The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 1488

"Humph!" Amon La snorted coldly. Ahura recited the scriptures silently. Ishtar looked in the mirror and brushed his hair with a smile on his face.

God's Light Uriel closed his eyes without saying a word, as if he was listening to a message from a certain existence. After opening his eyes, he shook his head towards Tartarus.

Although the gods disagreed with the result, after the Greek gods lost face and took out the super god, they could only watch with a cold eye and Greece won the right to name the gift.

Gods and Buddhas are not fools. By now, everyone understands that Greece is tricky.

From the very beginning, the various settings of the game have tended to make poets make blasphemous remarks.

And this kind of remark is almost an outrageous act for contemporary Hakoba poets, not to mention that the audience is full of gods.

As long as they are not fools, it is impossible for the poets of the gods to make such blasphemous remarks. Even if the gods are willing, it is stipulated that they cannot interfere with the contestants from the beginning of the gift game, which blocks the possibility of their comeback.

From the very beginning, the game setting of the Greek gods was overwhelmingly unfavorable to the rest of the gods, and it stands to reason that the other gods would probably disagree with the results.

However, the "Central Box Garden admits that the game is fair and just", which Yuetu had just read out loudly, slammed it! Snapped! Hit everyone in the face.

This is no longer a black whistle, this is directly the shameless dealer! !

"Greece is black enough!"

Indra, who held high the flag of nothing to do with himself, couldn't help laughing badly.

"I only reminded in advance that it was a competition where poets sang hymns. After arriving at the scene, they made a lot of rules that were beneficial to themselves. When the gods didn't have time to study the tricks in the game arrangement, they caught everyone off guard. The worst thing was this game. The game is actually backed by the center of the small garden, once the winner is decided, it will directly block the possibility of the gods going back, tsk tsk tsk, this method is black enough and insidious enough."

"But it can only be used once. Next time, other groups of gods will not be so easy to fool."

Yu frowned, the operation mechanism of the gift game has been spread by Greece, and the chance to be able to sing the black whistle is probably only this time.

Next, the gods and Buddhas will definitely start to study this direct connection center, and can still sing the disgusting ability of the black whistle. I am afraid that there will be a demon king who abuses authority soon.

"Anyway, you Greece made a profit this time." Indra rolled his eyes and said.

"You seem to have forgotten yourself? According to this development, Moon Rabbit's trial authority is expected to be very popular in the future." You spread his hands and smiled lightly.

At this moment, Tartarus below, after confirming the fact that the gods present had acquiesced to the result of the game, cleared his throat and said loudly.

"Then, I declare that the winner of this gift game is - O... Hesiod!!!"

Tartarus, who changed his mouth temporarily, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the darkness, a pair of dark eyes suddenly opened, followed by a cold whisper: "Can you finally bear it?"

Chapter 152 The End of Hide and Seek

In the earth filled with yellow sand, in front of a pool with a slightly dim color, the gray-hued old man with a naked upper body surrounded by an illusory river slowly opened his turbid eyes.

He stared at the handwriting made of yellow sand on the water pool in front of him.

"The ultimate winner of the bounty naming game is: Hesiod."

Suddenly, the last four words of the handwriting gradually distorted in the eyes of the old man, and finally the name 'Orpheus' slowly appeared.

He frowned and said coldly:

"Has the power of the 'Destiny Phylogenetic Tree' been disturbed? Then who did it? Is it Nix who has the 'Night Phylogenetic Tree', or Gaia who has the 'Earth Phylogenetic Tree'? Or the 'Material Phylogenetic Tree' ” Zhou You? Maybe Nuwa from the “Systematic Tree of Fortune” is also possible.”

Every time Chronos uttered a name, the illusory river that guarded him gave off the sound of running like a real river. It was the power of destiny searching for the source of interference.

Chronos is very clear that the only people who can interfere with the power of the "Self Phylogenetic Tree" are the same "Self Phylogenetic Tree", and in this small garden, currently only the few people he mentioned above possess this power.

The illusory circulating river ran for a long time, and finally trembled slightly, a sound of the river hitting the rocks sounded, and a drop of water splashed from the illusory river, moving towards reality.

And within this small drop of water, a full-body, black, footless true dragon with a title tail is constantly circling, and the icy and indifferent golden vertical pupils are sneeringly observing the surroundings.

Seeing this metaphorical pattern, Chronos narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said coldly:

"It turned out to be the 'Substance System Tree'! He actually destroyed my design once again. It seems that he can no longer let him be reckless."

"However, the most important thing now is to put the deviations in order. The merits of [gift naming person] must be blessed on Hesiod's spirituality. It's just the judgment of the center of the small garden... That's all, let's use the secret hand that deceives the history of mankind!"

Thinking that this time, it took countless years to use the secret hand set by the opportunity to build the center, and Kronos frowned a little unhappily, but he also knew that this was a necessary sacrifice for his purpose.

After making a decision in his heart, Chronos lowered his head slightly, stretched out his right hand, touched the level of the pool, and started writing.

"Due to the interference of the self-system tree left by Chronos in the center, the logical self-consistency of the center of the small garden is wrong. The main point of this error is concentrated on the gift naming game just held. Or, who was originally the winner, Firth, was mistaken for Hesiod by Central Little Garden!"

"This is a pity accident, and it is even more pity that after the center of the small garden was restored to self-consistency, this mistake was not repaired."

The illusory river that surrounds Kronos is rushing continuously, it seems to have hit a non-existent boulder, causing droplets of transparent water to splash and scattered.

And in the splashing water, scenes of Tartaros Theater were placed in front of Chronos.

And this includes the courtship ballad by Orpheus.

Kronos' gray beard couldn't help shaking, and then he shook three or five times in a row. He had already withdrawn his fingers from the water pool, but he couldn't help but continue to stretch out his hand and describe in the water pool.

"Due to the inexplicable failure of the gift naming game, Orfus questioned Eros for the reward that originally belonged to him. During this period, a certain verbal conflict occurred. In the end, Orfus offended Eros and was hated by him."

After writing, Kronos withdrew his hand. A mortal would not let him use the secret hand on Eros, but offending the God of Desire was enough for Orphes to drink a pot.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth hung a slight arc.

And at this moment, the water pool was automatic without wind, and a series of handwriting actively appeared on the surface of the water pool.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Kronos' mouth raised a little bit bigger, "Have you finally started to fight back? Then let me see how well prepared you are."

At this moment, the originally dim sky was instantly covered by inky blackness, and when the galaxy reversed, dusk was replaced by late night.


In the space illuminated by the dim candlelight, the complex and dense strange patterns on the ground glowed with a faint silver-blue brilliance.

In the center of the pattern, Knicks in a pure black dress was sitting in front of an ancient brass mirror with mottled rust, with his eyes closed, wiping the yellow-brown mirror with white mist.

And beside her, the three ancient gods Gaia, Erebos, and Eros formed a triangular formation, firmly protecting them in the center.

As Knicks put his fingertips over the mirror, a small part of the white fog on the bronze mirror was wiped away, revealing a bright mirror.

To outsiders, this scene looks like Knicks writing on a foggy mirror.

"Orpheus' failure is the result, the logical error in the center of the small garden is the cause, this is the fact, this is inevitable."

"The logic error in the center of the box garden is the result, and the power of destiny left by Chronos in the center is the cause. This is a fact, and this is inevitable."

"The power of destiny that Chronos remains in the center is the result, and the power of destiny that Chronos activates at the outer gate of 9633 is the cause. This is a fact, and this is inevitable."

Suddenly, Nix opened her eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in her dark eyes. She looked at the words on the outer door of 9633 and said coldly, "It's locked."