The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 22

At this time, San Raphael's words appeared in Qiong's mind. "Every godslayer, whether he admits it or not, is eager to fight in his heart!"

So, Yuu stopped hiding his true nature? Wait a minute, in this case, the restored Yuu likes me, not the fox? The girl is caught in a sweet fantasy.

You looked suspiciously at the shy girl in front of him. "I said, do you want to visit the neighbors together?"

Qiong suddenly reflected, as if he had discovered something on his mind, and blushed... "Forget it, I'll be at home."

"Halala, welcome back Xiaoyou, the last time I came back was last summer vacation."

"Yes, yes, it's been a year, and you've grown up a lot. If you have any difficulties, you can ask us for help."

"Yes, yes." Yu responded with a gentle smile to the old couple Furukawa from the neighbor's house.

"Next, I need to visit other neighbors, so I will say goodbye first!" Yu said goodbye to the two old people with Japanese etiquette and walked to Chayiji Shrine.

"This child... is really strong!" Grandpa Furukawa sighed as he looked at Yu's back.

"Yeah, after all, I heard from Dr. Kasugano's (Yu's grandfather) cousin that his parents died in an accident," said the stooped old lady Furukawa sadly.

"Do your best to help if you can!" After speaking, Grandpa Gu He helped his wife into the back room.

Yuu climbed to the top of the steps of Chaihime Shrine and saw the main building of the shrine that was rebuilt.

"Xiaoyou?" A fresh and sweet voice came from behind.

You turned around and looked at the pretty girl behind her. It was a girl with short brown shoulder-length hair, wearing a legal white top, a red scarlet hakama-style kimono, white kimono socks and red sandals. She was dressed like a witch. Dressing up, the girl looked at Yu with a surprised look on her face.

"Long time no see, Tiannvmu!" You laughed heartily with the joy of meeting an old friend after a long absence.

"Huh?" Tiannv Muying looked at Yu angrily, her face quite dissatisfied.

"Ah, let's do it again, it's been a long time, Ying!" Yu touched his forehead and said with a wry smile.

"Well, long time no see, Xiaoyou!" Ying's face suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny, with a bright smile.

"Why did you come back so early this year? It's not yet summer vacation!" Ying looked at her childhood sweetheart strangely, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Ah, that, ah, I'm in a bit of a state, I guess I will settle here later." Yu changed the topic with a haha.

"Really!" Ying was overjoyed and grabbed Yu's shoulders with both hands in surprise.

Pat, the sound of the bag falling to the ground, a black-haired girl stared blankly at the two people who seemed to be kissing in front of her.

Chapter 25 The Figure on Mount Tai

At 10 a.m., Okuki Somesha Ihime Shrine.

Yu Yuying sat on the steps of the shrine and was interrogated by the pretty girl who was black and straight in front of her.

"That's why! It's just the excitement of meeting the childhood sweethearts whom I haven't seen for many years. Isn't that what I thought they were dating?" Nagisa Yiye looked at the goddess Muying and Yu suspiciously, with doubts all over her face, as if she was catching a raped wife.

Even the intimacy of childhood sweethearts just now can be said to cross the line, right? And isn't there a lot in society? An example of childhood sweethearts developing into lovers.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Yiye, you have to believe me!" Tiannv Muying blushed. She was misunderstood by her sister that she was dating a boy and was suspected of kissing. For a 16-year-old flower girl, the degree of shame was too much. Taller.

"Ah, that's exactly what happened! Also, I'm Kasugano Yuu!" Looking at the long straight black hair in front of him, tied lightly with white ribbons, wearing a violet dress and a white coat The pretty girl, You secretly swept over her exquisite female Qiao body, and then made a self-introduction with a serious face.

"Acridine, first meeting, I'm Nagisa Ichiba, please take care of me!" The sudden self-introduction made a girl who had little contact with boys at a loss, but her strict upbringing made her reflect it, and she immediately replied Standard lady's etiquette.

"Kasugano, there is only one deceased doctor in town with this surname!" Nagisa Ichiye suddenly recalled something. When I was a child, I remembered that whenever she fell ill, her parents would take her to the clinic where Dr. Kashino was a close friend of her grandfather for treatment. I vaguely remember that there was a little boy helping with chores next to Dr. Kasuga.

Nagisa Yiye looked at Yu's face carefully, and could vaguely see the boy's face from what he saw when he was young.

Ying sneaked behind Zhu Yiye's back, wrapped her wrists around Zhu Yiye's neck, leaned her little head against Zhu Yiye's head, and whispered softly in her ear. "Is Xiaoyiye fascinated by Xiaoyou? Why do you keep staring at his face!"

Nagisa Yiye suddenly shuddered, blushing with shame, and looked helpless. "No! No! It just feels very familiar. I seem to have seen it many times at Kasuga Yeyu Hospital when I was a child!"

"Hey, I don't believe it, you don't seem to have seen Xiaoyou when you were young." Ying's face became cat-like, and her lips became M-shaped.

"Wait, I remember that I went with you a few times." Nagisa Yiye looked at the goddess Muying angrily, her neck turning red.

"Oh! It seems to have happened a few times! By the way, is there anything Xiao Yiye came to see me today?" Looking at the cat-like sister with fried fur, Ying chuckled and cooperated with Nagisa Yiye to change the topic in case The dog jumped the wall.

"Acridine! I almost forgot, I'm here to get the amulet!" After being interrupted, Nagisa Yiye remembered the purpose of his trip.

"Amulet? What do you want them to do, they are useless, they can only be used for psychological comfort!" Because the people present were either relatives or close friends, Ying dismantled the shrine platform without hesitation.

"That...the house seems to be haunted recently!" Nagisa Ichiye said in a panic, as if remembering something unbearable.

"Haunted!!! X2" Yu Yuying suddenly shuddered, but one was excited and the other was scared.

In other words, even if Yu, who has been a human in two lifetimes, has fought with gods and demons several times, he has never seen this species of ghosts, and Yu suddenly became curious.

Ying shivered and hid behind Yu, for fear that the back of Ichiye on the opposite side would suddenly turn into a ghost. "what is going on?"

Nagisa Yiye angrily looked at her sister who was far away from her like a plague god, did she take me for a ghost? "At first, it was an unknown figure seen by the housekeeper's grandfather, and then Sister Chujia also reported that there were strange figures wandering in my father's study and bedroom, and yesterday my parents saw strange things. This morning I also saw a blurry figure outside the study. The figure is unclear, so I hurried over to order the amulet."

"There's really a ghost! But the talisman is also... Wait a minute! Xiao Yiye, please wait a moment." After hearing this, Ying seemed to remember something, turned around and walked into the shrine, and pushed out a somewhat old wooden box with difficulty. stand up.

After a while, Ying took out a dozen old talisman papers from the old wooden box and cheered. "Found it! This is it."

"This is? Amulet?" Yu and Nagisa Ichiye looked at Ying's movements strangely, and asked at the same time when they saw the old talisman paper.

"Oh! It's what the previous generation's grandpa Gongji told me before he died, something to use when there is danger!" Ying pointed to the old wooden box and said. In the old wooden box, there are too many items with faint spell fluctuations, such as old talisman paper, old but spotless floating dust, naturally fluorescent beads, and so on.

It seems that the previous old Gongji is a person related to the magic world. There are many items to guard against all kinds of evil things and even guard against magicians. Although they cannot resist too strong enemies, it is more than enough to protect an ordinary girl. .

Collecting these things is a very exhausting behavior for an ordinary old palace minister, and he really loves his granddaughter! Yu looked at the elated Ying.

"Isn't it the palace minister of the previous generation? I heard that he is a very capable Shintoist!" Nagisa Yiye was overjoyed.

"Then then, let's take this to catch the ghost! Let's go on an adventure with Xiaoyou! It's like when I was a child!" Ying seemed to have obtained some magical weapon, and eagerly grabbed Nagisa Yiye's hand and greeted You to go forward together OK.

On the other side of the sea in the land of China, Mount Tai, the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, is silently watching the east. "Have you been taken to the far east?"

Lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and a three-meter-thick thunder column crossed the sky, illuminating the entire Mount Tai, and even the figure that illuminated the top of the mountain.

"What I'm asking for is my original self."

The two beautiful girls gradually moved away, looking at the direction of the west suspiciously. Always feel like something is approaching? God of disobedience? If it is true, the egg dessert is estimated to be available.

The figures of the girls were approaching the end of the stairs of the shrine, and Yuu flashed and followed 2 meters behind them.

Chapter 26 The Slag You Suspected of Cao Cao's Reincarnation

On the outskirts of Ashikaga City, the Nagisa family's mansion occupies a large area. In one of the living rooms, the two sat at the two ends of the tea table, drinking tea and chatting.

Nagisa Yiping's biological father, Nagisa Yiping skillfully brewed tea, looked at the middle-aged man opposite and said.