The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 316: Two clear!

Once the spirit plant is out of the roots, it will never survive.

Fengxianzi looked at Ye Zifeng's move slyly, and did not expect that the other party actually shot directly in front of his own face.

How do these practices differ from the mouth of the tiger?

Ye Zifeng not only pulled out, but also pulled out "Thirty."

"Zi Feng is acting recklessly, does not know how to measure, what is offensive, but also hopes that the fairy will forgive me."

"Forgive me? Do you want me to forgive?"

Fengxianzi’s voice was a little trembling, and he couldn’t say a complete sentence for a long time.

Ye Zifeng faintly smiled, and suddenly looked sharply between each other. I saw only halfway in the air. A group of spirits followed the extension of the gold line and flew far away, all falling into his space ring.

His actions, in one go, are obviously premeditated for a long time.

Because from the beginning, he did not intend to believe in Fengxianzi. He had thousands of herbal peaks by himself. If he was free to believe in others, it would not be self-confidence, but arrogant.

"Fairy, the transaction has been made, and 30 herbs are taken away. I have left the containers of these five heavenly dark mines. So, you can leave with two clear ones."

"You! I don't want to go, it's hard, I want you to stay with you and eat!"

Fengxianzi's pretty face is almost cold, almost blurted out.

"Then I will leave." Ye Zifeng smiled a little and didn't miss anything. When he stepped on, he walked toward the gate of the mountain.

"Wait." The Fengxianzi bit his lip and his face was swept over a complex color.

Ye Zifeng smiled and looked back: "Fairy, I don't know what else to teach?"

"It's too late, you don't have a master. Where are you going to live tonight?" Feng Xianzi licked his lips a little and raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Fengfeng.

Although her voice is still indifferent, there is no sensation in her eyes. In the faint, she can detect a wave of volatility.

Ye Zifeng once refused her invitation to accept her apprentice, which made her curious.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to go to the Heavenly Palace to see the leaves and enlightenment, and even released the soul of the mind, to explore the performance of the Ye Feng Awakening storm on the leaf front, the purpose is to see, he has any conviction, dare to reject her invite.

However, every time, Ye Zifeng surprised her.

Over time, she has some concerns about Ye Zifeng, but she has not noticed it.

"Thank you for your concern. Before the start of the Hunting Pet Conference, I plan to harass a few more days in Zhao Lao."

Feng Xianzi indulged his thoughts: "It turned out to be living in Zhao Zhenren... Since you already have a place to live, then I haven’t said it right, otherwise..."

Ye Zifeng lightly chuckled and repeated it again: "If not... how?"

Feng Xianzi looked up and gave him a blank look: "Otherwise it is not good. Well, I will go soon before I change my mind!"

"Thank you for the fairy."

Ye Zifeng smiled and walked toward the gate of the mountain.

Feng Xianzi looked deeply at the back of his gradual disappearance. He sighed for a long time: "Hey, what am I thinking about it... between us, this is clear..."


Walking out of the mountain gate, Ye Zifeng marched one by one and hurried to Zhao’s territory.

The sound of ghosts sounded and sighed: "Hey, kid, I don't mean you, this medicinal material is good, but Tiandao dark thunder can only meet once a year, and it is good for the nourishing of Wuhun. The effect is that you use all the heavenly dark mine containers to exchange medicines, which is really cheaper."

"Don't eat a small loss, how can others be willing to trade with me?" What's more..."

Ye Zifeng paused for a moment, and then a slight chuckle appeared in the corner of his mouth. He said faintly: "Who said, I gave the fairy the **** of the dark, which is what I have."


The ghost was suddenly shocked: "So, in your space ring, is there any extra sky and dark thunder?"

"This is the case!" Ye Zifeng's eyes passed a firm color.

As he spoke, he rubbed the space ring with aura.

The glass shield-like container of the heavenly dark thunder was taken out by him one by one. There were still more than a dozen, and the thunder flashed and dazzling.


Under the shadows, some people were surprised to say nothing.

"If you let Fengxianzi know it, don't rush over and lick your skin!"

Ye Zifeng smiled and shook his head. "She certainly won't know. After all, I still have the bottom line. I don't want to take this Heavenly Dark Ray, and then go to the Muyun old ghost and turn around."

Ghosts helplessly smiled: "... It seems that you really thought about it."


When Ye Zifeng returned to Zhao’s residence, he happened to meet a group of people for dinner. Red house love

The big room was full of people.

The clear and boring play of the bamboo chopsticks in his hand seems to be somewhat listless.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her beauty: "Leaf Front! Come here, where are you going every day, I have something big to tell you!"

As soon as this statement came out, the actions of the people in the half field were on the spot, and they put down the dishes in their hands and looked up and looked at the people.

"Leaf front? Could it be that the only one who set foot on the Taixuan Tiantai, but awakened the Wuhun defeat?"

"Oh... you whisper, the leaf front can not be provoked, even if he does not have a martial spirit, so that the Jinpeng brothers who awakened the martial arts did not fight, but also killed Hua Shao, and listened to the doctor. You can't get out of bed for a whole month!"

"No, that Hua Shao is so miserable?"

"Well, you know no, his sister Ye Xueyi, seems to be in the martial arts awakening storm, awakened the incomprehensible Wuhun, will soon be trained by the Guru. Whoever provokes her brother, must have smoked that person's The gluten is not! This two brothers and sisters are all demons who eat people without spitting bones. We are still far away."

"Everyone, give me some quiet."

Xinghui’s discussion of everyone’s discussion was getting worse and he couldn’t help but cough and come forward.

"Leaf front...that, if you say something, you don't have to worry about it. They are not too malicious for you, just because they think about what they say."

Ye Zifeng smiled and said: "I understand that after all, they are all disciples of Zhao Lao, what kind of disciples teach what kind of disciples, Zhao Lao is so refreshing, and his disciples are mostly straight-eyed people."

"If you can understand, it is naturally the best." Xing Hui haha ​​smiled.

Qing dynasty recruited beckoning: "Xinghui brother, then care about what others think. As for Ye Zifeng, you come over, I will tell you something big."

Ye Zifeng smiled lightly, and slowly walked over to where he was, and sat down in the seat before her.

“What the big thing is it? Is it worth your excitement?”

The light smiles, the sound is very sweet, and it is close.

"It is like this. Isn’t the Master respected coming back this morning? I feel that it is not good to look at him. Just tell him and leave you with us."


Ye Zifeng was slightly surprised, and he turned around and looked around, for fear that Zhao Lao would jump out at any time and drive away himself.

"As a result, the Master respected him. He promised you to stay, and he almost did not think about it. He agreed directly! I thought that the relationship between you and Master is good. Now it seems that my vision is really good. That's right!" Qing Xiaoran laughed and raised his eyebrows upwards. Devil Wanted: Dear, don't run

"However, I am afraid..." Ye Zifeng's look gradually became a little dignified.

In the beautiful scenery, there is a strange color: "What is it, Ye Zifeng, such a good opportunity, you still want to refuse the Master? Then, go outside and take the heavens as the quilt and the land as the mat Days?"

"I don't mean this. I just think it's a bit strange. Zhao Lao, suddenly, seems to have changed personally. I don't have much habits. It looks like I have to ask for me and want me to do something. But it seems that it is a bit different."

Even if it is the Ye Zifeng, this time, some are not sure.

After all, there are too many possibilities. Who knows that Zhao is always a good-hearted person, or he is asking for Ye Zifeng, or else he wants to. All this, before the moment of the announcement, is not known.

"Ha ha ha ha... I heard that Ye Zifeng is here?" A burst of laughter came from outside the door.

It is the voice of Zhao Lao!

"Master Master!"

"I have seen Master!"

Zhao Lao rarely came to the place where the disciples used their meals. This time, I didn’t know what was going on. I actually came in person.

"I have seen it, Master!" Qingyi was also surprised and looked at Zhao Lao deeply.

Zhao Lao haha ​​smiled and waved at the person next to him: "Everyone continues to eat, it doesn't matter to me. I just have two sentences, I want to talk to Ye Zifeng."

"Dare to ask Zhao Lao, what is it?" Ye Fengfeng's eyes, the gods bloom, and looked deeply at Zhao Lao.

Zhao Lao said as he turned his attention to the position of Ye Zifeng.

"Go, go out with me."

In the room, the staff is complicated, and there are ears on the wall. Who knows some words, will it be used by the people, and spread out, causing certain influence.

Therefore, Ye Zifeng was also willing to go, followed Zhao Lao to go outside.

After strolling half a mile away, Ye Zifeng suddenly smiled and reminded him.

"Zhao Lao, I can almost say it."

Zhao Lao nodded, his voice gradually became a little low: "Actually, it is about your sister."

"My sister?" The smile on the face of Ye Zifeng gradually cooled down until he was serious.

The look in Zhao’s eyes is incomparably: “Your sister and Liu Bingqian, respectively assigned to the two masters I sent, were trained separately. This is a great opportunity, but...”