The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 592: Hope broken

Outside Beauxbatons Castle.

Emily, Fleur, and Gabriel are strolling in a garden full of irises.

No artificial lighting was added to Beauxbatons' gardens.

But here, there are a large number of fairies and elves.

These winged membranes, human-shaped, but only butterfly-sized creatures will be dispatched at night.

Carrying their small baskets woven from leaves or petals, they diligently collect pollen from the flowers.

And the shimmering light they emit naturally becomes the best lighting in the garden.

With their efforts, the whole garden was filled with a faint silver shimmer, echoing with the irises, which was very beautiful.

It was a beauty that Emily had never seen before.

In the country, even the most luxurious Malfoy family, or the ancient and noble Black family and the current strongest Foley family, would not tinker with such a garden.

This requires not only wealth, but also super high aesthetic and creative ability.

In this regard, what the wizards of the country lacked is not a little bit.

After all, they are all descendants of pirates and robbers, and they prefer to focus on studying magic spells.

That's why, at this moment, Emily almost focused all her attention on the beautiful scenery in front of her.

But Furong and Gabriel who followed her were completely different.

Compared with the surrounding scenery, they care more about people.

Different from the liveliness in the daytime, at this moment when Emily ignored them, both of them lowered their heads silently, but focused all their attention on each other.

This strange quietness made the atmosphere between the two of them especially wonderful.



The two sisters spoke almost at the same time.

At the same time, their faces were startled, and they gave in to each other:

"You speak first…"

"It's better for you to say it first, sister. Actually, I don't know what to say."

As soon as these words came out, a look of loneliness rose on Furong's face and said:

"Gabriel, I'm sorry, it was my existence that made you feel wronged at Beauxbatons. If I hadn't lost so badly at Hogwarts, you wouldn't have..."

"Why are you talking about this nonsense again?"

Gabriel frowned and interrupted, "You know I don't like to hear that. Also, I don't need your apology, the contempt those people treated me didn't hurt me. I'll prove to them one day, It will also take back the honor you lost!"

Hearing this, Furong's eyes turned red, and she instinctively wanted to apologize again.

But remembering what Gabrielle had just said, she held back in the middle of it, took a deep breath and said:

"Gabriel, leave France with me. Beauxbatons and this country are slowly decaying and are no longer suitable for us to survive. Mom and Dad have already left for the country. If you go there , not only can we be reunited as a family, but you can also transfer directly to Hogwarts to continue your studies. The learning environment there… Although not as good as Beauxbatons, it is still more free than Beauxbatons.”

Furong's words were extremely sincere, but along with her words, Gabriel's expression gradually changed.

Contempt, grief, regret, pain...

Many emotions continued to emerge, and finally twisted together on his face.

"Sister, you... You shouldn't have been taken care of by that Mr. Washington, right?"

Gabrielle said with some rapid breathing.

Hearing this, Furong said with a puzzled face:


"Isn't it?" Gabriel said excitedly, "That Mr. Washington only said something similar, but now you mention it again! Sister, although we have Veela blood, you can't really Just like those veelas, become a plaything for the powerful! There's no good end to that!"

Gabriel's words made Furong's face red, and she hurriedly said:

"What are you thinking! How could I be so mean!"

Gabriel wanted to continue asking, but Fleur glanced aside.

Seeing that Emily, who was not far away, was lingering in the flowers, and her attention was not on this side, she lowered her voice and said:

"Mr. Washington, it's not actually Washington, that's just his disguise. His real name is Foley!"

"Foley? Link Foley?" Gabriel's eyes widened suddenly, her eyes full of incredulity, "My Phantom Knight?"

"That's right, it's your Phantom Knight!"

Seeing this, Fleur stepped up her efforts and continued, "He came to Beauxbatons after accepting my request, in order to save you from the quagmire of Beauxbatons now. Just like when he was there Like the dark wizard who saved you?"

"Save me? But Beauxbatons isn't a quagmire! It's getting better and better here, and I'll be..."

"Yeah, Beauxbatons is getting better and better, but only on a material level. What about the real spiritual level? People here are becoming more and more pure-blooded. This ethos Beginning with Beauxbatons, it has gradually spread to the entire French magic world. I believe you should feel this more deeply in Beauxbatons, right?"

Gabriel was at a loss for words.

Because that's the truth.

Wizards are people too.

People, it is inevitable that the **** decides the head.

The vast majority of pure-blood wizards are naturally supporters of pure-blood supremacy.

Compared with half-blooded and pure Muggle-born wizards, pure-blooded wizards are much stronger in terms of resources and overall strength.

After all, this magical world is still ruled by pure blood wizards.

The reason why Beauxbatons was able to expand rapidly in a short period of time, apart from their crazy money-spending behavior, is actually related to their ideologically catering to pure-blooded wizards.

As a result, Beauxbatons naturally gained the support of pure-blood wizards, and thus grew rapidly.

But the impact is mutual.

While Beauxbatons became stronger with the power of pure-blood wizards, the 'pure-blood supremacy', which was originally dressed up as a shell by Beauxbatons' high-level officials, became popular in Beauxbatons and became the mainstream thinking of Beauxbatons.

In this environment, Gabriel and the rest of the non-purebloods had a hard time.

They were directly classified as low-level people!

And was ostracized by Beauxbatons' mainstream groups!

When Furong saw that her demeanor moved slightly, she knew there was a drama, and continued:

"The magic world of the country is different. Although the reputation over there has not been very good, many people say that the people there are old antiques, and some are Death Eaters who support pure blood supremacy extremism. But in fact, after experiencing After Voldemort's injury, the wizards of the kingdom were the most opposed to pure blood supremacy.

You have also been to Hogwarts. Have you ever been discriminated against there?

Think about it, going to Hogwarts, you are free to study any subject you want, as long as you have enough ability.

No one will despise you, even if there is, it will never be because of your blood.

You can freely walk on campus, on the street, and buy whatever you feel you need.

Ice cream, candy, cakes, pretty jewelry, little dresses…”

Gabrielle's expression became more shaken.

She said in a dream-like voice:

"But...but Principal Maxim...I can't betray..."

"Where did so many betrayals come from? It's just that you transferred to Hogwarts and just pursued a better life. Principal Maxim will treat you as a traitor? How could she be such a person?"

Furong licked her lips and said excitedly.

She also came here as a little girl, so she has the best understanding of the psychology of a little girl of Gabriel's age.

A little girl like this naturally likes to pursue freedom and all kinds of beautiful things.

Now, Gabriel has almost been persuaded.

There was only one foot left.

And this last kick, she was already ready!

Furong's face turned red, and the bewitching magic power in her whole body was almost turned to the extreme, and she said softly:

"And... Link is also at Hogwarts."

Furong's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Gabriel's heart.


Link is also at Hogwarts!

If I go to Hogwarts, wouldn't I be able to see him every day?

Thinking of this, Gabrielle's entire face turned crimson.

And this blush is still spreading towards her neck and earlobes.

"I, I, I... I still need to think about it..." Gabriel said hesitantly, "Or, I'll go to Hogwarts in two days? If it's really... really like your sister. As I said, then I will..."

Gabriel's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a mosquito groan.

Furong was overjoyed when she saw this, grabbed Gabrielle's hands and laughed loudly.

She persuaded Gabriel.

Although some unorthodox means were used in the middle.

But she still succeeded!

Now, things can be completed successfully!

As for whether Gabriel would feel bad when she went to Hogwarts and returned to Beauxbatons again.

Furong felt that it was impossible.

Gabrielle's remarks were just excuses.

When I really saw Link, Gabriel was afraid that she wouldn't be able to drive away.

For a time, Furong was so happy that she couldn't help herself.

A smile finally appeared on Gabrielle's face.

She raised her head and looked at Beauxbatons' iconic Magic Bridge in the distance, her eyes full of anticipation.

However, at the next moment.

The dazzling golden light suddenly exploded.

A huge light group like the scorching sun hangs in the sky.

Then, the strange bird took to the air and faced the golden torrent.

This change made Gabriel a little overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Furong's face was completely bloodless.

She knew very well that the only people who could make such a big noise were Link and Dumbledore.

Their quick beheading plan against Professor Lilo failed.

What is going on now is a frontal attack!


There was another terrifying gas explosion.

That's Link's air cannon!

The strange bird finally fell under the double blow of the golden light and the air cannon, and was smashed into the tidal flat.

And what was destroyed by Link's air cannon was not only Lilo riding the bird monster, but also the magic bridge connecting the two towers below them.

In order to make this miraculously beautiful bridge exist for a long time.

The wizards who created it have considered almost any disaster, and for this reason, they have applied an uncountable number of protective spells on it, and they also used precious alchemy materials to build bridges.

However, no matter how well prepared the wizards were.

They would never have guessed that one day there will be a great wizard whose combat power is comparable to that of a senior legendary wizard, and will come up against this bridge.

Under this super attack on a purely physical level, the entire bridge was instantly shattered and turned into countless rubble pouring down.

This can be said to be devastating to the Beauxbatons complex below.

A huge number of buildings were directly smashed, and there were even continuous violent explosions in some small workshops engaged in pharmaceuticals and alchemy.

For a while, the originally brightly lit buildings suddenly wailed.

Looking down at the chaos below, Gabrielle shivered suddenly, and then rushed towards the auditorium.


Furong called helplessly behind her.

It's a pity that Gabrielle didn't have any desire to turn back, but hearing the words accelerated her speed.

"Stupid woman!"

Emily's cold voice suddenly sounded, "Hurry up and catch up!"

Furong turned her head blankly, but saw that Emily had already passed by her side, chasing in the direction of Gabriel.

Seeing this, Furong gritted her teeth and also got up and ran.

The three returned to Beauxbatons' auditorium while chasing.

The chaos of the outer complex has already spread here.

Everyone panicked.

Those who were originally high-ranking guests could no longer maintain their former grace and pomp, and became full of ugliness.

But even so, as the existence that can grab the tickets to visit Beauxbatons, how can these guests be ordinary rich people.

By the time Gabrielle, Fleur and others arrived, they had gradually calmed down.

Began to organize his entourage to evacuate Beauxbatons.

In their opinion, this is the best way to deal with it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Beauxbatons was attacked on a large scale.

If they stay here any longer, I'm afraid they will also be implicated.

In comparison, the performance of the students and professors on the scene was a bit unsightly.

In the face of such a sudden disaster, none of them stood up to preside over the overall situation, and all of them were sluggish and overwhelmed.

What's more, they have even packed their things and mixed with the group of guests to escape together.

This is one of the drawbacks of Beauxbatons' over-expansion.

Although the massive expansion did bring prosperity to Beauxbatons.

But this boom was largely fleeting.

Those newly recruited forces have no loyalty to Beauxbatons at all.

When it's good, it's okay for everyone to share it together, but if Beauxbatons encounters a disaster.

Then it is inevitable that the catastrophe is imminent and they will fly separately.

"Stop! Don't run around! We must unite and maintain order!"

Gabriel kept running and calling in the auditorium.

Although she didn't know what was going on outside.

But at this moment, order is the most important thing.

Only order can bring the strength of all people together and overcome difficulties together.

However, she was only a second-year Beauxbatons student.

Still a veela half-blood!

It was impossible for the rioting crowd to stop because of her shouting.

Some people who were eager to flee even attacked Gabriel.

The intensity of these attacks is not high, at most it can only be regarded as a warning.

But it made Gabriel's face full of pain.

It was not her body that was shattered, but her heart!

At the moment of this chaos, a series of explosions suddenly sounded from the entrance of the hall.

This sudden loud noise made everyone instinctively look sideways.

Under their gaze, a tall figure was standing at the door.

Principal Maxim, here we are!


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