The Strongest Bishop in the NBA

Chapter 310


When the whistle of the whole game sounded, it also represented the official end of the Eastern Conference finals.

The final score of the two teams was fixed at 128:94, the Wizards beat the Heat by 34 points at home.

There was no suspense in the whole game, just like a unilateral slaughter.

Curry 28 points, George 25 points, Thompson 23 points, Leonard 17 points... 7 Wizards team scored in double figures.

In contrast, the Heat scored the highest on the side with 32 points of James, followed by Wade with 23 points, Bosh with 19 points, and Ray Allen with 11 points. No one but these four scored. double.

The gap in the lineup is like a gap between the Heat and the Wizards. Anyone can easily see the gap at a glance.

So, although the series has only been played once, from the media to the audience, it has basically been determined that the Wizards will inevitably eliminate the Heat and enter the finals for the third consecutive year, and the Heat will likely be like Wang Xiao. As said, it fell apart this summer.

In the summer of 13 years, it happened to be the player option in the Big Three contract. All three of James can choose to jump out of the contract and sign with other teams.

There is even a betting company that offers the odds for James' next team.

The New York Knicks, Bulls, Clippers and even the Lakers are all on the list.

Although he failed to win the NBA championship, and did not get the honor of winning in the past two years, James' popularity is still among the top ranks of the NBA, and people are naturally very interested in his next home.

Where is James going, Wang Xiao is not very interested, because it has nothing to do with the Wizards, at least he certainly will not come to the Wizards.

The Wizards and the Heat are called dead enemies because of Wang Xiao. Every year Wang Xiao mocks the Heat, and the Heat can't beat the Wizards with all their efforts.

After being eliminated in the playoffs for two consecutive years, and even about to usher in the fate of being eliminated for the third time, in this case, if James wants to join the Wizards, it will inevitably be sprayed.

The act of not being able to join is always despised in the NBA League, and it is for this reason that in the future Durant will be criticized by so many people for going to the Warriors.

Moreover, even if James wanted to come, Wang Xiao was not always willing to ask for it.

The team is currently lined up, the atmosphere is good, and the salary space is relatively healthy. The arrival of James is bound to squeeze someone off the front line, either Leonard or George.

And James' playing style determines that he must attack with the ball, so that the role of Curry and Green will also be greatly reduced.

Thompson is probably the only player whose entire Wizards will not be influenced by James.

Even if James' popularity is high, Wang Xiao doesn't need to pick up the sesame and throw away the watermelon.

And James’s going to other teams may have a certain impact on the Wizards, but it will not be too big, because there will be no second team in the entire league that can form such a luxurious lineup of Wizards.

... After the game, Wang Xiao rarely ridiculed the Heat at the press conference. He just vigorously praised the performance of the Wizards players and praised everyone.

"I have the best players in the world and I am proud of them."

But when asked about his thoughts on the series' next move, Wang Xiao still showed strong confidence.

"Of course we will win, and we can only win. I said last time when we won the championship. In the new season, we only have one goal, that is to defend the title. If we can't defend successfully, then this season is a failure for us. This season, we will do everything we can to do it."

In Wang Xiao's words, he was full of confidence in defending his title.

And the second battle of the two teams is like the nomination of the Wizards team to implement Wang Xiao's goal.

On May 24, the two sides continued to play at the Wizards' home court in the second game. Compared with the first game, the score of the second game was bitten a lot. Bosh was in a hot state in the first quarter and took the Heat to attack. The flag, and the Heat's bench has finally exerted force, Ray Allen, Battier and Miller all have three points.

At the end of the halftime, the scores of the two teams were still very close. In the third quarter, James suddenly broke out, scoring 18 points in a single quarter, leading the Heat to successfully overtake the score and ending the third quarter with a 5-point lead.

This is the first time since the two games in the series, the Heat are in a leading position after the start of the game.

This time, the fans of the Heat see the hope of winning.

However, after the start of the fourth quarter, when the situation changed suddenly, the Wizards' offensive firepower increased sharply. In the opening five minutes, the Heat continued to play three consecutive timeouts. The 5-point lead is not only "swinging", but even in the blink of an eye. Was overtaken to double-digit scoring.

The speed of the crash was so fast that the exhilarating Heatball fans were stupid.

The audience was dumbfounded, but the Wizards and Heat players were not surprised by the result.

Watching the lively ball fans, a few more will notice that in order to maintain the lead in the three quarters, the Heat are desperate here.

In the three quarters, James played 33 minutes, Wade played 30 minutes, and Bosh also had 28 minutes.

High-intensity game time has caused James and others to overdraw their physical fitness, especially James.

Normally, playing 40 minutes in a game should have been easy, but for the Wizards, the situation is quite different.

What he faced was Leonard, Green and even George, the top striker defenders of the league, entangled all the way. Every round and every attack required James to spend a lot of energy.

Under the entanglement of the two best defensive players (including a future) and the best defensive player for a while, James actually could hardly resist the entire three quarters of the game, and Wang Xiao was a little surprised.

By the time the game reached the fourth quarter, the Heat had almost run out of food. James even had no running power. Even several offensives ended in shooting from the outside. James' long shot... The result is self-evident.

The collapse of the fourth quarter made the Heat's persistence in the third quarter fall short of success, and the game lost its suspense.

At 114:108, the series total score came to 2:0.

There is a saying, the Heat's performance in the second game actually made Wang Xiao a little bit surprised. In the first three quarters, the Wizards can play with the Wizards. It is not enough to rely on the hard work of James and others. The Heat's performance today is all Very good.

Wade, Bosh, and even the Heat's backup lineup have all shown a very good state, which can be said to have played beyond the standard.