The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 360: One person's power!

Five paw prints, bringing out five deep and visible blood marks.

"Ye Feng" does not shoot, but once it is shot, it is naturally quite hot and goes straight to the point.

After all, in the refining of the fire cave, she always killed and killed, did not know what to measure, and acted completely to see the mood at that time.

Nowadays, she is eager to revenge, and she has absorbed all her hatred into this claw.

It can be imagined that the power of the fox's anger is a multi-pronged process.

If she was not poisonous in her body and was seriously injured by the Tiandao Dark Thunder, this blow would not be overwhelming if Zhao Shucheng was killed directly on the spot.

After Zhao Shucheng shouted and vomited a blood, he hurriedly held his sword and stabilized his body shape, limping, and wanted to quit the black fog.

However, behind him, an Aura monster has been waiting for a long time at the edge of the black fog. At this time, he saw that he wanted to come out, and he slammed against his shoulder and bit it.


The black fog gradually dissipated, and the two figures inside it became more and more clear.

Someone called out: "Zhao Zhenren, Zhao Zhenren..."

"Don't bother me, let me calm down."

"But, when you look at the field, Ye Feng seems to be..."

Under Zhao’s words, a little glimpse, the eyes that have been closed, slowly slammed open.

"Well? What do you mean, Ye Feng, is he... not dead?"

He turned to think, and right, if Ye Feng is really dead, then he will actually feel the reduction of cultivation. Since he still has no feeling, the process has not yet begun, that is, Ye At least there is still a breath in the air.

If you are still alive, then there will be salvation...

So he looked up with a little expectation and looked deeply at the situation at Ye Feng.

Then, like everyone else, he looked awkward.

Why is Ye Feng not dead?

On the contrary, Zhao Shucheng's chest blood hole opened wide and fell to the ground. He convulsed, like a serious injury. He breathed a sigh of gas and coughed up some blood.


Zhao Lao’s scorpion, a moment of revealing a strange look, the heart that has been hanging for a long time has been put down for a long time. After a long while, he smiled and looked at Ye Feng with deep thought: "Well, I really have you." of……"

The other side.

"Zhao Ge..."

"Zhao Ge, how are you..."

Zhao Shucheng’s teammates saw their big brother being seriously injured by Ye Feng. They were amazed and shouted.

However, just as they yelled and wanted to rush up, Ye Feng opened his mouth.

"Don't come over, if you want to go further, I will kill your Zhao Ge directly."

Ye Feng’s face was extremely cold, and he saw that his right hand pulled out the purple sword and directly reached the throat of Zhao Shucheng, while the left hand was drawn from the wind king, bringing out the golden thread. Draw a line above the earth, obviously it is not allowed to enter.

"Zhao Ge..." Under the horror of the crowd, there are still some people who have never returned.

They still can't think clearly until now, how is Ye Feng defeating Zhao Shucheng by one person alone, which is simply impossible to accomplish.

In fact, the key to all is the time from the black fog to the dissipation.

The fox smashed this time, dressed as Ye Feng, swearing at the other side, and personally injured Zhao Shucheng as a candidate for the true biography. As Ye Feng said, it is a revenge success.

Now, after the black fog has dispersed, because the demon fox is willing to pay, he has sneaked into the beast token and concealed his own figure.

Although some real people of Xuanmen saw the situation in the black fog with the smashing technique, more people thought that it was Ye Feng’s high-level body and even the avatar.

After all, once the refining beast token leaves, it is impossible to recruit the demon beast. This is the basis of the foundation and belongs to the knowledge that every brother who embarks on the realm of the martial arts should master.

Therefore, this is also clear from the side, Ye Feng and the mysterious demon did not carry out any recognition ceremony, just the relationship with the accompanying, this is unbelievable.

Of course, among these people, there are also clear cases, and that person is Yang Gu.

"Not bad."

He took a deep breath and couldn't help but whisper a few words.

"This young man named Ye Feng seems to be a little doorway. When the last Wushu awakened the storm, he left the humanoid martial arts. This time, he intends to retreat the mysterious monsters in a low-key manner. This is not arrogant. No, in the future, it will be a heavy responsibility. Maybe the next time the real story is over, you can try to let him take a look, I don’t know if it will surprise me..."


However, compared to the leisure of the real people and the masters.

Zhao Shucheng’s people here are somewhat unable to sit still.

"Ye Feng, I don't know if you used any mean means in the end to hurt Zhao Ge. However, no matter what, he is the candidate of the Xuanmen, if you dare to kill him, the Guru is Will not let you go."

A crowd of people looked at Ye Feng with a cold eye and looked awkwardly. It was not because of their relationship with Zhao Shucheng, but because they had invested a lot in Zhao Shucheng.

Only paying, not returning to the matter, where are they willing to do it.

Therefore, they naturally do not want Ye Feng to ruin Zhao Shucheng.

"Yeah, Ye Feng. You have to know that the real-life battle is about to begin. As a candidate, compared to the younger brother, the possibility of entering the Guru’s eyes is not high, but it is Zhao Ge is a half-true cousin, and it is not an exaggeration. Once Zhao Ge becomes a true cousin, can get it when you arrive."

“Hey?” Ye Feng was a little indulged for a moment.

Someone saw Ye Feng’s thoughts on his thoughts and smiled. “How are you, you are finally scared.”

"Do not."

Ye Feng slightly smiled: "I was thinking that the ordinary brother can also participate in the real-life battle."

"You, what are you thinking about?" The man looked sullen and looked at each other slyly.

The smile on Ye Feng’s face was dull.

"Why don't you change the corner to consider, if one day, I became a true cousin, what will I do to you?"

After a little calm, suddenly there was a long laugh.

"You really preach the younger brother? Less jokes, even the candidate true biography brother, there is half the elimination rate, you Ye Feng an ordinary brother, He De He can, can become the favorite brother of the Guru."

"That is, if you can become the true disciple, then I will definitely be fine."

"Isn't it, you are so low as the threshold of my true brother? If so, I can of course mix my true brother."

"I am sure that Da Tao can also..."

One after another, Ye Feng was not the first time he heard it. He smiled for a moment and shook his head.

"Well, then my affairs will be for the time being. You must think that Zhao Shucheng can be a true biography. Have you ever thought about a problem? This future true cousin is my defeat at the moment, then you think, On the face of the ancient Guru, will you pass?"


Some people were reminded by Ye Feng that they suddenly felt awkward.

Yes, Ye Feng’s is good. If the Gu Gu Shi took Zhao Shucheng as a true cousin, then he would have to bring Ye Feng by the way. Otherwise, he would be gossip.

At this time, Zhao Shucheng screamed.

"Ye Feng, what do you use to confuse things, and what kind of avatar is used, even dare to count me?"

Until now, he was finally relieved, supporting the climb from the ground, but the five finger holes in his chest, still shocking, kept flowing blood.

Ye Feng's eyes were indifferent, and he gave him a cold look: "To the dark, you are so many people around me, do you still expect me to fight with you in the light?"

He deliberately did not know how to cover up the demon fox.

"You..." Zhao Shucheng was also stunned by anger, calm down and think carefully, it seems that Ye Feng also makes sense.

Ye Feng smiled and continued: "I have no enmity with you, but you have to fight for the advanced monsters, for your future, to face me, so you should have failed." Enlightened?"

"What consciousness? What do you want to do, I warn you not to mess, or my brothers will tear you into pieces after a while..." Zhao Shucheng screamed fiercely and glared at Ye Fengdao.

Ye Feng stared at Zhao Shucheng, and his mouth raised a smile.

"You are in trouble now, finally your brother is called a brother? Do you think of your brother as such a cheap thing?"

"...Ye Feng, you put a word, what do you want?"

Zhao Shucheng stared at Ye Feng tightly and continued: "Before listening to Tong Fu and Liu Dong, you were stunned by the baby. Big deal, I will give you my baby, at least, I can guarantee that My baby is definitely better than theirs..."

"No, I don't need these."

Ye Feng smiled softly and shook his head. "I used to think that letting some people learn a lesson can force him to make a **** oath and set up a blood deed. However, this is not applicable to everyone, for example: Wang Tianzhi ""

"I don't know him." Zhao Shucheng frowned slightly.

"You don't have to know him, you just need to know, you are like him."

Ye Feng smiled for a while and continued: "So, what do you think, for a person who will make trouble for me in the future, what should I do?"

Under the words of Zhao Shucheng, there was a horror in his eyes.

The smile on Ye Feng’s face gradually turned cold, and the purple sword in his hand began to show his cold light.

"Right, I listened, I went under the door of the ancient Guru. The rules are ten heads, and you have already prepared twenty-nine people?"

Zhao Shucheng’s voice seems a little jerky: "What is it?"

Suddenly, his face was shocked and he looked up: "Wait, do you think..."

"So, count yours..."

The mouth of the purple scorpion sword turned over, and the sound of the broken air rang. R405