The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 451: Break the door!

The cold moon looked at him with a singular look.

When she was abandoned by the whole world, she turned out to be her enemy, Ye Zifeng, and extended a helping hand to herself.

"Hey? You still want to save her?"

The quaint voice of the sky turned to a burst of laughter and continued: "It turns out that I am afraid that you are fascinated by her beauty and want to take advantage of her. It seems that it is a good one. chance."

Under the cold moon, it was also gently licking the yarn below, looking up at the expression of Ye Zifeng, with a slightly complex color in his expression.

The leaf front smiled slightly and the voice gradually turned cold.

"No! The reason why I saved her is just a disappointment to you. I just feel uncomfortable. Advise you, don't look too sloppy between people. On the Xuanwu continent, there must be someone who will wait. She goes back."

He slowly raised his head, his eyes revealing an unspeakable deep meaning.


On the ancient pattern, the pair of life and death eyes, staring at the leaf front tightly: "Listen to your tone, I almost thought that you are the people of Xuanwu mainland."

Ye Zifeng smiled lightly, looking directly at the other side, undecided.

To be honest, he actually wants to ask the doubts in his heart, and asks about the current situation of the Xuanwu mainland. How about the situation of Jiayu?

But now, the enemy and friends are not divided, the situation is not fixed.

Who knows what the other party's purpose is?

In the absence of their own strength, rashly revealing their past identities, they get a good time, and the other party may not answer anything, but it will bring endless troubles.

"Okay, gossip is not much to say, the space may collapse at any time, let's go..."

As the voice fell, countless strange light spots rose from the periphery of the leaf front. He looked indifferent and closed his eyes slightly.

A resilience frenzy came from all directions and drowned them completely.

They disappeared into the pillars of the earth as they did before.


Outside the Tianmen, the crowds of the bustling, rubbing shoulders, lively and extraordinary.

It turned out that under the auspices of several Guru, a number of disciples, no matter what the order of the martial arts, had been dispersed.

"Why are we going to drive us away? In the past, the real story of the real story, everyone is not waiting for Tianmen to open, to celebrate the emergence of new true disciples, what is going on this year?"

"Yeah, my old Wu pushed away the entertainment, just waiting to line up to see Zhao Shucheng's breeze moment, even the salute is ready, what is the situation now?"

Listening to the complaints of everyone.

The Qing dynasty came back and forth for a long time, sometimes lame, angry and anxious, and the eyebrows hugged tightly: "Oh, dying, dying..."

"Sister, you think about the problem when you think about it, but you are fine, always do what I do on my foot?" Xinghui's mouth twitched, and his face looked a bit ugly.

Qing Apricot eyes with a hint of tender color, blurted out and said.

"Brother, I am not suggesting you, do you want to think about it? You just heard the words of the Master. He said that this real story is very rare. The brother’s instincts are not always accurate. Why, let me tell you, how is Ye Fengfeng?"

Xinghui indulged for a moment: "He is dead or alive. After a day, when you wait for Tianmen to really open up, you will see it."

"No, my brother, I could have waited for it. But now those masters and real people are desperately trying to drive us away. It’s a big deal, and now I can’t wait for a moment!"

Xinghui shook his head helplessly: "I know that you are worried about him, but what do you think of my ability, thinking that my intuition can be used across borders?"


The clear eyes stared at each other, and the long curved eyelashes shook, and the beauty contained a hint of anticipation.

Xinghui shook his head and there was a firm expression in his face.

"No, this matter is not discussed, and I can't do it. Anyway, since Tianmen is open tomorrow, it will be waiting for tomorrow."


Xinghui paused for a moment and said, "Sister, it’s not that I don't help you. It's always impossible. I instinctively told me that today will open the door, it really opened today? This kind of thing..."

At this time, suddenly.

The sound of thunder and lightning thundered suddenly outside the entire Tianmen.

Xinghui brows a little wrinkled, and turned back to God, snorted and continued.

"Intuition, this kind of thing is obviously..."

The horror of the face on the Qing dynasty is becoming more and more intense.

I saw this time, and it was a few lightnings that slammed into the air and blew on the ground, making a "rumbling" sound.

The sky is getting darker, as if the storm is coming.

In a void, a dark and incomparable door emerged.

The white light of the road spurred from the inside, and the glow shone, like the glare of the sun, spreading toward the surrounding.

Xinghui and Qingyi looked at each other and were able to see their eyes, full of horror.

"No, intuition, come true?"

The things that have been difficult for a hundred years have actually been met by them!

No one could think of it. The opening of the Tianmen was actually a full day ahead.

"Look and see, it’s all gone!"

Whether it was the Guru and the real person near Tianmen, or other students who had been driven out of the Tianmen Sanli area, at this moment, they looked up and looked at the Tianmen.

No one knows, when will the heavy jade plate of this Tianmen be lifted?

And behind this Tianmen, in the end, who can go out?


The peak of Wanzhang Mountain Peak has a wide vision and a vast artistic conception.

A group of black gas slowly floated around everyone.

"I have seen it... I have a letter and believe it. Now, through my own space, I have forcibly helped you break through the sky!"

A quaint sound of vicissitudes permeated the peak, and in the valley, there was a resounding sound.

"This..." The people looked at each other and looked at them with amazement.

A dark black carved dragon door, sometimes with a strange white light.

"I didn't expect it to be true. Someone can force open Tianmen." Gu Yuanwu looked at the vision of heaven and couldn't help but send out such feelings.

When Wang Rui started to do things, he was still cautious and careful. After the soul gods walked for a while, they only said a long time: "Okay, everyone is relieved. I have cross-border investigations just now. This Tianmen is true, the other side The area of ​​communication is our mysterious door!"

"That's great." Under the public's words, they breathed a sigh of relief.

I was confirmed by Master Wang, and this matter should not be faked.

If they can rush back to Xuanmen before the space of this Wanzhang Mountain collapses, it is equivalent to returning a life.

"In this case, everyone, I have to nurse the injury, take a step first." Gu Yuanwu heart stunned, a group of smoldering fire, drifting to the position of the door that day.

"And slow, who will allow you to go..."

The quaint voice of the vicissitudes of life was once again heard in the ears of everyone.

Between the time, a group of strong black gas, tightly attached to the edge of the door that day, countless black whirlwinds seem to be born in the flat, the volume scraped around the Tianmen, to protect it tightly, dripping water.

"Leave me!"

On the ground, the different arrays are depicted. At this time, the black whirlwinds that are rolled up, the strange sword-print patterns, and the light at the same time, block the way of Gu Yuanwu.

"Ge Laozi's, these are the sword prints, deliberately can't go with me?" Gu Yuanwu snorted and his heart was angry.

Seeing these tactics that can absorb his own soul and mind, he is also somewhat depressed. After all, not long ago, his soul and soul, this is ruined and reduced.

Therefore, if one thing falls, he can easily kill the millennium ghoul by his own cultivation. However, this sword print pattern does not know what the inheritance is, but it can actually suppress itself.

"You want to go, yes, to be honest, I am too lazy to take care of your life and death. But let the young man give me my inheritor, Ye Xueyi!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the people and others turned their attention to Ye Zifeng. There is no doubt that it is not their own, but a decision of Ye Zifeng.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly: "I want your inheritor, but it is also simple. Let others go first. I will finally stand at the exit of Tianmen and give her to you. How?"

"Oh, you are playing a good calculation, waiting for your own worries, and then dare to die. I tell you, not so simple, at least, the woman I just saved with a blind eye, you have to leave her to stay Next, it is a hostage."

After a moment of indulging, the old and simple voice gave his own answer.

"Bing Qian?" Ye Zifeng smiled lightly, and turned his eyes and looked at Liu Bingqian in a complicated way. He didn't know what he was thinking about.

Liu Bingqian is also calm, and there is no unhappiness.

He paused a little and continued: "Okay, yes, take her as a hostage. So, other people, can you let it go now?"

"...this?" The other party seems to be doing further consideration.

"Hurry up, if you don't want your inheritor to die because of too much bleeding, then make a decision quickly!" Ye Zifeng's mouth sneered a sneer, looking around the black air around the crowd.

While he was talking, he could not help but lift the ice sword of his hand to Ye Xueyi's neck.

"Wait... but let go, let go. People don't need much, you are fine, there is one, enough!"
