The Strongest Crossing of Great Realms

Chapter 97: Wind and clouds

About a dozen sergeants in the armor on the wall turned over to the tower, and when the flag was near, they leapt forward, stood at the tail of the flagpole, fell under the force, the flag suddenly stopped and fell straight.

During this period, a twine with a thick arm was thrown out, the middle part was wrapped around the flag, and both ends were pulled by dozens of black armor sergeants.


It was another big drink. With the concerted effort, accompanied by a bang, the giant flag was immediately inserted into the wall, and the length of the flag face was fierce!

The whole body is bright yellow, and the previous "Chinese" character is like a panlong lying on it!

After that, the black armored sergeants stood under the banner on the city wall, murderous and immovable!

However, the sergeant under the city turned back and went acutely outside the city!

At this point, in addition to a few loud drinks throughout the process, there is no other sound, and there is no trace of unnecessary movement, thousands of people are like one!

Watching Sergeant Heijia leave, he was as smart as Huang Rong, but he had some conjecture in his heart.

"Dad! Is Ye really ..."

Huang Yaoshi sighed and said, "Yes, since seven days ago, the old man taught Qimenshushu, and when he left, he heard rumors in the army. This time, Ye Xiandi wanted to be a pro-conspirator!"

"And swear, if you don't break the gold, you will be buried in another country!"

Huang Rong's mouth opened slightly, but his breathing was quick, and he said, "What, Ye Zhen, he's driving!"

Hong Qigong sighed, with only admiration in his eyes, saying "First cut the traitor Chen Zhentang, and then send six strategies to bless the people. If this time he can defeat the Golden Kingdom and restore my Han people, his achievements can really be used in the sage Shoulder to shoulder. "

"Qigong you ..."

Seeing Hong Qigong talking, Huang Rong suddenly looked up to the sky, his cloudy eyes turned into some water mist, and he couldn't help being shocked again.

In fact, for Hong Qigong, from childhood he saw how the Han people lived under the rule of the Jin people.

When I was young, I also had the idea of ​​joining the army and serving the country, expelling the captives, and restoring the Han people. Therefore, this mood is the only one: the martyrs are old and full of heart, to describe it!


However, Guo Jinghu knelt down on the ground and said to Huang Yaoshi, "Senior Huang, please tell the younger, where is the master?"

Huang Yaoshi sighed, his posture was not much better than that of Hong Qigong. The Chinese boy, who was a hero, let alone a person who could not return in one go, was his only confidant.

Ye Zhen's martial arts have been psychic in Huang Yaoshi's mind, but in Shura battlefield, no matter how high his martial arts are, he will eventually be exhausted.

"Hey ... Ye Xiandi's northern expedition this time, I am afraid that there will be another three days away, so I will have to go under the Kaifeng Fucheng and fight against the golden man bloody."

Huang Yaoshi's words fell, but Hong Qigong said, "What are you going to do, silly boy?"

Guo Jing, who turned and ran, stood still, turned around and looked at Hong Qigong and others. He bowed a few people and said, "My teacher is going to fight against the Golden Man, and I will restore the Han people. How about Guo Jing as a disciple? The gift of sitting and watching "

"Whether he is a junior or a teacher, or a big Song people, Guo Jing, as a Han, must die before the master!"

"Predecessors, Guo Jing, don't stop there!"

"Okay! Brother Guo said so well, worthy of being Zhongliang!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of voices rang with laughter, and finally landed on the side of Guo Jing.

Guo Jing took a closer look, and it wasn't who the Seven True Sons really were, but when some of them were about to say something, they saw Zhou Botong who was inexplicably in the crowd.

Among the seven sons, Ma Yu first responded, and quickly bowed to Zhou Botong, saying "Quan Ma Yu, met Master Zhou!"

In this case, the other six sons followed closely, saying "Quan Zhenqiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi ... I have seen Uncle Zhou!"

Seeing this, there was a hint of helplessness and hesitation in Zhou Botong's eyes, but he waved his hand impatiently, saying "Get up and get up!"

Guo Jing was anxious, and then interrupted, "You seniors, the younger ones leave first!"

After saying that, he was ready to leave again, but before he turned around, he was stopped by Hong Qigong, saying, "The big stupid cow is so anxious to do something. When Qigong is called, I call a beggar to help all the disciples, alas ... there are also four 50,000, but we can only gather up to 20,000 in a short time. "

"It's almost time for someone to arrive, or within three days, the old Jiaohua will accompany you to help the emperor!"

Guo Jing couldn't believe "Seven Public ...".

Hong Qigong waved his hand and laughed, "Old Jiaohua has lived to his age. If he can help the emperor before his death, leave a little reputation, hey! This sale is a good deal!"

Although Hong Qi's official saying was a city cricket, everyone present, even Guo Jing, understood that this was just an excuse.

Huang Yaoshi also gritted his teeth suddenly and said, "Seven brothers, although my husband does not have many disciples, he is also worried about my good brother. So, we can take care of them and go together to help my good brother!"

The words fell, the two laughed together!

Seeing this, the Seven True Sons looked at each other and nodded one after another. Qi Qi knelt in front of Zhou Botong and startled Zhou Botong.

"What? What?"

Quanzhen Qizi said in unison "As a Han Chinese, at this good opportunity, I also want to devote myself to Quanzhen's disciples and restore the Han people's light!"

There was a hint of consolation in Zhou Botong's eyes, and he waved, "My old naughty boy doesn't care, what are you doing, but ...".

The old naughty boy jumped up again, and circled around Hong Qigong, and said, "But my brother, emperor or something sounds fun, and I want to play too!"

"Okay! In this case, relying on the influence of magical powers in the rivers and lakes in the east and the north, why don't we send a hero post to gather all the good men in the world to help Ye Zhen together!"

"After all, there are so many people!"

Hong Qigong's eyes lit up and he said, "This idea is good, and sooner rather than later. We can't wait for the emperor's battle to be settled. We will be late."

As soon as this remark came out, even Huang Yaoshi's gaze was on his own daughter. For a long time, Huang Rong was a ghostly figure with a lot of thought.

Huang Rong thought for a while, and faced Hong Qigong, saying, "Otherwise, Qigong has the largest number and the widest distribution of beggars, so the beggars will spread the news, hold a dance forest meeting in Kaifeng, and choose the martial arts leader! "

"But this time the martial arts alliance leader is not recommended, but to see who has made great contributions and killed many gold thieves, whoever is the martial arts alliance leader, led the martial arts heroes to help the emperor!"

Everyone thought a little and thought that this plan was feasible, but not only the beggars, the Quanzhenists are also ready to move, try to expand the news, and let more people in the martial arts know and participate!

However, when a few people discussed it, the people in Lin'an knew what the banner meant. It turned out that six policies were issued to benefit the people.

And this flag represents the Northern Expeditionary Army, as well as the Holy Spirit.

If the dragon flag does not fall, the battle is still the same. When the dragon flag falls, it represents the death of the emperor soldier. When the dragon flag is held high, it represents the emperor breaking the golden thief and regaining the Han people.

The people first heard about it, but they didn't believe it, but after learning that it had spread from the Zhanlu population under the command of the guards, they were crying and grabbing the ground, inexplicable.

One after another, they told each other that within a short time, thousands of people gathered outside the Imperial City and under the control of Jinlong. As time passed, more and more people gathered here, looking up at the fierce flag in the wind, in their hearts. Silently pray for the birth of the true dragon in the heart, and pray for the blessing of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Huang Yaoshi and others all moved and kept spreading news in the rivers and lakes.

As soon as the rivers and lakes greedy the dark tide surging ponds, the wind and the clouds surged!

PS: Next, it should be the real climax of this book. Originally, the bronze came to this plane for intellectual warriors, martial arts, and royal driving, but the intellectual warriors could n’t write because of IQ arrears. It's not good, you must work hard to write the part about the royal driving.

Good night, everyone!