subsidy and receiving credit compensation at the same time, there is no objection.”

Good guy, this is the banknote ability!

Ron's father Arthur, as a senior iron job at the Ministry of Magic, is only 50 Galleons a week.

30 gold Galleons, almost equal to the basic salary of a salesman in Diagon Alley.

With this money, it is estimated that most ordinary wizard families would happily agree to keep their children in school.

What's more, there are credit bonuses.

Hibiscus has already said it before.

Beauxbatons has become a 'jungle' of the jungle after the reforms.

In this jungle, the concrete value that weighs the strength and weakness is the credit.

Students who stay in Beauxbatons to "work overtime" during the holidays will get credits, UU reading www. uukanshu. Students who do not work overtime will not receive credits.

How can this make students who do not "work overtime" feel embarrassed?

After a holiday, he has become the lowest creature in the 'jungle' and needs to be enslaved by everyone!

Therefore, in this 'overtime' constitution, which is completely voluntary in principle, everyone is forced to 'work overtime'.

Best of all, after forcing everyone to 'voluntarily work overtime', the hierarchy within Beauxbatons hasn't actually changed.

This means that, apart from the money that doesn't matter to them, the top management of Beauxbatons paid almost no real price, so all the students were scrambling to 'work overtime voluntarily'!

Maxim and this Professor Lilo are also really bullshit!

Not only the banknote ability, but also the inner volume is used!


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