The Strongest Bishop in the NBA

Chapter 459

James does not need to face Wang Meng and Hao Peng, but at the same time, Durant, who has a stronger scoring ability, is entangled by Wang Meng, and Hao Peng will be restrained by Cousins ​​on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, Cousin Si was completely blown by Hao Peng.

Although Cousins ​​has a good stat in the Kings and Harden, he is still far behind Hao Peng in terms of real strength.

As for the duel between Durant and Wang Meng, there should be no suspense. Although Wang Meng inherited Artest’s growth template card, even the pinnacle Artest could not completely restrict Durant to death. More is to affect its scoring efficiency.

But that was a normal matchup between the two.

In the current game, the situation is a bit different.

The ball power is now concentrated in the hands of James, Durant and Thompson, George is not very different, they are just fixed-point shooters.

Such Durant is naturally not able to display much of his own strength, Wang Meng only needs to interfere with Durant as much as possible to not receive the ball.

Old K's arrangement cannot actually be said to be wrong.

Wang Meng was selected as the best defensive player this season. He is also known as the strongest defensive player on the front line, and his single defense ability even surpasses Leonard.

Even if it is a historically top superstar like James Durant, the efficiency against it will be greatly reduced. Using the strongest spear and the strongest shield is absolutely stupid for a coach.

It is a pity that Jeremy Lin is not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle at will, or that the only defensive shortcoming in the starting lineup of the China Men's Basketball Team is Yi Jianlian, and his shortcomings are only compared with Jeremy Wang, Hao Peng and Jeremy Lin.

After playing under Wang Xiao for two years, Wang Xiao also provided him with the bonus of training modules. Now Yi Jianlian’s statistics are already at the NBA standard level, which is why he can still play in the NBA instead of returning The reason for CBA.

At present, in the arena, Yi Jianlian most of the time marks Carmelo Anthony or Drummond Green.

Compared to other players, these two players are not that difficult to defend.

Needless to say Green, the outside shooting is extremely unstable, and the height and weight of the inside have no advantage. As a functional forward, Green's offensive ability is very average.

And if Anthony is a few years younger, he can easily explode Yi Jianlian, but now Anthony has experienced several injuries, his explosive power is far less than before, and now there is only one long-range shot left in the offensive kaleidoscope. Yi Jianlian You only need to guard against his shooting. If Anthony breaks to the basket, Hao Peng will naturally take care of him.


The enemy's secret, tactical suppression, coupled with Cheng Jie's unexpected outbreak, allowed the China Men's Basketball Team to still firmly grasp the lead at the end of the half.

In the third quarter of the game, when the two teams' substitute players began to appear one after another, the China Men's Basketball team would inevitably fall into a passive situation.

No way, although the starting lineup can compete with the U.S. team, the replacement lineup of the China Men’s Basketball Team is still the CBA team. Even if Wang Xiao has made many targeted training and tactical arrangements, it still cannot make up for the gap in hard power. Even if Jeremy Lin didn't end the game, he was in control of the rhythm, but the score difference was inevitably caught back.

Wang Xiao had also thought about letting the players take turns to rest in two teams, but he rejected it after careful consideration.

The reason why the China Men’s Basketball Team can take the initiative in the face-to-face matchup depends on the outstanding personal abilities of the five NBA players. No matter which one of these players is missing, obvious weaknesses will appear on the court. With the experience of the old K, It is impossible to miss such an opportunity, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. A few minutes later, Hao Peng, Chengjie, Wang Meng and others returned, and the situation immediately stabilized.

Throughout the third quarter of the game, Hao Peng and others rested off the court for nearly 4 minutes, Jeremy Lin did not stop in 1 minute. In this quarter, the two teams scored 31:24. The American team successfully recovered with the depth of the bench lineup. 7 points, the difference is only 1 point. During the break after the third quarter, Wang Xiao gathered Jeremy Lin and others together.

"Guys, good work. Thanks to your hard work, we are still in the lead. Although only one point, the lead is the lead." Wang Xiao said while looking at Jeremy Lin, Hao Peng and others.

"The next fourth quarter of the game, I am afraid that you will not have a chance to rest. In order to win, you can only work hard."

Wang Xiao's several starters were very long, especially Jeremy Lin, who was on the court the whole time. If he continued to be on the court in the fourth quarter, he would have played the whole court.

Fortunately, the Olympic Games has 10 minutes in a single quarter, and the four quarters add up to only 40 minutes, which is much easier than the NBA's 12 minutes in a single quarter with 48 minutes.

When Jeremy Lin played in the NBA playoffs, he often played more than 45 minutes in a single game. The Nets relied on him even more than the China Men's Basketball, because the Nets do not have a super center like Hao Peng. There is no outside marksman like Cheng Jie, the offense depends on Jeremy Lin to connect the whole team.

"Whether you can win the game or not depends on the next section!"


The fourth quarter of the game, the real bayonet moment.

As soon as the game restarted, Jeremy Lin dropped the ball from the outside to Hao Peng, who was inside.

After receiving the ball, Hao Peng turned his back to Dunn.

The old K also knows that at critical moments, the offense inside is more stable. The China Men's Basketball Team will definitely allow Hao Peng to attack the inside, so Dunn defended Hao Peng at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

After dribbling the ball with his back and squeezing two steps to the basket, Hao Peng turned around and gave a false shot, then the hook shot.

Dunn was shaken for a while, and his movements were half a beat slow, but he responded in time and hit Hao Peng's arm with his hand.

"Squeak!" The whistle sounded, Dunn fouled on defense, and Hao Peng made two free throws.

At 8:85, the point difference becomes 3 points.

On the American team, James faced Jeremy Lin in the top arc and suddenly made a three-pointer without warning.

88:88 tied.

Hao Peng came again, leaning on Dunn to squeeze into the basket and then sank to the bottom of the basket, jumped up and dunked the basketball with both hands.


In the next few minutes, both teams seemed to suddenly fall into a scoring shortage. The attack on the US team was either directly resolved from the outside or was interfered with by Hao Peng on the inside.

The China Men’s Basketball team also lost sight under the sudden increase in the defense intensity of the US team, especially Hao Peng. Dunn’s desperate defense, coupled with the help of other players, made Hao Peng difficult for a while. Catch the ball to attack.

Not to mention the players on the court, even the head coaches Wang Xiao and Old K on the sidelines were sweating on their foreheads.

The game has evolved into a duel of willpower. Under the almost suffocating defensive pressure, the one side who can't hold on first will become the one that collapses first.
