The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 62: Closed brain training

   "Because I have been practicing the Super Sensation Mantra recently, the release of this mantra requires me to enter an absolutely sensible calm state, so I think Occlumency should be able to help me."

   Link blurted out and made his debut.

   This is the reason he has fabricated for a long time, and he can guarantee that even the outstanding Master Pantheon will not be able to hear anything wrong from it.

Because this is true originally, Occidental Cerebral has a great bonus to the super-sensing mantra, but the difficulty of learning Occidental Cerebral is much higher than the super-sensing mantra. In reality, no one will learn the super-high mantra. It would be too stupid to practice Occlumency.

   And Snape's reaction did not exceed Link's expectations. He continued to stare at Link for a while, then said quietly:

   "If this is the case, then I will teach you, anyway Occlumency is also good for your condition."

   "My condition?"

   Link said in a puzzled way. This was the first time he heard Snape mention his condition this month. This also made him once again bring up the idea of ​​inquiring about his physical condition.

   What kind of disease is it that makes Occlusive Cerebral surgery have an inhibitory effect on it?

   But Snape obviously didn't want to continue on this topic, he waved his hand and said:

"If you want to learn Occlumency, the first thing you need to master is to empty your brain-don't think, remember, don't feel. Because as long as your brain is empty, then even if someone else invades your brain. No information can be detected. This is the basis of Occlumency. If you can't even do this, it proves that you don't have the talent in this area. Then there is no need to mention the higher and deeper levels."

   Snape spoke lightly, but Link's expression became a little serious.

   He knew how difficult it was to do what Snape said.

   Because the brain of an ordinary person is constantly thinking and perceiving the outside world almost all the time, even when sleeping, but he can't notice it.

  Many people may think that emptying the brain is actually a daze, but there is actually a fundamental difference between the two.

   Because when you were in a daze, you really didn’t think or remember.

   But your feeling is still there, you can feel the chair against your back, you can feel the body warm, you can feel...

   So emptying the brain is actually a very difficult thing. Normal people can only enter once or twice under very accidental circumstances.

   And more difficult is that this state is easily interrupted, and true Occlumency requires you to be able to maintain this state in any environment.

   This level of skill is no longer what normal people can achieve through hard training. Only those with extraordinary talents can correctly master Occlumency under the guidance of others.

   And this is the main reason why Occultists are so rare.

   Looking at Link's serious expression, Snape nodded slightly, raised his wand and stood up:

   "Well, then we will start."

"and many more!"

   Link's violent shout prevented Snape from taking the next move, and saw him step back several steps before he said with some caution:

   "How are you going to train me? Isn't it a chanting spell that keeps getting into my brain?"

This is the thing Link is most worried about, because there are too many secrets in his mind. Although the ability of the censer to recite the curse can get the thoughts in the mind of the cursed person, it can’t be like the legendary soul-searching method. It's the same as stealing memories of the past, but Link is still afraid of revealing it.

After all, Snape had a history of conviction. In the original book, he trained Harry Potter to master Occlumency by constantly fascinating him. At the same time, he was accompanied by a series of poisonous tongue attacks, which made Harry worse than dead. .

   But what Link did not expect was that Snape looked at him with a mentally retarded look and said:

   "That's illegal."


   Link continued.

   The Ministry of Magic does stipulate that you cannot use sanctuary on others without approval, especially for minor wizards.

   But to Link, Snape wasn't the kind of guy who would obey the laws of the Ministry of Magic.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't teach Link Shenfeng Wuying such a dangerous spell.

   "That means I won't do that!"

   Snape said irritably. Before he could say anything, the magic wand in the other hand was raised, turning a large empty glass jar in the corner into a soft lounge chair.

   "Okay, sit up and try to empty your brain, don't chirp like a girl here!"

   "You let me practice like this?"

   "Otherwise? I have told you the method. If you can learn it, you can learn it. If you can't learn it, it means you don't have this talent!"

   Snape said of course.

   But Link's expression was a little dazed.

He was still worried about whether Snape would train him too rigorously, so as to cause the identity of his traverser to be As a result, the training method is not strict but not strict now, but it is rudimentary. A bit too much.

   This world is really strange.

   murmured inwardly, but Link finally lay down on the couch and began to empty his brain.

   Link still has some experience with this, after all, he had already done some meditation training when he was learning the Transcendent Mantra.

   But compared to meditation, the requirements of this Occlumency training method are obviously more stringent.

   So Link made a mistake that most Occlumency learners would make, as it should be-fell asleep.

   When Link woke up again, the sky outside was completely dark. Looking at the candlelight that was still beating around, Link, who had fallen asleep suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

   And Snape himself was still dealing with the intractable potion, just watching him holding the burner switch and ready to turn off the fire, the entire pharmaceutical process should have come to an end.

   This also gave Link a bad guess.

  ‘This guy, wouldn’t it be because I didn’t bother him to take medicine that he would fool me into training like this, right? ’

   As soon as this kind of conjecture appeared, Link thought more and more reasonable, otherwise, with Snape's character, how could he be so kind that he would be ready to change a recliner for him?

   Thinking like this, Link's eyes turned to Snape.

   At this time, Snape finally turned off the flame of the blowtorch and poured the liquid medicine in the cauldron into two cups.


   He let out a long suffocating breath, glanced at Link who was already awake, waved his hand and said tiredly:

   "Hurry up after drinking the medicine, I want to rest."