The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 512: Send him back to the West!

"Qin Xiao may not be far from here? Is this true?"

"Also ask Zhao Lao, I believe that Zifeng said this possibility, in case of any eventuality." Ye Zifeng's voice, slightly solemn.

When Zhao Lao’s look was awkward, his heart began to become tense, releasing the soul and thinking carefully, and carefully observed the surroundings.

Anyone who changed the realm of any other martial arts and said this speculation, he will not believe.

Only the leaf front is different!

Zhao Lao thinks a little, and turns back to the right color.

"Okay, then I understand, you can rest assured that once Qin Xiao has signs of a head, or there are any strange changes around, I will definitely inform you at the first time!"

"Thank you Zhao Lao! After the incident, Zifeng should not find Zhao Lao, and drink a few glasses of spirits to thank."

Zhao Laozuo twitched a bit, and did not breathe a good reply: "Who is rare in your spirits? After that, it will be less trouble for me, peace and stability, everyone is at ease."

Ye Zifeng smirked and was undecided.

All he asked for was to re-enter the peak, and one day he could return to the Xuanwu continent and see Jiayu again.

For this reason, how could he be willing to be stable?

After a while, he cut off the connection between the soul and the gods, and slowly opened his eyes.

I saw the Xuanmen disciples around me, one by one, according to their own instructions, in the position of the eye, shuttle back and forth, to complement the law, strengthen the power of the array...

Everything is slowly brewing and on the right track...

He smiled lightly and looked up: "Well, come on, Qin Xiao, the bureau has already set it for you, what measures will you make, or, in this case, accept the fate and lose..."


In the forbidden land, within the circle of law.

Yunze evaded the attack of the remnant sword while playing with the gray strings.

A group of air currents, when the piano sounds high, it bursts open, and Hua Tianli and others are so bad that they can't get close to him.

This is just the beginning of Yunze’s nightmare.

With the end of Qin’s reluctance to recharge, due to her strong participation, Yunze had to share most of her energy to deal with her.

However, as a result, the original balance of offense and defense was broken.

"噗", "噗".

Yunze squirted a few mouthfuls of blood and couldn't stop backwards. He just stood still, and there was a broken sword flying in the sky. He almost wiped his cheek and stunned him with a cold sweat.

The soulless mind of Qin is like an invisible big bird in the air. Every time he circling over, he is on the body of Yunze, leaving a dense wound.

In addition, Hua Tianli’s attack that has never been cut off has made Yunze gradually feel powerless.

I don't know how long it has been...

"It won't be, it won't be."

Yunze looked frustrated, shook her head back and forth, facing the sky, and did not know who was talking to her: "They have long guessed that I will come, get a good job, wait for my entry. Qin Dian, this way If you go on, I will die, come help me! If I am alone, I will definitely not!"

His previous glory was based on strong self-confidence.

But now, his confidence is completely destroyed by Ye Zifeng, and the psychological state of the whole person is already on the verge of collapse, and naturally it will become so hysterical.

"It’s useless, what do you kidnapped? There’s no one around, you’re dying!” Huatian saw him yelling and screaming.

When the voice fell, his sword suddenly whispered, and the coldness was like the mysterious ice. It was like a secluded pool, and it was layered and expanded toward Yunze.

Lightning, powerful!

Obviously, Hua Tianli is also full of strength, saving a lot of power, just waiting for this moment!

He shot and shouted as he turned his hand.

"Leaf front, you listen, this time, you use my convenience. But you are optimistic, this person is my kill, when the reward is counted, the big head should be counted on the people of our copper fire city. ""

In Hua Tianli's view, his power of this sword, even if the other side can block, his subsequent attacks, there is also the possibility of putting him to death.

"Want to kill me?" Yunze is now the end of the strong, the strength of the old, barely stood up: "Do you think that Qin Dian will watch you kill me?"

The sound of "叮" is crisp.

Yun Ze took out the dagger in his arms and reluctantly shifted Hua Tianli's slap to a slight extent, but he still couldn't help but be stabbed in his shoulders, bringing out a piece of blood.

He screamed and released the last wave of aura in the body, shaking Hua Tian Li in one fell swoop, and his body shape was also retreating.

"Qin Dian, why don't you help me? I am different from others. It is a descendant on your path. Do you really want to abandon me?"

Waiting for him to raise his head slowly and look at the horizon.

A tiny red crack appeared in front of him.


Suddenly he looked stagnate and his body trembled and he said slowly.

"Qin Dian... Are you finally coming to save me? I know, you will not give up on me!"

His madness, accompanied by a strange smile, makes people feel a little scary.

He is like a real, really crazy.



Ye Zifeng narrowed his eyes and looked through the crystal ball through the scene: "How is the result, almost to see it?"

He frowned, squinted his eyes, and communicated with the soul and thoughts: "How is Zhao Lao, what is the difference around?"

"Do not worry, everything is normal."

Zhao Lao’s answer did not make Ye Zifeng feel relieved, but instead worried more.

"Okay, then please Zhao Lao, continue to observe."

The leaf front slowly opened his eyes, but he saw one person coming forward and looked awkward.

"Tong Danrong? What are you doing?"

"Ye Zhenren, if the people of Copper Fire City kill this Yunze, then our benefits, at least half of it. If you are a real person, you can let Qin Master take the shot..."

Tong Dan Rong licked his lips and said with a low head.

In the face of interests, his name for Ye Zifeng is also the return of Ye Zhenren.

"You said this, it reminded me." Ye Fengfeng smiled.

Tong Danrong thought that he had offended Ye Zifeng before, and he would make him hate his heart. This time, he advised him, but he also tried his best. He did not expect to succeed.

"Yes, that's great. Hurry up to let Qin Master, start before the Huatian Li, grab the reward is true!" Tong Danrong looked very excited, eyebrows danced open.

"Do not."

Ye Zifeng smiled and turned to face, speaking through the voice.

"Qin master, do not have to shoot, since the guests of Copper Fire City, so want to reward, give them a share of it. I think, you will not be happy, and they grab a "dead" corresponding reward. ”

Tong Danrong looked a glimpse. He did not expect that the so-called reminder of Ye Zifeng actually reminded Qin of his heart and did not shoot.

Qin sneered a sneer and didn't answer anything.

However, her movements really stopped here.

As Ye Zifeng said, and those people in the Copper Fire City, to grab a dead person, it is too much to lose, she is not interested.

The person who came to her position is more concerned with the name, not the profit.

"Leaf front, you can be regarded as the person on the road, just rushing to this point, the grudge between me and you, this is a write-off!" Hua Tian Li haha ​​laughed and returned.

At the moment when his laughter finally stopped, his expression gradually turned cold.

"Brothers, do it!"


The sword is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, Yunze looked up, and the mad smile on his face became more and more obvious.

He was kneeling on the ground, and his face was so devout, as if he was worshipping the gods.

This scene is very strange.

"Qin Dian, you..."

When the voice fell, a few swords were pierced into the chest of Yunze.

Endless blood, bursting together!

Yunze bowed his head and his face looked distorted by pain.


He took a deep breath and took a sigh of relief.

"It shouldn't be like this."

"No, Qin Dian, why are you... watching me like this..."

Hua Tian Li listened to his voice, slightly noisy, and screamed.

"Do not talk nonsense, return to the sheath!"

A few swords, under his command, pulled out from Yunze’s chest.

The blood of the sky is so mad!

Between the time, Yunze’s gaze condensed on the spot and gradually became a nearly transparent gray.

He stepped back a few steps, blood dyed the long piano, his fingers on the strings, a clear sound, and the body bones gradually fell down.

"Qin Dian..."

As the sound came out, his eyes slowly slammed and his life disappeared.

"What Qin is not Qin Qin, the person who said what you said, is it difficult, is it your lover?"

Hua Tianli sneered a sneak sigh and sighed a bit, not sighing back.

You must know that before this Yunze’s counterattack was very fierce, even his own, his body was full of color, and he felt a little painful when he moved a little.

The wounded situation is even more serious among the brothers around.

It is precisely because of this, now that I see this Yunze life in the evening, his heart, can not help but a touch of pleasure.

After a while, Hua Tian Li pointed his finger to a person: "Dadong, just called Yunze, blow up your three fingers, now give you a chance to avenge, give him a knife! Cut his head!"

The person named Dadong shines brightly, knowing that this is the opportunity for Hua Tianli to retaliate against himself.

"Thank you for your kindness! I will send him to the West!"

He snorted a few times and walked quickly to Yunze.

"Let you be jealous, just blow up my three fingers!"

He didn't hesitate, he glanced in his heart, and he raised the big knife in his left hand and slammed it to Yunze's head!
