The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 591: ambush

"Mr. Washington, may I have the honor to dance with you?"

As the light in the auditorium suddenly dimmed, and the sound of dance music gradually sounded, a woman with a cross-haired face suddenly came to Link and spoke slowly.

This made Link's face flash inexplicably:

"My wife is here, how dare you come and invite me to dance?"

"So what?" The woman was more confused than Link. "It shouldn't be a problem for people like us."

As the woman spoke, she pointed to the side, "Look, that's my husband."

Link looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that in the center of the auditorium where the student dining table was originally placed, all the obstacles had been removed, and it had turned into a dance floor.

Several pairs of middle-aged men and women are among them, dancing gracefully under the melodious dance music.

To be honest, Link didn't recognize who was the husband of the woman in front of him.

But this did not prevent Link from understanding the meaning of the other party - in the noble circle, everyone has always played their own way.

Taking a deep breath, Link shook his head and said:

"I love my wife very much."

As she spoke, Emily also stepped up and took Link's arm, looking at the woman in front of her with a cold expression.

"Really? That would be a pity."

As the woman spoke, she left a little lonely.

Before leaving, he looked at Emily with a rather complicated look.

In those eyes, there is puzzlement, and even more envy.

Along with the woman, there were many other women who surrounded Link.

Although these women were not of the same group as the woman.

But also understand one thing.

It would be impossible to invite Link to dance tonight.

Seeing this, Emily nodded with satisfaction and said to Link:

"How about we come to a song?"

"No," Link said lightly, "Let's go back quickly."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I have a bad feeling, so let's do it as soon as possible."

As he spoke, Link turned to Furong and said:

"You and Emily go back to the guest room, as soon as possible, we have some other things to deal with while staying here. Also, Gabriel will go with you."

Link spoke decisively, and Furong also understood what Link wanted to do.

Immediately, he was nervous, and he was about to pull Gabriel out of the auditorium.

Unexpectedly, Gabriel pulled her back with a backhand.

Gabrielle looked at Link vigilantly and said:

"You invited me to your guest room? What kind of crooked idea are you playing? I warn you, Beauxbatons doesn't allow too much intimacy between guests and students!"

This speaks the truth.

Even at this dance party, guests and students are not allowed to dance together.

This is Beauxbaton's way of protecting low-level students, otherwise, with Beauxbaton's current operating mode, a lot of disgusting things will definitely happen.

But rules, from the moment they were born, were doomed to not be 100% enforced.

There are bound to be people who are willing to risk breaking the rules.

Just like the previous Rolla.

It was obvious that they had an idea.

After all, the benefits of doing so are simply too great.

But, Link really didn't mean it!


Link took a long breath and said, "You misunderstood, I just want to give your sisters a chance to meet, I won't return to the guest room for a short time. In other words, there are only you three girls there. If you are still not at ease, you can skip going to the guest room and go to the open space outside to talk."

"So you are trying to lure us away?"

Gabriel's vigilance remained unabated, and then she looked at Link with scumbag eyes and said, "After drawing us away, you can do some shameful things. For example, dance with the group of women just now, and do something disgusting by the way. things!"

Link felt the blue veins on his forehead swell up.

This is the first time he has met such a difficult person since he took power.

Furong, who was standing beside Gabrielle, was also anxious.

She knew exactly what Link and others were going to do.

Immediately go to persuade Gabriel.

But before he could speak, he heard Gabriel sneer and say:

"But this has nothing to do with me. I don't care what tricks you want to play, as long as you don't play on us!"

After saying that, she pulled Furong out of the auditorium.

From the direction, it should be the guest room.

This made Link relieved and said:

"Emily, follow along and bring old Clay. After our plan is completed, he will assist you in taking Gabriel and kidnapping her."

Emily nodded in understanding, and quickly followed up with Furong and the others who were already far away.

Link and Dumbledore looked at each other and slowly walked in the opposite direction.

According to the regulations, guests are not allowed to move in Beauxbatons Castle without permission.

Therefore, Maxim and others also set up bans at each exit of the auditorium to limit the movement range of the guests.

It is a pity that this kind of prohibition is useless for wizards of the level of Link and Dumbledore.

The two walked to the eighth floor almost unimpeded, and then entered the ambush location that they had researched and decided on.

The Magic Bridge from Tower 1 Beauxbatons to Tower 3.

It can be said to be the landmark building of Beauxbatons.

The distance between the two towers is nearly 100 meters, but they are linked together by a magic bridge with a width of nearly three meters.

Said to be a bridge, in fact, this is more like a corridor.

There is no support at all under the bridge. From the perspective of God, it seems that a wooden slat is placed directly on the two towers.

Above the bridge, there are white Roman columns and marble ceilings.

Every detail on it is engraved with intricate patterns and finely broken magic gem fragments.

If there is moonlight, these patterns will emit a faint but very complex and beautiful light.

Turn this magic bridge itself into the most beautiful building in Beauxbatons.

And most importantly, this is almost the highest point that ordinary wizards can reach on Beauxbatons.

Looking down from here, you can clearly see the entire brightly lit Beauxbatons building complex.

If the moonlight is brighter, you can even see the blue lake and the dark red sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

These three colors are intertwined enough to be mesmerizing.

"It's a pity... the weather is not very good today."

Dumbledore looked at the dark night scene in the distance, and said with some regret, "I heard Olim mention the beauty of Beauxbatons a long time ago, and I originally thought that I should be able to see it with my own eyes. But I didn't think about it, God does not make beauty."

Dumbledore was talking, and his whole person seemed to have an indescribable melancholy.

Following Dumbledore's words, Link looked up at the sky.

I saw that the moon, which was not too bright tonight, was completely hidden behind the dark clouds at this moment, and only a faint light was left, reflecting the large clouds that were flowing at a high speed.

The corners of Link's mouth rose slightly, sketching a sinister smile:

"The moon is black and the wind is high, it's a good time to kill!"

Dumbledore glanced at Link and said:

"The things you and I want are different, and the things you see are naturally different."

Link ignored Dumbledore.

Instead, he took out his wand and painted a dense and complex pattern in the air.

These arrays have been shining with silver-white light since their birth.

But every character in them is no exception, and will disappear into the darkness at the moment Link's portrayal is completed.

It was as if they automatically sank to another dimension.

This is the anti-apparition spell's release. Valley

This type of unlocking spell automatically came to Link's mind after he raised the Apparition Charm to lv6.

Can temporarily lift the restrictions of anti-apparition spells within a certain range, but will not be detected.

Very useful, but also time consuming.

After a full quarter of an hour, Link completed the entire formation.

He breathed a sigh of relief, then removed the spatial positioning brooch on his chest.

Dab your finger with the thorn of the brooch.

The dark red blood that appeared from the flesh rippled in the darkness.

And gradually integrated with the brooch, turning into the shape of a portal.

Then, one after another figure slowly walked out of the portal.

First, the hunters of the Foley family, and then, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic also appeared.

Until the portal dissipated, there were more than fifty hunters and Aurors quietly standing around Link and Dumbledore.


"Commissioner Foley!"

The commanders of the hunter group and the Auror force spoke at the same time, but were blocked by each other at the same time, and finally stared at each other angrily.

The commander of the Auror unit remains Sander.

At this moment, after serving as the head of the Auror office for a period of time, he has cultivated a good power.

In contrast, the commander of the hunter regiment is a little worse in identity.

Old Clay had already been sent by Link to protect Emily.

The one leading the hunter group at the moment is just a temporary commander.

But even so, he was not afraid at all.

The eyes that looked at Sander were full of arrogance and disdain.

"Here, a fight will break out later."

Link said lightly, and the two who were still facing each other when they heard the words turned their heads in an instant, putting on a respectful listening appearance, "Your task is to hide your body as much as possible, Don't let others find out. And after the battle broke out, your task becomes, guard both sides of the bridge, and don't let any unrelated people wait in and disturb our battle."



The interim commander of the hunter regiment and Sander said in unison again.

But this time, instead of arguing with each other, they each took people to both sides of the bridge and began to garrison.

Watching their figures slowly disappear into the night, Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times.

"The Illusionary Charm and the Silencing Charm don't matter. These are the spells they should have mastered. But what the **** is an invisibility cloak?" The most advanced invisibility cloak. Is it really necessary to invest so much in them? This is more than fifty of the most advanced invisibility cloaks. If it is converted into Golden Galleons, there should be…”

Dumbledore paused, and began to meditate.

And Link shook his head and said directly:

"It's about fifty-five thousand gold Galleons. This is the transfer fund that I personally approved, and I still have an impression. As for why you should invest so much in them. You should have seen the effect?"

Dumbledore looked at the darkness at both ends of the bridge, and although he didn't want to admit it, he finally nodded.

The blessing of these various concealment spells, coupled with the cover of the top-level invisibility cloak, the effect is indeed very good.

It's so good that even a legendary wizard like him, without knowing in advance, it is estimated that it is difficult to notice that there are more than fifty of the most elite combat wizards hidden in those two places.

Not knowing what to think, Dumbledore sighed deeply.

Seeing this, Link smacked his mouth twice, and said helplessly:

"Okay, I see, I will increase the budget for Hogwarts next year, and the standard will be based on the Auror troops and the hunter regiment. Is this the head office?"

"Oh! It's always good that you're willing to increase the budget to make life better for the students, and I thank you for all the teachers and students at Hogwarts. But that's not what I meant." Dumbledore continued to stare The darkness in the distance, "I just look at these people, and this Beauxbatons Castle, and I can't help but think of Hogwarts. Join one day, Hogwarts also welcomes a group like us. Bad guy, what a horrible scene that must have been..."

"That's called Rabbit Death Fox Sadness!"

Link said in an unhappy tone, and he had a whole new understanding of Dumbledore's shamelessness.

Plus, if it wasn't for me, Hogwarts would have been invaded by the Death Eaters!

In the original book, there was a record that the Death Eaters cooperated with each other, invaded Hogwarts and even directly forced Dumbledore to death!

Link groaned inwardly and said nothing.

"Are rabbits dying and foxes sad?" Dumbledore froze for a moment and said, "This is really an apt metaphor, it sounds like an Eastern proverb, you are really knowledgeable. But it seems that you have never been to the East, you have acquired this knowledge from Where did you get it?"

Link stared blankly at Dumbledore, did not answer the other party's question, but said lightly:

"Forget the boredom. Now is not the time for casual chatter."

"Are you bored?"

Dumbledore sighed, "It's really boring."

After saying that, Dumbledore slowly withdrew his gaze and began to stare at the darkness in the distance together with Link.

Meanwhile, inside the Beauxbatons Tower One.

Madam Maxime was strolling down the long corridor.

There are a large number of round arched windows on the outside of the cloister, facing the brightly lit buildings around Beauxbatons Castle.

The lights emanating from these buildings are reflected in the cloisters through the opening windows, casting slanted circular arches of light and shadow on the ground.

Maxim was walking among these bright silhouettes, tilting his head, constantly looking at the bustling streets below, with faint rays of light flickering in his eyes.

This light is called hope.

"Beauxbatons, getting better and better."

Maxim sighed, "Thanks to you, Madero, without your help, Beauxbatons would never have changed much."

Maxim's words were extremely sincere, and when she finished speaking, beside her, in the shadow on the inside of the corridor, a figure was slowly turning around.

"This is what I should do."

A warm voice sounded from the figure's mouth.

A smile appeared on Maxim's face when he heard the words:

"You are too modest, Madero, are you going to my office for a drink next? It just so happens that I also have some plans for Beauxbaton's future that I want to discuss with you."

"No, Principal Maxim, I haven't finished my tour tonight."

"Inspection, actually I don't quite understand," Maxim shook his head and said, "Now that Beauxbatons' security measures have been raised to the extreme, I don't think you still need to inspect the castle."

"Yeah, I also understand that my high probability is just useless." The figure in the dark said slowly, and the gentle tone was more firm, "But if you don't walk so many laps every day, I felt uneasy in my heart. As if, if I didn't go, there was danger to Beauxbatons."

Maxim's expression was slightly moved:

"I understand your feelings, Madero, Beauxbatons, this school is like my child, for this school, I can give everything, even my life."

"That's it," said Madero Liro excitedly in the dark, "You are so right!"

"If that's the case, then you can go and take a tour first. UU reading just take it, so you can feel at ease. If you are really in danger, let me know. I think this is for you. , it shouldn't be too difficult."

Maxim said with a smile, and glanced at the corner behind.

There, there are a few small heads looking at this side secretly.

Those are all followers of Professor Lilo, or fans of younger brothers and sisters.

The only one who can make this group of students abandon the dance party that is going on and chase them here is Professor Lilo.

"Madero, students love you and I have no opinion, but please note that teacher-student love is absolutely forbidden in Beauxbatons."

Maxim said lightly, and without looking back, stepped onto the steps and walked towards his office on the top floor.

Professor Lilo did not follow this time, but stood quietly in place.

After losing the shield of Maxim's huge body, the light from the round arched window shone unscrupulously on Professor Liro's body.

It illuminated his neat black dress, and also illuminated his expressionless face.


It's a bit inappropriate to describe this face with no expression.

A more accurate statement is that there is no trace of anger on this face at all.

It was as if the person standing in the corridor at the moment was not a living person, but a lifeless puppet.

"Understood, Principal Maxim."

A warm and respectful voice came from Lilo's mouth again.

But his face, as before, did not show any expression.

It was not until the children in the corner behind him cheered and crowded around him, a human expression appeared on his face.

He smiled gently and reached out to hug the three children in his arms.
