The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 1080

"And they used the Book of Law, but when they got off the plane, the intelligence confirmed that it was just a fake, but the nun Ossola, who has the interpretation method, seems to have accepted the protection of Amakusa... There are ten in the Orthodox Church. Bajiu is planning to use the Amakusa style to induce Kanzaki?!"

"Oh, that's it. I didn't expect the Amakusa style to be the breakthrough point!" You narrowed his eyes, and his eyes gradually became cold. He knew very well that there must be a pusher behind this matter, no matter if he wanted him If they were against the Roman Orthodox Church, they still hoped that they would lose both. It is estimated that there are quite a few.

But what's the matter? If he wants to move his 'things', he will chop off his claws if he dares to stretch out his claws, and if he jumps with joy, he will directly press him to death. What he is wary of is the existence of those hidden aspects, not just a Roman Orthodox Church.

"I'll take care of the matter, you just need to reply to the greatest bishop like this." You waved his hand, and immediately issued an expulsion order.

Although he has never seen the mind of the greatest bishop, does he still not understand? If she wants to use him as a gunman, she is not afraid to stab herself to death.

"I understand, but I want to share some personal advice with Kanzaki." Stiyl nodded, and then said his request.

"Personal advice? I understand." Yoo shrugged. He didn't allow the other person to convey the advice between friends. The reason why Stier made it clear to him was probably because he was worried that he thought the two were exchanging information, right?

Yu reached out and picked up the phone on the desk.

"Help me connect to the cafeteria on the second floor, and ask Kanzaki to come and answer the phone."

Along with the beeping busy tone, a surprised voice came from the phone.

"That, brother, is there something wrong with suddenly looking for Kanzaki?"

"Tears?! Why are you answering the phone?" You was surprised for a moment, then said.

"Oh, Kanzaki asked me to help take care of Index earlier, so I'm having breakfast with Index in the cafeteria now." Saten Leiko on the other end of the phone immediately explained to Yu.

"What about Kanzha?" You raised her eyebrows and said speechlessly.

"I've already gone out. I said it was urgent. I looked anxious before, but I asked her and said it was nothing serious."

"I knew..." Yuman caressed his forehead speechlessly.

Chapter 186: The Amakusa-style Cross Sect!

Tokyo in August is hot and humid.

As the Nerima district, which ranks second in terms of population in Tokyo, this place is almost crowded with people, which naturally aggravates the heat.

And now, a young man named Jian Gongsai is walking on the hot streets of Nerima District.

From the perspective of passers-by, the young man named Jian Gong Zhai is very tall and thin, and his hair can be shaped into a hedgehog-like discovery with hair wax, and he is also wearing a large T-shirt and jeans that even sumo wrestlers wrap up. It feels like a performance artist.

However, this level of departure from common sense is only a mediocre dress in the Nerima area, which is populated by many cartoonists and has a large foreign population. There are naturally countless people who are weirder than him, and they will not cause others to care.

What Jian Gong Zhai needs is the 'don't care' of others.

The Amakusa-style cross sect was a field affair at the end of the shogunate era. At that time, the spread of cross sect in Japan was very difficult, and it was even persecuted by the contemporary shogunate.

Due to this historical background, the Amakusa-style magic was forced to be integrated into Shintoism, Buddhism and even daily life, forming a unique magic system.

For them, a raised hand in daily life, a hanging position of clothes, or even the placement of furniture at home can constitute a ceremony ground and exert powerful magic.

For this reason, Amakusa-style life is very nourishing, although they are at the bottom of the food chain on the magical side, but due to this unique concealment, almost no one can catch their traces.

And it is because of this that they are now able to play the game of 'peek-a-boo' with the Roman Orthodox Church.

Jian Gong Zhai, who was walking on the street, was like an ordinary citizen. He walked into a burger restaurant on the street carelessly, like a passerby who was planning to have lunch.

The burger shop is very small and can only accommodate 2 to 30 people. It is already full at this meal time. However, after seeing the arrival of the word Jian Gong Zhai, a middle-aged office worker with a slightly fat body turned away slightly. own position.

"Good noon, Saito!" Jian Gong Zhai greeted him casually, ordered a hamburger, and sat beside him.

"How's the situation over Wuhe?" Jian Gong Zhai Zi said as he ate a hamburger, as usual.

"We have gotten rid of the pursuit of the Roman Orthodox Church, but things are very strange. Our actions are too smooth. Boss, is there any trap?"

People at the bottom are always sensitive to the 'wind sound'. Although they don't know the layout of the Roman Orthodox Church, the middle-aged man named Saito still found something wrong.

"Do you feel the same way? Niu Shen and Isahaya, how about you?" Jian Gong Zhai turned his head and asked the bodybuilder and an old man sitting in the next seat.

"We don't feel right either..."

"It's a bit strange to have successfully escaped after 7 chases in 3 days..."

"Although the other party is fighting for Orsola, they seem to not care..."

There were some noisy responses from the burger shop, and almost all of them, including the hamburger clerk and the cleaning aunt, participated in the answer.

Obviously, all the people in this burger shop are members of the Amakusa style.

"To be honest, I also feel something is wrong." Jian Gong Zhai swallowed the hamburger meat, then leaned on the common chair and frowned.

"Evidently we took Miss Orsola away, and the Roman Orthodox Church also claimed that the Book of Law was taken by us, but although their pursuit was fierce, I felt perfunctory, as if waiting for something."

"It does seem to be the way it feels."

"I was almost hit by those nuns with a scepter before, but the other party suddenly shook his hand. I thought it was my life!"

There were echoing voices one after another in the store, which made Jian Gong Zhai frown even deeper.

"There may be something we overlooked, so it seems that it is necessary to ask our client for the specific situation."

The female clerk standing on the sales desk nodded, and then said to Jian Gong Zhai. "Miss Orsola is helping out in the back kitchen now."

"I see." Jian Gong Zhai ate the hamburger in a nutshell, then poured a cup of guests, and then mixed into the back kitchen as if he was in a hurry to go to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, Miss Orsola."

Jian Gong Zhai entered the back kitchen and saw a blond nun in black who was frying chicken chops.

She was wearing a black monastic uniform, her hair and toes were covered by dark clothes, and she could only vaguely judge the fact that the other party was Caucasian from the delicate face and the strand of hair protruding from the brim of her hat.

She has a row of silver zippers on her sleeves and skirt, which can obviously untie the monastic clothes into a cooler way, but in the hot environment of the back kitchen, she still chooses to wrap herself tightly, which looks very cool. is strange.

"You don't need to deal with this matter." Jian Gong Zhai glanced at the heating tool in front of him, looking at the fried chicken chop inside, and said in surprise.

"It's not like this, I'm just, just..." Orsola raised her little hand and swayed again and again, as if she was going to explain something.

"Just what?" Jian Gong Zhai said with some doubts.

"...I'm just hungry." The blond nun said calmly, as if it were a matter of course.

"Uh..." Jian Gongzhai's words were obviously stunned, and then he said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth. "That's it, then you continue."

"Oh, by the way, where is the cheese and cheese in this kitchen? Personally, I prefer to add these two things to hamburgers." Ossola turned her head and said naturally while searching for something. .

"Oh, okay, I'll go get it for you." Jian Gong Zhai just turned around, then suddenly turned around and shouted softly. "No, I'm not here to be a cook!"

After shouting softly, Jian Gong Zhai took a deep breath, looked at Osola with a serious face, so as not to be diverted by the other party.