The Strongest Dan God

Chapter 598: Let go of you?

"Ghost, do you remember the Xuanwu Continent I told you before?"

"Oh, I remember, what happened..."

Ghostly stunned a bit, I don’t know Ye Zifeng, at this time, suddenly mentioned what Xuanwu mainland did.

Ye Zifeng smiled and looked up.

"I said, I was originally a Xuanwu mainland person, so the family's affection for me, there is not much feeling for me, you and the fox have been following me, fighting with me, everything, my leaves Feng, all in my heart. So you don't have to compare with whom, you are you, it is the only one."


Ghosts were stunned by Ye Zifeng and silently on the spot.

For a long time, her voice was low and she sighed with a sigh of relief: "There are some rhetoric, so if you are so numb, you can only say it if you lose it! I am afraid that for you, Ye Zifeng, these words are all handy."

"No, I am serious."

At the edge of the leaf, he noticed the encirclement of Ling Dan, while sinking his mind and communicating with ghosts.

"Whether you or the fox, I will not give up until the last moment."

"Leaf front..."

Ghosts have always been tortured by him. Suddenly listening to him suddenly said his heart so seriously, could not help but be a bit confused.

Ye Zifeng paused for a moment and continued to smile.

"There is one more thing. Now, let's make it clear together. If this time and space gap, for some reason, if I am separated from you, I will cut off the contact between you and you and let you regain your freedom. Let us know each other. More and faster chapters please come."


Ghostly listening to his words, listening to his tone, as if to explain what the last words, it feels very different.

Could it be said that through this ancient ruins, Ye Zifeng really has a way to return to the original mainland?

With such a thought, in the heart of ghosts, I have crossed thousands of thoughts, and I don’t know whether I hate him much, whether I read him or not, or what other emotions are.

"Leaf front, actually I..."

At the moment.

In the midair, a scream of screams suddenly blew, attracting the attention of all.

Ye Haoyue squats under the body, white light as a horse, wrapped around the silk of the body, suddenly released from the body. More faster chapters please come.

The rock wall of the block was hit by the solid thread, and it burst open and made a loud noise.


"Ye Yuyue" gasped, and at the corner of his mouth, he was still stained with some blood.

"Oh, Xuan Pin is very powerful, and I almost even counted it, but what about it? Your leaf front will be alchemy, can I not? The alchemy teacher will always have some emergency The remedy."

Unlike Zhao Lao, Shen Lao, and even Gu Yuanwu, as the master of Ye Haoyue, since he can teach his apprentices the realm of the alchemy, his own strength can be imagined.

"It turned out to be an emergency drug?"

Ye Zifeng nodded if he realized something, and sighed long. First time update

"Leaf front, this is bad, the opponent is not easy to deal with." Hong Sheng could not help but say.

"Yeah, Ye Zifeng, is it better... We are now..." The wind chimes raised their eyes and signaled the door, apparently some ready to escape.

The situation is critical!

While dealing with Ye Haoyue's master, while still trying to prevent Shi Haifeng's sneak attack, it is obviously difficult to do this by relying on the strength of Ye Fengfeng and his party.

It is normal to think of running away.

"Do not!"

Ye Zifeng smiled lightly, looked up and looked at the direction of Ye Haoyue.

"How about the senior alchemy? Cross-border, the medicinal herbs are squeezed by space, and what good Dan can bring. The so-called emergency medicine, fearing that it can only relieve pain, but can not eliminate the original control part of Lingling. It’s like saying..."

The look in his eyes suddenly turned sharply, squinting at his eyes, and slamming his teeth. More faster chapters please come.

Between the time, a kind of heart-breaking pain, so on the "Ye Yuyue" heart.


It is difficult for her to control her actions. One does not pay attention and immediately falls to the ground.

And Ye Zifeng took advantage of this opportunity, but also quickly catch up.

"Ice Sword!"

Among the magic crystal rings, a cold sword condenses from the air.

The voice fell, and the white mist rose from the tip of the sword. I saw the leaf front slightly waving the sword, and the white light shone in the body of Ye Haoyue. More faster chapters please come.

At the palm of Ye Haoyue's palm, a thin layer of white ice was formed, which spread to her arms.

"do not move!"

The sword tip of the ice emperor sword reached over the chest of Ye Haoyue, piercing the clothes, and holed into the epidermis, giving her upper body a layer of frosty color.

"You..." Ye Haoyue’s face looked awkward and he couldn’t help but frown.

The same means, the same scene.

In the hands of Ye Zifeng, she repeats the same mistakes!

Ye Zifeng looked solemn and smiled.

"I don't deny the role of emergency medicinal drugs. However, just because of this one, I want to relieve all the lingering spirits. I am afraid it is not enough..."

Ye Haoyue’s face was blue and white, and it was clear that Ye Zifeng’s words were talking about her pain.

Just now, just when she wanted to take the second one, she was interrupted by Ye Zifeng in the middle, and her heart was naturally depressed.

"I said nothing, let me be honest!"

The leaf front eyebrows flashed a hot color, as if there was an invisible big hand in his mind, and he knelt at the soul of the captured soul.

"Leaf front!"

The next moment, Ye Haoyue slammed his head and his face was pale, as if he was dying.

"What is the use of my name? I heard that I didn't say it before, I want you... I immediately put the fox!" Ye Zifeng said with a word, his look was awe.

"Want to let me go? Dreaming... ah!"

Ye Haoyue had to bite his lips almost, and he gasped heavily.

Ye Zifeng stared at the other's eyes: "I will ask you the last time, let go of the demon fox, in the end is your five-year soul and the cultivation of the mind is important, or the life of my spiritual pet is important, you make a measure Let's go."


On the face of Ye Haoyue, there are hundreds of thoughts.

She definitely didn't want to agree to the conditions of Ye Zifeng, but the sense of pain caused her to collapse.

After all, when it comes to torture, Ye Zifeng is definitely not a newbie. Custody makes people feel that they can't live, and they can't die.

"But, this stinky fox is not a spiritual pet in the district, but you are."

Ye Haoyue frowned, sinking his mind, and separated a soul and thoughts and flew into the distance.

After that.

I saw the image in the light ball, and it changed almost immediately.

On the iron pillar, the strength of the bundled rope gradually relaxed, and the demon fox fell to the ground softly. While she was exhausted, the beauty of the rope was accompanied by an incredible light.

"... Is it that I am saved by Ye Feng?"

The other side.

Ye Haoyue looked up a little and looked at Ye Zifeng: "How, Ye Zifeng, according to what you said, I have already released the demon fox, then you will put my part of the soul and let it go. Let's go."

"Let your soul be read?"

Ye Zifeng shrugged and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you want to pay your bills?"

Ye Zifeng shook his head: "No, no, don't talk so ugly, but which ear you heard, I said that I want to let you go?"


Ye Haoyue suddenly looked at her and exclaimed.

Ye Feng smiled and said: "I want to know, I have let go of you now, it is difficult to guarantee what you will do to me. This way, I can give you a chance, I don’t know if you will refuse to do it. ......"

"What opportunity?" Ye Haoyue snorted and asked questions.

"Actually, this thing has something to do with you. You don't want to be disturbed by outsiders when we are fighting."

Ye Haoyue thought for a moment, slightly nodded: "This... but also. Ye Zifeng, don't sell off, don't say it!"


"His mother, what the world, I don't want to come to this Shura purgatory, but I don't want to be in this mouth, to find Ye Fengfeng suffocating, no matter who, I will be a gun."

Xu Datong was gloomy and walked on the path, whispering.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from his ear.

"Xu Datong..."

He was shocked and quickly noticed the situation around him, and the tiger looked back and forth.

However, when he listened carefully, he found that the person who spoke was Lu Ankang, the big stone hanging in his heart, suddenly sinking to the ground.

"An Kang, I am who I am, you don't say anything for a long time, suddenly come to such a sentence, I am scared to death, I thought it was the person on the side of Ye Zifeng."

"If it is the person on the side of Ye Zifeng, can you stand still and speak?" Lu Ankang refuted him with a sigh of relief.

Xu Datong nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, yes, Ankang is right. But Ankang, you are looking for me, I am afraid there is something for me to do?"

"Yes! There is one thing that is related to the lives of both of us. It depends on you." Lu Ankang’s voice showed some seriousness.

He paused for a moment and immediately said, "You listened well. I just found out with a special method of enemies. The aura of the super master is approaching towards you."

"This... what are you talking about!"

Xu Datong’s face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but step back a few steps, and he fell to the ground.

"Don't you say... Did the master find out my existence, and I have to take the initiative to kill me? I am finished. This is really coming for my life!"

at the same time.

Lu Ankang’s voice is also coming from this, and he is very incomparable.

"Datong, you calm down, the purpose of the other party you don't know for the time being, don't worry, don't you still have me?"
