The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 665: Dedication of the Phoenix

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Inside Hogwarts Castle.

The battle has come to an end.

Under the attack of Durmstrang reinforcements and the Hogwarts coalition, the number of French wizards in the shaft has been reduced to single digits.

The remaining few people also retracted back into the corridor on the eighth floor, trying to make those students pay the final tragic price with the advantage of the terrain here, or directly kill an emerging professor.

This is not impossible.

After going through the campus renovation plan after the reorganization of Hogwarts, the layout of the eighth floor of Hogwarts has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past, and its complexity will even make Hogwarts students and professors get lost. Enough French wizards to play their own strategy.

But just as they gritted their teeth and prepared to find the ambush site.

A mass of orange-red flames suddenly erupted from the corridor.

Then, surrounded by golden and white holy light, the imposing Dumbledore appeared out of thin air, just blocking their way.

"Deng... Dumbledore!"

A French wizard at the head muttered.

The fear in his eyes spread uncontrollably.

This was the terror that once defeated Grindelwald, and not long ago destroyed most of Beauxbatons.

Facing him, the anger in the hearts of the French wizards was quickly extinguished.

They screamed and wanted to step back, and they were more willing to fight against the astonishing number of student coalition forces.

At least there is still some hope of survival.

It's a pity that Dumbledore didn't intend to give them this chance.


A large amount of golden and white holy light was sprinkled.

These rays of light, which could only serve as defense and expendable energy in front of the two Voldemort split souls, now showed their original strength.

They turned into countless blades, instantly smashing the French wizards in front of them into pieces.

In the distance, there was a deafening cheer from the people of Hogwarts who had witnessed all this.

People were all calling Dumbledore's name and rushing towards them like crazy.

Faintly, Dumbledore even heard the voices of them wanting to ask about Harry and Link's situation.

In these voices, Dumbledore just looked at Phoenix Fox with complicated eyes.

"Have you begun to take his orders?"

Dumbledore said lightly.

This magical creature, the phoenix, has always been the most difficult magical animal to tame.

But as long as it can get its approval, then it will become the most loyal guard, and except for its own master, the orders of others will be ignored by it.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a phoenix to recognize two people at the same time.

This is because it is very rare for people to be recognized by the phoenix. It is rare for a phoenix to meet one in this life, let alone two at the same time.

The second is that spiritual creatures like phoenixes also have the concept of first come and last arrival. Generally speaking, they will be more inclined to the first approved owner, thus ignoring the later approvers.

But there are exceptions.

Phoenix Fox had chosen to obey Link's orders, not his Dumbledore's.

This is by no means Phoenix Fox trying to save him.

Because the phoenix has no concept of 'death', it will never prevent its master from dying, and even if an order is given, it is not impossible for it to kill its master by itself.

That is to say, compared to his Dumbledore and Link, Phoenix is ​​more willing to obey Link's orders.

Does this also mean that Link has some qualities that are better than his Dumbledore, so he is recognized by Phoenix Fox?

"Whoa, whoa—"

A wonderful chirping echoed through the hallway.

Dumbledore was pulled back from his brief thoughts.

Looking at the phoenix in front of him, he forced a smile and said:

"Is that so, are you going back to help him now? Of course! But can I give you another order? That is to bring that child back. In any case, even if he orders you to leave, you must He brought it back. I hope you'll listen to me this time, okay?"

Phoenix's song of courage sounded again.

Along with the beautiful melody, Phoenix Fox turned into flames and disappeared.

Dumbledore stared at the place where the flames disappeared, his eyes extremely complicated.

Behind him, there were cheering students and professors.

the other side of the battlefield.

Link, who was shrouded in fog armor and a bluish-white cyclone, was drowned by the blood-colored blade storm.

Tiny blood mines were constantly moving from Voldemort's body, frantically stimulating Harry's body's functions and squeezing out more power.

This directly made Voldemort's movements to the extreme.

During the mad laughter, the blood-colored long knife in his hand kept dancing wildly.

The swift and violent slashes that were almost invisible to the naked eye continued to fall, and the momentum became more and more fierce.

The blood in the sky kept flashing, and there were dense sparks all over Link's body.

The sharpness of these slashes even partially ripped through Link's thickened outer layers of energy protection. Together with the shock force of the rest of the slashes, they acted directly on Link's body, causing more wounds on his body. , The injuries to the internal organs also continued to increase, and the throat was sweet and almost vomited blood.

This is what is bound to happen without Dumbledore's assistance.

Each legendary wizard has its own fighting style and energy tendencies.

If you want to describe it, Dumbledore is like a fort with both offense and defense. The golden and white holy light and the terrifying disappearance spell have the same powerful attack and defense capabilities.

Voldemort was even more greedy.

Whether it's attack, defense, speed, intelligence...

All tendencies, he wants them all!

It is precisely because of this desire that Voldemort will frantically transform his own blood, and learn to absorb various knowledge and abilities, even the outdated skills of swordsmanship and swordsmanship are no exception.

And he actually did it.

The Voldemort split soul wielding a blood-colored long knife should be the almighty existence that Voldemort imagined when he was young.

As for Link, he was a pure attacker.

Even if it has the ability of fog armor with defensive characteristics, its essence exists to be able to attack better.

So in the face of Voldemort's crazy attack, he didn't even think about passively defending.

Even though his internal organs had been damaged and the blood had poured into his throat, he still gritted his teeth and waved his wand fiercely against the figure entangled in blood and thunder.


The fog armor that had been smeared and heated to pink suddenly popped out, and then was chopped up.

The hot snow-white steam quickly spread out, turning the entire battlefield into a high-temperature hell.

Voldemort's split soul also learned to be smart this time.

The first time the steam bloomed, he not only retreated violently under the drive of the blood thunder, but also kept slashing with the blood-colored long sword in his hand.

And what Link needed was a reaction like Voldemort's.

The fragmented vapor cloud condensed again under Link's control, compressed, and was quickly transformed into a hot air cannon that shot above the blade storm at a very high frequency.

Naturally, these attacks were all blocked.

Voldemort's piercing laughter was even heard in the blood-colored blade storm.

Link knew very well that this was the other party's useless effort to laugh at him.

But is this really useless?

In fact, Voldemort could find out with just a little attention that every attack of Link landed precisely on a fixed position on the side of the long knife in his hand.

It's a pity that Voldemort has been overwhelmed by the huge sense of humiliation and anger at this moment.

He just swung the long knife frantically, and killed Link while resisting the attack of the incoming criminal.

And Link is doing the same thing.

The two of them were like two underground black boxers who had gone completely crazy in the octagonal cage, constantly throwing heavy punches at their opponents without reservation.

After such a brutal confrontation lasted for nearly half a minute, a tiny crack finally spread from the side of the blood-colored long knife.


The crisp cracking sound was inaudible amidst the various supersonic gas explosions and colliding explosions.

At this moment, Link has completely turned into a blood man.

He was covered in cuts all over his body.

A large amount of blood was continuously thrown out with his every movement.

But even so, there was still a smile on Link's mouth.

His purpose has been achieved!

Voldemort's movements finally stopped.

In other words, he was forced to stop. The blood-colored long knife in his hand, Gerald, was trying his best to resist his control in the spiritual world. This resistance was so violent that even Voldemort could not ignore it. As for the real material world, the blade kept trembling and sounded like a scream like a scream.

'It can't be used anymore! Don't be shattered! ’

Voldemort looked down in dissatisfaction and looked at the long knife in his hand. At this moment, the knife was covered with fine cracks, and these cracks were still spreading.

Gerald wasn't lying.

The blood-colored long knife has reached its limit and can no longer bear any power.

And when the blade shatters, Gerald himself will die!

"It's... a waste-like existence."

Voldemort shook his head in disgust, then raised his head to look at Link, who was covered in blood not far away, trying to float in the air and taking the opportunity to recover his strength wearing a thick mouth, smiled, "You, very good! Really very Not bad! In my long life, you are a rare person who can be recognized by me! So, do you want to follow me and become my new blade? This will be the only choice that will allow you to survive !"

As soon as these words came out, the blood-colored long knife trembled even more.

It was as if Gerald himself was frantically roaring at the Voldemort split soul in front of him.

Accused him of not trying to persuade Link to surrender.

This kind of thing Voldemort's main soul has already tried.

And the result is that now Voldemort's main soul doesn't even have a little bit of dregs left.

This kind of stupidity seemed to Gerald like casting a spell on a rooster in an attempt to turn it back into a Tyrannosaurus rex.

But just as Gerald kept shouting in the spiritual world, he heard Link nodded and said:

"Okay, I accept your proposal, but if I join you, what kind of position will you give me? I think we must first clarify this point, I am a legendary wizard, and I hope to be echoed The status of my identity and strength!"


Gerald in the spiritual world was instantly petrified, and even the blood-colored long knife stopped trembling strangely, allowing the fine cracks on it to continue to spread.

He never expected that Link would agree so neatly, and he also directly entered the bargaining session of discussing future treatment.

But after being shocked, Gerrard felt that this did not seem to be incomprehensible.

After all, the current Link can almost be said to be exhausted.

Gerald has also seen many people who are firm in their beliefs but surrender in the face of death.

Maybe that's the case with Link?

After hesitating for a while, the corner of Gerald's mouth in the spiritual world slowly rose, ready to persuade the split soul in Harry to accept Link's surrender.

But before he could officially speak, the other party had already clenched the long knife in his hand again and held it high above his head.

"I didn't feel any sincerity in your words." Voldemort shook his head and said lightly, "That is to say, you are just delaying time so that you can recover more physical strength."

"Ah, you saw it. That's really a pity."

Link lowered his head in disappointment.

The wound on his body had slowly stopped bleeding while he had just spoken to Voldemort.

But that's not enough.

Because above the long knife that Voldemort raised, there was a terrifying force that kept condensing.

Gerald's consciousness began to growl and scream again. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In his current state, there is simply no way he can withstand such a huge energy infusion.

With the continuous influx of energy, he could even feel that the blade that he had made with his soul and energy was gradually shattering at a faster and faster rate. The pain that went deep into his bones made Gerald want to die immediately.

Unfortunately, this desire is not allowed.

The terrifying and viscous dark magic power invaded the blood-colored long knife and spread along the cracks on the knife body, forming large crack-like black lines.

It's like some kind of high-strength adhesive that sticks together all the blades that were about to break, so that it can withstand more force.

"Since you don't want to surrender, then go to die!"

Voldemort's voice fell.

At the same time, there was a raised long sword.

This was definitely the most terrifying slash that Link had ever seen in his life.

The magic power of black and red has been completely integrated in the blade.

Under the blessing of magic, the power of this slash is even enough to smash mountains and rivers!

There is no doubt that after this full blow, the long knife itself will also be broken, but before that, I am afraid that he has already been chopped to pieces, right?

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on Link's face.

At this moment, the crisp and pleasant phoenix cry suddenly sounded from Link's ears.

A large group of orange-red phoenix flames also appeared out of thin air, taking the lead to meet the incoming blade.

The moment when the two meet.

The monstrous phoenix flame and the phoenix body hiding in it in the form of energy were all cut in half.

But the blade itself, which had been blessed to the limit, shattered suddenly because of the penetrating touch, turning into shards all over the sky!