The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 389: The true story!

"If there is no problem, then I declare that this real-life battle has officially begun!"

Yang Shangshi’s voice fell, and the giant bell in the Tianmen sounded loud and heavy, but it was far away and ethereal, and went straight to the soul of the people.

The white light of the road spurred out from the sky gate, and the eyes of the flashing people could not open.

On the edge of the jade board, the dust is flying, like an invisible rope, and slowly rises.

In the process, the whole earth is tremble!

"Look, the door is open..."

"I really don't know what's in the sky door?"

Looking at the majestic momentum that emerged from the door of the heavens, everyone’s heart could not help but shudder.

Driven by curiosity, they probed the brain and wanted to get close to see the scene inside the gate.

However, because they are too far away, they can't see it at all.

They want to get close, but it is impossible.

Because, in addition to the true biography of the disciples with golden invitations, the rest of the people, can not be close to the Tianmen!

"Let it go, let it go, don't block it."

A man with five big three thick and thick eyebrows opened the crowd, and he did not suffocate to smash down a dozen people, and swayed toward Tianmen, ignoring the anger of others.

"Who is this, is this quality, come to participate in the real-life battle?" A female disciple was tripped to the ground by him, and he could not help but say in his mouth.

"Oh, lighter, he is called Sha Yuncheng. He is a master of the four majors of the Wushu. There are also sisters. You listen, this is an elite disciple who participates in the real-life battle. You better off one, don't offend, otherwise What you have in the future is bitter."

The other person waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't worry about that sand cloud. You see, Zicang and Zhao Shucheng have also come over."

"Zi Cang brother, I am Cuihua, look at me here!"

"Zhao Ge, when we went to drink wine last time, we used to sit at the same table."

Both of them are famous characters. One depends on the name of the name, and the other is on the name of the right. In the Xuanmen, it is naturally more mixed. Now there is the possibility of getting a true disciple, no. The few people naturally want to do their best to tie them up.

At this time, Zicang and Zhao Shucheng saw that there was Sha Yuncheng, the Shantou Qingkai Road, and he was happy to be light, laughing and following him, step by step to Tianmen.

"Leaf front, I am waiting for you behind this Tianmen." Zhao Shucheng went back and looked at Ye Zifeng casually. The corner of his mouth raised a smile and walked toward the eyes of everyone.

Relatively speaking, Zicang has a lot of low-key, and walked without saying a word. He never said a word from beginning to end.

As we approached Tianmen, a white light lit up, and the two were completely hidden in the door and disappeared.

"Well, Zifeng brother, they are gone, then let's keep up."

"and many more……"

Ye Xueyi sighed slightly and saw her brother's brow not stretched. He knew that he was because of Liu Bingqian's affairs. He wanted to persuade him, but he did not know where to sue.

After all, the thing between Ye Zifeng and Liu Bingqian, only the two of them themselves, is the clearest situation.

"Unbeate the Guru." After the Ye Zifeng indulged for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth.

Unexpectedly, he did not go to Tianmen, but to the direction of the woman in red.

"Leaf front?"

Coincidentally, Qin’s utterly desperate gaze has never really been removed from Ye Zifeng.

At the moment, her mouth condensed a sneer: "What else do you have? If it is about this real story, I have already told Bingqian that she will not follow you, and, please do not want to do it later. I am entangled in her again."

Ye Feng's brow wrinkles: "Unbeate the guru, I don't know what she said to you, but this time the real story, if she does not follow me, she will be very dangerous."

Qin stunned and smiled cold and gloomy.

"Danger? What about it? My masters, if there is no ability to solve danger, and there will be great achievements in the future, you Ye Feng, it is too much to manage. Here, with you, I am absolutely Will not give Bingqian to you!"

Ye Zifeng reacted very quickly, almost immediately interface, and said abruptly: "I am too wide, thinking about Bingqian, unbelievable guru, ask you to know the time of Bingqian, or do I know for a long time? In the spirit of anger, Bingqian was concealed in this real-life battle and was in danger of life!"

His words are getting faster and faster, and in the end, there is even a hint of questioning.

Quiet, absolutely quiet.

A group of people waited to hear the leaves and fronts unobstructed, and they were stunned on the spot, and some could not speak.

"God, this Ye Zifeng's head has not been clipped by the door panel. It is a communication student in the district. If you decide to roll back to Leizhou City tomorrow, how can you talk to the superstitious teacher?"

"Isn't it, this time he has to be remembered by the fascinating master, and I am afraid I will be suppressed in the future."

"That can be horrible. I see Ye Zifeng, or the old man’s face is wrong."

Ye Zifeng looked at the person who was talking about himself at the side: "Give me shut up!"

Among his stars, the cold and chilly light came out, revealing an unsuspecting look, and a chilling scent instantly filled his body.

At this moment, he is really angry!

"This..." Qingyi and Xinghui looked at each other and looked at each other with horror.

They are used to the look of Ye Zifeng's laughter. He has always thought that he is a face-to-face, and he has never seen such a true nature.

Which one is his leaf front? Is it calm or bloody?

Or is it true that the two are one, is the real leaf front?

The sorrowful face of Qin was slightly stagnation, and a anger came to my heart.

As a master, she was suppressed by such a junior? I can't stand it.

When she was about to speak, she saw Liu Bingqian suddenly reaching out to jade, pulling her clothes corner, and there was a pleading in her expression.


"Master, let me talk about it."

Liu Bingqian's eyebrows are slightly embarrassing, lifting the dagger, looking at the Ye Zifeng, the look is extremely complex.

When Ye Fengfeng saw her finally open her mouth, her anger gradually subsided, and she turned to look happy, revealing a sincere smile.

"Bing Qian, you are finally willing to talk."

Liu Bingqian took a deep breath and bit his silver teeth: "Leaf Front..."


Hearing Liu Bingqian’s call, Ye Zifeng’s eyes were stunned, and his face was filled with a smile. When he was there, he was frozen on the spot, and the whole person did not move.

"Bing Qian, what did you call me?"

For so long, he has become accustomed to Liu Bingqian's title for his "coarse brother", although at first he felt too nauseating, but after getting used to it, he was still taken over.

It is expected that Liu Bingqian is actually calling him his name, which makes him unacceptable for a while.

"Leaf front, the words of the guru are good. For a long time, you have been helping me. I am very grateful. However, after all, I am a repairer. If I don’t have the ability to solve the danger, I will rely solely on you, and in the future, What are the great achievements? I decided to face this true battle. I will also follow the path of the future cultivation, and I will continue to study Dandao with all my heart."

She stepped forward and bowed deeply at the leaf and looked up.

"So, sorry, Ye Zifeng, this time the true story of the battle, I am afraid I can't fight with you again."

"Bing Qian sister, you..."

Ye Xueyi looked at Liu Bingqian slyly, and for a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

"Sorry, Xue Xue sister."

Liu Bingqian gave a gift to Ye Xueyi, and the lotus step was light.

After she slowly walked past the leaf front, she licked her lips slightly and turned her head away. The footsteps accelerated and rushed into the Tianmen, and then disappeared into the thick fog and disappeared.

The surrounding atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"Zi Fengge, you... you are okay."

Although Ye Xueyi did not know why the two would become like this, at the very least, she could appreciate the current feeling of Ye Zifeng.


Ye Zifeng did not respond with a sigh of relief. After a while, his face barely squeezed a smile.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own choices, I respect her wishes. There is Xue Yi, do you think your child is a vulnerable person?"

"This? It doesn't look like it."

Ye Xueyi chuckled and saw that his look gradually recovered, and a hanging momentum in his heart was finally put down.

"That's not enough." Ye Fengfeng chuckled and restored his look as always. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't find anything from his look.

At this time, Master Yang glanced at the crowd and sighed: "The people who have not yet entered the Tianmen are quick to grasp. The glow around the Tianmen has faded. After a while, this gate will be closed!"

Under the words of Ye Feng, his face gradually became serious and he took a step.

He knew very well that it is not a sentimental time.

"It’s a good time, it’s not early, it’s not a time to chat. Let’s go.”

"Good!" Ye Xueyi smiled and promised to keep up with his pace.

After a while, the two were like the others before, hidden in a white light...

After Yang Shangshi’s disappearance of the two men, he turned his head and looked around at a circle.

“Is there anyone else? If not, then...”

"Wait, there is one more here."

Gu Yuan Wuhe sneered, and gave a wink at a woman next to her. I saw her figure graceful and graceful, but wearing a mask, people can not see the face, and the golden invitation held by her jade hand is even more attractive to everyone.

There is no doubt that she has the golden invitation, and she is also qualified to participate in the real-life battle.

"Let's go, there is, remember what Green Winter said to you." Gu Yuanwu's voice is extremely low.