The Strongest Crossing of Great Realms

Chapter 704: Forced to testify? !!

"The host is right, this is the chaos pearl," said the voice respectfully.

"You are the chaotic pearl spirit? Why did you pull me into this chaotic pearl, and why do you call my master?" Ye Zhen frowned slightly, and flashed countless thoughts in his mind, but then all overthrown.

"Why ... I don't know. It's been too long. Even I didn't know what the original thought was, but I remember what I wanted to change into shape at first," Chaos Zhu Lingzhi recalled.

"Transformation ?!" Ye Zhen was surprised, except for the special world of "Anti-Sky Artifact". In any other world, whether it is a large or small world, a magic weapon with spiritual intelligence wants to be transformed, but he is even better than the demons. To be ten thousand times harder!

All kinds of opportunities are demanding to an outrageous degree.

And the more advanced, the more powerful the magic weapon is, the more difficult it is to change shape, not to mention the existence of chaotic gems like chaotic beads.

If it is true, and because of its own characteristics, the combat power it can exert is definitely above the saint!

"Yeah, I want to be transformed. Starting from the birth of my spiritual intelligence, as the only chaotic treasure in this world, I have to eliminate one of the infinite possibilities. Once transformed, the future is limitless ..."

Hearing this, Ye Zhen already had conjectures in his heart, but the next words of Chaos Zhu Lingzhi confirmed Ye Zhen's thoughts.

"But how can Tiandao allow an uncontrolled existence, and Tiandao wants to destroy my seal, how can I reconcile, but without transformation, I will eventually lose to heaven"

"The endless chaos that the host sees now is that the energy I have is not much worse than the control of Tiandao. The only thing that is worse is that Tiandao has Hongjun's help, and I ..."

"In the end, I was sealed by countless members, and I was given the boy from Yuanshi by Hongjun. This boy wanted to refine me and use it, but his efforts of several members were only to make heaven. The seal under the cloth opened a small gap. "

"I opened the enchantment with the help of this little mouth. The moment the enchantment was opened, I suddenly noticed that the world had a strange breath, a breath similar to mine."

"Similar breath?" Ye Zhen raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking in his heart.

"In order to confuse heaven and earth, I divided the already weak spiritual knowledge into two, and fell into that strangely close place on earth."

"I later found out that I met the owner. It turns out that the similar breath represents one of the infinite possibilities, but the infinite possibilities on the owner cannot be reached by the one that is gone."

"Why can you be so weak in spiritual knowledge if you can resist the court?" Ye Zhen asked suddenly.

"The master is assured, but the master ’s heart is fettered. If he meditates, he can perceive everything. The existence and death of me and the body are only between the master ’s thoughts, because this close infinite possibility, I and the master have reached the oneness of things The realm here is both the chaotic bead and the master's body. The master is both the master and the master. ”

"I and matter are one?" Ye Zhen deduced tens of thousands of possibilities in an instant, but it is true that the life and death of "it", as Chao Chaozhu said, lies only between Ye Zhen's thoughts.

It's just ... Ye Zhen wondered, "If I am one, I am in the chaotic bead. Doesn't it mean that I am in my own body?"

Looking at his own body, Ye Zhen said again, "I am the ontology. How does the ontology enter the ontology?"

"The master is now in the void," Chaozhu knows.

"What is void?" Ye Zhen was the first time I heard the name.

"Nothingness means that there is no existence. The chaotic bead is in the master, and the master is now in the chaotic bead. In this way, he disappears completely from the Three Realms. In both the Realm and the Realm, nothing can perceive the existence of the Master. Chaotic beads replied.

After hearing that, Ye Zhenwei knew the reason for a moment. He is now in a place that is similar to the quantum field that becomes infinitely smaller after ant-man runaway. The difference is that Ye Zhen now lives in a much more secretive world than the quantum field.

Drilling into Chaos Beads themselves, Chaos Beads drilled into their own bodies, entered their own world, and completely disappeared from the world.

"So, can I go out now?"

If it is normal, Ye Zhending will explore and study the magical use of chaotic beads. Although the method of sanctification previously thought was rejected by the Heavenly Taoist, Ye Zhen still wants to try.

Only relatively speaking, Cai Zhen's comfort is more important than sanctification in Ye Zhen's heart, and she was anxious to go back.

"The master can't go out for a while," Chao Zhu said.

"Why" Ye Zhen frowned instantly.

"The master is not strange. It is not me who obstructs it, nor is it that I took the master in, but I am refined by the master. I am a chaotic consciousness. The main body is fused with the master, but ... The ontology has been separated and cannot help the host to directly refine the chaotic beads ... "

"You just say what you can do to get out!" Ye Zhen interrupted.

"Open the sky! Let Chaos Beads evolve into a complete world, that is, the master has opened up a large world in himself. I will help the master again, and integrate everything with the master."

"At that time, the host could not only be completely integrated with the chaotic beads, become a body of chaos, have the ability to surpass the shoulders of the avenue in his own world, and be no longer subject to the rule of heaven, and become a truly independent existence." .

Ye Zhen was silent for a moment, and the first thought in his heart was this uncle who wanted to turn himself into an involuntary uncle like Hongjun Daozu?

But then he rejected it because he was different from Hongjun Daozu.

And what Chao Chaozhu said, does it not correspond to the method of forceful sermon researched by Taoist people?

Bypassing two or three realms directly, opening up thousands of worlds in my body and proving your own avenue?

Although it is impossible to be immortal in the outside world, it also has an inexhaustible mana and is more powerful than a saint.

Because the superpowers at the level of the avenue use supernatural powers, just like the method of the saint's heavenly level to deal with the powers below the saint, even if they just have the power to destroy the world!

"How to open the sky?" Ye Zhen said in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. My master has refined me. Although I can't go out for a while, I can live with my master and make a difference!"

"Do n’t worry about the master. Pangu was pitted by the heavenly path. I want to be the only master. But unlike us, I have been thoroughly refined by the master. After the creation, I will become the heavenly path of the chaotic universe. Managing the world, the master is the existence of the avenue. "

Speaking, Chao Chaozhu became aware of silence for a moment, and then immediately said, "I want to be transformed and experience the feeling of having a living body."

"Let's get started, how to do it?" Ye Zhen whispered.

"It's not easy to say simple, it's not difficult to say difficult. The chaos in Chaos Bead is very rich, and the chaos of Hongmeng is boundless. The master only needs to create a large world according to his imagination. Setting, if there are all kinds of loopholes, the world will collapse and become chaos again.

"The original Pangu created the death of Qiankun. One is because of heavenly calculations, and the other is that the mana cost when calling Chao Hongmeng is too much, and because of the interference of the three thousand deities, we are not the same. Controllable Hongmeng fortune, go out and chaos the chaos of Hongmeng, but countless meeting elements are to absorb and purify the remaining chaotic Hongmeng of the world, the owner must not worry, everything can be done as he wants. "

"After Qiankun's fortune, the host will accept indoctrination. The result is good or bad. I do n’t know. These are the information that resists the heavens and steals from it. This is also the time when I am so weak that I am about to disappear. It ’s not that I met the host, I ’m afraid that sooner or later, my body will be just an ordinary chaotic treasure ... ”Chao Chao sighed.

Ye Zhen also knows that the reason Chaos Spirit explains so much is that he is afraid of doubting it.

But until now, there is no other way. Only the power of the soul can be used to firmly bind the weak and weak chaos, and with a little change, it can be instantly destroyed!

Just before the start, Ye Zhen suddenly came up with an idea, and because of this idea, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Is this being forced to preach?"

I do n’t know how long after that, there is no sign or anomaly in the dense forest between Chen Tangguan and Chaoge City, and a figure appears so abruptly.

The white clothes are like snow, frost-like and glamorous, and the appearance is beautiful and flawless. It seems that everything in the world can not escape with cold eyes, extraordinary and lonely, cold and indifferent, warm and jade, light and windy, fair and beautiful, lonely Cold dust, long hair like a waterfall, eyes falling stars, elegant style.

Everything about this person will only make people think of perfect nature, and his body also carries a strange and mysterious atmosphere. The surrounding flowers and trees are affected by this breath, and they are miraculously exaggerating their lives at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

A colorful lark was frightened by the changes around him, fluttered twice and landed on the shoulder of the figure, as if it had become the safest place.

Looking at the little Bailing on his shoulder, the corner of Ye Zhen's mouth slightly tilted, and the cold and indifferent breath instantly turned into warmth. It seemed to be fascinated by Ye Zhen's smile, and the flowers blooming beside him all fell in the direction of Ye Zhen.

Slightly lifted his head and passed through the branches and leaves, Ye Zhen's face had a stronger smile, and then, a certain unclear air disappeared, and everything around him gradually recovered.

"Go ahead"

Ye Zhen gently held Xiaobailing in his hands. This little guy seemed to be stained with some spirituality on Ye Zhen. Ye Zhen's voice fell, and he showed reluctance to Ye Zhen.

When Bai Ling flew up, the next moment, there was no trace of Ye Zhen in this dense jungle.

Chaoge Palace, exclusive to the Queen's palace, was tangled and helpless in the heart of Jiang Ziya, who was stopped by the guards.

In the dormitory, Ye Zhen emerged out of nowhere, looking at the side lying on the ground, the shadow of the extremely chaotic atmosphere, waving the scales in his hand.

When he waved his hand in the void, a panacea scattered around the golden light appeared between the two fingers.

This golden elixir is not really elixir, but Ye Zhen waved and refined the heaven and earth aura, which is exactly the same as Caiscale's own mana.

Then he waved a wave of chaos to cover the colorful scales. In a moment, the chaos breath was calmed down, and there was a stronger breath than before.

Opening her eyes slowly, Cai Lin saw at a glance that there seemed to be a great change. Ye Zhen, who could not say anything, could hold her tightly.

"Fu Jun"

Ye Zhen did not say that I am sorry that I came back late. Although the communication between Cai scale and Ye Zhen is probably the least among the four women, the two are also the most motivated because of the fetters.

"My family hasn't eaten together for a long time," Ye Zhen smiled softly.

After hearing the words, Cai scale chuckled, her beautiful face with some memory, softly whispered "Yeah, we haven't eaten quietly together for a long time".

"How about I cook today?" Ye Zhen suddenly laughed.

"Fu Jun ..." Cai Linxuan looked at Ye Zhen with a different look, and then looked forward with expectation. "That is the best. Listen to Min Ruomin and Xiaobai's sister said that the food made by Fu Jun is more delicious than Xiao Hua. Never tasted it. "

"Haha ... it's just that they haven't eaten for too long. My cooking skills can never be compared to Xiaohua."

Loosing the color scales, Ye Zhen got up and said, "That's it. You're resting for a while, then I call the big guys."

However, what Cai scale did not find was that the enchantment under her cloth had not yet opened, and Ye Zhen had already gone out, and the enchantment was still intact.

"See King!" The guards found Ye Zhen and hurried to kneel to worship.

"Why are you here, King?" Jiang Ziya, who was still walking ten meters away from the palace, asked Ye Zhen subconsciously and asked.

Ye Zhen looked back at the sign on the palace and smiled. "This is the palace, why can't you come here?"

"This ..." Jiang Ziya stopped talking.

"Jiang Aiqing, I know your loyalty to Dashang, but I have an important task to do now, you must wait here first." Ye Zhen walked towards the imperial dining room, and when he passed by Jiang Ziya, he also patted him gently shoulder.

However, the **** who was guarding and dozing in the royal dining room suddenly fell on the ground when he saw Ye Zhen.

"King you ... how can you be here"

Glancing at the eunuch, Ye Zhen kept walking and stepped directly into the royal dining room. "Is there any place in the palace where my king cannot go?"

He said that Ye Zhen's eyes swept around in this imperial dining room. Although the place is large, I do n’t know how to describe it. The same is true of the Dashang Palace, let alone the homes of ordinary people. Most of them even have a stove. There are none.

"Let's go down, no one will be allowed to enter without the order of He," Ye Zhen said indifferently.


The crowds retreated without using any power, and everything was done with their own hands.

I haven't remembered how long I haven't cooked rice, but I haven't lost the cooking skills.

It is just that the pot in front makes Ye really helpless, and the bronze is also luxurious, that is, the first two or three centimeters thick of the bottom of the pot.

With a wave of hands, they remodeled the royal dining room. About half an hour later, a group of maids were called by Ye Zhen, and delicious dishes directly opened the doors of the new world for these maids.

Ye Zhen himself took a small wooden rice bucket and came outside the palace.

"What is Jiang Aiqing looking at?" Ye Zhen saw that Jiang Shang's eyes drifted unconsciously to the maid in the distance, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted.

"Wei Chen **** it" Jiang Ziya quickly turned to salute.

"Whatever is **** damn damn, everyone will yearn for the beautiful things that are unknown," Ye Zhen said.

"The king is right" Jiang Shang nodded.

"Take these and enjoy them with your wife." Ye Zhen set the rice bucket in front of Jiang Shang.