The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 615: high level revenge website.,The fastest update of the latest chapter of The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts!

The investigators of the International Confederation of Wizards are gone.

A group of people from the French Ministry of Magic also left.

They walked in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to say hello to Norton.

And Norton obviously doesn't need it.

Because during this whole process, except for the fact that his face turned pale, Norton didn't have the slightest expression on his face.

It's like, the whole person has a stress reaction because he suffered too much blow.

All the teachers and students in the auditorium looked at Norton without saying a word.

Their eyes were full of anticipation.

They longed for what Norton could say.

However, Norton turned around expressionlessly, ignoring the teachers and students in the audience, and left the auditorium.

He clutched his left arm that was emitting a strong burning sensation, staggered all the way to the other end of the corridor, and then passed through a dark door.


With a whirlwind, the bright and luxurious buildings around are rapidly disappearing.

Instead, it was a gloomy and dark hall.

At the end of the hall, a tall and straight figure stood in front of the fireplace with arms and hands, staring at the dark green magic flame in front of him, as if thinking about something.

The appearance of that figure made the burning sensation on Norton's arm even stronger.


Under the extreme pain stimulation, Norton finally collapsed on the smooth and cold marble floor.

And the movement of his kneeling seemed to awaken the man in front of the fireplace from his contemplation.

He slowly turned his head and walked step by step.

The faint green fire reflected his back so huge, slowly covering Norton.

Along with the beating of the fire, the huge and ferocious shadow was also dancing continuously, like an evil beast, opening its **** mouth towards Norton.

"I originally thought that you were the only one other than me who really had the ability to understand the true meaning of my 'love'. Although your love is so narrow, it is still love after all. I am very optimistic about you. . But look what you've done. You're...a disappointment to me."

Shadowman No. 1 spoke slowly.

Surprisingly, his voice was so gentle, like a warm spring breeze, like a lullaby sung by his mother, making people feel peaceful and happy.

But these words stopped in Norton's ears, but they were like whispers of the devil.

He was trembling all over, and the sweat couldn't stop flowing, and it soon gathered into a small puddle on his body.

He just collapsed in the puddle like this. Although the fear on his body was about to overflow, he still forced his head up, gritted his teeth and said grimly:

"I'm not convinced! Why can't I take revenge? What's the use of talking about love all day long? You've tried it before, did Dumbledore and Link Foley buy your account? Wake up, No. 1 You've just been tricked by Dumbledore! What **** love, it's all false!"

Shadowman No. 1 shook his head. He leaned down and took a deep breath before continuing:

"Hate is an accessory to love. I can see its ugly appearance in you and smell its stench. When there is love, there will be hate, which is not something to be ashamed of. On the contrary, It's the only way to get to true 'big love.' You're really talented, really, to get this far without anyone else's guidance.

But you are limited to that. From what you have done, you have been controlled by hatred and become a slave of hatred.

This is not right. If you want to go further, you have to let go of hatred and pick up love again. Only then can you reach the next stage. "

"No. 1, I don't want to go to the next stage, I just want revenge!"

"You still don't understand. I never forbid you to take revenge. What I forbid is only to take revenge with hatred."

"What nonsense are you talking about! No. 1! You don't need hatred for revenge, what else do you want?"

"Of course, with love. Of course, at your current stage, you may not be able to understand what I said. So now, all you need to do is just watch, watch my demonstration. I will demonstrate for you. , how to use love for revenge. And after this, I believe you will feel something."

No. 1 said while smiling, his face full of compassion.

But in Norton's eyes, this kind of mercy is so terrifying.

A creepy fear was invading his body, irritating every cell in his body.

"I will not punish you for what you have done, my brother, you are me, I am you, and we are one. Go back, be your Norton, and manage Beauxbatons, and soon some One day, you'll see what you want to see."

Shadowman No. 1 continued to speak.

His voice was slowly becoming blurred, along with the blurred world that Norton could perceive.

The surrounding gloomy hall, the bone-cold floor beneath him, the flames jumping not far away, and even... his own consciousness.

Everything is slowly becoming blurred.

When he woke up again, Norton was shocked to find that he had returned to Beauxbatons again.

He collapsed weakly to the ground, leaning against the wall, sweat dripping from his body.

Not far away, the female secretary was rushing towards this side with a large group of teachers and students.

The therapist in the Beauxbatons infirmary led him to help him up from the ground, and the rest of the people surrounded him.

Everyone's faces were full of anxiety, and their mouths kept opening and closing, as if they were calling Norton's name or talking about other things.

But Norton couldn't hear a word.

Now, the only sound that resounded in his ears was a huge roar.

After a long time, with the help of the therapist, the roar gradually faded away.

The real voices around him gradually became clearer.

"Principal Norton! You must persevere!"

"We lost Principal Maxim and Professor Lilo, we can't lose you anymore!"

"Don't leave us!"

"You are our hero!"

"you're not wrong!"


Not only the teachers and students of Beauxbatons.

The French Minister of Magic, who had previously left, also came back.

He looked at the weak Norton in front of him, squeezed into the crowd anxiously, grabbed Norton and said:

"Oh! Principal Norton, why are you here! It's okay! We'll take care of it at the International Confederation of Wizards, it won't be a big deal! You can rest assured! We will never let them take you away. !"

Listening to the sincere words of the people around him, Norton's complexion was rapidly turning red with a soft and visible expression.

His mood at the moment is beyond words.

A flame called hope is being rekindled in his depleted heart!

He hasn't lost yet!

What if it fails?

What if the plan was exposed?

He is still the hero of Beauxbatons and even the entire French magic world.

Because he did things that others wanted to do but dared not do!


He took a deep breath, turned his head and looked out the window at the golden Beauxbatons sign placed on the top of the tower, and said in his heart:

'No. 1, let me take a good look! See how you got revenge with love! ’


Hogwarts Castle.

Gryffindor bedroom.

Harry moaned and sat up from the bed, stretching in comfort.

There was still a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, and the whole person looked softer and more energetic than before.

"Ron, get up, it's time for us to go to class."

As Harry spoke, he rolled off the bed and started dressing and washing.

Ron was still muttering in his sleep on the bed.

After a long time, he got up sleepily.

Then, when his eyes instinctively swept to Harry, his originally squinted eyes instantly widened.

Because he saw that Harry was actually making the bed.

And it was meticulous, just like the way a hotel bedmaker would organize.

"What the hell, Harry, what are you doing crazy?"

Ron screamed involuntarily.

Harry was taken aback by him, turned around hastily, and complained in a low voice:

"Oh! Ron, you should be quieter, not everyone needs to get up so early to go to potions class like us, and everyone else is still sleeping!"

After all, he looked at the bed next to him a little nervously.

Fortunately, those boys slept more than pigs and didn't wake up because of Ron's shout.

Seeing this, Ron's gaze at Harry became even more bizarre.

"Seriously Harry," said Ron sincerely, "if you feel any discomfort, I suggest you go to Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible, these things can't be delayed!"

"You should see Madam Pomfrey, right? I'm fine, on the contrary, I feel great!"

Harry frowned in retort.

He spoke the truth.

It has been more than a week since the school started.

And during this period of time, except for the first day, he was dreaming the sweet dream he had been looking forward to almost every day.

This unparalleled and wonderful feeling makes Harry feel that his spirit is getting better and better, and his whole person's emotions are becoming more and more positive.

It's so wonderful!

Harry and Ron played with each other for a while, and finally Ron, who had barely washed himself, was pulled out of the dormitory by Harry.

The Gryffindor common room was already quite lively in the early morning.

The 5th and 7th graders who are preparing for the exam are occupying a corner position, holding a pile of thick books and reading early in the morning.

Students like Harry and the others gathered together in twos and threes, leisurely preparing to go to class.

As for the freshmen who have just arrived at Hogwarts, it is more interesting.

They were studying around a giant map of Hogwarts.

Harry was not surprised by this scene.

For freshmen, especially those from Muggle families, Hogwarts Castle is a giant amusement park, or a treasure trove.

The fake doors, magic passages, mischievous traps, floating stairs, etc. here are really interesting.

Of course, sometimes, these 'interesting' things can also cause them some distress.

For example, getting lost and being late for class.

Even Harry and Ron had this experience in first grade.

Until now, Harry couldn't help shivering just thinking about the scene at that time.

The angry Professor McGonagall is really terrible.

But despite this, life back then was generally happy, and the level of joy was infinitely greater than it is now. If possible, Harry would rather go back to that time than to be like this now. The sky is buried in the pile of books, and there is still some Voldemort to worry about.

"Harry, what class are we going to have this morning?"

Just as Harry was thinking about his first-year life, Ron's sullen voice suddenly rang out.

Harry, who was interrupted to imagine, was not angry, but replied immediately:

"Potions, then herbal medicine and Defence Against the Dark Arts classes in the afternoon."

"Oh! Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions! Damn, I'm not a big fan of either class! Needless to say, Snape, I wouldn't expect anything from his class at all. As for Potions. , Hehe, Professor Slughorn probably won't be a good professor." Ron complained, "If I remember correctly, this is the first time we have taken these two courses since the beginning of the school, right?"

"Don't say that, Professor Slughorn is still good," Harry paused, as if he was looking for something from Professor Slughorn, but in the end he could only say, "At least he should be better than Snape. much better."

Ron sneered and said:

"Just being a normal person can be better than Snape! Oh yes! Are your Potions textbooks ready? By the way, why do you think Slughorn invited you to continue to Potions? That's all Unreasonable, how can a professor beg students to go to class?"

Hearing this, Harry didn't answer immediately, but nodded, and then quickly shook his head.

In fact, as early as last year, he had voluntarily given up to continue taking the newt-level potions course.

In his opinion, this is the best decision he has made in his life.

Otherwise, he would continue to hang around in Snape's class. He designated that he would be tortured crazy by Snape's poisonous tongue and various targets.

But who would have thought that Snape turned around and went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this year.

Harry was completely devastated when he heard the news.

He was even a little suspicious that Snape begged Link, the school manager, to successfully change jobs just to keep torturing him.

And in doing so, Harry was completely Muggle.

You know, in order to get rid of Snape's entanglement, he just gave up on Potions!

This almost means that he gave up his dream of becoming an Auror!

You know, in order to become an Auror, the nwet score in Potions must reach the top!

And just as Harry was distressed, Slughorn's invitation to continue his Potions class arrived.

Harry was surprised and delighted when he received this invitation conveyed through Professor McGonagall.

Fortunately, he can finally continue to pursue his dream.

Surprisingly, he really didn't understand the purpose of Slughorn's move.

And to be honest, Harry didn't like Slughorn very well either.

He always felt that this person was a little too snobby.

That banquet that Professor Slughorn threw on the train was pure snobbery.

Those who have connections in the family can gain his enthusiasm. As for those whose relationships are not so strong, they are disliked by him.

"Hey, Harry, don't get distracted and answer my question."

Ron continued to speak with some dissatisfaction, "What's the matter with you recently? You've become so strange, and you're always in a daze?"

Hearing this, Harry reacted again, sighed and replied:

"I don't know what's going on. But at least, I have prepared the textbook for the Potions class. It was sent by Sirius entrusted by Lihen Bookstore by Owl Express."

"Really?" Ron said with some surprise. "That's great. Charlie still uses the rest of my textbooks. Maybe I can borrow yours to read!"

Harry didn't speak, just nodded silently.

He knew the Weasleys well.

The many shortcomings of the brothers in the family are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

As the youngest boy, Ron can only use the rest of the brothers, from clothes to textbooks, without exception.

To be honest, Harry thinks it doesn't matter if the textbook is old, it's better to say that the old one is better.

Especially that the textbook is a scholar like Charlie.

Such old textbooks must have notes left by Charlie, and these notes can sometimes play a big role in thinking.

Unfortunately, Ron obviously doesn't think so.

Facing the piles of old things, he just felt disgusted.

As the two talked, they all came to the auditorium and began to enjoy breakfast.

Breakfast at Hogwarts is always the same thing as fried eggs, bacon, beans or roasted tomatoes.

These things are so high in calories that they explode. They are definitely a nightmare for girls who are losing weight, but they are the best supplements for growing boys like Harry and Ron.

The two devoured the food in front of them, only to realize that the plate in front of them did not disappear as usual, but was still lying on the dining table so quietly.

"How is this going?"

Harry frowned and said, "The house-elves in the kitchen are lazy? That's not right, shouldn't they usually take away the dirty plates right away?"

Ron's face was extremely ugly. He stared at Harry and opened his mouth slightly, as if trying to explain, but in the end he didn't say anything.

But at the next moment, two big hands stretched out at the same time and took away the dinner plate in front of the two of them.

Harry turned his head suspiciously, but saw that the people who received the dinner tray were two people in white robes, white buns, white gloves on their hands, and white cloth on their faces.

Although the two of them could be said to be armed to the teeth, Harry still recognized their identities from their tall and fat stature.

Goyle and Crabbe!

Two of Draco Malfoy's henchmen!

"Oh! Harry Potter! And poor redhead Weasley!" Goyle and Crabbe sang in unison. "Your plates are so clean, I don't think you even need to wash them! Seriously. , how did you do it? Is it because your family is so poor that you can't get enough to eat, so you will have such a big appetite when you arrive at Hogwarts?"

Having said that, Goyle and Crabbe laughed together, seemingly amused by their own words.

Hearing this, Harry's complexion instantly turned red, and he was about to scold him when he got up.

But he just pulled out the chair when he heard Ron sneer next to him:

"Heh! Where did you get the confidence to come and say these words? Your plate is not 10,000 times cleaner than ours? Not only that, but every time you eat a fixed amount of breakfast, you have to keep an eye on other people's. Dinner plates, when others can't eat them, they will rush to eat leftovers! Just because of you two, Slytherin's plate is definitely the cleanest in Hogwarts! I mean it seriously, Did Malfoy never feed your two dogs? I'm going to sue him for animal cruelty!"


Gore was angry when he heard the sound.

Angrily, he opened his sleeves and was ready to go.

But the next moment he was pulled by Crabbe next to him.

Crabbe whispered something in Goyle's ear, and Goyle's expression changed instantly.

He glanced at Ron angrily, and then quickly went to the long tables of other colleges with Crabbe.

"Hehe! You two fat dogs! Come back if you have one!"

Ron continued provocatively proudly, but when he turned his head, he found that Harry was looking at him with an extremely strange look, "Hey, why are you looking at me like this?"

Harry shook his head and said:

"Why did Goyle and Crabbe come to collect their plates dressed like that, and why do you know so much about the status of Slytherin's plates?"

"Uh, this..."

Ron faltered and couldn't speak, his eyes kept rolling in his sockets, and it seemed that he was thinking about how to lie.

But before he could make up the words, Hermione sat next to Harry with the book and said lightly:

"Voluntary This is the punishment for their fight on the first day of school."

"Shut up! Hermione!"

Ron blushed angrily.

But Hermione was not afraid, and continued:

"It's not just the meal trays, the group of people who were fighting now need to clean up all the abandoned classrooms. And clean the bathrooms, including the women's bathroom. And the lawn trimming, the maintenance of the castle... Speaking of Harry Why don't you even know this?"

Hermione glanced at the red-faced Ron as she spoke, and then suddenly realized, "Oh! You guys thought it was too embarrassing, so you didn't tell the others, including Harry, did you? It's really... In the Eastern proverb Link used to say, it's called stealing the bell. Don't you know that? Gryffindor lost face the day you fought Slytherin! Especially when you lost It's gone!"

"We didn't lose!" Ron jumped up and said, "It's too unfortunate that Link came! If Link came a little later, the one who was beaten down on the ground should be the one from Slytherin. How many boys!"

Hermione didn't answer, she just looked at Ron with a sneer, and Ron's heart was trembling.

Because he is actually very clear in his heart.

If Link came a little later, he would probably have been beaten even worse by those despicable Slytherins.

After all, he's really not good at fighting.

Harry quickly helped Ron down, frowned and said:

"You should have told me earlier, so that I can help you and save you some effort."

Hearing that, Ron's expression softened slightly, while Hermione continued:

"You still want to die, help? You will only help more and more!"