The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 692: scary link foley

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"Commissioner? If I remember correctly, shouldn't it be the minister?"

The Muggle Prime Minister pointed to the title of 'minister' on the frame of Yurik Gamp's portrait with some doubts and said, "Why is there another committee member now?"

Uric Gump nodded and said:

"You can also directly understand him as the current Minister of Magic, but now that the Ministry of Magic has been restructured, he should be called a committee member. As for the details of the restructuring, you don't need to know, you just need to be clear, Link Foley is one of the best wizards of the last century."

"I have to admit this." Dumbledore echoed, "Link's talent is the only one I've ever seen, and it's a great thing for the Ministry of Magic, or the magic world of the country to have a ruler like him. It is an honor. In fact, Your Excellency Prime Minister, in addition to explaining to you the recent changes in the wizarding community, I also want to ask your opinion about Link."

"Oh? That's what happened! Come on, Professor Dumbledore, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

The Muggle Prime Minister spoke his words firmly.

After knowing that supernatural power still exists in this world, it is not that he has not imagined the scene after he has mastered that power.

It's a pity that every successor to 10 Downing Street is aware of the existence of the portrait of Uric Gamp on the wall, but not every Muggle Prime Minister has direct communication with a real wizard.

Even the current one, apart from the last time he received the unilateral order to 'help block the French border' in an extremely blunt and bizarre way, this is also the first time he has communicated with a wizard.

Not to mention that the one standing in front of him right now is the legendary Dumbledore.

If this is the magic medicine that can rejuvenate one's youth, or prolong life and strengthen one's health, he will not directly make money?

Dumbledore was also obviously satisfied with the attitude of the Muggle Prime Minister, nodded and continued:

"Although the current war between the Ministry of Magic and the French magic world has been won at lightning speed due to the efforts of Link and others, in fact, the enemy who really triggered this war is still arrested. Not only that, we The enemy of the now also controls a more powerful force, a force that can threaten all mankind.

Therefore, I wholeheartedly recommend that you warn your people, and the rest of the world, to start building underground shelters and prepare for shelter. "

"Ha! What do you mean by your inexplicable words, we are going to start building shelters now? Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know how much it will cost?" The Muggle Prime Minister fully understood Deng Blido's face changed immediately after the meaning of what he said, "Of course, it's not because I don't believe you, Dumbledore. It's because this matter is too big.

Shouldn't it be like this? You have someone write a report, detailing the cause and effect, including the duration of the subsequent disaster, the material help you are willing to give, and so on.

After we receive the report, we will hold a meeting to fully discuss the feasibility of your proposal.

Then! How about we answer you again? "

Hearing that, the expression on Dumbledore's face did not change much.

After so many years, he is no longer the young man who killed people out of anger when he was young, and traveled the world with others for an illusory dream.

Now he has bigger dreams, and he has a deeper gentleness, so he won't get angry because of such things.

What's more, the Muggle Prime Minister in front of him was at best yin and yang, and he didn't mean too much insult.

It's just that Uric Gamp in the portrait obviously doesn't think so.

Even though the magic he created has been reformed by Link, it is still his hard work, and there is no room for rudeness!

Uric Gamp said with a wicked smile:

"Hey hey, I advise you to simply agree, or else you won't be waiting for you in such a harmonious and soft voice."

"What? You still want to threaten me?" The Muggle Prime Minister sat back behind his desk nonchalantly.

It is true that, as an ordinary person, he is personally afraid of wizards.

But as the prime minister of the country, he felt that wizards were actually nothing special.

This is an easy conclusion to draw, because if wizards are so terrifying that they can harass the country at will, why is the owner of the earth now a 'Muggle' instead of a wizard with extraordinary powers Woolen cloth?

The idea of ​​the Muggle Prime Minister was naturally hidden from Dumbledore.

It's not that Dumbledore used Legilimency on the Muggle Prime Minister, or that the Muggle Prime Minister is not deep and doesn't know how to control his expression.

It's because the current Muggle Prime Minister simply doesn't bother to hide his emotions.

"Alas! How stupid the world is, the best among the stupid people with rulers like you. Because arrogance has covered your eyes, so you don't even realize it, I'm really doing it for your own good."

Dumbledore shook his head and sighed, his face full of regret.

"Stop talking nonsense to him, Dumbledore." Uric Gump sneered, "I advise you to leave early. Link has already got up and come this way, if he knows you are robbing him I met the Muggle Prime Minister first, I'm afraid even you will be unlucky?"

"No, Link is a very good boy."

"Haha! Stop comforting yourself. As far as I know, Link's personal strength is actually comparable to yours, right? And he also holds the Ministry of Magic, Durmstrang, Baker in his hands. The Man Group, the Foley Family Hunter Group, and even the power of most of Hogwarts. In the face of this power and power, what qualifications do you have to control his thoughts now? I am afraid it is only love, right? But you actually It is also clear that things like affection are very fragile!"

Dumbledore was not as angry as Uric Gamp in the portrait expected, but stared at the portrait of Uric Gamp thoughtfully and said:

"I think compared to me, you need to worry about whether Link will destroy you directly. After all, what you just said is not something you should understand as a magical portrait."

As soon as these words came out, the face of Uric Gamp in the portrait changed instantly.

But before he could speak again, Dumbledore looked at the Muggle Prime Minister and said solemnly:

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, you may not yet understand what kind of group a wizard is. But if you have learned a little about sociology, then you should know that wizards with strong individual power are actually very difficult to condense into one. A solid society. Because they have no need to gather into a large group to fight against certain natural enemies or natural disasters. In many cases, even in the most terrifying disasters on this planet, wizards rely on individual Or the strength of a small group will be enough to solve it.

So, for a long time in the past, the Ministry of Magic you've heard about is not really a governing body.

They are just an institution used to maintain the Statute of Secrecy and maintain the balance between the wizarding world and Muggle society.

Many people may respect the Ministry of Magic a lot of the time, but if the Ministry of Magic wants to rely on orders to direct them, that is absolutely impossible.

Even the Ministry of Magic itself is quite loosely organized.

Many of its internal staff just take money to do things, and they have no loyalty to the Ministry of Magic or even to the magical world of the country.

This has continued for hundreds of years.

Until now, Link appeared.

Link used his powerful strength and wisdom to directly restructure the Ministry of Magic through various emergencies that occurred in the magical world of the country in recent years, and truly included the Ministry of Magic into his cyst.

Then, he used military force to eliminate the oligarchic forces within the magic circle of the kingdom.

Business, social infrastructure, and welfare are greatly encouraged using the legacy of the oligarchs.

By expanding the military and preparing for war, integrating the strength of the Ministry of Magic personnel makes the Ministry of Magic monolithic, and also allows his orders to penetrate into every corner of the Ministry of Magic.

After such a process, the public's perception of him is actually quite good.

After all, before he became a committee member, although he did not make the previous promises, the actual situation is that the magic world of the country is in his hands, reaching the peak of development in hundreds of years!

of course! There are also disadvantages to doing so.

The current prosperity of the magical world of the kingdom is mainly based on the property 'contributed' by the oligarchs.

It is by burning their legacy that Link's people can develop like cooking oil on fire.

But the legacy of the oligarchs will burn up one day.

In fact, that day is almost here.

And at that time, suddenly fell from the cloud of rapid development into the quagmire, this huge gap will make the people crazy.

How much they loved Link in the past, how much they will hate him then.

Link also knew this, so he did something that completely turned the situation around.

Your Excellency the Prime Minister, you are also a colleague with Link. Do you know what Link did? "

"Yes...foreign war..."

The Muggle Prime Minister said shiveringly.

This is obvious, because Dumbledore has made it clear before that the Ministry of Magic has defeated the French wizarding world.

The Muggle Prime Minister had to admit that this was a very simple and straightforward solution.

As long as the Ministry of Magic of the country starts a war against the French magic circle, then whether it is defeated or defeated, all the internal contradictions will be transferred out.

At that time, if it is defeated, then it can plunder a large number of resources of the French magic circle to supplement itself and continue to maintain rapid development.

And if it fails, it is very simple, just throw all the black pots inside to the French magic circle.

At that time, the object of public hatred will become the French magic circle, not the Ministry of Magic of the country.

And because the war has consumed a lot of unstable forces within the magic world of the country, even if there are any unexplainable changes in the magic world of the country, it will be difficult to pose any threat to the Ministry of Magic of the country that Link is in charge of. .

This kind of strategy used to be common in their Muggle society, and it was perfect when paired with the general duty X-servitude system at the time.

Now, this strategy has evolved into a new form, which is equally easy to use, but much more complex in structure.

If possible, the Muggle Prime Minister himself actually hopes to have such a wave. After all, the Muggle society is also full of contradictions.

It's a pity that if you want to use this method, the requirements for the commander are very strict.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the country to realize such a strategy.

The reason why the so-called Ministry of Magic can do this is entirely because of Link Foley's own strength and control.

The Muggle Prime Minister even made a bet that Link Foley was mentally prepared for war when he first took control of the Ministry of Magic.

Otherwise, Link Foley would not have been able to develop armaments directly as soon as he came up.

But if that's the case, how terrifying is this Link Foley?

Just thinking about it, the Muggle Prime Minister felt his hair go numb.

"I think you should have a preliminary understanding of Link, so now, do you still want to negotiate with Link in person?"

Dumbledore's voice sounded again, the tone was still so warm.

But this time the Muggle Prime Minister shook his head violently.

He is not stupid.

The Professor Dumbledore in front of him was definitely one of the kindest negotiators he had ever seen in his life. UU reading There is no need to bother that Link Fowler for things that can be negotiated with Dumbledore. Leigh, after all, God knows what kind of attitude Link Foley will have. From Dumbledore's description alone, it doesn't seem like a good person.

After figuring this out, the Muggle Prime Minister squeezed out a smile and said:

"Oops! Professor Dumbledore! I was just joking with you! You just said you wanted us to build an underground bomb shelter and prepare to evacuate, didn't you? It's easy to discuss! Come on, let's go to the conference room and have a good talk , by the way, I can also ask my secretary to serve us some drinks. By the way, do you want tea or coffee?"

Dumbledore didn't speak, just looked at the Muggle Prime Minister with a smile.

And the portrait of Uric Gamp, who had been silent just now, suddenly said:

"I don't think this is necessary anymore. Because, our commissioner has already arrived."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark crack suddenly opened in the center of the entire office.

At first, the fissure was only as thin as a thread, with a very irregular edge shape.

But with the passage of time, the crack slowly expanded, and finally a portal was formed.

"Da da da…"

Rhythmic footsteps sounded from behind the black portal.

The sound was not loud, but it was unexpectedly dull, giving the Muggle Prime Minister a strong sense of suffocation, as if every step of the way had stepped on his heart.

The Muggle Prime Minister struggled to pull on his tie.

This unbearable suffocation made him want to pull out the trachea and connect it to the ventilator at this moment.

At this moment, a tall and straight figure finally emerged from the dark portal.