The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 142: Hit the dog to see the owner!

"It seems that I just beat you up, I didn't tell you, your sister hasn't given up on you, still caring about you, isn't it?"

The leaves are looking at Liu Yuge with deep thoughts, and the eyes are cold and floating.


Once the softness of the human heart is stimulated, it becomes fragile. Ye Zifeng is naturally not to say that Liu Yuge and Liu Ningzi are good.

After all, what Ye Zifeng said is just a strategy for speaking. It is a means for people to obstruct their disintegration.

He can leave people with fears of bones, but it can also stimulate people's kindness and warmth. The practice varies from person to person and there is no fixed routine.

Where does Liu Yage know the thoughts of Ye Feng, and he thinks that the other person is a gentleman who complains. As for Ye Zifeng’s use of his fist to teach him, he has been automatically ignored.

"Then what should I do now, if I am known by my family, I will definitely be directly blasted out of the house!"

Liu Yige was born with the same feelings as Ye Zifeng, but now it is gradually calming down, and I am afraid of it.

In Ye Zifeng's view, if you play with a mad dog, even if you win, it will make you feel awkward. Moreover, after all, it is the site of the Liu family. It is necessary to watch the master when you hit the dog. There is no need to take the disaster to yourself without any reason.

"Not necessarily." Ye Zifeng said with a faint smile: "I don't say, you don't say, plus your brothers don't say anything, then this thing is not finished?"

Liu Yige looked a glimpse, and some looked at Ye Zifeng unbelievably.

"No, you are willing to help me with this matter?" He did not believe that Ye Zifeng would be so kind, but he heard it again and again, and he could not believe it.

In this way, the last impulse in his heart that wanted to fight with Ye Zifeng was completely cooled down. Instead, he was deeply regretful of his rash behavior.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly and looked calm: "Of course, but if you help me to kneel down, I will bear a certain responsibility, so you have to pay some price..."

Liu Yuge heard that he had to pay a certain "cost" to help him keep secrets. The stone in his heart was put down a little. He now only wants to survive in the dead house of Liu family, and the rest can be ignored.

"But... I am not as rich as the Wang family, there is no magic weapon in the whole body?" His face was a little difficult.

Ye Zifeng smiled softly and nodded. "If you have a powerful magic weapon, how can you disarm in front of a purple sand treasure? I like to rob and not search for the poor. Don't worry, I Ask about the benefits you want, you must give it out!"

Liu Yuge saw that Ye Zifeng was not strong, and settled down a little: "What exactly do you want me to give you?"

"Three days later, the second mission of Wufu was released. I listened to Bingqian, saying that it is a model of team competition." Ye Zifeng's voice is flat and the expression is light.

"It seems to be..." Liu Yuge nodded and nodded. He also heard a little about Wu’s mission. However, he still didn’t know what Ye Zifeng meant.

Ye Zifeng nodded, among the stars, a fierce flash.

"Very good, then, I want you to choose to go to my opposite face when you sign up!"


Liu Yige looked a glimpse, thought for a moment, and immediately became shocked: "I understand, you mean it will not let me do undercover, give you spying intelligence! No, this is if it is by the military. If the elders know, he may directly drive me out of the military!"

"Then, it is inevitable to expel Liu Jiahe and may be expelled from Wufu. Which one would you choose?" Ye Zifeng's mouth slightly showed a sneer, cold light.


When it comes to this time, Ye Zifeng’s original intention is really emerged. Of course, he did not have the time to comfort Liu Qige and persuade him to be a man again.

What Ye Zifeng has just done is just to lead to this multiple-choice question, in front of Liu Yuge! And the answer to this multiple-choice question, almost fools know how to choose!

"How? It still seems that I need to go to Liu Shibo to take a trip?"

"...well, okay, I listen to you. When you sign up for the Wufu mission, you will choose the team that is opposite you." Liu Yige sighed slightly and felt a little soft.

If Ye Zifeng is proposing a task that he can't accomplish, he may push it off. However, what Ye Zifeng is proposing now is a choice for the future. It is entirely between people's thoughts. I can't help him find too many reasons.

Ye Zifeng took a small stack of paper from his arms and handed it to his hand: "I remember to secretly write the information on these papers and burn them to ashes. I can see them here."

"You have it all." Liu Yuge looked at Ye Zifeng with a look of surprise, thinking that he had even prepared the paper. Was it the intention to have it in the morning?

"Oh, yes."

Ye Zifeng squatted for a while, his face faintly smiled: "Since you have calmed down, then we still have a blood contract: I will not say things tonight, you are in the next military When the mission is helping me, how do you feel like this?"

The blood confinement is not only an obligation, but also a right. When Liu Yuge is obligated to help Ye Zifeng, he also enjoys the right of the other party to keep secrets for himself, so for him, he is also willing to sign a blood deed. .

Of course, for Ye Zifeng, this is the skill of the empty glove white wolf. He has no substantial contribution, but has obtained substantial benefits.

"Okay! Then set a blood deed!" After Liu Yige thought about it, he still chose to agree with Ye Feng.


Ye Zifeng faintly smiled, and immediately took out a thick stack of blood confines from the space ring, and randomly took a few out, placed in front of Liu Yuge, the first to rub the finger, bleeding, hot blood It falls on this contract.

His movements are all in one go, and it doesn't look like a general experience.

Liu Yige stunned and looked so dumbfounded: "No, you can carry it with your blood, how can there be so much?"

"It's for self-defense. It's all made of Ling paper. It's not heavy. It's a good thing to bring some." Ye Zifeng looked indifferent, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

"Self-defense?" Liu Yuge's mouth slightly twitched. If he had not realized the terrible side of Ye Zifeng, now he has a deep understanding.

"Why, what's the problem?"

When others go out, they are all magic weapons, weapons and armor in the space ring. But Ye Fengfeng goes out, but it is with a large stack of blood deeds. It is clear that it is going to be a pit person!

Want to fight with the leaves? It’s too early to take Liu’s age!

After Liu Yige wanted to understand the truth of this layer, and then looked at the faint smile on the face of Ye Feng, he felt that the horror was far from being able to compete.

"No... of course no problem."

He honestly cut the wound according to what Ye Zifeng said, dripping blood drops, and completing the whole process of signing the blood. After that, he licked his lips and looked serious. He had been much more disciplined than he had just said.

"Look, what's the matter? Just let me not say anything tonight, let me do anything."


Ye Zifeng took the **** contract and smiled with satisfaction.

Just when he wanted Liu Gege to leave, suddenly...

There was a giggling woman's chuckle in the closet. Although it was not very loud, but because no one in the room spoke, especially quiet, the woman's laughter was particularly sharp.

Ye Zifeng's brow wrinkled slightly, and this is almost the last step. How can Liu Bingqian couldn't help but laugh out?

In this regard, Liu Bingqian himself is also remorseful, she is busy holding her breath, two thin thin lips are tight, so nervous that even the atmosphere is not dare.

"The voice just now..." Liu Yuge’s eyes were in vain, and he looked around for a circle, and finally his eyes fell on the closet.

He smiled and continued: " it coming from the closet."

The eyes of the leaves are suddenly glimpsed, and the reaction is extremely fast: "How, how many people who spend dozens of gold coins from the gathering of the wind, are you interested in this?"

Hearing Ye Zifeng said that he is a woman in the gathering of the wind, although Liu Bingqian knows that this is his expedient, but the heart is still slightly angry, can not change a better statement?

"Gathering the wind pavilion? I can't see it. I didn't expect you to go there too. Tell me, who is she, maybe I know it?"

Ye Zifeng stared at him for a while, faintly replied: "Tell you how, how can you not, you want to sleep with her?"

Liu Bingqian heard the words, the apricot eyebrows upright, biting silver teeth, clinging to the powder punch, the beauty seems to be spurting out the fire.

She said that she is also one of the three families of Leizhou City, the parents of Liu, the first alchemy genius, the talent and appearance, when was it said?

"I..." Liu Yige stunned and immediately laughed: "I misunderstood the misunderstanding, I understand, I will not ask more questions about this matter."

He paused for a moment and then said again: "If that's the case, then I will leave first!"

"Slow..." Ye Zifeng thought for a moment, suddenly his eyes lit up, and a count of rushing into his heart.

Liu Yuge smiled bitterly: "What else?"

Ye Zifeng said with a faint smile: "I was seriously injured, and I was busy for a day. I was a little tired. It seems that the woman in this closet is not playing. So I want you to lead her out!"