The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 280: Super mortgage!

Others are all gold coins, and the old ghost of Muyun is still the first to hear that someone is coming to loan Dan.

It’s almost unheard of!

"You want the best of the real yuan Dan?"

Mu Yun's old ghost face changed slightly, and the pretty face immediately showed a playful smile.

"Oh... I understand, you want to get the remedy, give it to Bingqian, want to take a beautiful smile?"

At the time of the last Doosan Contest, Liu Bingqian and Ye Zifeng were inseparable. Her charming face was all in the eyes of her master Mu Yun.

Ye Zifeng was slightly stunned and looked at her with some doubts.

"I want to lend a micro-real Yuan Dan, what does it have to do with Bingqian? Besides, she did not mention it when she wrote the letter. She is now in the realm of the martial arts."

"Wait, what do you say? This girl, has been in the realm of the martial arts?" Mu Yun old ghost and Yang Jing surprised, looked at each other.

You must know that Liu Bingqian has not known how much time he has stayed in the refining environment. How can he break through in a blink of an eye!

"This is... when is it?"

"Almost, just before we come to Xuanmen." Ye Zifeng smiled back.

Mu Yun's old ghosts and faces looked abruptly changed. After a long while, "It turns out. Ye Zifeng, so to speak, you come to me to lend this Dan, is to..."

"Yes, I am lending this drug, in fact, it is for my own breakthrough!" Ye Zifeng smiled lightly.

In this regard, Mu Yun's old ghost actually guessed what Ye Zifeng had to say.

However, this is really said from his mouth, and this feeling will become different again.

"It seems that you have been met with an adventure to get this advanced speed."

Mu Yun old ghost indulged for a moment, frowning: "Well, your business, I will not ask more questions... Then you talk about, the best in your mouth is too micro true Yuan Dan, what level is it? If it is a product or a yellow product..."

As she spoke, she picked up Xiao Cui and made a cup of tea for her, and took a sip.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "The land is too micro-yuan Dan."

Mu Yun's old ghost eyes are very big, a big mouth of tea, I can't wait to spit directly on the face of Ye Zifeng.

Ye Zifeng actually skipped Xuan Pin Dan directly, directly speaking to the point of the local medicine Dan medicine!

"Master, you are a little bit, don't lie..." Yang Jing hurriedly stepped forward and patted the back of Mu Yun's old ghost to help her slow down.

"Still, you can't hear it, this kid, I want to be too micro-yuan Dan! I want to know that when I broke through myself, I used it just by Xuan Pin Dan!" Mu Yun old ghost looked bitter Said.

"Ye Shaoye, you are really..." Yang Jing heard the words, but also looked back at Ye Zifeng, but did not understand why he would open the lion.

The local medicinal herbs, that is the most fascinating best Dan Dan!

He Ye Feng, how can he, dare to want this kind of medicine?

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "If it is not a local product, why come to loan Dan?"

In this sentence, he did not support the big, before his sister Ye Xueyi and Liu Bingqian broke through the mysterious product Taiwei Zhenyuan Dan, it was his refining.

Mu Yun old ghost laughed and said: "But, since you want to sell the goods, I am afraid, the material of the district to win the Dan, is not enough?"

No matter what Dan, even if it is the gold spike of the land, it is the existence of people who have been robbed, let alone the cross-border Dan like Taiwei Zhendan!

"I didn't plan to use it. I only used the materials of the scorpion to be able to impress the old ghosts."

The leaf front smirked, and soon from the space magic weapon, it was hard to pull out a huge Dan furnace.

Thirty-two stars are scattered among them. The golden light of the body is rising, which is undoubtedly a sign that this is a Dan of the mysterious product!

Mu Yun's old ghostly face flashed a strange color: "Xuan Pin Dan furnace?"

Her pair of watery eyes widened and hurried forward, and carefully looked at the appearance of the Dan furnace, and there was a burst of exclamation from time to time.

"This Dan furnace is not like a congenital, it is like a certain material watering, Ye Zifeng, this Dan furnace, which Dandao master gave you?"

Compared with alchemy, making Dan furnace is a great study. If you don't have a deep rumor, it is very difficult to make a Dan furnace.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "Who made it, it doesn't matter. What's important is that I am willing to mortgage this Xuan Pin Dan furnace to the old ghost, as a bargaining chip." Old ghosts, what do you mean?"

"Scorpio." Yang Jing raised his brow, and the lotus step moved lightly, pulling the leaf front to the side.

"Ye Shaoye, you shouldn't be crazy, why bother to think so much about pursuing the medicinal products of the local products. It is true to keep this Xuan Pin Dan furnace. This Dan furnace is the fundamental of alchemists! ”

Ye Zifeng immediately smiled and looked at Yang Jing.

"So, lend a thing, pay attention to the borrowing and returning, this material of the Xuan Pin Dan furnace and the smashing Dan, just as a mortgage. I just use reasonable resources in a reasonable time, nothing more. ”

Mu Yun looked at Ye Zifeng with a sneaky look. Suddenly, a burst of sound from the heart was heard throughout the hall.

"Leaf front, if you only listen to your words, do not look at your appearance, think that you are a person who is about the same age as me, it is really unexpected, you are only twenty years old."

The light in the front of the leaf flashed past, and then smiled: "Hope, it will not offend the old ghost."

Mu Yun, the old ghost, smiled and waved his hand: "I don't care, I really like your consciousness. Since you have a heart and want to sell the goods, I can't help you. Just..."

"What is it?"

Ye Zifeng heard that things seemed to turn around. When he thought about it, he asked.

"It's just a pity. I only have the medicinal materials of the original Yuan Dan, and there is no finished product. Even if I want to start refining, I am afraid it will take at least five days. Can you wait for this time? And, Hugh If you wait for it, I can't spend five full days to give you alchemy."

Ye Zifeng shook his head and said with a slap in the face: "Really, I can't wait. In four days, I have to break through to the realm of the martial arts."

Mu Yun old ghost paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "So, I am sorry, I don't want to help you, but objectively, I can't help you. Please come back..."

"It may not be." Ye Zifeng suddenly looked up and looked at Mu Yun's old ghost deeply.

"Don't you have any idea?" Mu Yun's old ghost "snapped" and the US was slightly confused.

"Old ghosts, the situation you just said is that you need to refine the land of one person. It takes five days. Then, if you add me?" Ye Zifeng looked up and smiled slightly.

"You?" Mu Yun old ghost heard a sigh of God, looked up, looked up and down the Ye Zifeng.

"How can you refine the super-good medicinal herbs of Pinnacle?"

"No, I will."

Ye Zifeng looked firmly at each other: "And, if the old ghosts can trust, even the medicinal materials of this place can be given to me to refine. If I become, then the loan is established; If I didn't make it, then the materials of this Xuan Pin Dan furnace and the smashing Dan are disposed of by the old ghosts. In addition, I still owe the old ghost to a land of Pindan, Zi Fengwu. During the period of sin, you will be repaid!"

If Ye Zifeng’s words are heard in Muyun’s old ghost, I feel that it’s awkward.

After all, this is the remedy for the local products! Even the cross-border of the land! Don't say that the leaves are sharp, even on your own, you are not very familiar with the refining of this place.

However, for the old ghosts of Muyun, the conditions for Ye Zifeng’s opening are so difficult to refuse.

If Ye Zifeng's alchemy fails, then he can earn the material of this Xuan Pin Dan furnace and the smashing dan, even if it is the old ghost of Mu Yun, it can't be regarded as a leisurely thing.

"Leaf front, if you take it seriously, I will give you the medicine of Di Pin Dan. Are you really going to refine it alone?" Mu Yun Lao Ghost tried to ask.

Ye Zifeng nodded. "This is the case. However, I need a quiet alchemy room, enough hot water, and three meals on time. I don't want to be disturbed by anyone during the three days."

"Yes, yes. Three days, I will create the best alchemy environment for you!" Mu Yun, the old ghost, was busy with his head and said seriously.

Her words are like this, but in her heart, she is somewhat unbearable. I wonder if I am earning the benefits of a student during the refining period. Is it that some teachers are not respected?

Under the words of Ye Feng, the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile.

"That's good, let's set a blood contract, and have a voucher to speak and do things."

Mu Yun old ghost is a smile, after all, this blood deed is almost all good for her, there is no reason not to sign.

Immediately, the two men broke their fingers and dropped a little bit of blood into the blood.


"Well, in this case, the three-day time is particularly urgent. Please forgive the son to go to the alchemy room first. As for the materials needed by the land, I hope that the old ghosts will send them later." Gazing at the old ghost of Muyun said.

"Okay, I understand, this is no problem."

"Farewell." Ye Zifeng nodded and immediately stepped out of the lobby and walked outside.

Mu Yun old ghost stared at the back of Ye Zifeng's departure. He always felt that something seemed wrong. But where is it, and some can't say it.

Suddenly, her face changed and her body shivered.

"What's wrong, Master, how did your face become pale?" Yang Jing looked at her inexplicably.

Mu Yun old ghosts turned back stiffly, and took a few deep breaths: "You said this child, how would he know, where is the alchemy room?"