The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 608: Dinner (Happy Lantern Festival)

five minutes later.

Link let go of the hooded Karen's head and let him collapse weakly to the ground, trembling.

After the full-scale invasion of Legilimency, everything was clear.

The people who are kneeling in front of him now are all from France.

Before that, they had clerks selling goods on Lionheart Street.

Some are unemployed young people who have just graduated from Beauxbatons.

There are also low-level clerks who are unhappy in the French Ministry of Magic.

The blond OL girl who was previously caught by the OL woman, her well-fitting OL uniform was not actually her disguise.

Because she is an employee of a large company.

That's her uniform.

Their occupations are varied and without any pattern.

The only thing they have in common is that they all graduated from Beauxbatons, and they have a deep affection for Beauxbatons.

It is precisely because of this that they were summoned by a professor named Beauxbatons named Norton, and smuggled into the country through the channel given by Norton.

And Norton's task for them is even more simple - continue to cause chaos and destruction in the country!

To this end, Norton also gave them a way to contact the remaining Death Eater forces in the country.

This should have been a very simple and smooth plan.

After all, the Death Eaters, as local snakes, knew everything about the terrain and situation of the entire country.

Coupled with the smiley bomb they gave, the Hogwarts Express and Gringotts were long overdue for destruction.

However, their plan was completely sabotaged by Link!

And judging from the fact that Professor Norton can provide the smiling face bomb that contains the "holy" power of "Professor Lilo", Professor Norton, 80% should also be related to the shadow people.

Even he is simply another shadow man, or Lilo is not dead, but just reappeared in a new face.

On the other hand, Old Kled has also understood the general situation through the memory pictures shared by Link.

he asked:

"Master, what should I do next?"

Old Kled's call awakened Link from his contemplation.

He looked at the group of captives who were kneeling on the ground, his eyes flashing coldly.

His and Dumbledore's predictions were not wrong. This action did not come from the French Ministry of Magic or the International Confederation of Wizards.

It was the personal venting of anger by that Professor Norton.

With the existing intelligence, Link was unable to analyze the specific identity information of that Norton.

But there is no doubt that he made a bad move!

What the French Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards dare not do, how dare you, a small individual?

Especially, this group of people were also caught by them!

And these people will become the swords in Link's hands and stab France again!

Link snorted coldly:

"Take this Karen in custody and give him a press conference after taking a transcript. Summon the reporters from the Daily Prophet and other international newspapers and let them be quiet, who is the real one? Terrorists. As for these people…”

He turned his attention to the few people on the ground. These people no longer have the strength they used to be, their faces are flashing, but there is only endless panic, and even the old man who was the toughest before has a face of gray defeat, "Declaring to the world their identities, and then hang them all in the square in front of Gringotts!"

After saying that, Link's figure began to become illusory, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Old Klie and the other hunters showed a hideous smile.

Hogsmeade Station.

As the Hogwarts Express slowly entered the station, a large number of Aurors emerged under the leadership of Newland and Skeffen.

They quickly approached the Hogwarts Express, forming a cordon around the train.

Until everything was in place, the students quickly got off the bus, organized by the D.A. members.

They were divided into small groups on the platform, and then they were put on the Thestral carriage, even the freshmen.

The whole process was silent and fast, no one was noisy or panicked, and everyone was full of confidence in the D.A. Army and the Aurors.

Even a little bold, still excitedly discussing Link's previous feat of defeating the Death Eaters in one fell swoop.

The excitement didn't stop until they actually got back to Hogwarts and got out of the car.

Because it wasn't just Hagrid who was standing on the hunting ground to greet them.

And Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and almost all the professors at Hogwarts!

These professors were all holding wands, and the serious faces almost all had blue veins.

In the face of such angry and serious professors, even the naughty students on weekdays can't make trouble.

However, after seeing the students who were safe and sound, the faces of the professors became a lot better.

A faint smile appeared on Dumbledore's face.

"Okay, let's all come in, this is not a good place to talk."

Dumbledore waved his hand and beckoned the students to enter the castle, then looked at Newland and Skeffen and said, "My children, I'm really happy to see you grow up. I'm going back to Hogwarts to sit down. Do you want to sit? This will always be your home."

Newland and Skeffen were a little moved when they heard the words.

They looked at each other, but finally shook their heads firmly.

"No, Professor Dumbledore, Link's order for us is to stick to Hogwarts, we can't be lazy!"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Similar invitations he made to every commander who led an Auror or Striker.

But only Newland and Skeffen rejected him.

This is the first time ever.

Even when Scrimgeour, who was known for his sternness, was in charge of the Auror force, the commanders were very unscrupulous.

And now, this trend has been snuffed out by Link?

Dumbledore nodded happily and praised:

"Good boy!"

Return to Hogwarts Castle.

Students who have officially returned to campus have completely relaxed.

The familiar environment and the Aurors standing outside gave them a great sense of security.

They were noisy and shouting excitedly, sharing everything they had seen during their vacation.

Of course, they talked most about Link's previous feats on the road.

That terrifying air cannon is simply beyond what humans can do!

This is beyond their knowledge of magic.

Especially for the freshmen who just entered this year, this is simply a fantasy!

They accepted the sorting ceremony sluggishly one by one, and then they were accepted by their respective academies amid cheers.

Only then did their faces regain some of their expressions.

Especially the freshmen who were assigned to Hufflepuff were all excited and blushing, unable to control themselves.

Because, they were told that the wizard who saved everyone on the train and defeated the bad guys was the student of this academy!

So in the future, can I become a wizard like that one?

Some freshmen have already started fantasizing involuntarily.

The ghosts even started a carnival.

The fat monk even performed his long tongue stunt to the crowd, which attracted bursts of exclamations.

Just then, Dumbledore stood up behind the staff table, and the chatter and laughter echoing in the Great Hall died down almost immediately.

"Good evening everyone!"

He smiled kindly, opening his arms as if to embrace the entire auditorium.

"…Administrator Filch asked me to tell everyone that students are absolutely prohibited from bringing in any joke merchandise purchased from Weasley's Witchcraft and Wizardry this year."

"Students who want to join the Academy Quidditch team, report their names to the Dean as usual. We are still looking for new Quidditch commentators, and those who are interested can also sign up with the Dean."

"Also this year, we are delighted to welcome a new faculty member. Professor Slughorn,"

Slughorn stood up, his bald head gleaming in the candlelight, his waistcoat in a large shadow casting a great shadow on the table.

Dumbledore happily patted his shoulder and said:

"It was a former colleague of mine who agreed to return to his old position as a Potions teacher."

"Potion class?"

"Potion class?"

The word echoed throughout the auditorium, and everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong.

Snape sat on the right side of Dumbledore, and he did not stand up when he heard Dumbledore mention his name, but raised a hand lazily, indicating that he heard the cheers at the Slytherin table , but people clearly saw that there was a smug look on his face.

Although he already knew the news, Harry was still very sad to see this scene.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class was his favorite class at Hogwarts after flying.

He is very interested in all the magic that can fight against black magic and Voldemort.

But now, it doesn't exist anymore.

Any class with Snape in it would be 100% his hell!

Defense Against the Dark Arts class is no exception!

And the bigger problem is that in order to become an Auror, NWET grades in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions must be excellent!

His Potions class had already been screwed up by Snape, and now, the Defence Against the Dark Arts class is probably over as well!

Thinking like this, he stared angrily at the faculty seat, his face full of anger and depression.

Hermione seemed to see what he was thinking, sighed and comforted:

"It doesn't matter Harry, we still have the DA army's reinforcement course, and your Defence Against the Dark Arts class won't be dropped too much. As for potions...Professor Slughorn should also have some teaching ability, right? After all He was a professor at the same time as Dumbledore."

Hearing this, Ron's face flashed with contempt.

He had no fondness for that Slughorn.

Because this guy invited Neville's kind of stuff, but didn't invite him.

This is absolutely an insult.

But right now Ron wouldn't say that.

He also imitated Hermione's tone and comforted:

"Yeah, Harry, there's no need to be upset. Professor Slughorn takes you very seriously, and he'll teach better than Snape."

The anger on Harry's face eased slightly, and he turned his head and gritted his teeth and said:

"Actually, that's fine. The position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is cursed, and no one can survive for more than a year... Quirrell took his life. I personally hope that another murder will happen..."


Hermione scolded in horror.

Hearing this, Harry lowered his head and stopped talking.

But that didn't do much.

At this moment, it wasn't just Harry and the three who were talking in the auditorium. When the whole auditorium heard the news that Snape had finally got his wish, they were all talking about it. Many of them, like Harry, cursed Snape viciously.

And Dumbledore didn't seem to realize how sensational the news he had just announced was. He didn't talk about the teacher's job, but waited a few seconds to ensure that everyone was completely quiet before continuing to speak.

"Everyone in this hall knows that Voldemort and his Death Eaters have been hit so hard right now that even Voldemort himself has been expelled from the kingdom. But the danger we face has not diminished, but has increased. I'm sure you've seen this on your way here today."

Dumbledore said with a serious expression.

The mood of the people under the auditorium also became depressed.

Aside from Link's shot, he killed the Death Eaters as if they were destroying the ancients. The fact that the Death Eaters attacked the Hogwarts Express itself was a nightmare for the Hogwarts students.

"The remaining Death Eaters are wreaking havoc in the country. After losing Voldemort's leadership, they are like wildly wounded beasts, venting their pain frantically, and even targeting Hogg Watts!"

Dumbledore continued, "I believe some of you have also been informed that a similar attack has occurred in Beauxbatons. Now Beauxbatons are in ruins. What I can assure you is that , such a thing would never happen at Hogwarts!

I, Link Foley, everyone in the D.A. Army, and the Ministry of Magic will guard this school with my life!

Until all of us are sacrificed, no one can cross our lines of flesh and blood to harm you!

Of course, during this special period, you also need to cooperate with our work.

I ask that you must strictly follow every safety rule set by your teacher, no matter how annoying those rules may be!

I also urge you, whether on or off campus, to report any unusual or suspicious situation to the faculty immediately. I believe that you, for the safety of yourself and others, will definitely restrain your behavior! "

At the end of the speech, applause and cheers resounded in the auditorium.

No one on the scene would doubt the correctness of Dumbledore's words.

Because Link, the D.A. Army, and the Aurors outside now have already proved with practical actions that they will be the strong bulwark of Hogwarts!

Hogwarts is absolutely safe as long as they are there!

Even if Voldemort comes to attack himself, Link, Dumbledore and others can join forces to expel him again!

Dumbledore's blue eyes swept over all the jubilant students, then a smile returned to his face.

"Well, I've been long-winded enough for today!" he exclaimed, spreading his arms. "Eat up, boys, and enjoy your dinner!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, a large pile of steaming food suddenly appeared on the long table in front of everyone.

Ron cheered and jumped up.

Harry and the others had already enjoyed a meal with Professor Slughorn on the train.

But he didn't.

Right now, he was already hungry, and when he saw the food in front of him, he couldn't bear it any longer.

And Hermione next to him looked worried.

"What's the matter, Hermione? Eat it!"

Ron held a drumstick in one hand and said while chewing.

Hermione glared at him after hearing the words:

"Link hasn't come back yet!"

"Does Link still need you to worry? No matter what kind of difficulty, he can solve it! You have to have confidence in him!"

Ron said indifferently.

But when he turned back, he found that Hermione and Harry's expressions had changed abruptly.

He looked towards the sight of the two of them, and saw that Newland had entered the auditorium at some point, and was whispering something to Emily at the moment.

Then the two found Dumbledore again.

Then a few people left the auditorium silently.

Ron was a little stunned to see this scene.

Because he noticed that the faces of Dumbledore and others are not very good-looking!

This is... Things aren't going well on Link's side?

Harry lowered his face, instinctively feeling a little uneasy.

Ron was also rarely interested in eating.

He dropped the chicken leg in his hand and said nervously:

"Do you remember what Dumbledore said just now that Beauxbatons was also attacked?"

"Of course, didn't we mention this on the train?"

Hermione frowned and said, "You also said that the Furong family immigrated to the country because of this."

Hearing this, Ron licked his greasy lips, and quietly glanced at Gabriel, who was eating with a blank face in the corner of the Hufflepuff principal's desk, and then lowered his voice. said:

"In fact, there are many people who say that this is what Link and Dumbledore did."

"It can't be!" screamed Hermione. "They can't do that!"

"Shh! Be quiet!"

Ron was taken aback, UU Reading hurriedly pressed Hermione, who was about to get up, back to her seat, and then said, "Of course I know that Link and Dumbledore can't do that kind of thing. Things. But coincidentally, they were in France when Beauxbatons happened!"

"It doesn't mean anything," Hermione said coldly. "Besides, where did you get the news?"

"The International Wizarding Post, it is a professionally oriented international situation newspaper, and not many people subscribe to it except for a staff member of the Ministry of Magic like my father." Ron continued, "It details the tragedy of Beauxbatons. , and then vaguely pointed the finger at Link and Dumbledore. Then, other newspapers exploded. They were all saying that Link and Dumbledore were jealous of Beauxbatons' development so well, so Attacked Beauxbatons!"


Hermione was shaking with anger.

And Harry frowned and said:

"You're saying that this attack on the Hogwarts Express might not just be the work of the Death Eaters. It's a revenge on Beauxbatons?"

"Even if it's not Beauxbatons, it must be someone from the French side! You may not know, the people over there are going crazy now!"

"If that's the case, it's going to be serious!"

"Who said no?"

Harry and Ron were talking, and Qi Qi turned his attention to Gabriel on Hufflepuff's side again.

Among the students in the room, Gabriel, the only Frenchman, seemed so out of place.

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