The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 616: New Potions Class

"Hermione, I beg you to stop talking!"

Harry immediately raised his hands towards Hermione, expressing his surrender.

And Ron sneered with a dark face:

"Hermione, honestly, did you have an early menopause? How do you say it in Muggle terms? Oh yes! Hormonal disturbances, that's why you're so angry?"

As soon as these words came out, Hermione's expression changed.

She glanced at Ron coldly, and then said to Harry:

"Don't have pity on them, they totally deserved what they deserved. Gryffindor's score this year was unprecedentedly deducted into a negative number. It is foreseeable that this year's Academy Cup also missed us! It's all their fault!

Moreover, what I said about being more helpful is not a sarcasm, but a fact.

Why do you think the professors let them work?

This is not because Hogwarts is understaffed, but simply punishment!

Hehehe, Filch should be very happy this time! He now has hundreds of free labor forces waiting for him to drive, and the most terrible thing is that these laborers are not allowed to use magic when they work! "

Hearing Hermione's words, Ron finally stopped talking and covered his eyes as if recalling some unbearable past.

At the same time, Harry's mind came to a scene where Ron and the others were working like slaves who built pyramids in ancient Egypt, constantly wailing and working under Filch's whip.

That terrifying appearance made him feel cold behind his back just by imagining it.

"Enough, I think we should go to Potions class!"

Harry got up quickly, shook his head, expelled all the chaotic images in his mind, and said quickly.

"Wow! I'm surprised you can still remember the class." Hermione sneered again, "I thought you only had Gabrielle and Quidditch on your mind. Remember the day we went to Hermione Did Chipage protect Gabriel? Your eyes went straight when you saw Gabriel."

As soon as Hermione said this, Ron became interested, and with his big eyes, he came over to look like he was ready to watch a good show.

With what he knew about Harry.

Next, Harry will definitely be shy, and maybe even quarrel with Hermione.

In this way, Harry is just like him, a 'War Alliance'!

To his surprise, Harry didn't look angry when he heard the words.

Instead, he looked at Hermione worriedly and said:

"Hermione, to be honest, your temper is really not right today. Is it because your body is a little uncomfortable?"


Hermione froze on the spot.

Her face was a little red, and her right hand instinctively placed on her lower abdomen, but she said hard in her mouth:

"What's wrong is you, right? You actually say these things..."

Speaking of which, Hermione's voice was so soft that she could barely hear her. She stomped her feet and walked out of the auditorium first.

Seeing this, Ron and Harry looked at each other and hurriedly chased after them.

The three of them chased all the way to the potions classroom.

For a long time in the past, walking down this path to the basement was extremely stressful for Harry.

Not only is this road reserved for Snape, but also because Slytherin's common room is not far from here.

But this time is different.

When he thought that the person who was going to teach them a lesson would no longer be Snape, but the old man Slughorn, Harry's mood relaxed for no reason.

Slughorn, though snobbish, should be much better than Snape.

When the three of Harry arrived, there were already twelve or three people gathered in the corridor outside the classroom.

This should be all the staff of this potions improvement class.

Harry wasn't at all surprised by this.

Not everyone could stand Snape's vicious tongue.

Snape's bad character made many people at Hogwarts, including him, to give up the idea of ​​continuing to study Potions.

In a sense, Snape's existence not only did not help revitalize potions, but instead made this ancient science even more unpopular at the source.

Harry looked at the people standing in the corridor.

Goyle and Crabbe were not found there.

Obviously, the grades of the two of them are already so bad that even if the potions professor is their dean, there is no way to open a back door for them.

What really surprised Harry was that the proportion of Slytherins in this potions improvement class was actually not high.

Of the dozen or so people in total, there were actually only four Slytherins, including Draco.

This guy seems to be much more low-key now than before. After seeing Harry, instead of looking for trouble, he hid in the corner.

And from the standpoint, he and the other three students of Slytherin Academy didn't seem to be playing very well either.

Harry knew very well that the main reason for all these changes was that Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy, was arrested and brought to justice.

This should be a joyous thing, and Harry should rejoice and even come forward to taunt him in return for the insult that Malfoy gave him earlier.

But somehow, Harry didn't feel the slightest bit of happiness right now.

All he thought in his mind were questions and worries about how Draco Malfoy would live after losing his father.

This weird and complicated emotion even led him to take the initiative to hold Ron when Ron wanted to come forward to trouble Draco.

"Hey! Harry, don't do that, I'll just go over and say hello to our Mr. Malfoy first, I won't get in trouble!"

Ron reached out and patted Harry's hand that clasped his arm tightly, speaking nonsense that no one believed.

Harry's eyes were complicated, and he shook his head silently.

He didn't tell Ron that he wasn't afraid of Ron getting into trouble, but just pity Draco Malfoy.

And Hermione, who was beside him, said as if she had eaten gunpowder:

"You advise you not to move, Ron, or I guarantee that your labor punishment will be extended! Think about it, everyone else's punishment will be over by then. But you, the prefect of Gryffindor, still Pour tea and water to people, and even clear the women's bathroom."

As soon as these words came out, Ron's eyebrows rose again.

He stared at him and was about to have a seizure, but at this moment, the door to the basement was opened.

"It's time for class, come in, kids!"

Professor Slughorn stood at the door and spoke happily, perhaps because he was too happy. While he was speaking, his huge belly was still shaking.

Draco lowered his head and took the lead in running into the classroom.

Professor Slughorn didn't care either. His attention was obviously focused on Harry and Shabini not far away.

When the two passed by him, he obviously wanted to appear more enthusiastic, and the walrus-like beard kept shaking.

And after entering the classroom, Harry realized that the current Potions classroom had changed.

Slughorn seemed to disdain Snape's decor aesthetic.

He directly dismantled the display racks that were originally located on the classroom walls, and threw away all kinds of bizarre specimens on the display racks, as well as all kinds of furniture and wallpapers with strong gloomy colors.

It is replaced by a whole set of solid wood furniture in warm tones.

This made the entire Potions classroom become much more normal.

At least it's a little more human.

Not only that, but there are also several crucibles in the classroom.

There was a constant stream of thick white steam inside, and the steam drifted, the entire classroom was foggy, and the air was filled with all kinds of weird smells.

Valley Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked past the bubbling cauldrons, smelling with interest.

The rest of the people found their seats according to the academy and sat down.

"Come here! Harry, come on! I promise you won't regret it!"

Ernie McMillan suddenly greeted Harry.

This is the only Hufflepuff among the dozen or so Potions Advanced Class students present.

Despite his arrogance and arrogance, Harry liked him very much.

Seeing him winking by himself sitting at a table closest to a golden cauldron, Harry thought he was worried that he would go to class alone, so he pulled Ron and Harry closer.

But when the three of them actually sat down, they finally discovered the mystery of this seat.

Because in the golden crucible not far from them, a wonderful aroma was constantly wafting out.

It was an alluring smell that Harry had never smelled.

It made Harry think of honey tarts at the same time, the woody smell of broomsticks, and a floral scent he must have smelled at the Burrow. He found himself inhaling slowly and deeply, the smell of the potion filling him like alcohol, and a great sense of satisfaction slowly overwhelmed him. He grinned at Ron, who was looking at him lazily.

"Well, I didn't lie to you!"

Ernie was also smirking, and while laughing, he raised his head and said triumphantly.

Harry and Ron nodded again and again, only Hermione frowned and pinched her nose with her fingers, as if smelling something bad.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with the taste!"

Hermione murmured, this was definitely a well-intentioned reminder.

It's a pity that now Harry and Ron don't care at all, they don't even bother to continue arguing with Hermione.

This made Hermione very angry.

"All right, all right, all right," said Slughorn. Looking through the many steaming hot steam, his bulky figure seemed erratic. "Dear classmates, please take out the balance, medicine bag, and, don't forget to take out your "Advanced Potions Making" textbook!"

Slughorn's voice seemed to have a magic power that pulled the three of Harry out of that lazy state.

They quickly took out the books and tools, among which Ron naturally crowded with Harry and began to share the brand-new "Advanced Potions Making".

During this entire process, Slughorn's eyes were fixed on Harry.

Seeing that Harry was ready, he pushed his already bulging chest forward again, and the buttons on his vest were about to burst.

"I have prepared several potions to open your eyes, of course, just out of interest. When you finish the advanced course, you should be able to make something like this. Although you haven't done it yourself, you must listen to it. Said. Who can tell me what this is?"

Slughorn said excitedly, and while speaking, he pointed to the cauldron closest to the Slytherin table.

Through the hazy mist, Harry could clearly see that there was a pot of clear water tumbling inside.

Hermione's well-trained hand rose first. Slughorn pointed at her.

"It's Veritaserum, a colorless, odorless potion that compels those who drink it to tell the truth."

Hermione spoke with a quick answer, almost as soon as Slughorn pointed her finger at her.

"very good!"

Slughorn said happily, "Now," he continued, pointing to the cauldron closest to Ravenclaw's desk, "this kind of comparison is famous...and it's also highlighted in several pamphlets issued by the Ministry recently. Introduced... who can—?"

Hermione's hand was raised again preemptively.

"It's a compound decoction, sir."

"Great, great! I never thought that there would be a potion genius I didn't know here!" Slughorn sighed, "My dear, what's your name?"

"Hermione Granger, sir."

"Granger? Granger? Are you related to Hetok Dagworth Granger, the founder of the Extraordinary Apothecary Society?"

"No, probably not, sir. I'm Muggle-born."

Hermione lowered her head and said, from Harry's angle he could clearly see the blush on Hermione's face.

Obviously, Hermione was a little embarrassed by what Slughorn said in the second half.

Harry could even see that, not far from Slytherin, Shabini was whispering something to Malfoy's ear, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Malfoy looked rather reserved.

He just forced a smile and lowered his head quickly.

This brought Harry's heart to his throat.

With Slughorn's snobbish personality, he could guess what kind of attitude he would take on Hermione next with Harry's heels.

But, this time, he guessed wrong.

Slughorn didn't show any disappointment.

Instead, he smiled, looked at Hermione, and then at Harry, who was sitting beside her, and said:

"Harry once mentioned to me that he has an extraordinary Muggle friend who has an amazing talent for learning! I think the friend you're talking about is Miss Granger?"

As soon as these words came out, Hermione turned her head to look at Harry in surprise.

And Harry said dully:

"Yes, yes, sir."

"Very good, very good, and a well-deserved twenty points for Miss Granger in Gryffindor."

Slughorn said kindly.

Harry felt his scalp go numb.

He really did not expect that Slughorn would say such a thing.

He happily turned to look at Hermione, but saw that Hermione was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other, and he was surprised to find that Hermione's eyes were a little red.

This made Harry's mood a lot happier.

At this moment, they saw that Slughorn actually walked in front of pointed at the golden cauldron and said:

"Then Harry, can you tell me what the potion is in this cauldron?"

"Ah this—"

Harry opened his mouth wide and stood up dumbfounded.

At this moment, he couldn't tell which side Slughorn was on.

Said that Slughorn was deliberately trying to embarrass him.

They obviously helped Hermione out of the siege.

But Slughorn was with them.

Slughorn asked such a question.

Professor Slughorn... don't you really think he can guess the name of a potion just by looking at it like Hermione?

Harry stared dully at the current cauldron, his mind blank.

But at this moment, in his head, he remembered the sound that can only be heard in dreams.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..."

With the continuous sound of this voice, Harry only felt a trance in his brain for a while, and then, an aura flashed, and Harry felt that his brain was suddenly opened, and countless knowledge was rushing out of it frantically.

Then Harry unexpectedly discovered that he seemed to really know the potion in front of him? !

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