The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 517: She is Qin Xiao?

"Qin Xiao?"

The stone-scarred words are like thundering, and the explosion is in the heart of Xuanmen disciples.

Even Ye Zifeng and others, also widened their eyes, looked up and stared into the crystal ball.

The edge of the forbidden land, the junction of the array.

I saw a woman in Tsing Yi, holding a human skin mask, flying in a sly, pretty face, white, low head, no trace of blood.

She raised her dagger, and between the heavens and the earth, Fang Huaxuan lost everything: "I will ask again, on this site, who is the principal, who is it?"

The silence is abnormal and the needle falls.

"No, she is Qin Xiao?"

"I never thought that Qin Xiao, not only a woman, but also a beautiful woman."

"Don't see beautiful women, they will straighten their eyes. Otherwise, they may decide how they will die, and listen to what Ye Zhenren said."

A group of Xuanmen disciples looked stunned and whispered.

"Ye Zhenren..."

They began to look at the face of Ye Zifeng: "Ye Zhenren, here is the biggest you, please come to the Lord, go back to Qin Xiao."

However, Ye Zifeng's brow, never stretched!

He glared at his eyes, as if he was thinking, and he was looking for a rainy day.

The fox screamed at them with a sigh of relief: "Oh, now in this critical situation, you have to say back to Ye Zifeng. Why did you go early? Before that, you are holding the family one by one. The thighs are not very happy?"

Hot potato!

There is no doubt that those who return to the "Qin Xiao" will become the target of the other party's attention.

It’s obviously not a good thing to be stared at by such a vicious fugitive.

"We..." A group of disciples looked at each other with a sly look, and did not know how to answer.

"But the fox, stop it. Since Qin Xiao has already come out, there is nothing to hide. When confronted, someone must stand up and face it."

The leaves looked at it for a while, and the lips were slightly open, and continued.

"Xuanmen Yefeng is here, I have seen Qin Xiao's predecessors."


Qin Xiao’s eyes became a sneak peek, but she still had to wait for her to say something.

Just listen to the loud noise of "叮".

Suddenly, in the sky, a violent airflow rushed to the place where "Qin Xiao" was located.

The ice is translucent and the cold is overflowing.

The frost that is inaccessible will instantly freeze the land around Qin Xiao, so that it can be retired!

"This... is the unbelievable master?"

Through this crystal ball, Zhongxuanmen disciples have already seen who is coming.

It turned out that Qin was desperate to stop Qin Xiao from appearing after blocking the formation of the leaf front to destroy the forbidden land.

A few winds of "嗖嗖" sounded.

I saw that Qin’s heart was finally rushed, the voice was cold, and the tone was flat.

"What is the predecessor, Ye Zifeng, you can not lose the face of our Xuanmen without any reason, since it is a fugitive, don't leave her a little bit of love..."

Qin's sorrowful chill is extremely strong, standing on a piece of mysterious ice.

Her slightly unkempt blue thread was apparently caused by the leaf front.

It is for this reason that her words, in the Qin Xiao who did not know the truth, sounded good, and those who were heard by the Xuanmen disciples were slightly different, not much convincing.

"Give me a slap!"

Qin looked at the other side with a cold heart, and his body shape looked like an electric snake. He grasped the fist and caught it, and straightly grabbed Qin Xiao.

The icy wind of the road is like a secluded pool, and it makes a shudder.

It was this trepidation that made the ice in the air, starting from Qin Xiao’s feet and freezing all the way.

"It turns out that it is the figure of the master level of Xuanmen. Whether it is the strength, speed or sustainability of the shot, it is so outstanding."

When Qin Xiao saw it, there was a faint smile in the Ming Dynasty.


"What a pity, can you please, don't be hard. As long as I have been in my millennium, I have never seen a few who can escape."

Qin was so hard to see her mouth hard, even if he sneered a sneer.

However, this laughter only lasted for a little while, and it stopped.


Her beauty turned and she began to have a thrilling light.

Qin Xiao, who was still standing in front of her own eyes, climbed up with the scent of frost. The whole person went from head to toe, and it seemed like a sudden and strange disappearance. She could never find her figure again.

She looked up and looked pale.

"Where? How is it possible..."

"The mysterious master of Xuanmen is, I am here."

Qin Xiao suddenly smiled, and the money was set in the distance, and he waved his hand toward Qin.

Her expression is extremely dull, but in the eyes of Qin, it is an indisputable provocation.

"Mixed things, when is the time to escape!"

Qin did not scream with anger, and the powder punched tightly.

"Unbelievable Master... I am here now..."

After a while, she did not hesitate to take another shot.

"I don't believe it!"

"Unexpected Master, I just caught me just now, I am here now..."

"Unbeate the Master..."

Every time Qin is so hard, it is difficult to trap Qin Xiao, but when the ice rises up, the other party can always disappear like a ghost, and then in a place far from Qin.

Repeated several times, all the same result.

"This..." Qin squinted his lips and frowned, and some had to take it.

It is indeed hard to escape from the people who have been in her millennium.

The problem is that Qin Xiao may have never had her move.

"Unexpected Master, I have said it before, let you be a little bit safe." Ye Fengfeng's voice, suddenly sounded, through the sound of the array, plausible words.

"But..." It seems that there is still some reluctance to look at Qin’s desperate look.

Ye Zifeng’s voice is dull and slowly opens.

"In my opinion, like you are now aiming like a chase, even if you have lived for a lifetime, you may not be able to catch your opponent."

Although his rhetoric is strict, but in the Qin, he did not have a taste.

After all, people who have her status have rarely heard of such a number of people, and Ye Zifeng is obviously a different kind of one.

"Leaf front, are you questioning me?"

"This is the case." Ye Zifeng's answer, no evasive.


However, Qin carefully thought about it, Ye Zifeng actually said it was good, she really did not have any good way, just relying on her own strength, to find the other side as fast as possible, instead of considering why they could not catch each other s reason.

"There is a leaf front, it is difficult, you mean now, in the presence of me, you want me to give you the command of the battle?" Qin frowned, and returned a sentence.

"You don't have to."

Ye Zifeng laughed, and the look in his eyes turned cold: "No delivery, fighting things, or handing it over to the Guru. I am here, I just want to say a few words with Qin Xiao, the guru, Can you see it?"

"This..." Qin saw the leaf front on the road, did not seize power, and did not lick his nose.

Therefore, she heard the idea that Ye Zifeng had to talk to Qin Xiao, which was equivalent to giving herself a step and immediately agreed.

"Oh... well, then I will give you some time according to what Ye Zifeng said."


"Zhang Yuan, you go to make up the sky."

"Tong Danrong, you go to fill the moon maple."

"Hot month..."

Ye Feng Feng did not breathe a bit, and gave a series of instructions to see the stitches.

"When I speak, everyone must act as fast as possible, grasp the precious time, understand?"

"Yes, I understand." All the people waited and nodded.

They are a small screw of the big machine of the array, although they still don't understand what the true purpose of Ye Zifeng is, but they are gradually getting used to it now.

Ghostly asked in a puzzled way; "Leaf front, you... what exactly do you want to do?"

Ye Fenghe laughed and immediately replied: "She Qin Xiao can avoid the attack of the fabulous Guru, which can be achieved through a small transmission array. Well, in this case, I will spur the big array, let it be It is invalid!"


"So... I will introduce myself again, I am the leaf front of Xuanmen. I dare to ask Qin Xiao’s predecessors this way, what is the intention?"

In the voice of Ye Zifeng, if there is nothing, it seems that there is another unspeakable smile.

"Oh... you are called Ye Zifeng, let's just say, I just want to see, what did the person who had killed the disciples before the wind and ink, what exactly is it?"

Up to now, she Qin Xiao, also knows a lot of things through her own means.

So she whispered for a while, and continued to say.

"So Ye Feng, can you come out and see me from the center of the game? Or, if you don't mind, I can do it myself."

She paused for a moment and said, "Only, when it is time, if you are in a bad mood, you will make this place more colorful."

Everyone heard the words, and the heart was full of glimpses.

What is reddish? She simply wants to come over and wash the Xuanmen disciples!

Under Ye Feng’s words, he smiled slightly: “Yes, if you are so capable, then you will go all the way through this ruined ban, come to me and try it. Oh no, in Before that, you have to find a way to treat the past with a fascinating master. She is not as good as I am."

The color of the ice and cold in Qin Xiao’s expression gradually condensed in a distant place.

"No, since you don't eat and drink fine wine, then I will come directly. Let me find your position... Have it!"

She turned her head back slightly, shook her head from side to side, and suddenly looked at somewhere. From the crystal ball, she looked at Ye Fengfeng and others.

"What? How does she know that we are observing her?"

Everyone is lost!
