The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 249: Equal generation!

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"Oh..." Feng Xianzi returned to God and snorted a little, apparently also aware of his own gaffe.

As a real person, you should always remind yourself of your identity. How can you ask the junior's question?

And the people around them listened to the dialogue between the two, showing an incredible look.

"What have we seen?"

You know, they are used to the side of the Phoenix fairy who does not eat the fireworks. It seems that the worldly customs are not related to her. Where have she seen her actively communicate with people?

In this embarrassing atmosphere, Ye Zifeng broke the deadlock and said with a smile: "Let's just say, the heather fruit, the gap between the stone clusters, if the fairy is planted according to its habit. I guess, In that area, isn't it?"

As he spoke, he reached out to the rushing stone of the drug peak.

"How, fairy, is he right?" Someone swallowed a sip and couldn't help but ask.

Fengxianzi’s head was at the head, and he couldn’t attend the answer to answer other people’s questions. He stared at Ye Zifeng’s look.

" do you know the knowledge of the medicine, where are you under the teacher? How long have you studied? To what extent?"

The leaf front pupil shrinks slightly and the line of sight condenses into a line.

Liu Bingqian took a little Fengxianzi and smiled at her: "Master, last night, did I tell you about some of his previous things?"

"But what you said to me at the time was that he was a waste of firewood in Leizhou City, and he was blinded by the world..."

She said and suddenly, some of them came back to God and suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand. Bingqian, you deliberately said that he is a waste, so that I can reduce my guarding spirit, so that what he cares about is Not?"

"Where?" Liu Bingqian was shocked and was about to explain.

"No." But I saw Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "Feng Xianzi, Bingqian, she did not lie to you. The former me was indeed called the existence of waste."

He knew in his heart that Liu Bingqian was really holding the truth in order to get the hope of winning the first line, to confuse the judgment of Feng Xianzi and let her be interested in her own heart.

"You!" Feng Xianzi glanced at him with amazement. One person admitted that he used to be a waste, and he also needed some courage. In this case, it really is true.

However, the genius of medicines like him has been called as a waste wood in the past. Isn't such a small place like Leizhou City such a place to hide the dragon and the tiger?

"Like some of my things. Fengxianzi, since I won, it’s time to talk about the coloring things."

Ye Zifeng smiled and glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth raised a radiance.

He and the Fengxianzi test, naturally not for everyone to say, to win a beautiful smile, but not for no reason to sweep the face of real people.

Because, if it is not Fengxianzi, but a person, such as Baili real people, such as Liu Zhenren, if they are swept away by the leaf front, they will certainly be secretly hateful, waiting for revenge.

The benefits may not be able to get much, but it will cause a lot of trouble.

And people like Fengxianzi don’t do this. Therefore, she is the opponent chosen by Ye Zifeng after careful consideration. It is the ability to maximize the benefits of Ye Feng’s short-term, collect resources as soon as possible, and complete the breakthrough. Candidates.

"Colorful head?" Feng Xianzi indulged for a while, and his mind felt like a pinch.

When she set the rules for the color head, she almost didn't think much about it, so she began to regret it now.

"Is it a fairy, do you want to repent?" Ye Zifeng's eyes were slightly converged, and the people around him surrounded the circle. It seemed to remind the other party that so many people looked at it.

"Jokes, if my Fengxianzi said it, it would be natural!"

There was a faint anger on the face of Fengxianzi, and then she frowned slightly: "Otherwise, why are you, I am just, for this color, some forget it."

Ye Feng looked at her with a smile: "If the fairy has forgotten it, then I will come back to you for it. First, it is three times the disciple share..."

Fengxianzi indulged for a moment and nodded slightly: "This is no problem."

"Secondly, I opened up a cleanup place in the Thousand Herbal Peak..."

"This, okay... the problem is not big." Fengxianzi frowned, still nodded.

Wang Tianzhi listened at the side, angry and angry in the lungs. If Ye Fengfeng was practicing at the thousand herbal peaks, then this would be equivalent to getting along with Fengxianzi.

Why is that person not himself?

He only hates in his heart now, and he is obsessed with jealousy at the teacher's ceremony. He did not worship Fengxian Fairy as a teacher.

"Well, there are three kinds of precious herbs that have been said before. How can they be more than five spirits?"

Feng Xianzi’s pretty face twitched: “I only said that it is three kinds of precious herbs. Didn’t you say that it’s more than five spirits?”

Ye Zifeng flashed a solemn color on his face and smiled and said: "Feng Xianzi, when you changed the rules before, you can still remember, I almost swept your spiritual level to the triple elixir. Empty, so contrasting, I am now very polite as long as the spirit of five or more herbs is three.

As he spoke, his eyes gradually turned cold, and in the heart of Fengxianzi, he could not help but feel a little cold.

The pressure of the front of Wu Feng’s predecessor Wu Zong’s realm is not a genre, but if it is actually pressed in her heart.

Moreover, Ye Fengfeng said that he was not bad. The conditions he proposed were not excessive. If she refused to give a reward, she seemed to be stingy.

"Well, I promise you, you can give you three spirits of five or more spirits. But I have to add a condition." Fengxianzi thought for a moment, raised his dagger, his eyes full of serious colors .

"That is, you have to be my apprentice!"

The voice just fell, and the people around the circle were still laughing and talking, and suddenly stopped! Everyone looked at the Phoenix Fairy with great brilliance.

The second time, this is the second time!

The Phoenix Fairy, who didn’t care much, after her first invitation to be rejected by Ye Zifeng, how much time passed, and she once again offered him the willingness to accept the apprentice.

Moreover, this time, her eyes are full of sincerity, apparently moving the real thing.

Compared with other casual people's careless attitude, judging from her expression, she is real, wanting to accept Ye Zifeng.

"This... How can this be? Fairy, the teacher ceremony is over!" Wang Tianzhi looked at this scene anxiously, his fists were tightly held, and apparently he was somewhat dissatisfied with her apprenticeship.

However, his dissatisfaction has no effect on Feng Xianzi.

"How about the end of the teacher ceremony? Talents like Ye Zifeng have encountered one in many years. Why should I be bound by etiquette and let a future drug king run away for no reason?"

"The drug king of the future?" The crowd could not help but **** a cold air.

This evaluation of Fengxianzi is already high up to the horizon. In the past, she has never seen her so exaggerated.

Everyone held their breath and waited for Ye Zifeng’s answer. After all, it’s a good time for a disciple to be so sincere and sincere.

Liu Bingqian is looking forward to staring at Ye Zifeng. She also annoyed that Ye Zifeng gave up such a good opportunity.

Now she understands that the other party is simply trying to squat!

Ye Zifeng smiled faintly, looked around at everyone, and finally folded his eyes to the body of Fengxianzi.

"Sorry, Fengxianzi. You seem to have forgotten something."

"Well, what else?" Fengxianzi snorted a little, and there was no reaction at the moment.

The light in the front of the leaf bursts into the air and said awkwardly: "Before you said, if I win this drug-testing comparison, you and I should be equal to each other!"

Quiet, the needle falls silently.

Everyone looked at Ye Zifeng with a shock, his lips slamming, wanting to talk, but he didn't know what to say.

Equal generation?

Feng Xianzi’s momentary words, Ye Zifeng turned out to be serious? !

After a while, the discussion began.

"God, is this leaf front really kicked by the brain, so good opportunity, how good it is for me."

"Go and go, you are a mediocre qualification, and you want to be the apprentice of the family Fengxianzi, the next life! But then again, uh... I really don't know what Ye Zifeng thinks."

"You!" Liu Bingqian is even more mad and trembled, even the title has forgotten.

After the discussion of the people was a little quieter.

Ye Fengfeng had a little smile on his face, and the right color said: "So, Fengxianzi, I hope you will forgive me a lot. It is not that Zifeng is disrespectful to you, but now, not when he is a teacher."

He can apprentice and can bow to people, but it is by no means the true people of these mysterious doors.

Feng Xianzi was only a half-day in the midst of surprise, and he turned back and smiled.

"Do you think that my Fengxianzi is not enough to be your master?"

Ye Zifeng shook his head with a smile: "No, Zifeng, never said that."

He swept the face of Fengxianzi twice in succession, and people could not help but be speechless.

You must know that some people do not want to learn medicine, but only want to get along with the beautiful woman, they smashed the scalp and wanted to be an apprentice of the Phoenix Fairy.

Wang Tianzhi was relieved a little, remembered his sister's words, and the killing of Ye Zifeng also slightly decreased. It seems that this Ye Feng, he is indeed against Fengxianzi, it does not mean anything.

"Don't say anything more." Feng Xianzi snorted coldly: "I see your heart, this is the idea."

She paused for a while and continued: "But you can rest assured that the words that my Fengxianzi said will not be blamed for being angry. I can promise you all the conditions you want, and will help you open up a drug peak." The land of cultivation, even giving you face, is commensurate with your peers! After that, you will kill yourself! You have no guidance from the master, I have to see, how much you can harvest in three months!"

"Thank you... Fengxianzi is all done."